@ -1,10 +1,38 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import ctypes
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
from tests_common import NewOpenCVTests
from tests_common import NewOpenCVTests , unittest
def is_numeric ( dtype ) :
return np . issubdtype ( dtype , np . integer ) or np . issubdtype ( dtype , np . floating )
def get_limits ( dtype ) :
if not is_numeric ( dtype ) :
return None , None
if np . issubdtype ( dtype , np . integer ) :
info = np . iinfo ( dtype )
else :
info = np . finfo ( dtype )
return info . min , info . max
def get_conversion_error_msg ( value , expected , actual ) :
return ' Conversion " {} " of type " {} " failed \n Expected: " {} " vs Actual " {} " ' . format (
value , type ( value ) . __name__ , expected , actual
def get_no_exception_msg ( value ) :
return ' Exception is not risen for {} of type {} ' . format ( value , type ( value ) . __name__ )
class Bindings ( NewOpenCVTests ) :
@ -18,7 +46,6 @@ class Bindings(NewOpenCVTests):
boost . getMaxDepth ( ) # from ml::DTrees
boost . isClassifier ( ) # from ml::StatModel
def test_redirectError ( self ) :
try :
cv . imshow ( " " , None ) # This causes an assert
@ -27,6 +54,7 @@ class Bindings(NewOpenCVTests):
handler_called = [ False ]
def test_error_handler ( status , func_name , err_msg , file_name , line ) :
handler_called [ 0 ] = True
@ -48,6 +76,18 @@ class Bindings(NewOpenCVTests):
class Arguments ( NewOpenCVTests ) :
def _try_to_convert ( self , conversion , value ) :
try :
result = conversion ( value ) . lower ( )
except Exception as e :
self . fail (
' {} " {} " is risen for conversion {} of type {} ' . format (
type ( e ) . __name__ , e , value , type ( value ) . __name__
else :
return result
def test_InputArray ( self ) :
res1 = cv . utils . dumpInputArray ( None )
# self.assertEqual(res1, "InputArray: noArray()") # not supported
@ -66,7 +106,6 @@ class Arguments(NewOpenCVTests):
res5 = cv . utils . dumpInputArray ( a ) # 64FC2
self . assertEqual ( res5 , " InputArray: empty()=false kind=0x00010000 flags=0x01010000 total(-1)=3 dims(-1)=2 size(-1)=1x3 type(-1)=CV_64FC2 " )
def test_InputArrayOfArrays ( self ) :
res1 = cv . utils . dumpInputArrayOfArrays ( None )
# self.assertEqual(res1, "InputArray: noArray()") # not supported
@ -83,6 +122,202 @@ class Arguments(NewOpenCVTests):
res4 = cv . utils . dumpInputArrayOfArrays ( [ c , a , b ] )
self . assertEqual ( res4 , " InputArrayOfArrays: empty()=false kind=0x00050000 flags=0x01050000 total(-1)=3 dims(-1)=1 size(-1)=3x1 type(0)=CV_32FC2 dims(0)=2 size(0)=3x1 type(0)=CV_32FC2 " )
def test_parse_to_bool_convertible ( self ) :
try_to_convert = partial ( self . _try_to_convert , cv . utils . dumpBool )
for convertible_true in ( True , 1 , 64 , np . bool ( 1 ) , np . int8 ( 123 ) , np . int16 ( 11 ) , np . int32 ( 2 ) ,
np . int64 ( 1 ) , np . bool_ ( 3 ) , np . bool8 ( 12 ) ) :
actual = try_to_convert ( convertible_true )
self . assertEqual ( ' bool: true ' , actual ,
msg = get_conversion_error_msg ( convertible_true , ' bool: true ' , actual ) )
for convertible_false in ( False , 0 , np . uint8 ( 0 ) , np . bool_ ( 0 ) , np . int_ ( 0 ) ) :
actual = try_to_convert ( convertible_false )
self . assertEqual ( ' bool: false ' , actual ,
msg = get_conversion_error_msg ( convertible_false , ' bool: false ' , actual ) )
def test_parse_to_bool_not_convertible ( self ) :
for not_convertible in ( 1.2 , np . float ( 2.3 ) , ' s ' , ' str ' , ( 1 , 2 ) , [ 1 , 2 ] , complex ( 1 , 1 ) , None ,
complex ( imag = 2 ) , complex ( 1.1 ) , np . array ( [ 1 , 0 ] , dtype = np . bool ) ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ( TypeError , OverflowError ) ,
msg = get_no_exception_msg ( not_convertible ) ) :
_ = cv . utils . dumpBool ( not_convertible )
@unittest . skip ( ' Wrong conversion behavior ' )
def test_parse_to_bool_convertible_extra ( self ) :
try_to_convert = partial ( self . _try_to_convert , cv . utils . dumpBool )
_ , max_size_t = get_limits ( ctypes . c_size_t )
for convertible_true in ( - 1 , max_size_t ) :
actual = try_to_convert ( convertible_true )
self . assertEqual ( ' bool: true ' , actual ,
msg = get_conversion_error_msg ( convertible_true , ' bool: true ' , actual ) )
@unittest . skip ( ' Wrong conversion behavior ' )
def test_parse_to_bool_not_convertible_extra ( self ) :
for not_convertible in ( np . array ( [ False ] ) , np . array ( [ True ] , dtype = np . bool ) ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ( TypeError , OverflowError ) ,
msg = get_no_exception_msg ( not_convertible ) ) :
_ = cv . utils . dumpBool ( not_convertible )
def test_parse_to_int_convertible ( self ) :
try_to_convert = partial ( self . _try_to_convert , cv . utils . dumpInt )
min_int , max_int = get_limits ( ctypes . c_int )
for convertible in ( - 10 , - 1 , 2 , int ( 43.2 ) , np . uint8 ( 15 ) , np . int8 ( 33 ) , np . int16 ( - 13 ) ,
np . int32 ( 4 ) , np . int64 ( 345 ) , ( 23 ) , min_int , max_int , np . int_ ( 33 ) ) :
expected = ' int: {0:d} ' . format ( convertible )
actual = try_to_convert ( convertible )
self . assertEqual ( expected , actual ,
msg = get_conversion_error_msg ( convertible , expected , actual ) )
def test_parse_to_int_not_convertible ( self ) :
min_int , max_int = get_limits ( ctypes . c_int )
for not_convertible in ( 1.2 , np . float ( 4 ) , float ( 3 ) , np . double ( 45 ) , ' s ' , ' str ' ,
np . array ( [ 1 , 2 ] ) , ( 1 , ) , [ 1 , 2 ] , min_int - 1 , max_int + 1 ,
complex ( 1 , 1 ) , complex ( imag = 2 ) , complex ( 1.1 ) , None ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ( TypeError , OverflowError , ValueError ) ,
msg = get_no_exception_msg ( not_convertible ) ) :
_ = cv . utils . dumpInt ( not_convertible )
@unittest . skip ( ' Wrong conversion behavior ' )
def test_parse_to_int_not_convertible_extra ( self ) :
for not_convertible in ( np . bool_ ( True ) , True , False , np . float32 ( 2.3 ) ,
np . array ( [ 3 , ] , dtype = int ) , np . array ( [ - 2 , ] , dtype = np . int32 ) ,
np . array ( [ 1 , ] , dtype = np . int ) , np . array ( [ 11 , ] , dtype = np . uint8 ) ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ( TypeError , OverflowError ) ,
msg = get_no_exception_msg ( not_convertible ) ) :
_ = cv . utils . dumpInt ( not_convertible )
def test_parse_to_size_t_convertible ( self ) :
try_to_convert = partial ( self . _try_to_convert , cv . utils . dumpSizeT )
_ , max_uint = get_limits ( ctypes . c_uint )
for convertible in ( 2 , True , False , max_uint , ( 12 ) , np . uint8 ( 34 ) , np . int8 ( 12 ) , np . int16 ( 23 ) ,
np . int32 ( 123 ) , np . int64 ( 344 ) , np . uint64 ( 3 ) , np . uint16 ( 2 ) , np . uint32 ( 5 ) ,
np . uint ( 44 ) ) :
expected = ' size_t: {0:d} ' . format ( convertible ) . lower ( )
actual = try_to_convert ( convertible )
self . assertEqual ( expected , actual ,
msg = get_conversion_error_msg ( convertible , expected , actual ) )
def test_parse_to_size_t_not_convertible ( self ) :
for not_convertible in ( 1.2 , np . float ( 4 ) , float ( 3 ) , np . double ( 45 ) , ' s ' , ' str ' ,
np . array ( [ 1 , 2 ] ) , ( 1 , ) , [ 1 , 2 ] , np . float64 ( 6 ) , complex ( 1 , 1 ) ,
complex ( imag = 2 ) , complex ( 1.1 ) , None ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ( TypeError , OverflowError ) ,
msg = get_no_exception_msg ( not_convertible ) ) :
_ = cv . utils . dumpSizeT ( not_convertible )
@unittest . skip ( ' Wrong conversion behavior ' )
def test_parse_to_size_t_convertible_extra ( self ) :
try_to_convert = partial ( self . _try_to_convert , cv . utils . dumpSizeT )
_ , max_size_t = get_limits ( ctypes . c_size_t )
for convertible in ( max_size_t , ) :
expected = ' size_t: {0:d} ' . format ( convertible ) . lower ( )
actual = try_to_convert ( convertible )
self . assertEqual ( expected , actual ,
msg = get_conversion_error_msg ( convertible , expected , actual ) )
@unittest . skip ( ' Wrong conversion behavior ' )
def test_parse_to_size_t_not_convertible_extra ( self ) :
for not_convertible in ( np . bool_ ( True ) , True , False , np . array ( [ 123 , ] , dtype = np . uint8 ) , ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ( TypeError , OverflowError ) ,
msg = get_no_exception_msg ( not_convertible ) ) :
_ = cv . utils . dumpSizeT ( not_convertible )
def test_parse_to_float_convertible ( self ) :
try_to_convert = partial ( self . _try_to_convert , cv . utils . dumpFloat )
min_float , max_float = get_limits ( ctypes . c_float )
for convertible in ( 2 , - 13 , 1.24 , float ( 32 ) , np . float ( 32.45 ) , np . double ( 12.23 ) ,
np . float32 ( - 12.3 ) , np . float64 ( 3.22 ) , np . float_ ( - 1.5 ) , min_float ,
max_float , np . inf , - np . inf , float ( ' Inf ' ) , - float ( ' Inf ' ) ,
np . double ( np . inf ) , np . double ( - np . inf ) , np . double ( float ( ' Inf ' ) ) ,
np . double ( - float ( ' Inf ' ) ) ) :
expected = ' Float: {0:.2f} ' . format ( convertible ) . lower ( )
actual = try_to_convert ( convertible )
self . assertEqual ( expected , actual ,
msg = get_conversion_error_msg ( convertible , expected , actual ) )
# Workaround for Windows NaN tests due to Visual C runtime
# special floating point values (indefinite NaN)
for nan in ( float ( ' NaN ' ) , np . nan , np . float32 ( np . nan ) , np . double ( np . nan ) ,
np . double ( float ( ' NaN ' ) ) ) :
actual = try_to_convert ( nan )
self . assertIn ( ' nan ' , actual , msg = " Can ' t convert nan of type {} to float. "
" Actual: {} " . format ( type ( nan ) . __name__ , actual ) )
min_double , max_double = get_limits ( ctypes . c_double )
for inf in ( min_float * 10 , max_float * 10 , min_double , max_double ) :
expected = ' float: {} inf ' . format ( ' - ' if inf < 0 else ' ' )
actual = try_to_convert ( inf )
self . assertEqual ( expected , actual ,
msg = get_conversion_error_msg ( inf , expected , actual ) )
def test_parse_to_float_not_convertible ( self ) :
for not_convertible in ( ' s ' , ' str ' , ( 12 , ) , [ 1 , 2 ] , None , np . array ( [ 1 , 2 ] , dtype = np . float ) ,
np . array ( [ 1 , 2 ] , dtype = np . double ) , complex ( 1 , 1 ) , complex ( imag = 2 ) ,
complex ( 1.1 ) ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ( TypeError ) , msg = get_no_exception_msg ( not_convertible ) ) :
_ = cv . utils . dumpFloat ( not_convertible )
@unittest . skip ( ' Wrong conversion behavior ' )
def test_parse_to_float_not_convertible_extra ( self ) :
for not_convertible in ( np . bool_ ( False ) , True , False , np . array ( [ 123 , ] , dtype = int ) ,
np . array ( [ 1. , ] ) , np . array ( [ False ] ) ,
np . array ( [ True ] , dtype = np . bool ) ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ( TypeError , OverflowError ) ,
msg = get_no_exception_msg ( not_convertible ) ) :
_ = cv . utils . dumpFloat ( not_convertible )
def test_parse_to_double_convertible ( self ) :
try_to_convert = partial ( self . _try_to_convert , cv . utils . dumpDouble )
min_float , max_float = get_limits ( ctypes . c_float )
min_double , max_double = get_limits ( ctypes . c_double )
for convertible in ( 2 , - 13 , 1.24 , np . float ( 32.45 ) , float ( 2 ) , np . double ( 12.23 ) ,
np . float32 ( - 12.3 ) , np . float64 ( 3.22 ) , np . float_ ( - 1.5 ) , min_float ,
max_float , min_double , max_double , np . inf , - np . inf , float ( ' Inf ' ) ,
- float ( ' Inf ' ) , np . double ( np . inf ) , np . double ( - np . inf ) ,
np . double ( float ( ' Inf ' ) ) , np . double ( - float ( ' Inf ' ) ) ) :
expected = ' Double: {0:.2f} ' . format ( convertible ) . lower ( )
actual = try_to_convert ( convertible )
self . assertEqual ( expected , actual ,
msg = get_conversion_error_msg ( convertible , expected , actual ) )
# Workaround for Windows NaN tests due to Visual C runtime
# special floating point values (indefinite NaN)
for nan in ( float ( ' NaN ' ) , np . nan , np . double ( np . nan ) ,
np . double ( float ( ' NaN ' ) ) ) :
actual = try_to_convert ( nan )
self . assertIn ( ' nan ' , actual , msg = " Can ' t convert nan of type {} to double. "
" Actual: {} " . format ( type ( nan ) . __name__ , actual ) )
def test_parse_to_double_not_convertible ( self ) :
for not_convertible in ( ' s ' , ' str ' , ( 12 , ) , [ 1 , 2 ] , None , np . array ( [ 1 , 2 ] , dtype = np . float ) ,
np . array ( [ 1 , 2 ] , dtype = np . double ) , complex ( 1 , 1 ) , complex ( imag = 2 ) ,
complex ( 1.1 ) ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ( TypeError ) , msg = get_no_exception_msg ( not_convertible ) ) :
_ = cv . utils . dumpDouble ( not_convertible )
@unittest . skip ( ' Wrong conversion behavior ' )
def test_parse_to_double_not_convertible_extra ( self ) :
for not_convertible in ( np . bool_ ( False ) , True , False , np . array ( [ 123 , ] , dtype = int ) ,
np . array ( [ 1. , ] ) , np . array ( [ False ] ) ,
np . array ( [ 12.4 ] , dtype = np . double ) , np . array ( [ True ] , dtype = np . bool ) ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ( TypeError , OverflowError ) ,
msg = get_no_exception_msg ( not_convertible ) ) :
_ = cv . utils . dumpDouble ( not_convertible )
def test_parse_to_cstring_convertible ( self ) :
try_to_convert = partial ( self . _try_to_convert , cv . utils . dumpCString )
for convertible in ( ' s ' , ' str ' , str ( 123 ) , ( ' char ' ) , np . str ( ' test1 ' ) , np . str_ ( ' test2 ' ) ) :
expected = ' string: ' + convertible
actual = try_to_convert ( convertible )
self . assertEqual ( expected , actual ,
msg = get_conversion_error_msg ( convertible , expected , actual ) )
def test_parse_to_cstring_not_convertible ( self ) :
for not_convertible in ( ( 12 , ) , ( ' t ' , ' e ' , ' s ' , ' t ' ) , np . array ( [ ' 123 ' , ] ) ,
np . array ( [ ' t ' , ' e ' , ' s ' , ' t ' ] ) , 1 , - 1.4 , True , False , None ) :
with self . assertRaises ( ( TypeError ) , msg = get_no_exception_msg ( not_convertible ) ) :
_ = cv . utils . dumpCString ( not_convertible )
class SamplesFindFile ( NewOpenCVTests ) :