renamed Mesh3d -> Mesh

Anatoly Baksheev 11 years ago
parent d591bd875b
commit 8309d19f31
  1. 20
  2. 38
  3. 2
  4. 22
  5. 3
  6. 16
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  9. 8

@ -468,31 +468,31 @@ This class a represents BGR color. ::
static Color gray();
.. ocv:class:: Mesh3d
.. ocv:class:: Mesh
This class wraps mesh attributes, and it can load a mesh from a ``ply`` file. ::
class CV_EXPORTS Mesh3d
class CV_EXPORTS Mesh
Mat cloud, colors;
Mat cloud, colors, normals;
//! Raw integer list of the form: (n,id1,id2,...,idn, n,id1,id2,...,idn, ...)
//! where n is the number of points in the poligon, and id is a zero-offset index into an associated cloud.
Mat polygons;
//! Loads mesh from a given ply file
static Mesh3d load(const String& file);
/* hidden */
static Mesh load(const String& file);
Loads a mesh from a ``ply`` file.
.. ocv:function:: static Mesh3d load(const String& file)
.. ocv:function:: static Mesh load(const String& file)
:param file: File name (for no only PLY is supported)

@ -264,8 +264,6 @@ This 3D Widget defines a finite plane. ::
WPlane(const Vec4d& coefs, double size = 1.0, const Color &color = Color::white());
WPlane(const Vec4d& coefs, const Point3f& pt, double size = 1.0, const Color &color = Color::white());
/* hidden */
@ -437,9 +435,6 @@ This 3D Widget defines a poly line. ::
WPolyLine(InputArray points, const Color &color = Color::white());
/* hidden */
@ -464,8 +459,6 @@ This 3D Widget defines a grid. ::
WGrid(const Vec2i &dimensions, const Vec2d &spacing, const Color &color = Color::white());
//! Creates grid based on the plane equation
WGrid(const Vec4d &coeffs, const Vec2i &dimensions, const Vec2d &spacing, const Color &color = Color::white());
/* hidden */
@ -732,14 +725,14 @@ This 3D Widget represents a trajectory. ::
enum {FRAMES = 1, PATH = 2, BOTH = FRAMES + PATH};
//! Displays trajectory of the given path either by coordinate frames or polyline
WTrajectory(InputArray path, int display_mode = WTrajectory::PATH, double scale = 1.f, const Color &color = Color::white(),;
WTrajectory(InputArray path, int display_mode = WTrajectory::PATH, double scale = 1.0, const Color &color = Color::white(),;
Constructs a WTrajectory.
.. ocv:function:: WTrajectory(InputArray path, int display_mode = WTrajectory::PATH, double scale = 1.f, const Color &color = Color::white())
.. ocv:function:: WTrajectory(InputArray path, int display_mode = WTrajectory::PATH, double scale = 1.0, const Color &color = Color::white())
:param path: List of poses on a trajectory. Takes std::vector<Affine<T>> with T == [float | double]
:param display_mode: Display mode. This can be PATH, FRAMES, and BOTH.
@ -828,9 +821,6 @@ This 3D Widget defines a point cloud. ::
WCloud(InputArray cloud, InputArray colors);
//! All points in cloud have the same color
WCloud(InputArray cloud, const Color &color = Color::white());
/* hidden */
@ -868,9 +858,6 @@ This 3D Widget defines a collection of clouds. ::
void addCloud(InputArray cloud, InputArray colors, const Affine3d &pose = Affine3d::Identity());
//! All points in cloud have the same color
void addCloud(InputArray cloud, const Color &color = Color::white(), Affine3d &pose = Affine3d::Identity());
/* hidden */
@ -911,9 +898,6 @@ This 3D Widget represents normals of a point cloud. ::
WCloudNormals(InputArray cloud, InputArray normals, int level = 100, double scale = 0.02f, const Color &color = Color::white());
/* hidden */
@ -939,16 +923,22 @@ This 3D Widget defines a mesh. ::
class CV_EXPORTS WMesh : public Widget3D
WMesh(const Mesh3d &mesh);
/* hidden */
WMesh(const Mesh &mesh);
WMesh(InputArray cloud, InputArray polygons, InputArray colors = noArray(), InputArray normals = noArray());
Constructs a WMesh.
.. ocv:function:: WMesh(const Mesh3d &mesh)
.. ocv:function:: WMesh(const Mesh &mesh)
:param mesh: :ocv:class:`Mesh` object that will be displayed.
.. ocv:function:: WMesh(InputArray cloud, InputArray polygons, InputArray colors = noArray(), InputArray normals = noArray());
:param mesh: :ocv:class:`Mesh3d` object that will be displayed.
:param cloud: Points of the mesh object.
:param polygons: Points of the mesh object.
:param colors: Point colors.
:param normals: Point normals.

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace cv
/// Computing normals for mesh
CV_EXPORTS void computeNormals(const Mesh3d& mesh, OutputArray normals);
CV_EXPORTS void computeNormals(const Mesh& mesh, OutputArray normals);
} /* namespace viz */
} /* namespace cv */

@ -104,15 +104,17 @@ namespace cv
static Color amethyst();
class CV_EXPORTS Mesh3d
class CV_EXPORTS Mesh
Mat cloud, colors, normals;
//! Raw integer list of the form: (n,id1,id2,...,idn, n,id1,id2,...,idn, ...)
//! where n is the number of points in the poligon, and id is a zero-offset index into an associated cloud.
Mat polygons;
//! Loads mesh from a given ply file
static Mesh3d load(const String& file);
static Mesh load(const String& file);
class CV_EXPORTS Camera
@ -123,17 +125,17 @@ namespace cv
explicit Camera(const Matx33d &K, const Size &window_size);
explicit Camera(const Matx44d &proj, const Size &window_size);
inline const Vec2d & getClip() const { return clip_; }
inline void setClip(const Vec2d &clip) { clip_ = clip; }
const Vec2d & getClip() const { return clip_; }
void setClip(const Vec2d &clip) { clip_ = clip; }
inline const Size & getWindowSize() const { return window_size_; }
const Size & getWindowSize() const { return window_size_; }
void setWindowSize(const Size &window_size);
inline const Vec2d& getFov() const { return fov_; }
inline void setFov(const Vec2d& fov) { fov_ = fov; }
const Vec2d& getFov() const { return fov_; }
void setFov(const Vec2d& fov) { fov_ = fov; }
inline const Vec2d& getPrincipalPoint() const { return principal_point_; }
inline const Vec2d& getFocalLength() const { return focal_; }
const Vec2d& getPrincipalPoint() const { return principal_point_; }
const Vec2d& getFocalLength() const { return focal_; }
void computeProjectionMatrix(Matx44d &proj) const;

@ -316,7 +316,8 @@ namespace cv
class CV_EXPORTS WMesh : public Widget3D
WMesh(const Mesh3d &mesh);
WMesh(const Mesh &mesh);
WMesh(InputArray cloud, InputArray polygons, InputArray colors = noArray(), InputArray normals = noArray());

@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ template<> cv::viz::WCloudNormals cv::viz::Widget::cast<cv::viz::WCloudNormals>(
/// Mesh Widget implementation
cv::viz::WMesh::WMesh(const Mesh3d &mesh)
cv::viz::WMesh::WMesh(const Mesh &mesh)
CV_Assert( == 1 && mesh.polygons.type() == CV_32SC1);
@ -300,8 +300,8 @@ cv::viz::WMesh::WMesh(const Mesh3d &mesh)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> cell_array = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New();
int idx = 0;
int poly_size =;
for (int i = 0; i < poly_size; ++idx)
size_t polygons_size =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < polygons_size; ++idx)
int n_points = polygons[i++];
@ -330,6 +330,16 @@ cv::viz::WMesh::WMesh(const Mesh3d &mesh)
WidgetAccessor::setProp(*this, actor);
cv::viz::WMesh::WMesh(InputArray cloud, InputArray polygons, InputArray colors, InputArray normals)
Mesh mesh; = cloud.getMat();
mesh.colors = colors.getMat();
mesh.normals = normals.getMat();
mesh.polygons = polygons.getMat();
*this = WMesh(mesh);
template<> CV_EXPORTS cv::viz::WMesh cv::viz::Widget::cast<cv::viz::WMesh>()
Widget3D widget = this->cast<Widget3D>();

@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ namespace cv { namespace viz { namespace
struct MeshUtils
static Mesh3d loadMesh(const String &file)
static Mesh loadMesh(const String &file)
Mesh3d mesh;
Mesh mesh;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPLYReader> reader = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPLYReader>::New();
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace viz { namespace
cv::viz::Mesh3d cv::viz::Mesh3d::load(const String& file)
cv::viz::Mesh cv::viz::Mesh::load(const String& file)
return MeshUtils::loadMesh(file);

@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ void cv::viz::writeTrajectory(InputArray _traj, const String& files_format, int
/// Computing normals for mesh
void cv::viz::computeNormals(const Mesh3d& mesh, OutputArray _normals)
void cv::viz::computeNormals(const Mesh& mesh, OutputArray _normals)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polydata = getPolyData(WMesh(mesh));
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> with_normals = VtkUtils::ComputeNormals(polydata);

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_cloud_collection)
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_mesh)
Mesh3d mesh = Mesh3d::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0));
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_mesh)
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_mesh_random_colors)
Mesh3d mesh = Mesh3d::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
theRNG().fill(mesh.colors, RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 255);
Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0));
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_polyline)
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_sampled_normals)
Mesh3d mesh = Mesh3d::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
computeNormals(mesh, mesh.normals);
Affine3d pose = Affine3d().rotate(Vec3d(0, 0.8, 0));
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ TEST(Viz, DISABLED_show_trajectory_reposition)
TEST(Viz, DISABLED_spin_twice_____________________________TODO_UI_BUG)
Mesh3d mesh = Mesh3d::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
Mesh mesh = Mesh::load(get_dragon_ply_file_path());
Viz3d viz("spin_twice");
viz.showWidget("coosys", WCoordinateSystem());
