Add Java and Python code for the following imgproc tutorials: Canny, Remap, threshold and threshold inRange. Use HSV colorspace instead of RGB for inRange threshold tutorial.
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@ -1,56 +1,173 @@ |
Thresholding Operations using inRange {#tutorial_threshold_inRange} |
============================= |
===================================== |
Goal |
---- |
In this tutorial you will learn how to: |
- Perform basic thresholding operations using OpenCV function @ref cv::inRange |
- Detect an object based on the range of pixel values it has |
- Perform basic thresholding operations using OpenCV @ref cv::inRange function. |
- Detect an object based on the range of pixel values in the HSV colorspace. |
Theory |
----------- |
- In the previous tutorial, we learnt how perform thresholding using @ref cv::threshold function. |
------ |
- In the previous tutorial, we learnt how to perform thresholding using @ref cv::threshold function. |
- In this tutorial, we will learn how to do it using @ref cv::inRange function. |
- The concept remains same, but now we add a range of pixel values we need. |
- The concept remains the same, but now we add a range of pixel values we need. |
HSV colorspace |
-------------- |
<a href="">HSV</a> (hue, saturation, value) colorspace |
is a model to represent the colorspace similar to the RGB color model. Since the hue channel |
models the color type, it is very useful in image processing tasks that need to segment objects |
based on its color. Variation of the saturation goes from unsaturated to represent shades of gray and |
fully saturated (no white component). Value channel describes the brightness or the intensity of the |
color. Next image shows the HSV cylinder. |
![By SharkDderivative work: SharkD [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons](images/Threshold_inRange_HSV_colorspace.jpg) |
Since colors in the RGB colorspace are coded using the three channels, it is more difficult to segment |
an object in the image based on its color. |
![By SharkD [GFDL or CC BY-SA 4.0], from Wikimedia Commons](images/Threshold_inRange_RGB_colorspace.jpg) |
Formulas used to convert from one colorspace to another colorspace using @ref cv::cvtColor function |
are described in @ref imgproc_color_conversions |
Code |
---- |
@add_toggle_cpp |
The tutorial code's is shown lines below. You can also download it from |
[here]( |
@include samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_java |
The tutorial code's is shown lines below. You can also download it from |
[here]( |
@include samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/threshold_inRange/ |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_python |
The tutorial code's is shown lines below. You can also download it from |
[here]( |
@include samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/threshold_inRange/ |
@end_toggle |
Explanation |
----------- |
-# Let's check the general structure of the program: |
- Create two Matrix elements to store the frames |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp mat |
- Capture the video stream from default capturing device. |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp cap |
- Create a window to display the default frame and the threshold frame. |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp window |
- Create trackbars to set the range of RGB values |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp trackbar |
- Until the user want the program to exit do the following |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp while |
- Show the images |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp show |
- For a trackbar which controls the lower range, say for example Red value: |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp low |
- For a trackbar which controls the upper range, say for example Red value: |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp high |
- It is necessary to find the maximum and minimum value to avoid discrepancies such as |
the high value of threshold becoming less the low value. |
Let's check the general structure of the program: |
- Capture the video stream from default or supplied capturing device. |
@add_toggle_cpp |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp cap |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_java |
@snippet samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/threshold_inRange/ cap |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_python |
@snippet samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/threshold_inRange/ cap |
@end_toggle |
- Create a window to display the default frame and the threshold frame. |
@add_toggle_cpp |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp window |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_java |
@snippet samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/threshold_inRange/ window |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_python |
@snippet samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/threshold_inRange/ window |
@end_toggle |
- Create the trackbars to set the range of HSV values |
@add_toggle_cpp |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp trackbar |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_java |
@snippet samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/threshold_inRange/ trackbar |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_python |
@snippet samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/threshold_inRange/ trackbar |
@end_toggle |
- Until the user want the program to exit do the following |
@add_toggle_cpp |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp while |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_java |
@snippet samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/threshold_inRange/ while |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_python |
@snippet samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/threshold_inRange/ while |
@end_toggle |
- Show the images |
@add_toggle_cpp |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp show |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_java |
@snippet samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/threshold_inRange/ show |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_python |
@snippet samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/threshold_inRange/ show |
@end_toggle |
- For a trackbar which controls the lower range, say for example hue value: |
@add_toggle_cpp |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp low |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_java |
@snippet samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/threshold_inRange/ low |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_python |
@snippet samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/threshold_inRange/ low |
@end_toggle |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp low |
- For a trackbar which controls the upper range, say for example hue value: |
@add_toggle_cpp |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Threshold_inRange.cpp high |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_java |
@snippet samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/threshold_inRange/ high |
@end_toggle |
@add_toggle_python |
@snippet samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/threshold_inRange/ high |
@end_toggle |
- It is necessary to find the maximum and minimum value to avoid discrepancies such as |
the high value of threshold becoming less than the low value. |
Results |
------- |
-# After compiling this program, run it. The program will open two windows |
- After compiling this program, run it. The program will open two windows |
-# As you set the RGB range values from the trackbar, the resulting frame will be visible in the other window. |
- As you set the range values from the trackbar, the resulting frame will be visible in the other window. |
@ -1,102 +1,104 @@ |
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" |
#include <iostream> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
using namespace std; |
using namespace cv; |
/** Function Headers */ |
void on_low_r_thresh_trackbar(int, void *); |
void on_high_r_thresh_trackbar(int, void *); |
void on_low_g_thresh_trackbar(int, void *); |
void on_high_g_thresh_trackbar(int, void *); |
void on_low_b_thresh_trackbar(int, void *); |
void on_high_b_thresh_trackbar(int, void *); |
/** Global Variables */ |
int low_r=30, low_g=30, low_b=30; |
int high_r=100, high_g=100, high_b=100; |
const int max_value_H = 360/2; |
const int max_value = 255; |
const String window_capture_name = "Video Capture"; |
const String window_detection_name = "Object Detection"; |
int low_H = 0, low_S = 0, low_V = 0; |
int high_H = max_value_H, high_S = max_value, high_V = max_value; |
/** @function main */ |
int main() |
//! [low]
static void on_low_H_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
{ |
//! [mat]
Mat frame, frame_threshold; |
//! [mat]
//! [cap]
VideoCapture cap(0); |
//! [cap]
//! [window]
namedWindow("Video Capture", WINDOW_NORMAL); |
namedWindow("Object Detection", WINDOW_NORMAL); |
//! [window]
//! [trackbar]
//-- Trackbars to set thresholds for RGB values
createTrackbar("Low R","Object Detection", &low_r, 255, on_low_r_thresh_trackbar); |
createTrackbar("High R","Object Detection", &high_r, 255, on_high_r_thresh_trackbar); |
createTrackbar("Low G","Object Detection", &low_g, 255, on_low_g_thresh_trackbar); |
createTrackbar("High G","Object Detection", &high_g, 255, on_high_g_thresh_trackbar); |
createTrackbar("Low B","Object Detection", &low_b, 255, on_low_b_thresh_trackbar); |
createTrackbar("High B","Object Detection", &high_b, 255, on_high_b_thresh_trackbar); |
//! [trackbar]
while((char)waitKey(1)!='q'){ |
//! [while]
cap>>frame; |
if(frame.empty()) |
break; |
//-- Detect the object based on RGB Range Values
inRange(frame,Scalar(low_b,low_g,low_r), Scalar(high_b,high_g,high_r),frame_threshold); |
//! [while]
//! [show]
//-- Show the frames
imshow("Video Capture",frame); |
imshow("Object Detection",frame_threshold); |
//! [show]
} |
return 0; |
low_H = min(high_H-1, low_H); |
setTrackbarPos("Low H", window_detection_name, low_H); |
} |
//! [low]
/** @function on_low_r_thresh_trackbar */ |
void on_low_r_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
//! [high]
static void on_high_H_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
{ |
low_r = min(high_r-1, low_r); |
setTrackbarPos("Low R","Object Detection", low_r); |
high_H = max(high_H, low_H+1); |
setTrackbarPos("High H", window_detection_name, high_H); |
} |
//! [low]
//! [high]
/** @function on_high_r_thresh_trackbar */ |
void on_high_r_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
static void on_low_S_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
{ |
high_r = max(high_r, low_r+1); |
setTrackbarPos("High R", "Object Detection", high_r); |
low_S = min(high_S-1, low_S); |
setTrackbarPos("Low S", window_detection_name, low_S); |
} |
/** @function on_low_g_thresh_trackbar */ |
void on_low_g_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
static void on_high_S_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
{ |
low_g = min(high_g-1, low_g); |
setTrackbarPos("Low G","Object Detection", low_g); |
high_S = max(high_S, low_S+1); |
setTrackbarPos("High S", window_detection_name, high_S); |
} |
/** @function on_high_g_thresh_trackbar */ |
void on_high_g_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
static void on_low_V_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
{ |
high_g = max(high_g, low_g+1); |
setTrackbarPos("High G", "Object Detection", high_g); |
low_V = min(high_V-1, low_V); |
setTrackbarPos("Low V", window_detection_name, low_V); |
} |
/** @function on_low_b_thresh_trackbar */ |
void on_low_b_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
static void on_high_V_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
{ |
low_b= min(high_b-1, low_b); |
setTrackbarPos("Low B","Object Detection", low_b); |
high_V = max(high_V, low_V+1); |
setTrackbarPos("High V", window_detection_name, high_V); |
} |
/** @function on_high_b_thresh_trackbar */ |
void on_high_b_thresh_trackbar(int, void *) |
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) |
{ |
high_b = max(high_b, low_b+1); |
setTrackbarPos("High B", "Object Detection", high_b); |
//! [cap]
VideoCapture cap(argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0); |
//! [cap]
//! [window]
namedWindow(window_capture_name); |
namedWindow(window_detection_name); |
//! [window]
//! [trackbar]
// Trackbars to set thresholds for HSV values
createTrackbar("Low H", window_detection_name, &low_H, max_value_H, on_low_H_thresh_trackbar); |
createTrackbar("High H", window_detection_name, &high_H, max_value_H, on_high_H_thresh_trackbar); |
createTrackbar("Low S", window_detection_name, &low_S, max_value, on_low_S_thresh_trackbar); |
createTrackbar("High S", window_detection_name, &high_S, max_value, on_high_S_thresh_trackbar); |
createTrackbar("Low V", window_detection_name, &low_V, max_value, on_low_V_thresh_trackbar); |
createTrackbar("High V", window_detection_name, &high_V, max_value, on_high_V_thresh_trackbar); |
//! [trackbar]
Mat frame, frame_HSV, frame_threshold; |
while (true) { |
//! [while]
cap >> frame; |
if(frame.empty()) |
{ |
break; |
} |
// Convert from BGR to HSV colorspace
cvtColor(frame, frame_HSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV); |
// Detect the object based on HSV Range Values
inRange(frame_HSV, Scalar(low_H, low_S, low_V), Scalar(high_H, high_S, high_V), frame_threshold); |
//! [while]
//! [show]
// Show the frames
imshow(window_capture_name, frame); |
imshow(window_detection_name, frame_threshold); |
//! [show]
char key = (char) waitKey(30); |
if (key == 'q' || key == 27) |
{ |
break; |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ |
import java.awt.BorderLayout; |
import java.awt.Container; |
import java.awt.Image; |
import javax.swing.BoxLayout; |
import javax.swing.ImageIcon; |
import javax.swing.JFrame; |
import javax.swing.JLabel; |
import javax.swing.JPanel; |
import javax.swing.JSlider; |
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; |
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; |
import org.opencv.core.Core; |
import org.opencv.core.Mat; |
import org.opencv.highgui.HighGui; |
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs; |
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; |
public class Threshold { |
private static int MAX_VALUE = 255; |
private static int MAX_TYPE = 4; |
private static int MAX_BINARY_VALUE = 255; |
private static final String WINDOW_NAME = "Threshold Demo"; |
private static final String TRACKBAR_TYPE = "<html><body>Type: <br> 0: Binary <br> " |
+ "1: Binary Inverted <br> 2: Truncate <br> " |
+ "3: To Zero <br> 4: To Zero Inverted</body></html>"; |
private static final String TRACKBAR_VALUE = "Value"; |
private int thresholdValue = 0; |
private int thresholdType = 3; |
private Mat src; |
private Mat srcGray = new Mat(); |
private Mat dst = new Mat(); |
private JFrame frame; |
private JLabel imgLabel; |
public Threshold(String[] args) { |
//! [load]
String imagePath = "../data/stuff.jpg"; |
if (args.length > 0) { |
imagePath = args[0]; |
} |
// Load an image
src = Imgcodecs.imread(imagePath); |
if (src.empty()) { |
System.out.println("Empty image: " + imagePath); |
System.exit(0); |
} |
// Convert the image to Gray
Imgproc.cvtColor(src, srcGray, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
//! [load]
//! [window]
// Create and set up the window.
frame = new JFrame(WINDOW_NAME); |
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); |
// Set up the content pane.
Image img = HighGui.toBufferedImage(srcGray); |
addComponentsToPane(frame.getContentPane(), img); |
// Use the content pane's default BorderLayout. No need for
// setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// Display the window.
frame.pack(); |
frame.setVisible(true); |
//! [window]
} |
private void addComponentsToPane(Container pane, Image img) { |
if (!(pane.getLayout() instanceof BorderLayout)) { |
pane.add(new JLabel("Container doesn't use BorderLayout!")); |
return; |
} |
JPanel sliderPanel = new JPanel(); |
sliderPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(sliderPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); |
//! [trackbar]
sliderPanel.add(new JLabel(TRACKBAR_TYPE)); |
// Create Trackbar to choose type of Threshold
JSlider sliderThreshType = new JSlider(0, MAX_TYPE, thresholdType); |
sliderThreshType.setMajorTickSpacing(1); |
sliderThreshType.setMinorTickSpacing(1); |
sliderThreshType.setPaintTicks(true); |
sliderThreshType.setPaintLabels(true); |
sliderPanel.add(sliderThreshType); |
sliderPanel.add(new JLabel(TRACKBAR_VALUE)); |
// Create Trackbar to choose Threshold value
JSlider sliderThreshValue = new JSlider(0, MAX_VALUE, 0); |
sliderThreshValue.setMajorTickSpacing(50); |
sliderThreshValue.setMinorTickSpacing(10); |
sliderThreshValue.setPaintTicks(true); |
sliderThreshValue.setPaintLabels(true); |
sliderPanel.add(sliderThreshValue); |
//! [trackbar]
//! [on_trackbar]
sliderThreshType.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); |
thresholdType = source.getValue(); |
update(); |
} |
}); |
sliderThreshValue.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); |
thresholdValue = source.getValue(); |
update(); |
} |
}); |
//! [on_trackbar]
pane.add(sliderPanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); |
imgLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(img)); |
pane.add(imgLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER); |
} |
//! [Threshold_Demo]
private void update() { |
Imgproc.threshold(srcGray, dst, thresholdValue, MAX_BINARY_VALUE, thresholdType); |
Image img = HighGui.toBufferedImage(dst); |
imgLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(img)); |
frame.repaint(); |
} |
//! [Threshold_Demo]
public static void main(String[] args) { |
// Load the native OpenCV library
System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); |
// Schedule a job for the event dispatch thread:
// creating and showing this application's GUI.
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { |
@Override |
public void run() { |
new Threshold(args); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ |
import java.awt.BorderLayout; |
import java.awt.Container; |
import java.awt.Image; |
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; |
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; |
import java.util.List; |
import javax.swing.BoxLayout; |
import javax.swing.ImageIcon; |
import javax.swing.JFrame; |
import javax.swing.JLabel; |
import javax.swing.JPanel; |
import javax.swing.JSlider; |
import javax.swing.SwingWorker; |
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; |
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; |
import org.opencv.core.Core; |
import org.opencv.core.Mat; |
import org.opencv.core.Scalar; |
import org.opencv.highgui.HighGui; |
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; |
import org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture; |
public class ThresholdInRange { |
private static int MAX_VALUE = 255; |
private static int MAX_VALUE_H = 360/2; |
private static final String WINDOW_NAME = "Thresholding Operations using inRange demo"; |
private static final String LOW_H_NAME = "Low H"; |
private static final String LOW_S_NAME = "Low S"; |
private static final String LOW_V_NAME = "Low V"; |
private static final String HIGH_H_NAME = "High H"; |
private static final String HIGH_S_NAME = "High S"; |
private static final String HIGH_V_NAME = "High V"; |
private JSlider sliderLowH; |
private JSlider sliderHighH; |
private JSlider sliderLowS; |
private JSlider sliderHighS; |
private JSlider sliderLowV; |
private JSlider sliderHighV; |
private VideoCapture cap; |
private Mat matFrame = new Mat(); |
private JFrame frame; |
private JLabel imgCaptureLabel; |
private JLabel imgDetectionLabel; |
private CaptureTask captureTask; |
public ThresholdInRange(String[] args) { |
int cameraDevice = 0; |
if (args.length > 0) { |
cameraDevice = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); |
} |
//! [cap]
cap = new VideoCapture(cameraDevice); |
//! [cap]
if (!cap.isOpened()) { |
System.err.println("Cannot open camera: " + cameraDevice); |
System.exit(0); |
} |
if (! { |
System.err.println("Cannot read camera stream."); |
System.exit(0); |
} |
//! [window]
// Create and set up the window.
frame = new JFrame(WINDOW_NAME); |
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); |
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { |
@Override |
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent) { |
captureTask.cancel(true); |
} |
}); |
// Set up the content pane.
Image img = HighGui.toBufferedImage(matFrame); |
addComponentsToPane(frame.getContentPane(), img); |
// Use the content pane's default BorderLayout. No need for
// setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// Display the window.
frame.pack(); |
frame.setVisible(true); |
//! [window]
captureTask = new CaptureTask(); |
captureTask.execute(); |
} |
//! [while]
private class CaptureTask extends SwingWorker<Void, Mat> { |
@Override |
protected Void doInBackground() { |
Mat matFrame = new Mat(); |
while (!isCancelled()) { |
if (! { |
break; |
} |
publish(matFrame.clone()); |
} |
return null; |
} |
@Override |
protected void process(List<Mat> frames) { |
Mat frame = frames.get(frames.size() - 1); |
Mat frameHSV = new Mat(); |
Imgproc.cvtColor(frame, frameHSV, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2HSV); |
Mat thresh = new Mat(); |
Core.inRange(frameHSV, new Scalar(sliderLowH.getValue(), sliderLowS.getValue(), sliderLowV.getValue()), |
new Scalar(sliderHighH.getValue(), sliderHighS.getValue(), sliderHighV.getValue()), thresh); |
update(frame, thresh); |
} |
} |
//! [while]
private void addComponentsToPane(Container pane, Image img) { |
if (!(pane.getLayout() instanceof BorderLayout)) { |
pane.add(new JLabel("Container doesn't use BorderLayout!")); |
return; |
} |
JPanel sliderPanel = new JPanel(); |
sliderPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(sliderPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); |
//! [trackbar]
sliderPanel.add(new JLabel(LOW_H_NAME)); |
sliderLowH = new JSlider(0, MAX_VALUE_H, 0); |
sliderLowH.setMajorTickSpacing(50); |
sliderLowH.setMinorTickSpacing(10); |
sliderLowH.setPaintTicks(true); |
sliderLowH.setPaintLabels(true); |
sliderPanel.add(sliderLowH); |
sliderPanel.add(new JLabel(HIGH_H_NAME)); |
sliderHighH = new JSlider(0, MAX_VALUE_H, MAX_VALUE_H); |
sliderHighH.setMajorTickSpacing(50); |
sliderHighH.setMinorTickSpacing(10); |
sliderHighH.setPaintTicks(true); |
sliderHighH.setPaintLabels(true); |
sliderPanel.add(sliderHighH); |
sliderPanel.add(new JLabel(LOW_S_NAME)); |
sliderLowS = new JSlider(0, MAX_VALUE, 0); |
sliderLowS.setMajorTickSpacing(50); |
sliderLowS.setMinorTickSpacing(10); |
sliderLowS.setPaintTicks(true); |
sliderLowS.setPaintLabels(true); |
sliderPanel.add(sliderLowS); |
sliderPanel.add(new JLabel(HIGH_S_NAME)); |
sliderHighS = new JSlider(0, MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE); |
sliderHighS.setMajorTickSpacing(50); |
sliderHighS.setMinorTickSpacing(10); |
sliderHighS.setPaintTicks(true); |
sliderHighS.setPaintLabels(true); |
sliderPanel.add(sliderHighS); |
sliderPanel.add(new JLabel(LOW_V_NAME)); |
sliderLowV = new JSlider(0, MAX_VALUE, 0); |
sliderLowV.setMajorTickSpacing(50); |
sliderLowV.setMinorTickSpacing(10); |
sliderLowV.setPaintTicks(true); |
sliderLowV.setPaintLabels(true); |
sliderPanel.add(sliderLowV); |
sliderPanel.add(new JLabel(HIGH_V_NAME)); |
sliderHighV = new JSlider(0, MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE); |
sliderHighV.setMajorTickSpacing(50); |
sliderHighV.setMinorTickSpacing(10); |
sliderHighV.setPaintTicks(true); |
sliderHighV.setPaintLabels(true); |
sliderPanel.add(sliderHighV); |
//! [trackbar]
//! [low]
sliderLowH.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); |
int valH = Math.min(sliderHighH.getValue()-1, source.getValue()); |
sliderLowH.setValue(valH); |
} |
}); |
//! [low]
//! [high]
sliderHighH.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); |
int valH = Math.max(source.getValue(), sliderLowH.getValue()+1); |
sliderHighH.setValue(valH); |
} |
}); |
//! [high]
sliderLowS.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); |
int valS = Math.min(sliderHighS.getValue()-1, source.getValue()); |
sliderLowS.setValue(valS); |
} |
}); |
sliderHighS.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); |
int valS = Math.max(source.getValue(), sliderLowS.getValue()+1); |
sliderHighS.setValue(valS); |
} |
}); |
sliderLowV.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); |
int valV = Math.min(sliderHighV.getValue()-1, source.getValue()); |
sliderLowV.setValue(valV); |
} |
}); |
sliderHighV.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); |
int valV = Math.max(source.getValue(), sliderLowV.getValue()+1); |
sliderHighV.setValue(valV); |
} |
}); |
pane.add(sliderPanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); |
JPanel framePanel = new JPanel(); |
imgCaptureLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(img)); |
framePanel.add(imgCaptureLabel); |
imgDetectionLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(img)); |
framePanel.add(imgDetectionLabel); |
pane.add(framePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); |
} |
private void update(Mat imgCapture, Mat imgThresh) { |
//! [show]
imgCaptureLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(HighGui.toBufferedImage(imgCapture))); |
imgDetectionLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(HighGui.toBufferedImage(imgThresh))); |
frame.repaint(); |
//! [show]
} |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
// Load the native OpenCV library
System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); |
// Schedule a job for the event dispatch thread:
// creating and showing this application's GUI.
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { |
@Override |
public void run() { |
new ThresholdInRange(args); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ |
import java.awt.BorderLayout; |
import java.awt.Container; |
import java.awt.Image; |
import javax.swing.BoxLayout; |
import javax.swing.ImageIcon; |
import javax.swing.JFrame; |
import javax.swing.JLabel; |
import javax.swing.JPanel; |
import javax.swing.JSlider; |
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; |
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; |
import org.opencv.core.Core; |
import org.opencv.core.CvType; |
import org.opencv.core.Mat; |
import org.opencv.core.Scalar; |
import org.opencv.core.Size; |
import org.opencv.highgui.HighGui; |
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs; |
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; |
public class CannyDetectorDemo { |
private static final int MAX_LOW_THRESHOLD = 100; |
private static final int RATIO = 3; |
private static final int KERNEL_SIZE = 3; |
private static final Size BLUR_SIZE = new Size(3,3); |
private int lowThresh = 0; |
private Mat src; |
private Mat srcBlur = new Mat(); |
private Mat detectedEdges = new Mat(); |
private Mat dst = new Mat(); |
private JFrame frame; |
private JLabel imgLabel; |
public CannyDetectorDemo(String[] args) { |
String imagePath = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "../data/fruits.jpg"; |
src = Imgcodecs.imread(imagePath); |
if (src.empty()) { |
System.out.println("Empty image: " + imagePath); |
System.exit(0); |
} |
// Create and set up the window.
frame = new JFrame("Edge Map (Canny detector demo)"); |
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); |
// Set up the content pane.
Image img = HighGui.toBufferedImage(src); |
addComponentsToPane(frame.getContentPane(), img); |
// Use the content pane's default BorderLayout. No need for
// setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// Display the window.
frame.pack(); |
frame.setVisible(true); |
} |
private void addComponentsToPane(Container pane, Image img) { |
if (!(pane.getLayout() instanceof BorderLayout)) { |
pane.add(new JLabel("Container doesn't use BorderLayout!")); |
return; |
} |
JPanel sliderPanel = new JPanel(); |
sliderPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(sliderPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); |
sliderPanel.add(new JLabel("Min Threshold:")); |
JSlider slider = new JSlider(0, MAX_LOW_THRESHOLD, 0); |
slider.setMajorTickSpacing(10); |
slider.setMinorTickSpacing(5); |
slider.setPaintTicks(true); |
slider.setPaintLabels(true); |
slider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); |
lowThresh = source.getValue(); |
update(); |
} |
}); |
sliderPanel.add(slider); |
pane.add(sliderPanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); |
imgLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(img)); |
pane.add(imgLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER); |
} |
private void update() { |
Imgproc.blur(src, srcBlur, BLUR_SIZE); |
Imgproc.Canny(srcBlur, detectedEdges, lowThresh, lowThresh * RATIO, KERNEL_SIZE, false); |
dst = new Mat(src.size(), CvType.CV_8UC3, Scalar.all(0)); |
src.copyTo(dst, detectedEdges); |
Image img = HighGui.toBufferedImage(dst); |
imgLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(img)); |
frame.repaint(); |
} |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
// Load the native OpenCV library
System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); |
// Schedule a job for the event dispatch thread:
// creating and showing this application's GUI.
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { |
@Override |
public void run() { |
new CannyDetectorDemo(args); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ |
import org.opencv.core.Core; |
import org.opencv.core.CvType; |
import org.opencv.core.Mat; |
import org.opencv.highgui.HighGui; |
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs; |
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; |
class Remap { |
private Mat mapX = new Mat(); |
private Mat mapY = new Mat(); |
private Mat dst = new Mat(); |
private int ind = 0; |
//! [Update]
private void updateMap() { |
float buffX[] = new float[(int) ( * mapX.channels())]; |
mapX.get(0, 0, buffX); |
float buffY[] = new float[(int) ( * mapY.channels())]; |
mapY.get(0, 0, buffY); |
for (int i = 0; i < mapX.rows(); i++) { |
for (int j = 0; j < mapX.cols(); j++) { |
switch (ind) { |
case 0: |
if( j > mapX.cols()*0.25 && j < mapX.cols()*0.75 && i > mapX.rows()*0.25 && i < mapX.rows()*0.75 ) { |
buffX[i*mapX.cols() + j] = 2*( j - mapX.cols()*0.25f ) + 0.5f; |
buffY[i*mapY.cols() + j] = 2*( i - mapX.rows()*0.25f ) + 0.5f; |
} else { |
buffX[i*mapX.cols() + j] = 0; |
buffY[i*mapY.cols() + j] = 0; |
} |
break; |
case 1: |
buffX[i*mapX.cols() + j] = j; |
buffY[i*mapY.cols() + j] = mapY.rows() - i; |
break; |
case 2: |
buffX[i*mapX.cols() + j] = mapY.cols() - j; |
buffY[i*mapY.cols() + j] = i; |
break; |
case 3: |
buffX[i*mapX.cols() + j] = mapY.cols() - j; |
buffY[i*mapY.cols() + j] = mapY.rows() - i; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
mapX.put(0, 0, buffX); |
mapY.put(0, 0, buffY); |
ind = (ind+1) % 4; |
} |
//! [Update]
public void run(String[] args) { |
String filename = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "../data/chicky_512.png"; |
//! [Load]
Mat src = Imgcodecs.imread(filename, Imgcodecs.IMREAD_COLOR); |
if (src.empty()) { |
System.err.println("Cannot read image: " + filename); |
System.exit(0); |
} |
//! [Load]
//! [Create]
mapX = new Mat(src.size(), CvType.CV_32F); |
mapY = new Mat(src.size(), CvType.CV_32F); |
//! [Create]
//! [Window]
final String winname = "Remap demo"; |
HighGui.namedWindow(winname, HighGui.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); |
//! [Window]
//! [Loop]
for (;;) { |
updateMap(); |
Imgproc.remap(src, dst, mapX, mapY, Imgproc.INTER_LINEAR); |
HighGui.imshow(winname, dst); |
if (HighGui.waitKey(1000) == 27) { |
break; |
} |
} |
//! [Loop]
System.exit(0); |
} |
} |
public class RemapDemo { |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
// Load the native OpenCV library
System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); |
new Remap().run(args); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
from __future__ import print_function |
import cv2 as cv |
import argparse |
max_lowThreshold = 100 |
window_name = 'Edge Map' |
title_trackbar = 'Min Threshold:' |
ratio = 3 |
kernel_size = 3 |
def CannyThreshold(val): |
low_threshold = val |
img_blur = cv.blur(src_gray, (3,3)) |
detected_edges = cv.Canny(img_blur, low_threshold, low_threshold*ratio, kernel_size) |
mask = detected_edges != 0 |
dst = src * (mask[:,:,None].astype(src.dtype)) |
cv.imshow(window_name, dst) |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Code for Canny Edge Detector tutorial.') |
parser.add_argument('--input', help='Path to input image.', default='../data/fruits.jpg') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
src = cv.imread(args.input) |
if src is None: |
print('Could not open or find the image: ', args.input) |
exit(0) |
src_gray = cv.cvtColor(src, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
cv.namedWindow(window_name) |
cv.createTrackbar(title_trackbar, window_name , 0, max_lowThreshold, CannyThreshold) |
CannyThreshold(0) |
cv.waitKey() |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
from __future__ import print_function |
import cv2 as cv |
import numpy as np |
import argparse |
## [Update] |
def update_map(ind, map_x, map_y): |
if ind == 0: |
for i in range(map_x.shape[0]): |
for j in range(map_x.shape[1]): |
if j > map_x.shape[1]*0.25 and j < map_x.shape[1]*0.75 and i > map_x.shape[0]*0.25 and i < map_x.shape[0]*0.75: |
map_x[i,j] = 2 * (j-map_x.shape[1]*0.25) + 0.5 |
map_y[i,j] = 2 * (i-map_y.shape[0]*0.25) + 0.5 |
else: |
map_x[i,j] = 0 |
map_y[i,j] = 0 |
elif ind == 1: |
for i in range(map_x.shape[0]): |
map_x[i,:] = [x for x in range(map_x.shape[1])] |
for j in range(map_y.shape[1]): |
map_y[:,j] = [map_y.shape[0]-y for y in range(map_y.shape[0])] |
elif ind == 2: |
for i in range(map_x.shape[0]): |
map_x[i,:] = [map_x.shape[1]-x for x in range(map_x.shape[1])] |
for j in range(map_y.shape[1]): |
map_y[:,j] = [y for y in range(map_y.shape[0])] |
elif ind == 3: |
for i in range(map_x.shape[0]): |
map_x[i,:] = [map_x.shape[1]-x for x in range(map_x.shape[1])] |
for j in range(map_y.shape[1]): |
map_y[:,j] = [map_y.shape[0]-y for y in range(map_y.shape[0])] |
## [Update] |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Code for Remapping tutorial.') |
parser.add_argument('--input', help='Path to input image.', default='../data/chicky_512.png') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
## [Load] |
src = cv.imread(args.input, cv.IMREAD_COLOR) |
if src is None: |
print('Could not open or find the image: ', args.input) |
exit(0) |
## [Load] |
## [Create] |
map_x = np.zeros((src.shape[0], src.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) |
map_y = np.zeros((src.shape[0], src.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) |
## [Create] |
## [Window] |
window_name = 'Remap demo' |
cv.namedWindow(window_name) |
## [Window] |
## [Loop] |
ind = 0 |
while True: |
update_map(ind, map_x, map_y) |
ind = (ind + 1) % 4 |
dst = cv.remap(src, map_x, map_y, cv.INTER_LINEAR) |
cv.imshow(window_name, dst) |
c = cv.waitKey(1000) |
if c == 27: |
break |
## [Loop] |
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
from __future__ import print_function |
import cv2 as cv |
import argparse |
max_value = 255 |
max_type = 4 |
max_binary_value = 255 |
trackbar_type = 'Type: \n 0: Binary \n 1: Binary Inverted \n 2: Truncate \n 3: To Zero \n 4: To Zero Inverted' |
trackbar_value = 'Value' |
window_name = 'Threshold Demo' |
## [Threshold_Demo] |
def Threshold_Demo(val): |
#0: Binary |
#1: Binary Inverted |
#2: Threshold Truncated |
#3: Threshold to Zero |
#4: Threshold to Zero Inverted |
threshold_type = cv.getTrackbarPos(trackbar_type, window_name) |
threshold_value = cv.getTrackbarPos(trackbar_value, window_name) |
_, dst = cv.threshold(src_gray, threshold_value, max_binary_value, threshold_type ) |
cv.imshow(window_name, dst) |
## [Threshold_Demo] |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Code for Basic Thresholding Operations tutorial.') |
parser.add_argument('--input', help='Path to input image.', default='../data/stuff.jpg') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
## [load] |
# Load an image |
src = cv.imread(args.input) |
if src is None: |
print('Could not open or find the image: ', args.input) |
exit(0) |
# Convert the image to Gray |
src_gray = cv.cvtColor(src, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
## [load] |
## [window] |
# Create a window to display results |
cv.namedWindow(window_name) |
## [window] |
## [trackbar] |
# Create Trackbar to choose type of Threshold |
cv.createTrackbar(trackbar_type, window_name , 3, max_type, Threshold_Demo) |
# Create Trackbar to choose Threshold value |
cv.createTrackbar(trackbar_value, window_name , 0, max_value, Threshold_Demo) |
## [trackbar] |
# Call the function to initialize |
Threshold_Demo(0) |
# Wait until user finishes program |
cv.waitKey() |
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ |
from __future__ import print_function |
import cv2 as cv |
import argparse |
max_value = 255 |
max_value_H = 360//2 |
low_H = 0 |
low_S = 0 |
low_V = 0 |
high_H = max_value_H |
high_S = max_value |
high_V = max_value |
window_capture_name = 'Video Capture' |
window_detection_name = 'Object Detection' |
low_H_name = 'Low H' |
low_S_name = 'Low S' |
low_V_name = 'Low V' |
high_H_name = 'High H' |
high_S_name = 'High S' |
high_V_name = 'High V' |
## [low] |
def on_low_H_thresh_trackbar(val): |
global low_H |
global high_H |
low_H = val |
low_H = min(high_H-1, low_H) |
cv.setTrackbarPos(low_H_name, window_detection_name, low_H) |
## [low] |
## [high] |
def on_high_H_thresh_trackbar(val): |
global low_H |
global high_H |
high_H = val |
high_H = max(high_H, low_H+1) |
cv.setTrackbarPos(high_H_name, window_detection_name, high_H) |
## [high] |
def on_low_S_thresh_trackbar(val): |
global low_S |
global high_S |
low_S = val |
low_S = min(high_S-1, low_S) |
cv.setTrackbarPos(low_S_name, window_detection_name, low_S) |
def on_high_S_thresh_trackbar(val): |
global low_S |
global high_S |
high_S = val |
high_S = max(high_S, low_S+1) |
cv.setTrackbarPos(high_S_name, window_detection_name, high_S) |
def on_low_V_thresh_trackbar(val): |
global low_V |
global high_V |
low_V = val |
low_V = min(high_V-1, low_V) |
cv.setTrackbarPos(low_V_name, window_detection_name, low_V) |
def on_high_V_thresh_trackbar(val): |
global low_V |
global high_V |
high_V = val |
high_V = max(high_V, low_V+1) |
cv.setTrackbarPos(high_V_name, window_detection_name, high_V) |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Code for Thresholding Operations using inRange tutorial.') |
parser.add_argument('--camera', help='Camera devide number.', default=0, type=int) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
## [cap] |
cap = cv.VideoCapture( |
## [cap] |
## [window] |
cv.namedWindow(window_capture_name) |
cv.namedWindow(window_detection_name) |
## [window] |
## [trackbar] |
cv.createTrackbar(low_H_name, window_detection_name , low_H, max_value_H, on_low_H_thresh_trackbar) |
cv.createTrackbar(high_H_name, window_detection_name , high_H, max_value_H, on_high_H_thresh_trackbar) |
cv.createTrackbar(low_S_name, window_detection_name , low_S, max_value, on_low_S_thresh_trackbar) |
cv.createTrackbar(high_S_name, window_detection_name , high_S, max_value, on_high_S_thresh_trackbar) |
cv.createTrackbar(low_V_name, window_detection_name , low_V, max_value, on_low_V_thresh_trackbar) |
cv.createTrackbar(high_V_name, window_detection_name , high_V, max_value, on_high_V_thresh_trackbar) |
## [trackbar] |
while True: |
## [while] |
ret, frame = |
if frame is None: |
break |
frame_HSV = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV) |
frame_threshold = cv.inRange(frame_HSV, (low_H, low_S, low_V), (high_H, high_S, high_V)); |
## [while] |
## [show] |
cv.imshow(window_capture_name, frame) |
cv.imshow(window_detection_name, frame_threshold) |
## [show] |
key = cv.waitKey(30) |
if key == ord('q') or key == 27: |
break |
Reference in new issue