@ -267,17 +267,21 @@ class RunInfo(object):
else :
# assume here that device name may consists of any characters except newline
connected_devices = re . findall ( r " ^[^ \ n]+[ \ t]+device \ r?$ " , adb_res , re . MULTILINE )
if len ( connected_devices ) != 1 :
self . error = " Too many ( %s ) devices are connected. Please specify single device using --serial option " % ( len ( connected_devices ) )
if not connected_devices :
self . error = " Android device not found "
self . adb = [ ]
elif len ( connected_devices ) != 1 :
self . error = " Too many ( %s ) devices are connected. Please specify single device using --serial option: \n \n " % ( len ( connected_devices ) ) + adb_res
self . adb = [ ]
else :
adb_serial = connected_devices [ 0 ] . split ( " \t " ) [ 0 ]
self . adb = self . adb + [ " -s " , adb_serial ]
print " adb command: " , " " . join ( self . adb )
options . adb_serial = connected_devices [ 0 ] . split ( " \t " ) [ 0 ]
self . adb = self . adb + [ " -s " , options . adb_serial ]
if self . adb :
print " adb command: " , " " . join ( self . adb )
if self . adb :
#construct name for aapt tool
self . aapt = [ os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( self . adb [ 0 ] ) , ( " aapt " , " aapt.exe " ) [ hostos == ' nt ' ] ) ]
if self . adb :
#construct name for aapt tool
self . aapt = [ os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( self . adb [ 0 ] ) , ( " aapt " , " aapt.exe " ) [ hostos == ' nt ' ] ) ]
# fix has_perf_tests param
self . has_perf_tests = self . has_perf_tests == " ON "
@ -688,13 +692,12 @@ class RunInfo(object):
exename = os . path . basename ( exe )
androidexe = andoidcwd + exename
print >> _stderr , " Uploading " , exename , " to device... "
_stderr . write ( " Uploading... " )
output = Popen ( self . adb + [ " push " , exe , androidexe ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr ) . wait ( )
if output != 0 :
print >> _stderr , " adb finishes unexpectedly with error code " , output
print >> _stderr , " Changing mode of " , androidexe
output = Popen ( self . adb + [ " shell " , " chmod 777 " + androidexe ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr ) . wait ( )
if output != 0 :
print >> _stderr , " adb finishes unexpectedly with error code " , output
@ -704,7 +707,7 @@ class RunInfo(object):
command = exename + " --help "
else :
command = exename + " " + " " . join ( args )
print >> _stderr , " Running : " , command
print >> _stderr , " Run command : " , command
if self . setUp is not None :
self . setUp ( )
Popen ( self . adb + [ " shell " , " export OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH= " + self . test_data_path + " && cd " + andoidcwd + " && ./ " + command ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr ) . wait ( )
@ -712,17 +715,17 @@ class RunInfo(object):
self . tearDown ( )
# try get log
if not self . options . help :
print >> _stderr , " Pulling " , logfile , " from device... "
#_stderr.write("Pull log... ")
hostlogpath = os . path . join ( workingDir , logfile )
output = Popen ( self . adb + [ " pull " , andoidcwd + logfile , hostlogpath ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr ) . wait ( )
output = Popen ( self . adb + [ " pull " , andoidcwd + logfile , hostlogpath ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = PIPE ) . wait ( )
if output != 0 :
print >> _stderr , " adb finishes unexpectedly with error code " , output
#rm log
Popen ( self . adb + [ " shell " , " rm " + andoidcwd + logfile ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr ) . wait ( )
Popen ( self . adb + [ " shell " , " rm " + andoidcwd + logfile ] , stdout = PIPE , stderr = PIPE ) . wait ( )
# clean temporary files
Popen ( self . adb + [ " shell " , " rm " + tempdir + " __opencv_temp.* " ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr ) . wait ( )
Popen ( self . adb + [ " shell " , " rm " + tempdir + " __opencv_temp.* " ] , stdout = PIPE , stderr = PIPE ) . wait ( )
except OSError :
if os . path . isfile ( hostlogpath ) :
@ -739,7 +742,7 @@ class RunInfo(object):
temp_path = tempfile . mkdtemp ( prefix = " __opencv_temp. " , dir = orig_temp_path or None )
os . environ [ ' OPENCV_TEMP_PATH ' ] = temp_path
print >> _stderr , " Running : " , " " . join ( cmd )
print >> _stderr , " Run command : " , " " . join ( cmd )
try :
Popen ( cmd , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr , cwd = workingDir ) . wait ( )
except OSError :
@ -823,7 +826,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
tests = [ s . strip ( ) for s in options . tests . split ( " , " ) if s ]
if len ( tests ) != 1 or len ( run_args ) != 1 :
#remove --gtest_output from params
# remove --gtest_output from params
test_args = [ a for a in test_args if not a . startswith ( " --gtest_output= " ) ]
logs = [ ]
@ -837,4 +840,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
logs . extend ( info . runTests ( tests , sys . stdout , sys . stderr , options . cwd , test_args ) )
if logs :
print >> sys . stderr , " Collected: " , " " . join ( logs )
print >> sys . stderr , " Collected: " , " " . join ( logs )