calib3d: rewrite reprojectImageTo3D using Matx expressions

about the same speed, but significatly more readable
Pavel Rojtberg 8 years ago
parent 7b8e6307f8
commit 94fdd45b75
  1. 48

@ -2780,15 +2780,16 @@ void cv::reprojectImageTo3D( InputArray _disparity,
Mat _3dImage = __3dImage.getMat();
const double bigZ = 10000.;
double q[4][4];
Mat _Q(4, 4, CV_64F, q);
Matx44d _Q;
Q.convertTo(_Q, CV_64F);
int x, cols = disparity.cols;
CV_Assert( cols >= 0 );
std::vector<float> _sbuf(cols+1), _dbuf(cols*3+1);
float* sbuf = &_sbuf[0], *dbuf = &_dbuf[0];
std::vector<float> _sbuf(cols);
std::vector<Vec3f> _dbuf(cols);
float* sbuf = &_sbuf[0];
Vec3f* dbuf = &_dbuf[0];
double minDisparity = FLT_MAX;
// NOTE: here we quietly assume that at least one pixel in the disparity map is not defined.
@ -2798,9 +2799,8 @@ void cv::reprojectImageTo3D( InputArray _disparity,
for( int y = 0; y < disparity.rows; y++ )
float *sptr = sbuf, *dptr = dbuf;
double qx = q[0][1]*y + q[0][3], qy = q[1][1]*y + q[1][3];
double qz = q[2][1]*y + q[2][3], qw = q[3][1]*y + q[3][3];
float* sptr = sbuf;
Vec3f* dptr = dbuf;
if( stype == CV_8UC1 )
@ -2821,42 +2821,36 @@ void cv::reprojectImageTo3D( InputArray _disparity,
sptr[x] = (float)sptr0[x];
sptr = (float*)disparity.ptr<float>(y);
sptr = disparity.ptr<float>(y);
if( dtype == CV_32FC3 )
dptr = _3dImage.ptr<float>(y);
dptr = _3dImage.ptr<Vec3f>(y);
for( x = 0; x < cols; x++, qx += q[0][0], qy += q[1][0], qz += q[2][0], qw += q[3][0] )
for( x = 0; x < cols; x++)
double d = sptr[x];
double iW = 1./(qw + q[3][2]*d);
double X = (qx + q[0][2]*d)*iW;
double Y = (qy + q[1][2]*d)*iW;
double Z = (qz + q[2][2]*d)*iW;
if( fabs(d-minDisparity) <= FLT_EPSILON )
Z = bigZ;
Vec4d homg_pt = _Q*Vec4d(x, y, d, 1.0);
dptr[x] = Vec3d(homg_pt.val);
dptr[x] /= homg_pt[3];
dptr[x*3] = (float)X;
dptr[x*3+1] = (float)Y;
dptr[x*3+2] = (float)Z;
if( fabs(d-minDisparity) <= FLT_EPSILON )
dptr[x][2] = bigZ;
if( dtype == CV_16SC3 )
short* dptr0 = _3dImage.ptr<short>(y);
for( x = 0; x < cols*3; x++ )
Vec3s* dptr0 = _3dImage.ptr<Vec3s>(y);
for( x = 0; x < cols; x++ )
int ival = cvRound(dptr[x]);
dptr0[x] = cv::saturate_cast<short>(ival);
dptr0[x] = dptr[x];
else if( dtype == CV_32SC3 )
int* dptr0 = _3dImage.ptr<int>(y);
for( x = 0; x < cols*3; x++ )
Vec3i* dptr0 = _3dImage.ptr<Vec3i>(y);
for( x = 0; x < cols; x++ )
int ival = cvRound(dptr[x]);
dptr0[x] = ival;
dptr0[x] = dptr[x];
