@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Element-wise binary and unary operations. |
@ref v_shl, @ref v_shr |
- Bitwise logic: |
@ref operator &(const v_reg &a, const v_reg &b) "&", |
@ref operator&(const v_reg &a, const v_reg &b) "&", |
@ref operator |(const v_reg &a, const v_reg &b) "|", |
@ref operator ^(const v_reg &a, const v_reg &b) "^", |
@ref operator ~(const v_reg &a) "~" |
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Element-wise binary and unary operations. |
@ref operator >=(const v_reg &a, const v_reg &b) ">=", |
@ref operator <(const v_reg &a, const v_reg &b) "<", |
@ref operator <=(const v_reg &a, const v_reg &b) "<=", |
@ref operator ==(const v_reg &a, const v_reg &b) "==", |
@ref operator==(const v_reg &a, const v_reg &b) "==", |
@ref operator !=(const v_reg &a, const v_reg &b) "!=" |
- min/max: @ref v_min, @ref v_max |