@ -40,11 +40,8 @@
# include "precomp.hpp"
# include <vector>
using namespace cv ;
// Default LSD parameters
// SIGMA_SCALE 0.6 - Sigma for Gaussian filter is computed as sigma = sigma_scale/scale.
@ -54,10 +51,6 @@ using namespace cv;
// DENSITY_TH 0.7 - Minimal density of region points in rectangle.
// N_BINS 1024 - Number of bins in pseudo-ordering of gradient modulus.
// PI
# ifndef M_PI
# define M_PI CV_PI
# endif
# define M_3_2_PI (3 * CV_PI) / 2 // 3/2 pi
# define M_2__PI (2 * CV_PI) // 2 pi
@ -72,7 +65,7 @@ using namespace cv;
const double DEG_TO_RADS = M _PI / 180 ;
const double DEG_TO_RADS = CV _PI / 180 ;
# define log_gamma(x) ((x)>15.0?log_gamma_windschitl(x):log_gamma_lanczos(x))
@ -84,12 +77,14 @@ struct edge
inline double distSq ( const double x1 , const double y1 , const double x2 , const double y2 )
inline double distSq ( const double x1 , const double y1 ,
const double x2 , const double y2 )
return ( x2 - x1 ) * ( x2 - x1 ) + ( y2 - y1 ) * ( y2 - y1 ) ;
inline double dist ( const double x1 , const double y1 , const double x2 , const double y2 )
inline double dist ( const double x1 , const double y1 ,
const double x2 , const double y2 )
return sqrt ( distSq ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) ) ;
@ -163,7 +158,256 @@ inline double log_gamma_lanczos(const double& x)
LSD : : LSD ( int _refine , double _scale , double _sigma_scale , double _quant ,
namespace cv {
class LineSegmentDetectorImpl : public LineSegmentDetector
public :
* Create a LineSegmentDetectorImpl object . Specifying scale , number of subdivisions for the image , should the lines be refined and other constants as follows :
* @ param _refine How should the lines found be refined ?
* LSD_REFINE_NONE - No refinement applied .
* LSD_REFINE_STD - Standard refinement is applied . E . g . breaking arches into smaller line approximations .
* LSD_REFINE_ADV - Advanced refinement . Number of false alarms is calculated ,
* lines are refined through increase of precision , decrement in size , etc .
* @ param _scale The scale of the image that will be used to find the lines . Range ( 0. .1 ] .
* @ param _sigma_scale Sigma for Gaussian filter is computed as sigma = _sigma_scale / _scale .
* @ param _quant Bound to the quantization error on the gradient norm .
* @ param _ang_th Gradient angle tolerance in degrees .
* @ param _log_eps Detection threshold : - log10 ( NFA ) > _log_eps
* @ param _density_th Minimal density of aligned region points in rectangle .
* @ param _n_bins Number of bins in pseudo - ordering of gradient modulus .
LineSegmentDetectorImpl ( int _refine = LSD_REFINE_STD , double _scale = 0.8 ,
double _sigma_scale = 0.6 , double _quant = 2.0 , double _ang_th = 22.5 ,
double _log_eps = 0 , double _density_th = 0.7 , int _n_bins = 1024 ) ;
* Detect lines in the input image with the specified ROI .
* @ param _image A grayscale ( CV_8UC1 ) input image .
* If only a roi needs to be selected , use
* lsd_ptr - > detect ( image ( roi ) , . . . , lines ) ;
* lines + = Scalar ( roi . x , roi . y , roi . x , roi . y ) ;
* @ param _lines Return : A vector of Vec4i elements specifying the beginning and ending point of a line .
* Where Vec4i is ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) , point 1 is the start , point 2 - end .
* Returned lines are strictly oriented depending on the gradient .
* @ param _roi Return : ROI of the image , where lines are to be found . If specified , the returning
* lines coordinates are image wise .
* @ param width Return : Vector of widths of the regions , where the lines are found . E . g . Width of line .
* @ param prec Return : Vector of precisions with which the lines are found .
* @ param nfa Return : Vector containing number of false alarms in the line region , with precision of 10 % .
* The bigger the value , logarithmically better the detection .
* * - 1 corresponds to 10 mean false alarms
* * 0 corresponds to 1 mean false alarm
* * 1 corresponds to 0.1 mean false alarms
* This vector will be calculated _only_ when the objects type is REFINE_ADV
void detect ( const InputArray _image , OutputArray _lines ,
OutputArray width = noArray ( ) , OutputArray prec = noArray ( ) ,
OutputArray nfa = noArray ( ) ) ;
* Draw lines on the given canvas .
* @ param image The image , where lines will be drawn .
* Should have the size of the image , where the lines were found
* @ param lines The lines that need to be drawn
void drawSegments ( InputOutputArray image , const InputArray lines ) ;
* Draw both vectors on the image canvas . Uses blue for lines 1 and red for lines 2.
* @ param image The image , where lines will be drawn .
* Should have the size of the image , where the lines were found
* @ param lines1 The first lines that need to be drawn . Color - Blue .
* @ param lines2 The second lines that need to be drawn . Color - Red .
* @ return The number of mismatching pixels between lines1 and lines2 .
int compareSegments ( const Size & size , const InputArray lines1 , const InputArray lines2 , Mat * image = 0 ) ;
private :
Mat image ;
Mat_ < double > scaled_image ;
double * scaled_image_data ;
Mat_ < double > angles ; // in rads
double * angles_data ;
Mat_ < double > modgrad ;
double * modgrad_data ;
Mat_ < uchar > used ;
int img_width ;
int img_height ;
double LOG_NT ;
bool w_needed ;
bool p_needed ;
bool n_needed ;
const double SCALE ;
const int doRefine ;
const double SIGMA_SCALE ;
const double QUANT ;
const double ANG_TH ;
const double LOG_EPS ;
const double DENSITY_TH ;
const int N_BINS ;
struct RegionPoint {
int x ;
int y ;
uchar * used ;
double angle ;
double modgrad ;
} ;
struct coorlist
Point2i p ;
struct coorlist * next ;
} ;
struct rect
double x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ; // first and second point of the line segment
double width ; // rectangle width
double x , y ; // center of the rectangle
double theta ; // angle
double dx , dy ; // (dx,dy) is vector oriented as the line segment
double prec ; // tolerance angle
double p ; // probability of a point with angle within 'prec'
} ;
* Detect lines in the whole input image .
* @ param lines Return : A vector of Vec4i elements specifying the beginning and ending point of a line .
* Where Vec4i is ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) , point 1 is the start , point 2 - end .
* Returned lines are strictly oriented depending on the gradient .
* @ param widths Return : Vector of widths of the regions , where the lines are found . E . g . Width of line .
* @ param precisions Return : Vector of precisions with which the lines are found .
* @ param nfas Return : Vector containing number of false alarms in the line region , with precision of 10 % .
* The bigger the value , logarithmically better the detection .
* * - 1 corresponds to 10 mean false alarms
* * 0 corresponds to 1 mean false alarm
* * 1 corresponds to 0.1 mean false alarms
void flsd ( std : : vector < Vec4i > & lines ,
std : : vector < double > & widths , std : : vector < double > & precisions ,
std : : vector < double > & nfas ) ;
* Finds the angles and the gradients of the image . Generates a list of pseudo ordered points .
* @ param threshold The minimum value of the angle that is considered defined , otherwise NOTDEF
* @ param n_bins The number of bins with which gradients are ordered by , using bucket sort .
* @ param list Return : Vector of coordinate points that are pseudo ordered by magnitude .
* Pixels would be ordered by norm value , up to a precision given by max_grad / n_bins .
void ll_angle ( const double & threshold , const unsigned int & n_bins , std : : vector < coorlist > & list ) ;
* Grow a region starting from point s with a defined precision ,
* returning the containing points size and the angle of the gradients .
* @ param s Starting point for the region .
* @ param reg Return : Vector of points , that are part of the region
* @ param reg_size Return : The size of the region .
* @ param reg_angle Return : The mean angle of the region .
* @ param prec The precision by which each region angle should be aligned to the mean .
void region_grow ( const Point2i & s , std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg ,
int & reg_size , double & reg_angle , const double & prec ) ;
* Finds the bounding rotated rectangle of a region .
* @ param reg The region of points , from which the rectangle to be constructed from .
* @ param reg_size The number of points in the region .
* @ param reg_angle The mean angle of the region .
* @ param prec The precision by which points were found .
* @ param p Probability of a point with angle within ' prec ' .
* @ param rec Return : The generated rectangle .
void region2rect ( const std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , const int reg_size , const double reg_angle ,
const double prec , const double p , rect & rec ) const ;
* Compute region ' s angle as the principal inertia axis of the region .
* @ return Regions angle .
double get_theta ( const std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , const int & reg_size , const double & x ,
const double & y , const double & reg_angle , const double & prec ) const ;
* An estimation of the angle tolerance is performed by the standard deviation of the angle at points
* near the region ' s starting point . Then , a new region is grown starting from the same point , but using the
* estimated angle tolerance . If this fails to produce a rectangle with the right density of region points ,
* ' reduce_region_radius ' is called to try to satisfy this condition .
bool refine ( std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , int & reg_size , double reg_angle ,
const double prec , double p , rect & rec , const double & density_th ) ;
* Reduce the region size , by elimination the points far from the starting point , until that leads to
* rectangle with the right density of region points or to discard the region if too small .
bool reduce_region_radius ( std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , int & reg_size , double reg_angle ,
const double prec , double p , rect & rec , double density , const double & density_th ) ;
* Try some rectangles variations to improve NFA value . Only if the rectangle is not meaningful ( i . e . , log_nfa < = log_eps ) .
* @ return The new NFA value .
double rect_improve ( rect & rec ) const ;
* Calculates the number of correctly aligned points within the rectangle .
* @ return The new NFA value .
double rect_nfa ( const rect & rec ) const ;
* Computes the NFA values based on the total number of points , points that agree .
* n , k , p are the binomial parameters .
* @ return The new NFA value .
double nfa ( const int & n , const int & k , const double & p ) const ;
* Is the point at place ' address ' aligned to angle theta , up to precision ' prec ' ?
* @ return Whether the point is aligned .
bool isAligned ( const int & address , const double & theta , const double & prec ) const ;
} ;
CV_EXPORTS Ptr < LineSegmentDetector > createLineSegmentDetectorSmrtPtr (
int _refine , double _scale , double _sigma_scale , double _quant , double _ang_th ,
double _log_eps , double _density_th , int _n_bins )
return Ptr < LineSegmentDetector > ( new LineSegmentDetectorImpl (
_refine , _scale , _sigma_scale , _quant , _ang_th ,
_log_eps , _density_th , _n_bins ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS LineSegmentDetector * createLineSegmentDetectorPtr (
int _refine , double _scale , double _sigma_scale , double _quant , double _ang_th ,
double _log_eps , double _density_th , int _n_bins )
return new LineSegmentDetectorImpl (
_refine , _scale , _sigma_scale , _quant , _ang_th ,
_log_eps , _density_th , _n_bins ) ;
LineSegmentDetectorImpl : : LineSegmentDetectorImpl ( int _refine , double _scale , double _sigma_scale , double _quant ,
double _ang_th , double _log_eps , double _density_th , int _n_bins )
: SCALE ( _scale ) , doRefine ( _refine ) , SIGMA_SCALE ( _sigma_scale ) , QUANT ( _quant ) ,
ANG_TH ( _ang_th ) , LOG_EPS ( _log_eps ) , DENSITY_TH ( _density_th ) , N_BINS ( _n_bins )
@ -173,46 +417,35 @@ LSD::LSD(int _refine, double _scale, double _sigma_scale, double _quant,
_n_bins > 0 ) ;
void LSD : : detect ( const cv : : InputArray _image , cv : : OutputArray _lines , cv : : Rect _roi ,
cv : : OutputArray _width , cv : : OutputArray _prec ,
cv : : OutputArray _nfa )
void LineSegmentDetectorImpl : : detect ( const InputArray _image , OutputArray _lines ,
OutputArray _width , OutputArray _prec , OutputArray _nfa )
Mat_ < double > img = _image . getMat ( ) ;
CV_Assert ( ! img . empty ( ) & & img . channels ( ) = = 1 ) ;
// If default, then convert the whole image, else just the specified by roi
roi = _roi ;
if ( roi . area ( ) = = 0 )
img . convertTo ( image , CV_64FC1 ) ;
roix = roi . x ;
roiy = roi . y ;
img ( roi ) . convertTo ( image , CV_64FC1 ) ;
// Convert image to double
img . convertTo ( image , CV_64FC1 ) ;
std : : vector < Vec4i > lines ;
std : : vector < double > * w = ( _width . needed ( ) ) ? ( new std : : vector < double > ( ) ) : 0 ;
std : : vector < double > * p = ( _prec . needed ( ) ) ? ( new std : : vector < double > ( ) ) : 0 ;
std : : vector < double > * n = ( _nfa . needed ( ) ) ? ( new std : : vector < double > ( ) ) : 0 ;
std : : vector < double > w , p , n ;
w_needed = _width . needed ( ) ;
p_needed = _prec . needed ( ) ;
n_needed = _nfa . needed ( ) ;
CV_Assert ( ( ! _nfa . needed ( ) ) | | // NFA InputArray will be filled _only_ when
( _nfa . needed ( ) & & doRefine > = LSD_REFINE_ADV ) ) ; // REFINE_ADV type LineSegmentDetectorImpl object is created.
flsd ( lines , w , p , n ) ;
Mat ( lines ) . copyTo ( _lines ) ;
if ( w ) Mat ( * w ) . copyTo ( _width ) ;
if ( p ) Mat ( * p ) . copyTo ( _prec ) ;
if ( n ) Mat ( * n ) . copyTo ( _nfa ) ;
delete w ;
delete p ;
delete n ;
if ( w_needed ) Mat ( w ) . copyTo ( _width ) ;
if ( p_needed ) Mat ( p ) . copyTo ( _prec ) ;
if ( n_needed ) Mat ( n ) . copyTo ( _nfa ) ;
void LSD : : flsd ( std : : vector < Vec4i > & lines ,
std : : vector < double > * widths , std : : vector < double > * precisions ,
std : : vector < double > * nfas )
void LineSegmentDetectorImpl : : flsd ( std : : vector < Vec4i > & lines ,
std : : vector < double > & widths , std : : vector < double > & precisions ,
std : : vector < double > & nfas )
// Angle tolerance
const double prec = M_PI * ANG_TH / 180 ;
@ -293,19 +526,12 @@ void LSD::flsd(std::vector<Vec4i>& lines,
rec . width / = SCALE ;
if ( roi . area ( ) ) // if a roi has been given by the user, adjust coordinates
rec . x1 + = roix ;
rec . y1 + = roiy ;
rec . x2 + = roix ;
rec . y2 + = roiy ;
//Store the relevant data
lines . push_back ( Vec4i ( int ( rec . x1 ) , int ( rec . y1 ) , int ( rec . x2 ) , int ( rec . y2 ) ) ) ;
if ( widths ) widths - > push_back ( rec . width ) ;
if ( precisions ) precisions - > push_back ( rec . p ) ;
if ( nfas & & doRefine > = LSD_REFINE_ADV ) nfas - > push_back ( log_nfa ) ;
if ( w_needed ) widths . push_back ( rec . width ) ;
if ( p_needed ) precisions . push_back ( rec . p ) ;
if ( n_needed & & doRefine > = LSD_REFINE_ADV ) nfas . push_back ( log_nfa ) ;
// //Add the linesID to the region on the image
// for(unsigned int el = 0; el < reg_size; el++)
@ -316,11 +542,13 @@ void LSD::flsd(std::vector<Vec4i>& lines,
void LSD : : ll_angle ( const double & threshold , const unsigned int & n_bins , std : : vector < coorlist > & list )
void LineSegmentDetectorImpl : : ll_angle ( const double & threshold ,
const unsigned int & n_bins ,
std : : vector < coorlist > & list )
//Initialize data
angles = cv : : Mat_ < double > ( scaled_image . size ( ) ) ;
modgrad = cv : : Mat_ < double > ( scaled_image . size ( ) ) ;
angles = Mat_ < double > ( scaled_image . size ( ) ) ;
modgrad = Mat_ < double > ( scaled_image . size ( ) ) ;
angles_data = angles . ptr < double > ( 0 ) ;
modgrad_data = modgrad . ptr < double > ( 0 ) ;
@ -357,7 +585,7 @@ void LSD::ll_angle(const double& threshold, const unsigned int& n_bins, std::vec
angles_data [ addr ] = cv : : fastAtan2 ( float ( gx ) , float ( - gy ) ) * DEG_TO_RADS ; // gradient angle computation
angles_data [ addr ] = fastAtan2 ( float ( gx ) , float ( - gy ) ) * DEG_TO_RADS ; // gradient angle computation
if ( norm > max_grad ) { max_grad = norm ; }
@ -389,7 +617,7 @@ void LSD::ll_angle(const double& threshold, const unsigned int& n_bins, std::vec
range_e [ i ] = & list [ count ] ;
+ + count ;
range_e [ i ] - > p = cv : : Point ( x , y ) ;
range_e [ i ] - > p = Point ( x , y ) ;
range_e [ i ] - > next = 0 ;
@ -413,8 +641,8 @@ void LSD::ll_angle(const double& threshold, const unsigned int& n_bins, std::vec
void LSD : : region_grow ( const cv : : Point2i & s , std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg ,
int & reg_size , double & reg_angle , const double & prec )
void Line Segment DetectorImpl : : region_grow ( const Point2i & s , std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg ,
int & reg_size , double & reg_angle , const double & prec )
// Point to this region
reg_size = 1 ;
@ -459,15 +687,15 @@ void LSD::region_grow(const cv::Point2i& s, std::vector<RegionPoint>& reg,
sumdx + = cos ( float ( angle ) ) ;
sumdy + = sin ( float ( angle ) ) ;
// reg_angle is used in the isAligned, so it needs to be updates?
reg_angle = cv : : fastAtan2 ( sumdy , sumdx ) * DEG_TO_RADS ;
reg_angle = fastAtan2 ( sumdy , sumdx ) * DEG_TO_RADS ;
void LSD : : region2rect ( const std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , const int reg_size , const double reg_angl e ,
const double prec , const double p , rect & rec ) const
void Line Segment DetectorImpl : : region2rect ( const std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , const int reg_size ,
const double reg_angle , const double prec , const double p , rect & rec ) const
double x = 0 , y = 0 , sum = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < reg_size ; + + i )
@ -524,8 +752,8 @@ void LSD::region2rect(const std::vector<RegionPoint>& reg, const int reg_size, c
if ( rec . width < 1.0 ) rec . width = 1.0 ;
double LSD : : get_theta ( const std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , const int & reg_size , const double & x ,
const double & y , const double & reg_angle , const double & prec ) const
double Line Segment DetectorImpl : : get_theta ( const std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , const int & reg_size , const double & x ,
const double & y , const double & reg_angle , const double & prec ) const
double Ixx = 0.0 ;
double Iyy = 0.0 ;
@ -552,8 +780,8 @@ double LSD::get_theta(const std::vector<RegionPoint>& reg, const int& reg_size,
// Compute angle
double theta = ( fabs ( Ixx ) > fabs ( Iyy ) ) ?
double ( cv : : fastAtan2 ( float ( lambda - Ixx ) , float ( Ixy ) ) ) :
double ( cv : : fastAtan2 ( float ( Ixy ) , float ( lambda - Iyy ) ) ) ; // in degs
double ( fastAtan2 ( float ( lambda - Ixx ) , float ( Ixy ) ) ) :
double ( fastAtan2 ( float ( Ixy ) , float ( lambda - Iyy ) ) ) ; // in degs
theta * = DEG_TO_RADS ;
// Correct angle by 180 deg if necessary
@ -562,8 +790,8 @@ double LSD::get_theta(const std::vector<RegionPoint>& reg, const int& reg_size,
return theta ;
bool LSD : : refine ( std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , int & reg_size , double reg_angle ,
const double prec , double p , rect & rec , const double & density_th )
bool Line Segment DetectorImpl : : refine ( std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , int & reg_size , double reg_angle ,
const double prec , double p , rect & rec , const double & density_th )
double density = double ( reg_size ) / ( dist ( rec . x1 , rec . y1 , rec . x2 , rec . y2 ) * rec . width ) ;
@ -610,7 +838,7 @@ bool LSD::refine(std::vector<RegionPoint>& reg, int& reg_size, double reg_angle,
bool LSD : : reduce_region_radius ( std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , int & reg_size , double reg_angle ,
bool Line Segment DetectorImpl : : reduce_region_radius ( std : : vector < RegionPoint > & reg , int & reg_size , double reg_angle ,
const double prec , double p , rect & rec , double density , const double & density_th )
// Compute region's radius
@ -642,13 +870,14 @@ bool LSD::reduce_region_radius(std::vector<RegionPoint>& reg, int& reg_size, dou
region2rect ( reg , reg_size , reg_angle , prec , p , rec ) ;
// Re-compute region points density
density = double ( reg_size ) / ( dist ( rec . x1 , rec . y1 , rec . x2 , rec . y2 ) * rec . width ) ;
density = double ( reg_size ) /
( dist ( rec . x1 , rec . y1 , rec . x2 , rec . y2 ) * rec . width ) ;
return true ;
double LSD : : rect_improve ( rect & rec ) const
double Line Segment DetectorImpl : : rect_improve ( rect & rec ) const
double delta = 0.5 ;
double delta_2 = delta / 2.0 ;
@ -752,7 +981,7 @@ double LSD::rect_improve(rect& rec) const
return log_nfa ;
double LSD : : rect_nfa ( const rect & rec ) const
double Line Segment DetectorImpl : : rect_nfa ( const rect & rec ) const
int total_pts = 0 , alg_pts = 0 ;
double half_width = rec . width / 2.0 ;
@ -871,7 +1100,7 @@ double LSD::rect_nfa(const rect& rec) const
return nfa ( total_pts , alg_pts , rec . p ) ;
double LSD : : nfa ( const int & n , const int & k , const double & p ) const
double Line Segment DetectorImpl : : nfa ( const int & n , const int & k , const double & p ) const
// Trivial cases
if ( n = = 0 | | k = = 0 ) { return - LOG_NT ; }
@ -909,7 +1138,7 @@ double LSD::nfa(const int& n, const int& k, const double& p) const
return - log10 ( bin_tail ) - LOG_NT ;
inline bool LSD : : isAligned ( const int & address , const double & theta , const double & prec ) const
inline bool Line Segment DetectorImpl : : isAligned ( const int & address , const double & theta , const double & prec ) const
if ( address < 0 ) { return false ; }
const double & a = angles_data [ address ] ;
@ -928,18 +1157,18 @@ inline bool LSD::isAligned(const int& address, const double& theta, const double
void LSD : : drawSegments ( cv : : Mat & image , const std : : vector < cv : : Vec4i > & lines )
void Line Segment DetectorImpl : : drawSegments ( InputOutputArray _image , const InputArray lines )
CV_Assert ( ! image . empty ( ) & & ( image . channels ( ) = = 1 | | image . channels ( ) = = 3 ) ) ;
CV_Assert ( ! _ image. empty ( ) & & ( _ image. channels ( ) = = 1 | | _ image. channels ( ) = = 3 ) ) ;
Mat gray ;
if ( image . channels ( ) = = 1 )
if ( _ image. channels ( ) = = 1 )
gray = image ;
gray = _ image. getMatRef ( ) ;
else if ( image . channels ( ) = = 3 )
else if ( _ image. channels ( ) = = 3 )
cv : : cv tColor( image , gray , CV_BGR2GRAY ) ;
cvtColor ( _ image, gray , CV_BGR2GRAY ) ;
// Create a 3 channel image in order to draw colored lines
@ -948,38 +1177,47 @@ void LSD::drawSegments(cv::Mat& image, const std::vector<cv::Vec4i>& lines)
planes . push_back ( gray ) ;
planes . push_back ( gray ) ;
merge ( planes , image ) ;
merge ( planes , _image ) ;
Mat _lines ;
_lines = lines . getMat ( ) ;
// Draw segments
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < lines . size ( ) ; + + i )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _ lines. size ( ) . width ; + + i )
Point b ( lines [ i ] [ 0 ] , lines [ i ] [ 1 ] ) ;
Point e ( lines [ i ] [ 2 ] , lines [ i ] [ 3 ] ) ;
line ( image , b , e , Scalar ( 0 , 0 , 255 ) , 1 ) ;
const Vec4i & v = _lines . at < Vec4i > ( i ) ;
Point b ( v [ 0 ] , v [ 1 ] ) ;
Point e ( v [ 2 ] , v [ 3 ] ) ;
line ( _image . getMatRef ( ) , b , e , Scalar ( 0 , 0 , 255 ) , 1 ) ;
int LSD : : compareSegments ( const cv : : Size & size , const std : : vector < cv : : Vec4i > & lines1 , const std : : vector < cv : : Vec4i > lines2 , cv : : Mat * image )
int Line Segment DetectorImpl : : compareSegments ( const Size & size , const InputArray lines1 , const InputArray lines2 , Mat * _ image)
Size sz = size ;
if ( image & & image - > size ( ) ! = size ) sz = image - > size ( ) ;
if ( _ image & & _ image- > size ( ) ! = size ) sz = _ image- > size ( ) ;
CV_Assert ( sz . area ( ) ) ;
Mat_ < uchar > I1 = Mat_ < uchar > : : zeros ( sz ) ;
Mat_ < uchar > I2 = Mat_ < uchar > : : zeros ( sz ) ;
Mat _lines1 ;
Mat _lines2 ;
_lines1 = lines1 . getMat ( ) ;
_lines2 = lines2 . getMat ( ) ;
// Draw segments
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < lines1 . size ( ) ; + + i )
std : : vector < Mat > _lines ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _lines1 . size ( ) . width ; + + i )
Point b ( lines1 [ i ] [ 0 ] , lines1 [ i ] [ 1 ] ) ;
Point e ( lines1 [ i ] [ 2 ] , lines1 [ i ] [ 3 ] ) ;
Point b ( _lines1 . at < Vec4i > ( i ) [ 0 ] , _lines1 . at < Vec4i > ( i ) [ 1 ] ) ;
Point e ( _lines1 . at < Vec4i > ( i ) [ 2 ] , _lines1 . at < Vec4i > ( i ) [ 3 ] ) ;
line ( I1 , b , e , Scalar : : all ( 255 ) , 1 ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < lines2 . size ( ) ; + + i )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _ lines2. size ( ) . width ; + + i )
Point b ( lines2 [ i ] [ 0 ] , lines2 [ i ] [ 1 ] ) ;
Point e ( lines2 [ i ] [ 2 ] , lines2 [ i ] [ 3 ] ) ;
Point b ( _lines2 . at < Vec4i > ( i ) [ 0 ] , _lines2 . at < Vec4i > ( i ) [ 1 ] ) ;
Point e ( _lines2 . at < Vec4i > ( i ) [ 2 ] , _lines2 . at < Vec4i > ( i ) [ 3 ] ) ;
line ( I2 , b , e , Scalar : : all ( 255 ) , 1 ) ;
@ -988,14 +1226,14 @@ int LSD::compareSegments(const cv::Size& size, const std::vector<cv::Vec4i>& lin
bitwise_xor ( I1 , I2 , Ixor ) ;
int N = countNonZero ( Ixor ) ;
if ( image )
if ( _ image)
Mat Ig ;
if ( image - > channels ( ) = = 1 )
if ( _ image- > channels ( ) = = 1 )
cv : : cv tColor( * image , * image , CV_GRAY2BGR ) ;
cvtColor ( * _ image, * _ image, CV_GRAY2BGR ) ;
CV_Assert ( image - > isContinuous ( ) & & I1 . isContinuous ( ) & & I2 . isContinuous ( ) ) ;
CV_Assert ( _ image- > isContinuous ( ) & & I1 . isContinuous ( ) & & I2 . isContinuous ( ) ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < I1 . total ( ) ; + + i )
@ -1003,14 +1241,16 @@ int LSD::compareSegments(const cv::Size& size, const std::vector<cv::Vec4i>& lin
uchar i2 = I2 . data [ i ] ;
if ( i1 | | i2 )
image - > data [ 3 * i + 1 ] = 0 ;
if ( i1 ) image - > data [ 3 * i ] = 255 ;
else image - > data [ 3 * i ] = 0 ;
if ( i2 ) image - > data [ 3 * i + 2 ] = 255 ;
else image - > data [ 3 * i + 2 ] = 0 ;
_ image- > data [ 3 * i + 1 ] = 0 ;
if ( i1 ) _ image- > data [ 3 * i ] = 255 ;
else _ image- > data [ 3 * i ] = 0 ;
if ( i2 ) _ image- > data [ 3 * i + 2 ] = 255 ;
else _ image- > data [ 3 * i + 2 ] = 0 ;
return N ;
} // namespace cv