@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ using namespace std; |
/// Global variables
Mat src, src_gray; |
Mat myHarris_dst; Mat myHarris_copy; Mat Mc; |
Mat myShiTomasi_dst; Mat myShiTomasi_copy;
Mat myShiTomasi_dst; Mat myShiTomasi_copy; |
int myShiTomasi_qualityLevel = 50; |
int myHarris_qualityLevel = 50; |
@ -51,34 +51,34 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) |
cornerEigenValsAndVecs( src_gray, myHarris_dst, blockSize, apertureSize, BORDER_DEFAULT ); |
/* calculate Mc */
/* calculate Mc */ |
for( int j = 0; j < src_gray.rows; j++ ) |
{ for( int i = 0; i < src_gray.cols; i++ ) |
{ |
float lambda_1 = myHarris_dst.at<float>( j, i, 0 ); |
float lambda_2 = myHarris_dst.at<float>( j, i, 1 ); |
float lambda_1 = myHarris_dst.at<Vec6f>(j, i)[0]; |
float lambda_2 = myHarris_dst.at<Vec6f>(j, i)[1]; |
Mc.at<float>(j,i) = lambda_1*lambda_2 - 0.04*pow( ( lambda_1 + lambda_2 ), 2 ); |
} |
} |
minMaxLoc( Mc, &myHarris_minVal, &myHarris_maxVal, 0, 0, Mat() ); |
/* Create Window and Trackbar */ |
namedWindow( myHarris_window, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); |
createTrackbar( " Quality Level:", myHarris_window, &myHarris_qualityLevel, max_qualityLevel, myHarris_function );
createTrackbar( " Quality Level:", myHarris_window, &myHarris_qualityLevel, max_qualityLevel, myHarris_function ); |
myHarris_function( 0, 0 ); |
/// My Shi-Tomasi -- Using cornerMinEigenVal
myShiTomasi_dst = Mat::zeros( src_gray.size(), CV_32FC1 );
myShiTomasi_dst = Mat::zeros( src_gray.size(), CV_32FC1 ); |
cornerMinEigenVal( src_gray, myShiTomasi_dst, blockSize, apertureSize, BORDER_DEFAULT ); |
minMaxLoc( myShiTomasi_dst, &myShiTomasi_minVal, &myShiTomasi_maxVal, 0, 0, Mat() ); |
/* Create Window and Trackbar */ |
namedWindow( myShiTomasi_window, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
createTrackbar( " Quality Level:", myShiTomasi_window, &myShiTomasi_qualityLevel, max_qualityLevel, myShiTomasi_function );
namedWindow( myShiTomasi_window, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); |
createTrackbar( " Quality Level:", myShiTomasi_window, &myShiTomasi_qualityLevel, max_qualityLevel, myShiTomasi_function ); |
myShiTomasi_function( 0, 0 ); |
waitKey(0); |
return(0); |
} |