@ -334,7 +334,8 @@ void BasicRetinaFilter::_localLuminanceAdaptation(const float *inputFrame, const
for ( register unsigned int IDpixel = 0 ; IDpixel < _filterOutput . getNBpixels ( ) ; + + IDpixel , + + inputFramePTR )
float X0 = * ( localLuminancePTR + + ) * _localLuminanceFactor + _localLuminanceAddon ;
* ( outputFramePTR + + ) = ( _maxInputValue + X0 ) * * inputFramePTR / ( * inputFramePTR + X0 ) ;
// TODO : the following line can lead to a divide by zero ! A small offset is added, take care if the offset is too large in case of High Dynamic Range images which can use very small values...
* ( outputFramePTR + + ) = ( _maxInputValue + X0 ) * * inputFramePTR / ( * inputFramePTR + X0 + 0.00000000001 ) ;
//std::cout<<"BasicRetinaFilter::inputFrame[IDpixel]=%f, X0=%f, outputFrame[IDpixel]=%f\n", inputFrame[IDpixel], X0, outputFrame[IDpixel]);