@ -118,7 +118,18 @@ v = f_y \times y'' + c_y
tangential distortion coefficients . \ f $ s_1 \ f $ , \ f $ s_2 \ f $ , \ f $ s_3 \ f $ , and \ f $ s_4 \ f $ , are the thin prism distortion
coefficients . Higher - order coefficients are not considered in OpenCV .
The next figures show two common types of radial distortion : barrel distortion ( typically \ f $ k_1 < 0 \ f $ ) and pincushion distortion ( typically \ f $ k_1 > 0 \ f $ ) .
The next figures show two common types of radial distortion : barrel distortion
( \ f $ 1 + k_1 r ^ 2 + k_2 r ^ 4 + k_3 r ^ 6 \ f $ monotonically decreasing )
and pincushion distortion ( \ f $ 1 + k_1 r ^ 2 + k_2 r ^ 4 + k_3 r ^ 6 \ f $ monotonically increasing ) .
Radial distortion is always monotonic for real lenses ,
and if the estimator produces a non monotonic result ,
this should be considered a calibration failure .
More generally , radial distortion must be monotonic and the distortion function , must be bijective .
A failed estimation result may look deceptively good near the image center
but will work poorly in e . g . AR / SFM applications .
The optimization method used in OpenCV camera calibration does not include these constraints as
the framework does not support the required integer programming and polynomial inequalities .
See [ issue # 15992 ] ( https : //github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/15992) for additional information.
! [ ] ( pics / distortion_examples . png )
! [ ] ( pics / distortion_examples2 . png )