@ -1346,6 +1346,108 @@ void CV_ProjectPointsTest_CPP::project( const Mat& objectPoints, const Mat& rvec |
///////////////////////////////// Stereo Calibration /////////////////////////////////////
class CV_StereoCalibrationCornerTest : public cvtest::BaseTest |
{ |
public: |
CV_StereoCalibrationCornerTest(); |
~CV_StereoCalibrationCornerTest(); |
void clear(); |
protected: |
void run(int); |
}; |
CV_StereoCalibrationCornerTest::CV_StereoCalibrationCornerTest() |
{ |
} |
CV_StereoCalibrationCornerTest::~CV_StereoCalibrationCornerTest() |
{ |
clear(); |
} |
void CV_StereoCalibrationCornerTest::clear() |
{ |
cvtest::BaseTest::clear(); |
} |
static bool resizeCameraMatrix(const Mat &in_cm, Mat &dst_cm, double scale) |
{ |
if (in_cm.empty() || in_cm.cols != 3 || in_cm.rows != 3 || in_cm.type() != CV_64FC1) |
return false; |
dst_cm = in_cm * scale; |
dst_cm.at<double>(2, 2) = 1.0; |
return true; |
} |
// see https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/6836 for details
void CV_StereoCalibrationCornerTest::run(int) |
{ |
const Matx33d M1(906.7857732303256, 0.0, 1026.456125870669, |
0.0, 906.7857732303256, 540.0531577669913, |
0.0, 0.0, 1.0); |
const Matx33d M2(906.782205162265, 0.0, 1014.619997352785, |
0.0, 906.782205162265, 561.9990018887295, |
0.0, 0.0, 1.0); |
const Matx<double, 5, 1> D1(0.0064836857220181504, 0.033880363848984636, 0.0, 0.0, -0.042996356352306114); |
const Matx<double, 5, 1> D2(0.023754068600491646, -0.02364619610835259, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0015014971456262652); |
const Size imageSize(2048, 1088); |
const double scale = 0.25; |
const Matx33d Rot(0.999788461750194, -0.015696495349844446, -0.013291041528534329, |
0.015233019205877604, 0.999296086451901, -0.034282455101525826, |
0.01381980018141639, 0.03407274036010432, 0.9993238021218641); |
const Matx31d T(-1.552005597952028, 0.0019508251875105093, -0.023335501616116062); |
// generate camera matrices for resized image rectification.
Mat srcM1(M1), srcM2(M2); |
Mat rszM1, rszM2; |
resizeCameraMatrix(srcM1, rszM1, scale); |
resizeCameraMatrix(srcM2, rszM2, scale); |
Size rszImageSize(cvRound(scale * imageSize.width), cvRound(scale * imageSize.height)); |
Size srcImageSize = imageSize; |
// apply stereoRectify
Mat srcR[2], srcP[2], srcQ; |
Mat rszR[2], rszP[2], rszQ; |
stereoRectify(srcM1, D1, srcM2, D2, srcImageSize, Rot, T, |
srcR[0], srcR[1], srcP[0], srcP[1], srcQ, |
stereoRectify(rszM1, D1, rszM2, D2, rszImageSize, Rot, T, |
rszR[0], rszR[1], rszP[0], rszP[1], rszQ, |
// generate remap maps
Mat srcRmap[2], rszRmap[2]; |
initUndistortRectifyMap(srcM1, D1, srcR[0], srcP[0], srcImageSize, CV_32FC2, srcRmap[0], srcRmap[1]); |
initUndistortRectifyMap(rszM1, D1, rszR[0], rszP[0], rszImageSize, CV_32FC2, rszRmap[0], rszRmap[1]); |
// generate source image
// it's an artificial pattern with white rect in the center
Mat image(imageSize, CV_8UC3); |
image.setTo(0); |
image(cv::Rect(imageSize.width / 3, imageSize.height / 3, imageSize.width / 3, imageSize.height / 3)).setTo(255); |
// perform remap-resize
Mat src_result; |
remap(image, src_result, srcRmap[0], srcRmap[1], INTER_LINEAR); |
resize(src_result, src_result, Size(), scale, scale, INTER_LINEAR); |
// perform resize-remap
Mat rsz_result; |
resize(image, rsz_result, Size(), scale, scale, INTER_LINEAR); |
remap(rsz_result, rsz_result, rszRmap[0], rszRmap[1], INTER_LINEAR); |
// modifying the camera matrix with resizeCameraMatrix must yield the same
// result as calibrating the downscaled images
int cnz = countNonZero((cv::Mat(src_result - rsz_result) != 0)( |
cv::Rect(src_result.cols / 3, src_result.rows / 3, |
(int)(src_result.cols / 3.1), int(src_result.rows / 3.1)))); |
if (cnz) |
{ |
ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "The camera matrix is wrong for downscaled image\n"); |
ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY ); |
} |
} |
class CV_StereoCalibrationTest : public cvtest::BaseTest |
{ |
public: |
@ -1949,7 +2051,7 @@ TEST(Calib3d_ProjectPoints_C, accuracy) { CV_ProjectPointsTest_C test; test.saf |
TEST(Calib3d_ProjectPoints_CPP, regression) { CV_ProjectPointsTest_CPP test; test.safe_run(); } |
TEST(Calib3d_StereoCalibrate_C, regression) { CV_StereoCalibrationTest_C test; test.safe_run(); } |
TEST(Calib3d_StereoCalibrate_CPP, regression) { CV_StereoCalibrationTest_CPP test; test.safe_run(); } |
TEST(Calib3d_StereoCalibrateCorner, regression) { CV_StereoCalibrationCornerTest test; test.safe_run(); } |
TEST(Calib3d_Triangulate, accuracy) |
{ |