@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ CV_EXPORTS int64 getTickCount();
exec_time = ( ( double ) getTickCount ( ) - exec_time ) * 1000. / getTickFrequency ( ) ;
\ endcode
CV_EXPORTS double getTickFrequency ( ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W double getTickFrequency ( ) ;
Returns the number of CPU ticks .
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ CV_EXPORTS int64 getCPUTickCount();
most of the hardware acceleration is disabled and thus the function will returns false ,
until you call cv : : useOptimized ( true ) }
CV_EXPORTS bool checkHardwareSupport ( int feature ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W bool checkHardwareSupport ( int feature ) ;
Allocates memory buffer
@ -330,14 +330,14 @@ static inline size_t alignSize(size_t sz, int n)
\ note { Since optimization may imply using special data structures , it may be unsafe
to call this function anywhere in the code . Instead , call it somewhere at the top level . }
CV_EXPORTS void setUseOptimized ( bool onoff ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void setUseOptimized ( bool onoff ) ;
Returns the current optimization status
The function returns the current optimization status , which is controlled by cv : : setUseOptimized ( ) .
CV_EXPORTS bool useOptimized ( ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W bool useOptimized ( ) ;
The STL - compilant memory Allocator based on cv : : fastMalloc ( ) and cv : : fastFree ( )
@ -1561,6 +1561,7 @@ public:
//! copies the matrix content to "m".
// It calls m.create(this->size(), this->type()).
void copyTo ( Mat & m ) const ;
template < typename _Tp > void copyTo ( vector < _Tp > & v ) const ;
//! copies those matrix elements to "m" that are marked with non-zero mask elements.
void copyTo ( Mat & m , const Mat & mask ) const ;
//! converts matrix to another datatype with optional scalng. See cvConvertScale.
@ -1678,6 +1679,9 @@ public:
bool empty ( ) const ;
//! returns the total number of matrix elements
size_t total ( ) const ;
//! returns N if the matrix is 1-channel (N x ptdim) or ptdim-channel (1 x N) or (N x 1); negative number otherwise
int checkVector ( int elemChannels , int depth = - 1 , bool requireContinuous = true ) const ;
//! returns pointer to i0-th submatrix along the dimension #0
uchar * ptr ( int i0 = 0 ) ;
@ -1884,86 +1888,101 @@ CV_EXPORTS void extractImageCOI(const CvArr* arr, CV_OUT Mat& coiimg, int coi=-1
CV_EXPORTS void insertImageCOI ( const Mat & coiimg , CvArr * arr , int coi = - 1 ) ;
//! adds one matrix to another (dst = src1 + src2)
CV_EXPORTS void add ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void add ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask CV_WRAP_DEFAULT ( Mat ( ) ) ) ;
//! subtracts one matrix from another (dst = src1 - src2)
CV_EXPORTS void subtract ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void subtract ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask CV_WRAP_DEFAULT ( Mat ( ) ) ) ;
//! adds one matrix to another (dst = src1 + src2)
CV_EXPORTS void add ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! subtracts one matrix from another (dst = src1 - src2)
CV_EXPORTS void subtract ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! adds scalar to a matrix (dst = src1 + src2)
CV_EXPORTS void add ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void add ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! subtracts scalar from a matrix (dst = src1 - src2)
CV_EXPORTS void subtract ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void subtract ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! subtracts matrix from scalar (dst = src1 - src2)
CV_EXPORTS void subtract ( const Scalar & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void subtract ( const Scalar & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! computes element-wise weighted product of the two arrays (dst = scale*src1*src2)
CV_EXPORTS void multiply ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , double scale = 1 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void multiply ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , double scale = 1 ) ;
//! computes element-wise weighted quotient of the two arrays (dst = scale*src1/src2)
CV_EXPORTS void divide ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , double scale = 1 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void divide ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , double scale = 1 ) ;
//! computes element-wise weighted reciprocal of an array (dst = scale/src2)
CV_EXPORTS void divide ( double scale , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void divide ( double scale , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! adds scaled array to another one (dst = alpha*src1 + src2)
CV_EXPORTS void scaleAdd ( const Mat & src1 , double alpha , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void scaleAdd ( const Mat & src1 , double alpha , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! computes weighted sum of two arrays (dst = alpha*src1 + beta*src2 + gamma)
CV_EXPORTS void addWeighted ( const Mat & src1 , double alpha , const Mat & src2 ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void addWeighted ( const Mat & src1 , double alpha , const Mat & src2 ,
double beta , double gamma , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! scales array elements, computes absolute values and converts the results to 8-bit unsigned integers: dst(i)=saturate_cast<uchar>abs(src(i)*alpha+beta)
CV_EXPORTS void convertScaleAbs ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , double alpha = 1 , double beta = 0 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void convertScaleAbs ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , double alpha = 1 , double beta = 0 ) ;
//! transforms 8-bit unsigned integers using lookup table: dst(i)=lut(src(i))
CV_EXPORTS void LUT ( const Mat & src , const Mat & lut , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void LUT ( const Mat & src , const Mat & lut , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! computes sum of array elements
CV_EXPORTS Scalar sum ( const Mat & src ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W Scalar sum ( const Mat & src ) ;
//! computes the number of nonzero array elements
CV_EXPORTS int countNonZero ( const Mat & src ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W int countNonZero ( const Mat & src ) ;
//! computes mean value of array elements
CV_EXPORTS Scalar mean ( const Mat & src ) ;
//! computes mean value of selected array elements
CV_EXPORTS Scalar mean ( const Mat & src , const Mat & mask ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W Scalar mean ( const Mat & src , const Mat & mask CV_WRAP_DEFAULT ( Mat ( ) ) ) ;
//! computes mean value and standard deviation of all or selected array elements
CV_EXPORTS void meanStdDev ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Scalar & mean , CV_OUT Scalar & stddev , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void meanStdDev ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Scalar & mean , CV_OUT Scalar & stddev , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! computes norm of array
CV_EXPORTS double norm ( const Mat & src , int normType = NORM_L2 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS double norm ( const Mat & src1 , int normType = NORM_L2 ) ;
//! computes norm of the difference between two arrays
CV_EXPORTS double norm ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , int normType = NORM_L2 ) ;
//! computes norm of the selected array part
CV_EXPORTS double norm ( const Mat & src , int normType , const Mat & mask ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W double norm ( const Mat & src1 , int normType , const Mat & mask CV_WRAP_DEFAULT ( Mat ( ) ) ) ;
//! computes norm of selected part of the difference between two arrays
CV_EXPORTS double norm ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 ,
int normType , const Mat & mask ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W double norm ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 ,
int normType , const Mat & mask CV_WRAP_DEFAULT ( Mat ( ) ) ) ;
//! scales and shifts array elements so that either the specified norm (alpha) or the minimum (alpha) and maximum (beta) array values get the specified values
CV_EXPORTS void normalize ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , double alpha = 1 , double beta = 0 ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void normalize ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , double alpha = 1 , double beta = 0 ,
int norm_type = NORM_L2 , int rtype = - 1 , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! finds global minimum and maximum array elements and returns their values and their locations
CV_EXPORTS void minMaxLoc ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT double * minVal ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void minMaxLoc ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT double * minVal ,
CV_OUT double * maxVal = 0 , CV_OUT Point * minLoc = 0 ,
CV_OUT Point * maxLoc = 0 , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS void minMaxIdx ( const Mat & src , double * minVal ,
double * maxVal ,
CV_OUT CV_CARRAY ( src . dims ) int * minIdx = 0 ,
CV_OUT CV_CARRAY ( src . dims ) int * maxIdx = 0 ,
const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS void minMaxIdx ( const Mat & src , double * minVal , double * maxVal ,
int * minIdx = 0 , int * maxIdx = 0 , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! transforms 2D matrix to 1D row or column vector by taking sum, minimum, maximum or mean value over all the rows
CV_EXPORTS void reduce ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int dim , int rtype , int dtype = - 1 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void reduce ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int dim , int rtype , int dtype = - 1 ) ;
//! makes multi-channel array out of several single-channel arrays
CV_EXPORTS void merge ( CV_CARRAY ( count ) const Mat * mv , size_t count , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS void merge ( const Mat * mv , size_t count , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! copies each plane of a multi-channel array to a dedicated array
CV_EXPORTS void split ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT CV_CARRAY ( src . channels ( ) ) Mat * mvbegin ) ;
CV_EXPORTS void split ( const Mat & src , Mat * mvbegin ) ;
CV_WRAP static inline void merge ( const vector < Mat > & mv , Mat & dst )
{ merge ( & mv [ 0 ] , mv . size ( ) , dst ) ; }
CV_WRAP static inline void split ( const Mat & m , vector < Mat > & mv )
mv . resize ( m . channels ( ) ) ;
if ( m . channels ( ) > 0 )
split ( m , & mv [ 0 ] ) ;
//! copies selected channels from the input arrays to the selected channels of the output arrays
CV_EXPORTS void mixChannels ( CV_CARRAY ( nsrcs ) const Mat * src , size_t nsrcs , CV_CARRAY ( ndsts ) Mat * dst , size_t ndsts ,
CV_CARRAY ( npairs * 2 ) const int * fromTo , size_t npairs ) ;
CV_EXPORTS void mixChannels ( const Mat * src , size_t nsrcs , Mat * dst , size_t ndsts ,
const int * fromTo , size_t npairs ) ;
static inline void mixChannels ( const vector < Mat > & src , vector < Mat > & dst ,
const int * fromTo , int npairs )
mixChannels ( & src [ 0 ] , ( int ) src . size ( ) , & dst [ 0 ] , ( int ) dst . size ( ) , fromTo , npairs ) ;
//! reverses the order of the rows, columns or both in a matrix
CV_EXPORTS void flip ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flipCode ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void flip ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flipCode ) ;
//! replicates the input matrix the specified number of times in the horizontal and/or vertical direction
CV_EXPORTS void repeat ( const Mat & src , int ny , int nx , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void repeat ( const Mat & src , int ny , int nx , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
static inline Mat repeat ( const Mat & src , int ny , int nx )
if ( nx = = 1 & & ny = = 1 ) return src ;
@ -1971,103 +1990,103 @@ static inline Mat repeat(const Mat& src, int ny, int nx)
//! computes bitwise conjunction of the two arrays (dst = src1 & src2)
CV_EXPORTS void bitwise_and ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void bitwise_and ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! computes bitwise disjunction of the two arrays (dst = src1 | src2)
CV_EXPORTS void bitwise_or ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void bitwise_or ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! computes bitwise exclusive-or of the two arrays (dst = src1 ^ src2)
CV_EXPORTS void bitwise_xor ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void bitwise_xor ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! computes bitwise conjunction of an array and scalar (dst = src1 & src2)
CV_EXPORTS void bitwise_and ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void bitwise_and ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! computes bitwise disjunction of an array and scalar (dst = src1 | src2)
CV_EXPORTS void bitwise_or ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void bitwise_or ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! computes bitwise exclusive-or of an array and scalar (dst = src1 ^ src2)
CV_EXPORTS void bitwise_xor ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void bitwise_xor ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & mask = Mat ( ) ) ;
//! inverts each bit of array (dst = ~src)
CV_EXPORTS void bitwise_not ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void bitwise_not ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! computes element-wise absolute difference of two arrays (dst = abs(src1 - src2))
CV_EXPORTS void absdiff ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void absdiff ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! computes element-wise absolute difference of array and scalar (dst = abs(src1 - src2))
CV_EXPORTS void absdiff ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void absdiff ( const Mat & src1 , const Scalar & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! set mask elements for those array elements which are within the element-specific bounding box (dst = lowerb <= src && src < upperb)
CV_EXPORTS void inRange ( const Mat & src , const Mat & lowerb ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void inRange ( const Mat & src , const Mat & lowerb ,
const Mat & upperb , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! set mask elements for those array elements which are within the fixed bounding box (dst = lowerb <= src && src < upperb)
CV_EXPORTS void inRange ( const Mat & src , const Scalar & lowerb ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void inRange ( const Mat & src , const Scalar & lowerb ,
const Scalar & upperb , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! compares elements of two arrays (dst = src1 <cmpop> src2)
CV_EXPORTS void compare ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int cmpop ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void compare ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int cmpop ) ;
//! compares elements of array with scalar (dst = src1 <cmpop> src2)
CV_EXPORTS void compare ( const Mat & src1 , double s , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int cmpop ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void compare ( const Mat & src1 , double s , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int cmpop ) ;
//! computes per-element minimum of two arrays (dst = min(src1, src2))
CV_EXPORTS void min ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void min ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! computes per-element minimum of array and scalar (dst = min(src1, src2))
CV_EXPORTS void min ( const Mat & src1 , double src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void min ( const Mat & src1 , double src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! computes per-element maximum of two arrays (dst = max(src1, src2))
CV_EXPORTS void max ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void max ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! computes per-element maximum of array and scalar (dst = max(src1, src2))
CV_EXPORTS void max ( const Mat & src1 , double src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void max ( const Mat & src1 , double src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! computes square root of each matrix element (dst = src**0.5)
CV_EXPORTS void sqrt ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void sqrt ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! raises the input matrix elements to the specified power (b = a**power)
CV_EXPORTS void pow ( const Mat & src , double power , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void pow ( const Mat & src , double power , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! computes exponent of each matrix element (dst = e**src)
CV_EXPORTS void exp ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void exp ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! computes natural logarithm of absolute value of each matrix element: dst = log(abs(src))
CV_EXPORTS void log ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void log ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! computes cube root of the argument
CV_EXPORTS float cubeRoot ( float val ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W float cubeRoot ( float val ) ;
//! computes the angle in degrees (0..360) of the vector (x,y)
CV_EXPORTS float fastAtan2 ( float y , float x ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W float fastAtan2 ( float y , float x ) ;
//! converts polar coordinates to Cartesian
CV_EXPORTS void polarToCart ( const Mat & magnitude , const Mat & angle ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void polarToCart ( const Mat & magnitude , const Mat & angle ,
CV_OUT Mat & x , CV_OUT Mat & y , bool angleInDegrees = false ) ;
//! converts Cartesian coordinates to polar
CV_EXPORTS void cartToPolar ( const Mat & x , const Mat & y ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void cartToPolar ( const Mat & x , const Mat & y ,
CV_OUT Mat & magnitude , CV_OUT Mat & angle ,
bool angleInDegrees = false ) ;
//! computes angle (angle(i)) of each (x(i), y(i)) vector
CV_EXPORTS void phase ( const Mat & x , const Mat & y , CV_OUT Mat & angle ,
bool angleInDegrees = false ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void phase ( const Mat & x , const Mat & y , CV_OUT Mat & angle ,
bool angleInDegrees = false ) ;
//! computes magnitude (magnitude(i)) of each (x(i), y(i)) vector
CV_EXPORTS void magnitude ( const Mat & x , const Mat & y , CV_OUT Mat & magnitude ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void magnitude ( const Mat & x , const Mat & y , CV_OUT Mat & magnitude ) ;
//! checks that each matrix element is within the specified range.
CV_EXPORTS bool checkRange ( const Mat & a , bool quiet = true , CV_OUT Point * pt = 0 ,
double minVal = - DBL_MAX , double maxVal = DBL_MAX ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W bool checkRange ( const Mat & a , bool quiet = true , CV_OUT Point * pt = 0 ,
double minVal = - DBL_MAX , double maxVal = DBL_MAX ) ;
//! implements generalized matrix product algorithm GEMM from BLAS
CV_EXPORTS void gemm ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , double alpha ,
const Mat & src3 , double gamma , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = 0 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void gemm ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , double alpha ,
const Mat & src3 , double gamma , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = 0 ) ;
//! multiplies matrix by its transposition from the left or from the right
CV_EXPORTS void mulTransposed ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , bool aTa ,
const Mat & delta = Mat ( ) ,
double scale = 1 , int rtype = - 1 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void mulTransposed ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , bool aTa ,
const Mat & delta = Mat ( ) ,
double scale = 1 , int rtype = - 1 ) ;
//! transposes the matrix
CV_EXPORTS void transpose ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void transpose ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
//! performs affine transformation of each element of multi-channel input matrix
CV_EXPORTS void transform ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & m ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void transform ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & m ) ;
//! performs perspective transformation of each element of multi-channel input matrix
CV_EXPORTS void perspectiveTransform ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & m ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void perspectiveTransform ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Mat & m ) ;
//! extends the symmetrical matrix from the lower half or from the upper half
CV_EXPORTS void completeSymm ( Mat & mtx , bool lowerToUpper = false ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void completeSymm ( Mat & mtx , bool lowerToUpper = false ) ;
//! initializes scaled identity matrix
CV_EXPORTS void setIdentity ( Mat & mtx , const Scalar & s = Scalar ( 1 ) ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void setIdentity ( Mat & mtx , const Scalar & s = Scalar ( 1 ) ) ;
//! computes determinant of a square matrix
CV_EXPORTS double determinant ( const Mat & mtx ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W double determinant ( const Mat & mtx ) ;
//! computes trace of a matrix
CV_EXPORTS Scalar trace ( const Mat & mtx ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W Scalar trace ( const Mat & mtx ) ;
//! computes inverse or pseudo-inverse matrix
CV_EXPORTS double invert ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = DECOMP_LU ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W double invert ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = DECOMP_LU ) ;
//! solves linear system or a least-square problem
CV_EXPORTS bool solve ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = DECOMP_LU ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W bool solve ( const Mat & src1 , const Mat & src2 , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = DECOMP_LU ) ;
//! sorts independently each matrix row or each matrix column
CV_EXPORTS void sort ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void sort ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags ) ;
//! sorts independently each matrix row or each matrix column
CV_EXPORTS void sortIdx ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void sortIdx ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags ) ;
//! finds real roots of a cubic polynomial
CV_EXPORTS int solveCubic ( const Mat & coeffs , CV_OUT Mat & roots ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W int solveCubic ( const Mat & coeffs , CV_OUT Mat & roots ) ;
//! finds real and complex roots of a polynomial
CV_EXPORTS double solvePoly ( const Mat & coeffs , CV_OUT Mat & roots , int maxIters = 300 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W double solvePoly ( const Mat & coeffs , CV_OUT Mat & roots , int maxIters = 300 ) ;
//! finds eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix
CV_EXPORTS bool eigen ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & eigenvalues , int lowindex = - 1 ,
int highindex = - 1 ) ;
@ -2075,11 +2094,10 @@ CV_EXPORTS bool eigen(const Mat& src, CV_OUT Mat& eigenvalues, int lowindex=-1,
CV_EXPORTS bool eigen ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & eigenvalues , CV_OUT Mat & eigenvectors ,
int lowindex = - 1 , int highindex = - 1 ) ;
//! computes covariation matrix of a set of samples
CV_EXPORTS void calcCovarMatrix ( CV_CARRAY ( nsamples ) const Mat * samples , int nsamples ,
CV_OUT Mat & covar , CV_OUT Mat & mean ,
CV_EXPORTS void calcCovarMatrix ( const Mat * samples , int nsamples , Mat & covar , Mat & mean ,
int flags , int ctype = CV_64F ) ;
//! computes covariation matrix of a set of samples
CV_EXPORTS void calcCovarMatrix ( const Mat & samples , CV_OUT Mat & covar , CV_OUT Mat & mean ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void calcCovarMatrix ( const Mat & samples , CV_OUT Mat & covar , CV_OUT Mat & mean ,
int flags , int ctype = CV_64F ) ;
@ -2136,27 +2154,27 @@ CV_EXPORTS void calcCovarMatrix( const Mat& samples, CV_OUT Mat& covar, CV_OUT M
\ endcode
public :
//! default constructor
PCA ( ) ;
//! the constructor that performs PCA
PCA ( const Mat & data , const Mat & mean , int flags , int maxComponents = 0 ) ;
CV_WRAP PCA ( const Mat & data , const Mat & mean , int flags , int maxComponents = 0 ) ;
//! operator that performs PCA. The previously stored data, if any, is released
PCA & operator ( ) ( const Mat & data , const Mat & mean , int flags , int maxComponents = 0 ) ;
CV_WRAP_AS ( compute ) PCA & operator ( ) ( const Mat & data , const Mat & mean , int flags , int maxComponents = 0 ) ;
//! projects vector from the original space to the principal components subspace
Mat project ( const Mat & vec ) const ;
//! projects vector from the original space to the principal components subspace
void project ( const Mat & vec , CV_OUT Mat & result ) const ;
CV_WRAP void project ( const Mat & vec , CV_OUT Mat & result ) const ;
//! reconstructs the original vector from the projection
Mat backProject ( const Mat & vec ) const ;
//! reconstructs the original vector from the projection
void backProject ( const Mat & vec , CV_OUT Mat & result ) const ;
CV_WRAP void backProject ( const Mat & vec , CV_OUT Mat & result ) const ;
Mat eigenvectors ; //!< eigenvectors of the covariation matrix
Mat eigenvalues ; //!< eigenvalues of the covariation matrix
Mat mean ; //!< mean value subtracted before the projection and added after the back projection
CV_PROP Mat eigenvectors ; //!< eigenvectors of the covariation matrix
CV_PROP Mat eigenvalues ; //!< eigenvalues of the covariation matrix
CV_PROP Mat mean ; //!< mean value subtracted before the projection and added after the back projection
} ;
@ -2184,11 +2202,11 @@ public:
SVD & operator ( ) ( const Mat & src , int flags = 0 ) ;
//! decomposes matrix and stores the results to user-provided matrices
static void compute ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & w , CV_OUT Mat & u , CV_OUT Mat & vt , int flags = 0 ) ;
CV_WRAP_AS ( SVDecomp ) static void compute ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & w , CV_OUT Mat & u , CV_OUT Mat & vt , int flags = 0 ) ;
//! computes singular values of a matrix
static void compute ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & w , int flags = 0 ) ;
CV_WRAP_AS ( SVDecomp ) static void compute ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & w , int flags = 0 ) ;
//! performs back substitution
static void backSubst ( const Mat & w , const Mat & u , const Mat & vt ,
CV_WRAP_AS ( SVBackSubst ) static void backSubst ( const Mat & w , const Mat & u , const Mat & vt ,
const Mat & rhs , CV_OUT Mat & dst ) ;
template < typename _Tp , int m , int n , int nm > static void compute ( const Matx < _Tp , m , n > & a ,
@ -2207,24 +2225,24 @@ public:
} ;
//! computes Mahalanobis distance between two vectors: sqrt((v1-v2)'*icovar*(v1-v2)), where icovar is the inverse covariation matrix
CV_EXPORTS double Mahalanobis ( const Mat & v1 , const Mat & v2 , const Mat & icovar ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W double Mahalanobis ( const Mat & v1 , const Mat & v2 , const Mat & icovar ) ;
//! a synonym for Mahalanobis
static inline double Mahalonobis ( const Mat & v1 , const Mat & v2 , const Mat & icovar )
{ return Mahalanobis ( v1 , v2 , icovar ) ; }
//! performs forward or inverse 1D or 2D Discrete Fourier Transformation
CV_EXPORTS void dft ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = 0 , int nonzeroRows = 0 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void dft ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = 0 , int nonzeroRows = 0 ) ;
//! performs inverse 1D or 2D Discrete Fourier Transformation
CV_EXPORTS void idft ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = 0 , int nonzeroRows = 0 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void idft ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = 0 , int nonzeroRows = 0 ) ;
//! performs forward or inverse 1D or 2D Discrete Cosine Transformation
CV_EXPORTS void dct ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = 0 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void dct ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = 0 ) ;
//! performs inverse 1D or 2D Discrete Cosine Transformation
CV_EXPORTS void idct ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = 0 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void idct ( const Mat & src , CV_OUT Mat & dst , int flags = 0 ) ;
//! computes element-wise product of the two Fourier spectrums. The second spectrum can optionally be conjugated before the multiplication
CV_EXPORTS void mulSpectrums ( const Mat & a , const Mat & b , CV_OUT Mat & c ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void mulSpectrums ( const Mat & a , const Mat & b , CV_OUT Mat & c ,
int flags , bool conjB = false ) ;
//! computes the minimal vector size vecsize1 >= vecsize so that the dft() of the vector of length vecsize1 can be computed efficiently
CV_EXPORTS int getOptimalDFTSize ( int vecsize ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W int getOptimalDFTSize ( int vecsize ) ;
Various k - Means flags
@ -2236,7 +2254,7 @@ enum
KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS = 1 // Uses the user-provided labels for K-Means initialization
} ;
//! clusters the input data using k-Means algorithm
CV_EXPORTS double kmeans ( const Mat & data , int K , CV_OUT Mat & bestLabels ,
CV_EXPORTS_W double kmeans ( const Mat & data , int K , CV_OUT Mat & bestLabels ,
TermCriteria criteria , int attempts ,
int flags , CV_OUT Mat * centers = 0 ) ;
@ -2247,22 +2265,22 @@ CV_EXPORTS RNG& theRNG();
template < typename _Tp > static inline _Tp randu ( ) { return ( _Tp ) theRNG ( ) ; }
//! fills array with uniformly-distributed random numbers from the range [low, high)
static inline void randu ( CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Scalar & low , const Scalar & high )
CV_WRAP static inline void randu ( CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Scalar & low , const Scalar & high )
{ theRNG ( ) . fill ( dst , RNG : : UNIFORM , low , high ) ; }
//! fills array with normally-distributed random numbers with the specified mean and the standard deviation
static inline void randn ( CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Scalar & mean , const Scalar & stddev )
CV_WRAP static inline void randn ( CV_OUT Mat & dst , const Scalar & mean , const Scalar & stddev )
{ theRNG ( ) . fill ( dst , RNG : : NORMAL , mean , stddev ) ; }
//! shuffles the input array elements
CV_EXPORTS void randShuffle ( Mat & dst , double iterFactor = 1. , RNG * rng = 0 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W void randShuffle ( Mat & dst , double iterFactor = 1. , RNG * rng = 0 ) ;
//! draws the line segment (pt1, pt2) in the image
CV_EXPORTS void line ( Mat & img , Point pt1 , Point pt2 , const Scalar & color ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void line ( Mat & img , Point pt1 , Point pt2 , const Scalar & color ,
int thickness = 1 , int lineType = 8 , int shift = 0 ) ;
//! draws the rectangle outline or a solid rectangle with the opposite corners pt1 and pt2 in the image
CV_EXPORTS void rectangle ( Mat & img , Point pt1 , Point pt2 ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void rectangle ( Mat & img , Point pt1 , Point pt2 ,
const Scalar & color , int thickness = 1 ,
int lineType = 8 , int shift = 0 ) ;
@ -2272,41 +2290,41 @@ CV_EXPORTS void rectangle(Mat& img, Rect rec,
int lineType = 8 , int shift = 0 ) ;
//! draws the circle outline or a solid circle in the image
CV_EXPORTS void circle ( Mat & img , Point center , int radius ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void circle ( Mat & img , Point center , int radius ,
const Scalar & color , int thickness = 1 ,
int lineType = 8 , int shift = 0 ) ;
//! draws an elliptic arc, ellipse sector or a rotated ellipse in the image
CV_EXPORTS void ellipse ( Mat & img , Point center , Size axes ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void ellipse ( Mat & img , Point center , Size axes ,
double angle , double startAngle , double endAngle ,
const Scalar & color , int thickness = 1 ,
int lineType = 8 , int shift = 0 ) ;
//! draws a rotated ellipse in the image
CV_EXPORTS void ellipse ( Mat & img , const RotatedRect & box , const Scalar & color ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void ellipse ( Mat & img , const RotatedRect & box , const Scalar & color ,
int thickness = 1 , int lineType = 8 ) ;
//! draws a filled convex polygon in the image
CV_EXPORTS void fillConvexPoly ( Mat & img , CV_CARRAY ( npts ) const Point * pts , int npts ,
CV_EXPORTS void fillConvexPoly ( Mat & img , const Point * pts , int npts ,
const Scalar & color , int lineType = 8 ,
int shift = 0 ) ;
//! fills an area bounded by one or more polygons
CV_EXPORTS void fillPoly ( Mat & img , CV_CARRAY ( ncontours . npts ) const Point * * pts ,
CV_CARRAY ( ncontours ) const int * npts , int ncontours ,
CV_EXPORTS void fillPoly ( Mat & img , const Point * * pts ,
const int * npts , int ncontours ,
const Scalar & color , int lineType = 8 , int shift = 0 ,
Point offset = Point ( ) ) ;
//! draws one or more polygonal curves
CV_EXPORTS void polylines ( Mat & img , CV_CARRAY ( ncontours . npts ) const Point * * pts , CV_CARRAY ( ncontours ) const int * npts ,
CV_EXPORTS void polylines ( Mat & img , const Point * * pts , const int * npts ,
int ncontours , bool isClosed , const Scalar & color ,
int thickness = 1 , int lineType = 8 , int shift = 0 ) ;
//! clips the line segment by the rectangle Rect(0, 0, imgSize.width, imgSize.height)
CV_EXPORTS bool clipLine ( Size imgSize , Point & pt1 , Point & pt2 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS bool clipLine ( Size imgSize , CV_IN_OUT Point & pt1 , CV_IN_OUT Point & pt2 ) ;
//! clips the line segment by the rectangle imgRect
CV_EXPORTS bool clipLine ( Rect imgRect , Point & pt1 , Point & pt2 ) ;
CV_EXPORTS_W bool clipLine ( Rect imgRect , CV_IN_OUT Point & pt1 , CV_IN_OUT Point & pt2 ) ;
Line iterator class
@ -2338,7 +2356,7 @@ public:
} ;
//! converts elliptic arc to a polygonal curve
CV_EXPORTS void ellipse2Poly ( Point center , Size axes , int angle ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void ellipse2Poly ( Point center , Size axes , int angle ,
int arcStart , int arcEnd , int delta ,
CV_OUT vector < Point > & pts ) ;
@ -2356,13 +2374,13 @@ enum
} ;
//! renders text string in the image
CV_EXPORTS void putText ( Mat & img , const string & text , Point org ,
CV_EXPORTS_W void putText ( Mat & img , const string & text , Point org ,
int fontFace , double fontScale , Scalar color ,
int thickness = 1 , int linetype = 8 ,
bool bottomLeftOrigin = false ) ;
//! returns bounding box of the text string
CV_EXPORTS Size getTextSize ( const string & text , int fontFace ,
CV_EXPORTS_W Size getTextSize ( const string & text , int fontFace ,
double fontScale , int thickness ,
CV_OUT int * baseLine ) ;
@ -3535,7 +3553,7 @@ public:
CV_Assert ( dist [ 0 ] < = dist [ 1 ] & & dist [ 1 ] < = dist [ 2 ] ) ;
\ endcode
public :
@ -3555,13 +3573,14 @@ public:
} ;
//! the default constructor
KDTree ( ) ;
CV_WRAP KDTree ( ) ;
//! the full constructor that builds the search tree
KDTree ( const Mat & _points , bool copyAndReorderPoints = false ) ;
CV_WRAP KDTree ( const Mat & _points , bool copyAndReorderPoints = false ) ;
//! builds the search tree
void build ( const Mat & _points , bool copyAndReorderPoints = false ) ;
CV_WRAP void build ( const Mat & _points , bool copyAndReorderPoints = false ) ;
//! finds the K nearest neighbors of "vec" while looking at Emax (at most) leaves
int findNearest ( const float * vec , int K , int Emax , int * neighborsIdx ,
int findNearest ( const float * vec ,
int K , int Emax , int * neighborsIdx ,
Mat * neighbors = 0 , float * dist = 0 ) const ;
//! finds the K nearest neighbors while looking at Emax (at most) leaves
int findNearest ( const float * vec , int K , int Emax ,
@ -3577,12 +3596,12 @@ public:
//! return a vector with the specified index
const float * getPoint ( int ptidx ) const ;
//! returns the search space dimensionality
int dims ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP int dims ( ) const ;
vector < Node > nodes ; //!< all the tree nodes
Mat points ; //!< all the points. It can be a reordered copy of the input vector set or the original vector set.
int maxDepth ; //!< maximum depth of the search tree. Do not modify it
int normType ; //!< type of the distance (cv::NORM_L1 or cv::NORM_L2) used for search. Initially set to cv::NORM_L2, but you can modify it
CV_PROP Mat points ; //!< all the points. It can be a reordered copy of the input vector set or the original vector set.
CV_PROP int maxDepth ; //!< maximum depth of the search tree. Do not modify it
CV_PROP_RW int normType ; //!< type of the distance (cv::NORM_L1 or cv::NORM_L2) used for search. Initially set to cv::NORM_L2, but you can modify it
} ;
//////////////////////////////////////// XML & YAML I/O ////////////////////////////////////
@ -3686,7 +3705,7 @@ class CV_EXPORTS FileNode;
lbp_val | = ( ( int ) * it ) < < k ;
\ endcode
class CV_EXPORTS FileStorage
class CV_EXPORTS_W FileStorage
public :
//! file storage mode
@ -3704,29 +3723,29 @@ public:
} ;
//! the default constructor
FileStorage ( ) ;
CV_WRAP FileStorage ( ) ;
//! the full constructor that opens file storage for reading or writing
FileStorage ( const string & filename , int flags ) ;
CV_WRAP FileStorage ( const string & filename , int flags ) ;
//! the constructor that takes pointer to the C FileStorage structure
FileStorage ( CvFileStorage * fs ) ;
//! the destructor. calls release()
virtual ~ FileStorage ( ) ;
//! opens file storage for reading or writing. The previous storage is closed with release()
virtual bool open ( const string & filename , int flags ) ;
CV_WRAP virtual bool open ( const string & filename , int flags ) ;
//! returns true if the object is associated with currently opened file.
virtual bool isOpened ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP virtual bool isOpened ( ) const ;
//! closes the file and releases all the memory buffers
virtual void release ( ) ;
CV_WRAP virtual void release ( ) ;
//! returns the first element of the top-level mapping
FileNode getFirstTopLevelNode ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP FileNode getFirstTopLevelNode ( ) const ;
//! returns the top-level mapping. YAML supports multiple streams
FileNode root ( int streamidx = 0 ) const ;
CV_WRAP FileNode root ( int streamidx = 0 ) const ;
//! returns the specified element of the top-level mapping
FileNode operator [ ] ( const string & nodename ) const ;
CV_WRAP FileNode operator [ ] ( const string & nodename ) const ;
//! returns the specified element of the top-level mapping
FileNode operator [ ] ( const char * nodename ) const ;
CV_WRAP FileNode operator [ ] ( const char * nodename ) const ;
//! returns pointer to the underlying C FileStorage structure
CvFileStorage * operator * ( ) { return fs ; }
@ -3738,7 +3757,7 @@ public:
void writeObj ( const string & name , const void * obj ) ;
//! returns the normalized object name for the specified file name
static string getDefaultObjectName ( const string & filename ) ;
CV_WRAP static string getDefaultObjectName ( const string & filename ) ;
Ptr < CvFileStorage > fs ; //!< the underlying C FileStorage structure
string elname ; //!< the currently written element
@ -3758,7 +3777,7 @@ class CV_EXPORTS FileNodeIterator;
Note that file nodes are only used for navigating file storages opened for reading .
When a file storage is opened for writing , no data is stored in memory after it is written .
class CV_EXPORTS FileNode
class CV_EXPORTS_W FileNode
public :
//! type of the file storage node
@ -3780,7 +3799,7 @@ public:
NAMED = 64 //!< the node has a name (i.e. it is element of a mapping)
} ;
//! the default constructor
FileNode ( ) ;
CV_WRAP FileNode ( ) ;
//! the full constructor wrapping CvFileNode structure.
FileNode ( const CvFileStorage * fs , const CvFileNode * node ) ;
//! the copy constructor
@ -3788,41 +3807,41 @@ public:
//! returns element of a mapping node
FileNode operator [ ] ( const string & nodename ) const ;
//! returns element of a mapping node
FileNode operator [ ] ( const char * nodename ) const ;
CV_WRAP FileNode operator [ ] ( const char * nodename ) const ;
//! returns element of a sequence node
FileNode operator [ ] ( int i ) const ;
CV_WRAP FileNode operator [ ] ( int i ) const ;
//! returns type of the node
int type ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP int type ( ) const ;
int rawDataSize ( const string & fmt ) const ;
CV_WRAP int rawDataSize ( const string & fmt ) const ;
//! returns true if the node is empty
bool empty ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP bool empty ( ) const ;
//! returns true if the node is a "none" object
bool isNone ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP bool isNone ( ) const ;
//! returns true if the node is a sequence
bool isSeq ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP bool isSeq ( ) const ;
//! returns true if the node is a mapping
bool isMap ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP bool isMap ( ) const ;
//! returns true if the node is an integer
bool isInt ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP bool isInt ( ) const ;
//! returns true if the node is a floating-point number
bool isReal ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP bool isReal ( ) const ;
//! returns true if the node is a text string
bool isString ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP bool isString ( ) const ;
//! returns true if the node has a name
bool isNamed ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP bool isNamed ( ) const ;
//! returns the node name or an empty string if the node is nameless
string name ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP string name ( ) const ;
//! returns the number of elements in the node, if it is a sequence or mapping, or 1 otherwise.
size_t size ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP size_t size ( ) const ;
//! returns the node content as an integer. If the node stores floating-point number, it is rounded.
operator int ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP operator int ( ) const ;
//! returns the node content as float
operator float ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP operator float ( ) const ;
//! returns the node content as double
operator double ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP operator double ( ) const ;
//! returns the node content as text string
operator string ( ) const ;
CV_WRAP operator string ( ) const ;
//! returns pointer to the underlying file node
CvFileNode * operator * ( ) ;