@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ bool CvSVMKernel::create( const CvSVMParams* _params, Calc _calc_func )
calc_func = params - > kernel_type = = CvSVM : : RBF ? & CvSVMKernel : : calc_rbf :
params - > kernel_type = = CvSVM : : POLY ? & CvSVMKernel : : calc_poly :
params - > kernel_type = = CvSVM : : SIGMOID ? & CvSVMKernel : : calc_sigmoid :
params - > kernel_type = = CvSVM : : CHI2 ? & CvSVMKernel : : calc_chi2 :
params - > kernel_type = = CvSVM : : INTER ? & CvSVMKernel : : calc_intersec :
& CvSVMKernel : : calc_linear ;
return true ;
@ -318,6 +320,52 @@ void CvSVMKernel::calc_rbf( int vcount, int var_count, const float** vecs,
cvExp ( & R , & R ) ;
/// Histogram intersection kernel
void CvSVMKernel : : calc_intersec ( int vcount , int var_count , const float * * vecs ,
const float * another , Qfloat * results )
int j , k ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < vcount ; j + + )
const float * sample = vecs [ j ] ;
double s = 0 ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < = var_count - 4 ; k + = 4 )
s + = min ( sample [ k ] , another [ k ] ) + min ( sample [ k + 1 ] , another [ k + 1 ] ) +
min ( sample [ k + 2 ] , another [ k + 2 ] ) + min ( sample [ k + 3 ] , another [ k + 3 ] ) ;
for ( ; k < var_count ; k + + )
s + = min ( sample [ k ] , another [ k ] ) ;
results [ j ] = ( Qfloat ) ( s ) ;
/// Exponential chi2 kernel
void CvSVMKernel : : calc_chi2 ( int vcount , int var_count , const float * * vecs ,
const float * another , Qfloat * results )
CvMat R = cvMat ( 1 , vcount , QFLOAT_TYPE , results ) ;
double gamma = - params - > gamma ;
int j , k ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < vcount ; j + + )
const float * sample = vecs [ j ] ;
double chi2 = 0 ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < var_count ; k + + )
double d = sample [ k ] - another [ k ] ;
double devisor = sample [ k ] + another [ k ] ;
/// if devisor == 0, the Chi2 distance would be zero, but calculation would rise an error because of deviding by zero
if ( devisor ! = 0 )
chi2 + = d * d / devisor ;
results [ j ] = ( Qfloat ) ( gamma * chi2 ) ;
if ( vcount > 0 )
cvExp ( & R , & R ) ;
void CvSVMKernel : : calc ( int vcount , int var_count , const float * * vecs ,
const float * another , Qfloat * results )
@ -1214,7 +1262,8 @@ bool CvSVM::set_params( const CvSVMParams& _params )
svm_type = params . svm_type ;
if ( kernel_type ! = LINEAR & & kernel_type ! = POLY & &
kernel_type ! = SIGMOID & & kernel_type ! = RBF )
kernel_type ! = SIGMOID & & kernel_type ! = RBF & &
kernel_type ! = INTER & & kernel_type ! = CHI2 )
CV_ERROR ( CV_StsBadArg , " Unknown/unsupported kernel type " ) ;
if ( kernel_type = = LINEAR )