@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Development in Java |
You need the following software to be installed in order to develop for Android in Java: |
#. **Sun JDK 7** |
#. **Sun JDK 6** (Sun JDK 7 is also possible) |
Visit `Java SE Downloads page <http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/>`_ |
and download an installer for your OS. |
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ You need the following software to be installed in order to develop for Android |
.. code-block:: bash |
sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-7-sun |
sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun |
.. TODO: Add a note on Sun/Oracle Java installation on Ubuntu 12. |
@ -103,9 +103,10 @@ You need the following software to be installed in order to develop for Android |
Here is Google's `install guide <http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html>`_ for the SDK. |
.. note:: If you choose SDK packed into a Windows installer, then you should have 32-bit JRE |
installed. It is not a prerequisite for Android development, but installer is a x86 |
application and requires 32-bit Java runtime. |
.. note:: You can choose downloading ``ADT Bundle package`` that in addition to Android SDK Tools includes |
Eclipse + ADT + CDT plugins, Android Platform-tools, the latest Android platform and the latest |
Android system image for the emulator - this is the best choice for those who is setting up Android |
development environment the first time! |
.. note:: If you are running x64 version of Ubuntu Linux, then you need ia32 shared libraries |
for use on amd64 and ia64 systems to be installed. You can install them with the |
@ -215,45 +216,11 @@ You need the following software to be installed in order to develop for Android |
#. **CDT plugin for Eclipse** |
If you selected for installation the ``NDK plugins`` component of Eclipse ADT plugin (see the picture above) your Eclipse IDE |
should already have ``CDT plugin`` (that means ``C/C++ Development Tooling``). |
There are several possible ways to integrate compilation of C++ code by Android NDK into Eclipse |
compilation process. We recommend the approach based on Eclipse |
:abbr:`CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)` Builder. |
Make sure your Eclipse IDE has the :abbr:`CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)` plugin |
installed. Menu :guilabel:`Help -> About Eclipse SDK -> Installation Details`. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_about_cdt_0.png |
:alt: CDT in Eclipse About |
:align: center |
.. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_about_cdt_1.png |
:alt: CDT in Eclipse About |
:align: center |
.. note:: If you're using the latest ADT plugin for Eclipse (version 20 and above), most likely |
you already have the CDT plugin and don't need to install it. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_about_cdt_1.png |
:alt: CDT in Eclipse About |
:align: center |
To install the `CDT plugin <http://eclipse.org/cdt/>`_ use menu |
:guilabel:`Help -> Install New Software...`, then paste the CDT 8.0 repository URL |
http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/indigo as shown in the picture below and click |
:guilabel:`Add...`, name it *CDT* and click :guilabel:`OK`. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_inst_cdt.png |
:alt: Configure builders |
:align: center |
``CDT Main Features`` should be enough: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_inst_cdt_2.png |
:alt: Configure builders |
:align: center |
That's it. Compilation of C++ code is fully integrated into Eclipse building process now. |
Android application structure |
@ -336,9 +303,9 @@ and exceptions are used in C++, it also should be created. Example of the file : |
APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti -fexceptions |
APP_ABI := all |
.. note:: We recommend setting ``APP_ABI := all`` for all targets. If you want to specify the |
target explicitly, use ``armeabi`` for ARMv5/ARMv6, ``armeabi-v7a`` for ARMv7, ``x86`` |
for Intel Atom or ``mips`` for MIPS. |
.. note:: We recommend setting ``APP_ABI := all`` for all targets. If you want to specify the |
target explicitly, use ``armeabi`` for ARMv5/ARMv6, ``armeabi-v7a`` for ARMv7, ``x86`` |
for Intel Atom or ``mips`` for MIPS. |
.. _NDK_build_cli: |
@ -348,9 +315,9 @@ Building application native part from command line |
Here is the standard way to compile C++ part of an Android application: |
.. warning:: We strongly reccomend using ``cmd.exe`` (standard windows console) instead of Cygwin on |
Windows. Use the latter if only you're absolutely sure about, what you're doing. Cygwin |
is not really supported and we are unlikely to help you in case you encounter some |
.. warning:: We strongly reccomend using ``cmd.exe`` (standard Windows console) instead of Cygwin on |
**Windows**. Use the latter if only you're absolutely sure about, what you're doing. Cygwin |
is not really supported and we are unlikely to help you in case you encounter some |
problems with it. So, use it only if you're capable of handling the consequences yourself. |
#. Open console and go to the root folder of an Android application |
@ -406,20 +373,19 @@ Eclipse build process. We recommend the approach based on Eclipse |
(e.g. ``"X:\\Apps\\android-ndk-r8"`` or ``"/opt/android-ndk-r8"``). |
**On Windows** an environment variable can be set via |
:guilabel:`My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment variables` or in Eclipse itself |
:guilabel:`Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Build -> Env`. Restart Eclipse after setting the |
variables. |
.. note:: If you're using Eclipse 3 and lower, keep in mind, that it doesn't change variables on |
restart as Eclipse 4 does. You may need to clean :file:`org.eclipse.cdt.core.prefs`, |
which is located in the following path inside Eclipse workspace: |
``\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\``. |
:guilabel:`My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment variables`. |
On Windows 7 it's also possible to use `setx <http://ss64.com/nt/setx.html>`_ command in a console session. |
**On Linux** and **MacOS** an environment variable can be set via appending a |
``"export VAR_NAME=VAR_VALUE"`` line to the :file:`"~/.bashrc"` file and logging off and then on. |
.. note:: It's also possible to define the ``NDKROOT`` environment variable within Eclipse IDE, |
but it should be done for every new workspace you create. If you prefer this option better than setting system |
environment variable, open Eclipse menu :guilabel:`Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Build -> Environment`, |
press the :guilabel:`Add...` button and set variable name to ``NDKROOT`` and value to local Android NDK path. |
#. After that you need to **restart Eclipse** to apply the changes. |
#. Open Eclipse and load the Android app project to configure. |
#. Add C/C++ Nature to the project via Eclipse menu :guilabel:`New -> Other -> C/C++ -> Convert to a C/C++ Project`. |
@ -476,11 +442,20 @@ Eclipse build process. We recommend the approach based on Eclipse |
:: |
# for NDK r8 and prior: |
${NDKROOT}/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/include |
${NDKROOT}/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/include |
${NDKROOT}/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/include |
${ProjDirPath}/../../sdk/native/jni/include |
:: |
# for NDK r8b and later: |
${NDKROOT}/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/include |
${NDKROOT}/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/include |
${NDKROOT}/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/libs/armeabi-v7a/include |
${ProjDirPath}/../../sdk/native/jni/include |
The last path should be changed to the correct absolute or relative path to OpenCV4Android SDK location. |
This should clear the syntax error notifications in Eclipse C++ editor. |
@ -489,16 +464,6 @@ Eclipse build process. We recommend the approach based on Eclipse |
:alt: Configure CDT |
:align: center |
.. note:: The latest Android NDK **r8b** uses different STL headers path. So if you use this NDK |
release add the following **Include** paths list instead: |
:: |
${NDKROOT}/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/include |
${NDKROOT}/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/include |
${NDKROOT}/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/libs/armeabi-v7a/include |
${ProjDirPath}/../../sdk/native/jni/include |
Debugging and Testing |
===================== |