@ -1091,24 +1091,24 @@ enum { TM_SQDIFF=0, TM_SQDIFF_NORMED=1, TM_CCORR=2, TM_CCORR_NORMED=3, TM_CCOEFF |
CV_EXPORTS_W void matchTemplate( InputArray image, InputArray templ, |
OutputArray result, int method ); |
struct CV_EXPORTS ConnectedComponentStats |
{ |
int32_t lower_x; |
int32_t lower_y; |
int32_t upper_x; |
int32_t upper_y; |
double centroid_x; |
double centroid_y; |
uint64_t integral_x; |
uint64_t integral_y; |
uint32_t area; |
int lower_x;//!< lower left corner column
int lower_y;//!< lower left corner row
int upper_x;//!< upper right corner column
int upper_y;//!< upper right corner row
double centroid_x;//!< centroid column
double centroid_y;//!< centroid row
uint64 integral_x;//!< sum of all columns where the image was non-zero
uint64 integral_y;//!< sum of all rows where the image was non-zero
unsigned int area;//!< count of all non-zero pixels
}; |
//! computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image I with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total
//number of labels [0, N-1] where 0 represents the background label. L's value type determines the label type, an important
//consideration based on the total number of labels or alternatively the total number of pixels.
CV_EXPORTS_W uint64_t connectedComponents(Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity = 8); |
CV_EXPORTS_W uint64_t connectedComponents(Mat &L, const Mat &I, std::vector<ConnectedComponentStats> &statsv, int connectivity = 8); |
CV_EXPORTS_W uint64 connectedComponents(CV_OUT Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity = 8); |
CV_EXPORTS_W uint64 connectedComponentsWithStats(CV_OUT Mat &L, const Mat &I, CV_OUT std::vector<ConnectedComponentStats> &statsv, int connectivity = 8); |
//! mode of the contour retrieval algorithm