@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package org.opencv.android ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.util.List ;
import android.annotation.TargetApi ;
@ -36,7 +35,8 @@ public class JavaCameraView extends CameraBridgeViewBase implements PreviewCallb
private Mat mBaseMat ;
private byte mBuffer [ ] ;
private Mat [ ] mFrameChain ;
private int mChainIdx = 0 ;
private Thread mThread ;
private boolean mStopThread ;
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ public class JavaCameraView extends CameraBridgeViewBase implements PreviewCallb
@TargetApi ( 11 )
protected boolean initializeCamera ( int width , int height ) {
Log . d ( TAG , "Initialize java camera" ) ;
boolean result = true ;
synchronized ( this ) {
mCamera = null ;
@ -99,59 +100,76 @@ public class JavaCameraView extends CameraBridgeViewBase implements PreviewCallb
Log . d ( TAG , "getSupportedPreviewSizes()" ) ;
List < android . hardware . Camera . Size > sizes = params . getSupportedPreviewSizes ( ) ;
/* Select the size that fits surface considering maximum size allowed */
Size frameSize = calculateCameraFrameSize ( sizes , new JavaCameraSizeAccessor ( ) , width , height ) ;
if ( sizes ! = null ) {
/* Select the size that fits surface considering maximum size allowed */
Size frameSize = calculateCameraFrameSize ( sizes , new JavaCameraSizeAccessor ( ) , width , height ) ;
params . setPreviewFormat ( ImageFormat . NV21 ) ;
Log . d ( TAG , "Set preview size to " + Integer . valueOf ( ( int ) frameSize . width ) + "x" + Integer . valueOf ( ( int ) frameSize . height ) ) ;
params . setPreviewSize ( ( int ) frameSize . width , ( int ) frameSize . height ) ;
params . setPreviewFormat ( ImageFormat . NV21 ) ;
Log . d ( TAG , "Set preview size to " + Integer . valueOf ( ( int ) frameSize . width ) + "x" + Integer . valueOf ( ( int ) frameSize . height ) ) ;
params . setPreviewSize ( ( int ) frameSize . width , ( int ) frameSize . height ) ;
List < String > FocusModes = params . getSupportedFocusModes ( ) ;
if ( FocusModes . contains ( Camera . Parameters . FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO ) )
params . setFocusMode ( Camera . Parameters . FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO ) ;
List < String > FocusModes = params . getSupportedFocusModes ( ) ;
if ( FocusModes . contains ( Camera . Parameters . FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO ) )
params . setFocusMode ( Camera . Parameters . FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO ) ;
mCamera . setParameters ( params ) ;
params = mCamera . getParameters ( ) ;
mFrameWidth = params . getPreviewSize ( ) . width ;
mFrameHeight = params . getPreviewSize ( ) . height ;
mCamera . setParameters ( params ) ;
params = mCamera . getParameters ( ) ;
int size = mFrameWidth * mFrameHeight ;
size = size * ImageFormat . getBitsPerPixel ( params . getPreviewFormat ( ) ) / 8 ;
mBuffer = new byte [ size ] ;
mFrameWidth = params . getPreviewSize ( ) . width ;
mFrameHeight = params . getPreviewSize ( ) . height ;
mCamera . addCallbackBuffer ( mBuffer ) ;
mCamera . setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer ( this ) ;
int size = mFrameWidth * mFrameHeight ;
size = size * ImageFormat . getBitsPerPixel ( params . getPreviewFormat ( ) ) / 8 ;
mBuffer = new byte [ size ] ;
mBaseMat = new Mat ( mFrameHeight + ( mFrameHeight / 2 ) , mFrameWidth , CvType . CV_8UC1 ) ;
mCamera . addCallbackBuffer ( mBuffer ) ;
mCamera . setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer ( this ) ;
mFrameChain = new Mat [ 2 ] ;
mFrameChain [ 0 ] = new Mat ( ) ;
mFrameChain [ 1 ] = new Mat ( ) ;
mBaseMat = new Mat ( mFrameHeight + ( mFrameHeight / 2 ) , mFrameWidth , CvType . CV_8UC1 ) ;
AllocateCache ( ) ;
AllocateCache ( ) ;
if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT > = Build . VERSION_CODES . HONEYCOMB ) {
mSurfaceTexture = new SurfaceTexture ( MAGIC_TEXTURE_ID ) ;
getHolder ( ) . setType ( SurfaceHolder . SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS ) ;
mCamera . setPreviewTexture ( mSurfaceTexture ) ;
} else
mCamera . setPreviewDisplay ( null ) ;
if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT > = Build . VERSION_CODES . HONEYCOMB ) {
mSurfaceTexture = new SurfaceTexture ( MAGIC_TEXTURE_ID ) ;
getHolder ( ) . setType ( SurfaceHolder . SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS ) ;
mCamera . setPreviewTexture ( mSurfaceTexture ) ;
} else
mCamera . setPreviewDisplay ( null ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
/* Finally we are ready to start the preview */
Log . d ( TAG , "startPreview" ) ;
mCamera . startPreview ( ) ;
result = false ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
result = false ;
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
/* Finally we are ready to start the preview */
Log . d ( TAG , "startPreview" ) ;
mCamera . startPreview ( ) ;
return true ;
return result ;
protected void releaseCamera ( ) {
synchronized ( this ) {
mCamera . stopPreview ( ) ;
mCamera . release ( ) ;
if ( mCamera ! = null ) {
mCamera . stopPreview ( ) ;
mCamera . release ( ) ;
mCamera = null ;
if ( mBaseMat ! = null )
mBaseMat . release ( ) ;
if ( mFrameChain ! = null ) {
mFrameChain [ 0 ] . release ( ) ;
mFrameChain [ 1 ] . release ( ) ;
@ -187,7 +205,8 @@ public class JavaCameraView extends CameraBridgeViewBase implements PreviewCallb
this . notify ( ) ;
Log . d ( TAG , "Wating for thread" ) ;
mThread . join ( ) ;
if ( mThread ! = null )
mThread . join ( ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} finally {
@ -224,19 +243,19 @@ public class JavaCameraView extends CameraBridgeViewBase implements PreviewCallb
if ( ! mStopThread ) {
Mat frameMat = new Mat ( ) ;
switch ( mPreviewFormat ) {
Imgproc . cvtColor ( mBaseMat , frameMat , Imgproc . COLOR_YUV2RGBA_NV21 , 4 ) ;
Imgproc . cvtColor ( mBaseMat , mFrameChain [ mChainIdx ] , Imgproc . COLOR_YUV2RGBA_NV21 , 4 ) ;
break ;
frameMat = mBaseMat . submat ( 0 , mFrameHeight , 0 , mFrameWidth ) ;
mFrameChain [ mChainIdx ] = mBaseMat . submat ( 0 , mFrameHeight , 0 , mFrameWidth ) ;
break ;
default :
Log . e ( TAG , "Invalid frame format! Only RGBA and Gray Scale are supported!" ) ;
} ;
deliverAndDrawFrame ( frameMat ) ;
frameMat . release ( ) ;
if ( ! mFrameChain [ mChainIdx ] . empty ( ) )
deliverAndDrawFrame ( mFrameChain [ mChainIdx ] ) ;
mChainIdx = 1 - mChainIdx ;
} while ( ! mStopThread ) ;
Log . d ( TAG , "Finish processing thread" ) ;