@ -42,9 +42,8 @@ |
#include "test_precomp.hpp" |
#include "test_precomp.hpp" |
#include "npy_blob.hpp" |
#include <opencv2/dnn/shape_utils.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/dnn/shape_utils.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/core/ocl.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/ts/ocl_test.hpp> |
namespace opencv_test { namespace { |
namespace opencv_test { namespace { |
@ -66,238 +65,136 @@ TEST(Test_Darknet, read_yolo_voc) |
ASSERT_FALSE(net.empty()); |
ASSERT_FALSE(net.empty()); |
} |
} |
OCL_TEST(Reproducibility_TinyYoloVoc, Accuracy) |
// Test object detection network from Darknet framework.
static void testDarknetModel(const std::string& cfg, const std::string& weights, |
const std::vector<cv::String>& outNames, |
const std::vector<int>& refClassIds, |
const std::vector<float>& refConfidences, |
const std::vector<Rect2f>& refBoxes, |
int targetId, float confThreshold = 0.24) |
{ |
{ |
Net net; |
Mat sample = imread(_tf("dog416.png")); |
Mat inp = blobFromImage(sample, 1.0/255, Size(416, 416), Scalar(), true, false); |
Net net = readNet(findDataFile("dnn/" + cfg, false), |
findDataFile("dnn/" + weights, false)); |
net.setPreferableTarget(targetId); |
net.setInput(inp); |
std::vector<Mat> outs; |
net.forward(outs, outNames); |
std::vector<int> classIds; |
std::vector<float> confidences; |
std::vector<Rect2f> boxes; |
for (int i = 0; i < outs.size(); ++i) |
{ |
{ |
const string cfg = findDataFile("dnn/tiny-yolo-voc.cfg", false); |
Mat& out = outs[i]; |
const string model = findDataFile("dnn/tiny-yolo-voc.weights", false); |
for (int j = 0; j < out.rows; ++j) |
net = readNetFromDarknet(cfg, model); |
{ |
ASSERT_FALSE(net.empty()); |
Mat scores = out.row(j).colRange(5, out.cols); |
double confidence; |
Point maxLoc; |
minMaxLoc(scores, 0, &confidence, 0, &maxLoc); |
if (confidence > confThreshold) |
{ |
float* detection = out.ptr<float>(j); |
float centerX = detection[0]; |
float centerY = detection[1]; |
float width = detection[2]; |
float height = detection[3]; |
boxes.push_back(Rect2f(centerX - 0.5 * width, centerY - 0.5 * height, |
width, height)); |
confidences.push_back(confidence); |
classIds.push_back(maxLoc.x); |
} |
} |
net.setPreferableBackend(DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT); |
net.setPreferableTarget(DNN_TARGET_OPENCL); |
// dog416.png is dog.jpg that resized to 416x416 in the lossless PNG format
Mat sample = imread(_tf("dog416.png")); |
ASSERT_TRUE(!sample.empty()); |
Size inputSize(416, 416); |
if (sample.size() != inputSize) |
resize(sample, sample, inputSize); |
net.setInput(blobFromImage(sample, 1 / 255.F), "data"); |
Mat out = net.forward("detection_out"); |
Mat detection; |
const float confidenceThreshold = 0.24; |
for (int i = 0; i < out.rows; i++) { |
const int probability_index = 5; |
const int probability_size = out.cols - probability_index; |
float *prob_array_ptr = &out.at<float>(i, probability_index); |
size_t objectClass = std::max_element(prob_array_ptr, prob_array_ptr + probability_size) - prob_array_ptr; |
float confidence = out.at<float>(i, (int)objectClass + probability_index); |
if (confidence > confidenceThreshold) |
detection.push_back(out.row(i)); |
} |
} |
// obtained by: ./darknet detector test ./cfg/voc.data ./cfg/tiny-yolo-voc.cfg ./tiny-yolo-voc.weights -thresh 0.24 ./dog416.png
// There are 2 objects (6-car, 11-dog) with 25 values for each:
// { relative_center_x, relative_center_y, relative_width, relative_height, unused_t0, probability_for_each_class[20] }
float ref_array[] = { |
0.736762F, 0.239551F, 0.315440F, 0.160779F, 0.761977F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.761967F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.287486F, 0.653731F, 0.315579F, 0.534527F, 0.782737F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.780595F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F |
}; |
const int number_of_objects = 2; |
Mat ref(number_of_objects, sizeof(ref_array) / (number_of_objects * sizeof(float)), CV_32FC1, &ref_array); |
normAssert(ref, detection); |
} |
TEST(Reproducibility_TinyYoloVoc, Accuracy) |
{ |
Net net; |
{ |
const string cfg = findDataFile("dnn/tiny-yolo-voc.cfg", false); |
const string model = findDataFile("dnn/tiny-yolo-voc.weights", false); |
net = readNetFromDarknet(cfg, model); |
ASSERT_FALSE(net.empty()); |
} |
} |
// dog416.png is dog.jpg that resized to 416x416 in the lossless PNG format
ASSERT_EQ(classIds.size(), refClassIds.size()); |
Mat sample = imread(_tf("dog416.png")); |
ASSERT_EQ(confidences.size(), refConfidences.size()); |
ASSERT_TRUE(!sample.empty()); |
ASSERT_EQ(boxes.size(), refBoxes.size()); |
for (int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); ++i) |
Size inputSize(416, 416); |
{ |
ASSERT_EQ(classIds[i], refClassIds[i]); |
if (sample.size() != inputSize) |
ASSERT_LE(std::abs(confidences[i] - refConfidences[i]), 1e-4); |
resize(sample, sample, inputSize); |
float iou = (boxes[i] & refBoxes[i]).area() / (boxes[i] | refBoxes[i]).area(); |
ASSERT_LE(std::abs(iou - 1.0f), 1e-4); |
net.setInput(blobFromImage(sample, 1 / 255.F), "data"); |
Mat out = net.forward("detection_out"); |
Mat detection; |
const float confidenceThreshold = 0.24; |
for (int i = 0; i < out.rows; i++) { |
const int probability_index = 5; |
const int probability_size = out.cols - probability_index; |
float *prob_array_ptr = &out.at<float>(i, probability_index); |
size_t objectClass = std::max_element(prob_array_ptr, prob_array_ptr + probability_size) - prob_array_ptr; |
float confidence = out.at<float>(i, (int)objectClass + probability_index); |
if (confidence > confidenceThreshold) |
detection.push_back(out.row(i)); |
} |
} |
} |
// obtained by: ./darknet detector test ./cfg/voc.data ./cfg/tiny-yolo-voc.cfg ./tiny-yolo-voc.weights -thresh 0.24 ./dog416.png
typedef testing::TestWithParam<DNNTarget> Test_Darknet_nets; |
// There are 2 objects (6-car, 11-dog) with 25 values for each:
// { relative_center_x, relative_center_y, relative_width, relative_height, unused_t0, probability_for_each_class[20] }
float ref_array[] = { |
0.736762F, 0.239551F, 0.315440F, 0.160779F, 0.761977F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.761967F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.287486F, 0.653731F, 0.315579F, 0.534527F, 0.782737F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.780595F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F |
}; |
const int number_of_objects = 2; |
Mat ref(number_of_objects, sizeof(ref_array) / (number_of_objects * sizeof(float)), CV_32FC1, &ref_array); |
normAssert(ref, detection); |
TEST_P(Test_Darknet_nets, YoloVoc) |
{ |
int targetId = GetParam(); |
std::vector<cv::String> outNames(1, "detection_out"); |
std::vector<int> classIds(3); |
std::vector<float> confidences(3); |
std::vector<Rect2f> boxes(3); |
classIds[0] = 6; confidences[0] = 0.750469f; boxes[0] = Rect2f(0.577374, 0.127391, 0.325575, 0.173418); // a car
classIds[1] = 1; confidences[1] = 0.780879f; boxes[1] = Rect2f(0.270762, 0.264102, 0.461713, 0.48131); // a bycicle
classIds[2] = 11; confidences[2] = 0.901615f; boxes[2] = Rect2f(0.1386, 0.338509, 0.282737, 0.60028); // a dog
testDarknetModel("yolo-voc.cfg", "yolo-voc.weights", outNames, |
classIds, confidences, boxes, targetId); |
} |
} |
OCL_TEST(Reproducibility_YoloVoc, Accuracy) |
TEST_P(Test_Darknet_nets, TinyYoloVoc) |
{ |
{ |
Net net; |
int targetId = GetParam(); |
{ |
std::vector<cv::String> outNames(1, "detection_out"); |
const string cfg = findDataFile("dnn/yolo-voc.cfg", false); |
std::vector<int> classIds(2); |
const string model = findDataFile("dnn/yolo-voc.weights", false); |
std::vector<float> confidences(2); |
net = readNetFromDarknet(cfg, model); |
std::vector<Rect2f> boxes(2); |
ASSERT_FALSE(net.empty()); |
classIds[0] = 6; confidences[0] = 0.761967f; boxes[0] = Rect2f(0.579042, 0.159161, 0.31544, 0.160779); // a car
} |
classIds[1] = 11; confidences[1] = 0.780595f; boxes[1] = Rect2f(0.129696, 0.386467, 0.315579, 0.534527); // a dog
testDarknetModel("tiny-yolo-voc.cfg", "tiny-yolo-voc.weights", outNames, |
net.setPreferableBackend(DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT); |
classIds, confidences, boxes, targetId); |
net.setPreferableTarget(DNN_TARGET_OPENCL); |
// dog416.png is dog.jpg that resized to 416x416 in the lossless PNG format
Mat sample = imread(_tf("dog416.png")); |
ASSERT_TRUE(!sample.empty()); |
Size inputSize(416, 416); |
if (sample.size() != inputSize) |
resize(sample, sample, inputSize); |
net.setInput(blobFromImage(sample, 1 / 255.F), "data"); |
Mat out = net.forward("detection_out"); |
Mat detection; |
const float confidenceThreshold = 0.24; |
for (int i = 0; i < out.rows; i++) { |
const int probability_index = 5; |
const int probability_size = out.cols - probability_index; |
float *prob_array_ptr = &out.at<float>(i, probability_index); |
size_t objectClass = std::max_element(prob_array_ptr, prob_array_ptr + probability_size) - prob_array_ptr; |
float confidence = out.at<float>(i, (int)objectClass + probability_index); |
if (confidence > confidenceThreshold) |
detection.push_back(out.row(i)); |
} |
// obtained by: ./darknet detector test ./cfg/voc.data ./cfg/yolo-voc.cfg ./yolo-voc.weights -thresh 0.24 ./dog416.png
// There are 3 objects (6-car, 1-bicycle, 11-dog) with 25 values for each:
// { relative_center_x, relative_center_y, relative_width, relative_height, unused_t0, probability_for_each_class[20] }
float ref_array[] = { |
0.740161F, 0.214100F, 0.325575F, 0.173418F, 0.750769F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.750469F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.501618F, 0.504757F, 0.461713F, 0.481310F, 0.783550F, 0.000000F, 0.780879F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.279968F, 0.638651F, 0.282737F, 0.600284F, 0.901864F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.901615F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F |
}; |
const int number_of_objects = 3; |
Mat ref(number_of_objects, sizeof(ref_array) / (number_of_objects * sizeof(float)), CV_32FC1, &ref_array); |
normAssert(ref, detection); |
} |
} |
TEST(Reproducibility_YoloVoc, Accuracy) |
TEST_P(Test_Darknet_nets, YOLOv3) |
{ |
{ |
Net net; |
int targetId = GetParam(); |
{ |
std::vector<cv::String> outNames(3); |
const string cfg = findDataFile("dnn/yolo-voc.cfg", false); |
outNames[0] = "yolo_82"; |
const string model = findDataFile("dnn/yolo-voc.weights", false); |
outNames[1] = "yolo_94"; |
net = readNetFromDarknet(cfg, model); |
outNames[2] = "yolo_106"; |
ASSERT_FALSE(net.empty()); |
} |
std::vector<int> classIds(3); |
std::vector<float> confidences(3); |
// dog416.png is dog.jpg that resized to 416x416 in the lossless PNG format
std::vector<Rect2f> boxes(3); |
Mat sample = imread(_tf("dog416.png")); |
classIds[0] = 7; confidences[0] = 0.952983f; boxes[0] = Rect2f(0.614622, 0.150257, 0.286747, 0.138994); // a truck
ASSERT_TRUE(!sample.empty()); |
classIds[1] = 1; confidences[1] = 0.987908f; boxes[1] = Rect2f(0.150913, 0.221933, 0.591342, 0.524327); // a bycicle
classIds[2] = 16; confidences[2] = 0.998836f; boxes[2] = Rect2f(0.160024, 0.389964, 0.257861, 0.553752); // a dog (COCO)
Size inputSize(416, 416); |
testDarknetModel("yolov3.cfg", "yolov3.weights", outNames, |
classIds, confidences, boxes, targetId); |
if (sample.size() != inputSize) |
} |
resize(sample, sample, inputSize); |
net.setInput(blobFromImage(sample, 1 / 255.F), "data"); |
Mat out = net.forward("detection_out"); |
Mat detection; |
const float confidenceThreshold = 0.24; |
for (int i = 0; i < out.rows; i++) { |
const int probability_index = 5; |
const int probability_size = out.cols - probability_index; |
float *prob_array_ptr = &out.at<float>(i, probability_index); |
size_t objectClass = std::max_element(prob_array_ptr, prob_array_ptr + probability_size) - prob_array_ptr; |
float confidence = out.at<float>(i, (int)objectClass + probability_index); |
if (confidence > confidenceThreshold) |
detection.push_back(out.row(i)); |
} |
// obtained by: ./darknet detector test ./cfg/voc.data ./cfg/yolo-voc.cfg ./yolo-voc.weights -thresh 0.24 ./dog416.png
// There are 3 objects (6-car, 1-bicycle, 11-dog) with 25 values for each:
// { relative_center_x, relative_center_y, relative_width, relative_height, unused_t0, probability_for_each_class[20] }
float ref_array[] = { |
0.740161F, 0.214100F, 0.325575F, 0.173418F, 0.750769F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.750469F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.501618F, 0.504757F, 0.461713F, 0.481310F, 0.783550F, 0.000000F, 0.780879F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Test_Darknet_nets, availableDnnTargets()); |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
0.279968F, 0.638651F, 0.282737F, 0.600284F, 0.901864F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, |
static void testDarknetLayer(const std::string& name, bool hasWeights = false) |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.901615F, |
{ |
0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F, 0.000000F |
std::string cfg = findDataFile("dnn/darknet/" + name + ".cfg", false); |
}; |
std::string model = ""; |
if (hasWeights) |
model = findDataFile("dnn/darknet/" + name + ".weights", false); |
Mat inp = blobFromNPY(findDataFile("dnn/darknet/" + name + "_in.npy", false)); |
Mat ref = blobFromNPY(findDataFile("dnn/darknet/" + name + "_out.npy", false)); |
Net net = readNet(cfg, model); |
net.setInput(inp); |
Mat out = net.forward(); |
normAssert(out, ref); |
} |
const int number_of_objects = 3; |
TEST(Test_Darknet, shortcut) |
Mat ref(number_of_objects, sizeof(ref_array) / (number_of_objects * sizeof(float)), CV_32FC1, &ref_array); |
{ |
testDarknetLayer("shortcut"); |
} |
normAssert(ref, detection); |
TEST(Test_Darknet, upsample) |
{ |
testDarknetLayer("upsample"); |
} |
} |
}} // namespace
}} // namespace