Added sample code for tutorial - cpp

Ana Huaman 14 years ago
parent d198e39d35
commit 98e13cec87
  1. 52
  2. 69
  3. 58
  4. 71
  5. 28
  6. 172
  7. 326
  8. 52

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* @file AddingImages.cpp
* @brief Simple linear blender ( dst = alpha*src1 + beta*src2 )
* @author OpenCV team
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
* @function main
* @brief Main function
int main( int argc, char** argv )
double alpha = 0.5; double beta; double input;
Mat src1, src2, dst;
/// Ask the user enter alpha
std::cout<<" Simple Linear Blender "<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"* Enter alpha [0-1]: ";
// We use the alpha provided by the user iff it is between 0 and 1
if( alpha >= 0 && alpha <= 1 )
{ alpha = input; }
/// Read image ( same size, same type )
src1 = imread("../../images/LinuxLogo.jpg");
src2 = imread("../../images/WindowsLogo.jpg");
if( ! ) { printf("Error loading src1 \n"); return -1; }
if( ! ) { printf("Error loading src2 \n"); return -1; }
/// Create Windows
namedWindow("Linear Blend", 1);
beta = ( 1.0 - alpha );
addWeighted( src1, alpha, src2, beta, 0.0, dst);
imshow( "Linear Blend", dst );
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* @file LinearBlend.cpp
* @brief Simple linear blender ( dst = alpha*src1 + beta*src2 )
* @author OpenCV team
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
using namespace cv;
/** Global Variables */
const int alpha_slider_max = 100;
int alpha_slider;
double alpha;
double beta;
/** Matrices to store images */
Mat src1;
Mat src2;
Mat dst;
* @function on_trackbar
* @brief Callback for trackbar
void on_trackbar( int, void* )
alpha = (double) alpha_slider/alpha_slider_max ;
beta = ( 1.0 - alpha );
addWeighted( src1, alpha, src2, beta, 0.0, dst);
imshow( "Linear Blend", dst );
* @function main
* @brief Main function
int main( int argc, char** argv )
/// Read image ( same size, same type )
src1 = imread("../../images/LinuxLogo.jpg");
src2 = imread("../../images/WindowsLogo.jpg");
if( ! ) { printf("Error loading src1 \n"); return -1; }
if( ! ) { printf("Error loading src2 \n"); return -1; }
/// Initialize values
alpha_slider = 0;
/// Create Windows
namedWindow("Linear Blend", 1);
/// Create Trackbars
char TrackbarName[50];
sprintf( TrackbarName, "Alpha x %d", alpha_slider_max );
createTrackbar( TrackbarName, "Linear Blend", &alpha_slider, alpha_slider_max, on_trackbar );
/// Show some stuff
on_trackbar( alpha_slider, 0 );
/// Wait until user press some key
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* @file BasicLinearTransforms.cpp
* @brief Simple program to change contrast and brightness
* @author OpenCV team
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
double alpha; /**< Simple contrast control */
int beta; /**< Simple brightness control */
* @function main
* @brief Main function
int main( int argc, char** argv )
/// Read image given by user
Mat image = imread( argv[1] );
Mat new_image = Mat::zeros( image.size(), image.type() );
/// Initialize values
std::cout<<" Basic Linear Transforms "<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"* Enter the alpha value [1.0-3.0]: ";std::cin>>alpha;
std::cout<<"* Enter the beta value [0-100]: "; std::cin>>beta;
/// Do the operation new_image(i,j) = alpha*image(i,j) + beta
/// Instead of these 'for' loops we could have used simply:
/// image.convertTo(new_image, -1, alpha, beta);
/// but we wanted to show you how to access the pixels :)
for( int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++ )
{ for( int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++ )
{ for( int c = 0; c < 3; c++ )
{<Vec3b>(y,x)[c] = saturate_cast<uchar>( alpha*(<Vec3b>(y,x)[c] ) + beta );
/// Create Windows
namedWindow("Original Image", 1);
namedWindow("New Image", 1);
/// Show stuff
imshow("Original Image", image);
imshow("New Image", new_image);
/// Wait until user press some key
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
* @file LinearTransforms.cpp
* @brief Simple program to change contrast and brightness
* @date Mon, June 6, 2011
* @author OpenCV team
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
using namespace cv;
/** Global Variables */
const int alpha_max = 5;
const int beta_max = 125;
int alpha; /**< Simple contrast control */
int beta; /**< Simple brightness control*/
/** Matrices to store images */
Mat image;
Mat new_image;
* @function on_trackbar
* @brief Called whenever any of alpha or beta changes
void on_trackbar( int, void* )
Mat new_image = Mat::zeros( image.size(), image.type() );
for( int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++ )
{ for( int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++ )
{ for( int c = 0; c < 3; c++ )
{<Vec3b>(y,x)[c] = saturate_cast<uchar>( alpha*(<Vec3b>(y,x)[c] ) + beta );
imshow("New Image", new_image);
* @function main
* @brief Main function
int main( int argc, char** argv )
/// Read image given by user
image = imread( argv[1] );
/// Initialize values
alpha = 1;
beta = 0;
/// Create Windows
namedWindow("Original Image", 1);
namedWindow("New Image", 1);
/// Create Trackbars
createTrackbar( "Contrast Trackbar", "New Image", &alpha, alpha_max, on_trackbar );
createTrackbar( "Brightness Trackbar", "New Image", &beta, beta_max, on_trackbar );
/// Show some stuff
imshow("Original Image", image);
imshow("New Image", image);
/// Wait until user press some key
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* @file DisplayImage.cpp
* @brief Sample code that show how to read and display an image in a OpenCV window
* @author OpenCV team
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
using namespace cv;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
Mat image;
image = imread( argv[1], 1 );
if( argc != 2 || ! )
printf( "No image data \n" );
return -1;
namedWindow( "Display Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
imshow( "Display Image", image );
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
* @file Drawing_1.cpp
* @brief Simple sample code
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#define w 400
using namespace cv;
/// Function headers
void MyEllipse( Mat img, double angle );
void MyFilledCircle( Mat img, Point center );
void MyPolygon( Mat img );
void MyLine( Mat img, Point start, Point end );
* @function main
* @brief Main function
int main( int argc, char **argv ){
/// Windows names
char atom_window[] = "Drawing 1: Atom";
char rook_window[] = "Drawing 2: Rook";
/// Create black empty images
Mat atom_image = Mat::zeros( w, w, CV_8UC3 );
Mat rook_image = Mat::zeros( w, w, CV_8UC3 );
/// 1. Draw a simple atom:
/// -----------------------
/// 1.a. Creating ellipses
MyEllipse( atom_image, 90 );
MyEllipse( atom_image, 0 );
MyEllipse( atom_image, 45 );
MyEllipse( atom_image, -45 );
/// 1.b. Creating circles
MyFilledCircle( atom_image, Point( w/2.0, w/2.0) );
/// 2. Draw a rook
/// ------------------
/// 2.a. Create a convex polygon
MyPolygon( rook_image );
/// 2.b. Creating rectangles
rectangle( rook_image,
Point( 0, 7*w/8.0 ),
Point( w, w),
Scalar( 0, 255, 255 ),
8 );
/// 2.c. Create a few lines
MyLine( rook_image, Point( 0, 15*w/16 ), Point( w, 15*w/16 ) );
MyLine( rook_image, Point( w/4, 7*w/8 ), Point( w/4, w ) );
MyLine( rook_image, Point( w/2, 7*w/8 ), Point( w/2, w ) );
MyLine( rook_image, Point( 3*w/4, 7*w/8 ), Point( 3*w/4, w ) );
/// 3. Display your stuff!
imshow( atom_window, atom_image );
cvMoveWindow( atom_window, 0, 200 );
imshow( rook_window, rook_image );
cvMoveWindow( rook_window, w, 200 );
waitKey( 0 );
/// Function Declaration
* @function MyEllipse
* @brief Draw a fixed-size ellipse with different angles
void MyEllipse( Mat img, double angle )
int thickness = 2;
int lineType = 8;
ellipse( img,
Point( w/2.0, w/2.0 ),
Size( w/4.0, w/16.0 ),
Scalar( 255, 0, 0 ),
lineType );
* @function MyFilledCircle
* @brief Draw a fixed-size filled circle
void MyFilledCircle( Mat img, Point center )
int thickness = -1;
int lineType = 8;
circle( img,
Scalar( 0, 0, 255 ),
lineType );
* @function MyPolygon
* @function Draw a simple concave polygon (rook)
void MyPolygon( Mat img )
int lineType = 8;
/** Create some points */
Point rook_points[1][20];
rook_points[0][0] = Point( w/4.0, 7*w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][1] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 7*w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][2] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 13*w/16.0 );
rook_points[0][3] = Point( 11*w/16.0, 13*w/16.0 );
rook_points[0][4] = Point( 19*w/32.0, 3*w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][5] = Point( 3*w/4.0, 3*w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][6] = Point( 3*w/4.0, w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][7] = Point( 26*w/40.0, w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][8] = Point( 26*w/40.0, w/4.0 );
rook_points[0][9] = Point( 22*w/40.0, w/4.0 );
rook_points[0][10] = Point( 22*w/40.0, w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][11] = Point( 18*w/40.0, w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][12] = Point( 18*w/40.0, w/4.0 );
rook_points[0][13] = Point( 14*w/40.0, w/4.0 );
rook_points[0][14] = Point( 14*w/40.0, w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][15] = Point( w/4.0, w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][16] = Point( w/4.0, 3*w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][17] = Point( 13*w/32.0, 3*w/8.0 );
rook_points[0][18] = Point( 5*w/16.0, 13*w/16.0 );
rook_points[0][19] = Point( w/4.0, 13*w/16.0) ;
const Point* ppt[1] = { rook_points[0] };
int npt[] = { 20 };
fillPoly( img,
Scalar( 255, 255, 255 ),
lineType );
* @function MyLine
* @brief Draw a simple line
void MyLine( Mat img, Point start, Point end )
int thickness = 2;
int lineType = 8;
line( img,
Scalar( 0, 0, 0 ),
lineType );

@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
* @file Drawing_2.cpp
* @brief Simple sample code
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace cv;
/// Global Variables
const int NUMBER = 100;
const int DELAY = 5;
const int window_width = 900;
const int window_height = 600;
int x_1 = -window_width/2;
int x_2 = window_width*3/2;
int y_1 = -window_width/2;
int y_2 = window_width*3/2;
/// Function headers
static Scalar randomColor( RNG& rng );
int Drawing_Random_Lines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Rectangles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Ellipses( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Polylines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Filled_Polygons( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Drawing_Random_Circles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Displaying_Random_Text( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
int Displaying_Big_End( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng );
* @function main
int main( int argc, char** argv )
int c;
/// Start creating a window
char window_name[] = "Drawing_2 Tutorial";
/// Also create a random object (RNG)
RNG rng( 0xFFFFFFFF );
/// Initialize a matrix filled with zeros
Mat image = Mat::zeros( window_height, window_width, CV_8UC3 );
/// Show it in a window during DELAY ms
imshow( window_name, image );
waitKey( DELAY );
/// Now, let's draw some lines
c = Drawing_Random_Lines(image, window_name, rng);
if( c != 0 ) return 0;
/// Go on drawing, this time nice rectangles
c = Drawing_Random_Rectangles(image, window_name, rng);
if( c != 0 ) return 0;
/// Draw some ellipses
c = Drawing_Random_Ellipses( image, window_name, rng );
if( c != 0 ) return 0;
/// Now some polylines
c = Drawing_Random_Polylines( image, window_name, rng );
if( c != 0 ) return 0;
/// Draw filled polygons
c = Drawing_Random_Filled_Polygons( image, window_name, rng );
if( c != 0 ) return 0;
/// Draw circles
c = Drawing_Random_Circles( image, window_name, rng );
if( c != 0 ) return 0;
/// Display text in random positions
c = Displaying_Random_Text( image, window_name, rng );
if( c != 0 ) return 0;
/// Displaying the big end!
c = Displaying_Big_End( image, window_name, rng );
if( c != 0 ) return 0;
return 0;
/// Function definitions
* @function randomColor
* @brief Produces a random color given a random object
static Scalar randomColor( RNG& rng )
int icolor = (unsigned) rng;
return Scalar( icolor&255, (icolor>>8)&255, (icolor>>16)&255 );
* @function Drawing_Random_Lines
int Drawing_Random_Lines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
int lineType = 8;
Point pt1, pt2;
for( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )
pt1.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
pt1.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );
pt2.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
pt2.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );
line( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1, 10), 8 );
imshow( window_name, image );
if( waitKey( DELAY ) >= 0 )
{ return -1; }
return 0;
* @function Drawing_Rectangles
int Drawing_Random_Rectangles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
Point pt1, pt2;
int lineType = 8;
int thickness = rng.uniform( -3, 10 );
for( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )
pt1.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
pt1.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );
pt2.x = rng.uniform( x_1, x_2 );
pt2.y = rng.uniform( y_1, y_2 );
rectangle( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), MAX( thickness, -1 ), lineType );
imshow( window_name, image );
if( waitKey( DELAY ) >= 0 )
{ return -1; }
return 0;
* @function Drawing_Random_Ellipses
int Drawing_Random_Ellipses( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
int lineType = 8;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )
Point center;
center.x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
center.y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
Size axes;
axes.width = rng.uniform(0, 200);
axes.height = rng.uniform(0, 200);
double angle = rng.uniform(0, 180);
ellipse( image, center, axes, angle, angle - 100, angle + 200,
randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(-1,9), lineType );
imshow( window_name, image );
if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
{ return -1; }
return 0;
* @function Drawing_Random_Polylines
int Drawing_Random_Polylines( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
int lineType = 8;
for( int i = 0; i< NUMBER; i++ )
Point pt[2][3];
pt[0][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[0][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
pt[0][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[0][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
pt[0][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[0][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
pt[1][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[1][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
pt[1][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[1][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
pt[1][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[1][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
const Point* ppt[2] = {pt[0], pt[1]};
int npt[] = {3, 3};
polylines(image, ppt, npt, 2, true, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1,10), lineType);
imshow( window_name, image );
if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
{ return -1; }
return 0;
* @function Drawing_Random_Filled_Polygons
int Drawing_Random_Filled_Polygons( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
int lineType = 8;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++ )
Point pt[2][3];
pt[0][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[0][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
pt[0][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[0][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
pt[0][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[0][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
pt[1][0].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[1][0].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
pt[1][1].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[1][1].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
pt[1][2].x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
pt[1][2].y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
const Point* ppt[2] = {pt[0], pt[1]};
int npt[] = {3, 3};
fillPoly( image, ppt, npt, 2, randomColor(rng), lineType );
imshow( window_name, image );
if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
{ return -1; }
return 0;
* @function Drawing_Random_Circles
int Drawing_Random_Circles( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
int lineType = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER; i++)
Point center;
center.x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
center.y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
circle( image, center, rng.uniform(0, 300), randomColor(rng),
rng.uniform(-1, 9), lineType );
imshow( window_name, image );
if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
{ return -1; }
return 0;
* @function Displaying_Random_Text
int Displaying_Random_Text( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
int lineType = 8;
for ( int i = 1; i < NUMBER; i++ )
Point org;
org.x = rng.uniform(x_1, x_2);
org.y = rng.uniform(y_1, y_2);
putText( image, "Testing text rendering", org, rng.uniform(0,8),
rng.uniform(0,100)*0.05+0.1, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1, 10), lineType);
imshow( window_name, image );
if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
{ return -1; }
return 0;
* @function Displaying_Big_End
int Displaying_Big_End( Mat image, char* window_name, RNG rng )
Size textsize = getTextSize("OpenCV forever!", CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 3, 5, 0);
Point org((window_width - textsize.width)/2, (window_height - textsize.height)/2);
int lineType = 8;
Mat image2;
for( int i = 0; i < 255; i += 2 )
image2 = image - Scalar::all(i);
putText( image2, "OpenCV forever!", org, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 3,
Scalar(i, i, 255), 5, lineType );
imshow( window_name, image2 );
if( waitKey(DELAY) >= 0 )
{ return -1; }
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* @file LoadSaveImage.cpp
* @brief Sample code that load an image, modify it and save the new image.
* @author OpenCV team
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
using namespace cv;
* @function main
* @brief Self-explanatory
int main( int argc, char** argv )
/// Get the name of the file to be loaded
char* imageName = argv[1];
/// Create a Mat object
Mat image;
/// Load the image using imread
image = imread( imageName, 1 );
/// Verify that the image was loaded
if( argc != 2 || ! )
printf( " No image data \n " );
return -1;
/// Change the image to Grayscale
Mat gray_image;
cvtColor( image, gray_image, CV_RGB2GRAY );
/// Save our gray image
imwrite( "../../images/Gray_Image.png", gray_image );
/// Create a couple of windows and show our images
namedWindow( imageName, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
namedWindow( "Gray image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
imshow( imageName, image );
imshow( "Gray image", gray_image );
/// Wait until user finish the application
return 0;