Merge pull request #12697 from tellowkrinkle:FasterCocoaWindows

* Make cocoa windows draw faster

* Use a CALayer for rendering when possible Uses GPU to scale images, which is important because retina macs will want window sizes much larger (in pixels) than the image

* Fix mouse logic for cocoa windows

* Only halve resolution on retina if image is larger than display
tellowkrinkle 6 years ago committed by Alexander Alekhin
parent 824241ad5c
commit 803ff64b14
  1. 224

@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ CV_IMPL int cvWaitKey (int maxWait) {return 0;}
#include <iostream>
const int TOP_BORDER = 7;
const int MIN_SLIDER_WIDTH=200;
static NSApplication *application = nil;
@ -82,10 +81,10 @@ static NSAutoreleasePool *pool = nil;
static NSMutableDictionary *windows = nil;
static bool wasInitialized = false;
@interface CVView : NSView {
NSImage *image;
@interface CVView : NSView
@property(retain) NSView *imageView;
@property(retain) NSImage *image;
@property int sliderHeight;
- (void)setImageData:(CvArr *)arr;
@ -221,32 +220,38 @@ CV_IMPL void cvShowImage( const char* name, const CvArr* arr)
bool empty = [[window contentView] image] == nil;
NSRect rect = [window frame];
NSRect vrectOld = [[window contentView] frame];
NSSize oldImageSize = [[[window contentView] image] size];
[[window contentView] setImageData:(CvArr *)arr];
if([window autosize] || [window firstContent] || empty)
NSSize imageSize = [[[window contentView] image] size];
// Only adjust the image size if the new image is a different size from the previous
if (oldImageSize.height != imageSize.height || oldImageSize.width != imageSize.width)
//Set new view size considering sliders (reserve height and min width)
NSRect vrectNew = vrectOld;
int slider_height = 0;
if ([window respondsToSelector:@selector(sliders)]) {
for(NSString *key in [window sliders]) {
slider_height += [[[window sliders] valueForKey:key] frame].size.height;
NSSize scaledImageSize;
if ([[window contentView] respondsToSelector:@selector(convertSizeFromBacking:)])
// Only resize for retina displays if the image is bigger than the screen
NSSize screenSize = NSScreen.mainScreen.visibleFrame.size;
CGFloat titleBarHeight = window.frame.size.height - [window contentRectForFrameRect:window.frame].size.height;
screenSize.height -= titleBarHeight;
if (imageSize.width > screenSize.width || imageSize.height > screenSize.height)
scaledImageSize = [[window contentView] convertSizeFromBacking:imageSize];
vrectNew.size.height = [[[window contentView] image] size].height + slider_height;
vrectNew.size.width = std::max<int>([[[window contentView] image] size].width, MIN_SLIDER_WIDTH);
[[window contentView] setFrameSize:vrectNew.size]; //adjust sliders to fit new window size
rect.size.width += vrectNew.size.width - vrectOld.size.width;
rect.size.height += vrectNew.size.height - vrectOld.size.height;
rect.origin.y -= vrectNew.size.height - vrectOld.size.height;
[window setFrame:rect display:YES];
[window display];
scaledImageSize = imageSize;
NSSize contentSize = vrectOld.size;
contentSize.height = scaledImageSize.height + [window contentView].sliderHeight;
contentSize.width = std::max<int>(scaledImageSize.width, MIN_SLIDER_WIDTH);
[window setContentSize:contentSize]; //adjust sliders to fit new window size
[window setFirstContent:NO];
[localpool drain];
@ -259,10 +264,9 @@ CV_IMPL void cvResizeWindow( const char* name, int width, int height)
NSAutoreleasePool* localpool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
CVWindow *window = cvGetWindow(name);
if(window && ![window autosize]) {
NSRect frame = [window frame];
frame.size.width = width;
frame.size.height = height;
[window setFrame:frame display:YES];
height += [window contentView].sliderHeight;
NSSize size = { width, height };
[window setContentSize:size];
[localpool drain];
@ -532,7 +536,7 @@ CV_IMPL int cvNamedWindow( const char* name, int flags )
NSScreen* mainDisplay = [NSScreen mainScreen];
NSString *windowName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s", name];
NSUInteger showResize = (flags == CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) ? 0: NSResizableWindowMask ;
NSUInteger showResize = NSResizableWindowMask;
NSUInteger styleMask = NSTitledWindowMask|NSMiniaturizableWindowMask|showResize;
CGFloat windowWidth = [NSWindow minFrameWidthWithTitle:windowName styleMask:styleMask];
NSRect initContentRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, windowWidth, 0);
@ -728,6 +732,22 @@ void cv::setWindowTitle(const String& winname, const String& title)
[localpool drain];
static NSSize constrainAspectRatio(NSSize base, NSSize constraint) {
CGFloat heightDiff = (base.height / constraint.height);
CGFloat widthDiff = (base.width / constraint.width);
if (widthDiff == heightDiff) {
return base;
else if (widthDiff > heightDiff) {
NSSize out = { constraint.width / constraint.height * base.height, base.height };
return out;
else {
NSSize out = { base.width, constraint.height / constraint.width * base.width };
return out;
@implementation CVWindow
@synthesize mouseCallback;
@ -743,22 +763,19 @@ void cv::setWindowTitle(const String& winname, const String& title)
NSPoint mp = [NSEvent mouseLocation];
//NSRect visible = [[self contentView] frame];
mp = [self convertScreenToBase: mp];
double viewHeight = [self contentView].frame.size.height;
double viewWidth = [self contentView].frame.size.width;
CVWindow *window = (CVWindow *)[[self contentView] window];
if ([window respondsToSelector:@selector(sliders)]) {
for(NSString *key in [window sliders]) {
NSSlider *slider = [[window sliders] valueForKey:key];
viewHeight = std::min(viewHeight, (double)([slider frame].origin.y));
CVView *contentView = [self contentView];
NSSize viewSize = contentView.frame.size;
if (contentView.imageView) {
viewSize = contentView.imageView.frame.size;
else {
viewSize.height -= contentView.sliderHeight;
viewHeight -= TOP_BORDER;
mp.y = viewHeight - mp.y;
mp.y = viewSize.height - mp.y;
NSImage* image = ((CVView*)[self contentView]).image;
NSSize imageSize = [image size];
mp.x = mp.x * imageSize.width / std::max(viewWidth, 1.);
mp.y = mp.y * imageSize.height / std::max(viewHeight, 1.);
NSSize imageSize = contentView.image.size;
mp.y *= (imageSize.height / std::max(viewSize.height, 1.));
mp.x *= (imageSize.width / std::max(viewSize.width, 1.));
if( mp.x >= 0 && mp.y >= 0 && mp.x < imageSize.width && mp.y < imageSize.height )
mouseCallback(type, mp.x, mp.y, flags, mouseParam);
@ -862,17 +879,14 @@ void cv::setWindowTitle(const String& winname, const String& title)
viewSize.width = std::max<int>(viewSize.width, MIN_SLIDER_WIDTH);
// Update slider sizes
[[self contentView] setFrameSize:viewSize];
[self contentView].sliderHeight += sliderSize.height;
if ([[self contentView] image] && ![[self contentView] imageView]) {
[[self contentView] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
//update window size to contain sliders
NSRect rect = [self frame];
rect.size.height += [slider frame].size.height;
rect.size.width = std::max<int>(rect.size.width, MIN_SLIDER_WIDTH);
[self setFrame:rect display:YES];
[self setContentSize: viewSize];
- (CVView *)contentView {
@ -888,20 +902,15 @@ void cv::setWindowTitle(const String& winname, const String& title)
- (id)init {
//cout << "CVView init" << endl;
[super init];
image = [[NSImage alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)setImageData:(CvArr *)arr {
//cout << "setImageData" << endl;
NSAutoreleasePool* localpool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
CvMat *arrMat, *cvimage, stub;
CvMat *arrMat, dst, stub;
arrMat = cvGetMat(arr, &stub);
cvimage = cvCreateMat(arrMat->rows, arrMat->cols, CV_8UC3);
cvConvertImage(arrMat, cvimage, CV_CVTIMG_SWAP_RB);
/*CGColorSpaceRef colorspace = NULL;
CGDataProviderRef provider = NULL;
int width = cvimage->width;
@ -922,42 +931,77 @@ void cv::setWindowTitle(const String& winname, const String& title)
NSBitmapImageRep *bitmap = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes:NULL
bytesPerRow:(cvimage->width * 4)
int pixelCount = cvimage->width * cvimage->height;
unsigned char *src = cvimage->data.ptr;
unsigned char *dst = [bitmap bitmapData];
bitmapFormat: kCGImageAlphaNone
bytesPerRow:((arrMat->cols * 3 + 3) & -4)
for( int i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++ )
dst[i * 4 + 0] = src[i * 3 + 0];
dst[i * 4 + 1] = src[i * 3 + 1];
dst[i * 4 + 2] = src[i * 3 + 2];
if (bitmap) {
cvInitMatHeader(&dst, arrMat->rows, arrMat->cols, CV_8UC3, [bitmap bitmapData], [bitmap bytesPerRow]);
cvConvertImage(arrMat, &dst, CV_CVTIMG_SWAP_RB);
else {
// It's not guaranteed to like the bitsPerPixel:24, but this is a lot slower so we'd rather not do it
bitmap = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes:NULL
bytesPerRow:(arrMat->cols * 4)
uint8_t *data = [bitmap bitmapData];
cvInitMatHeader(&dst, arrMat->rows, arrMat->cols, CV_8UC3, data, (arrMat->cols * 3));
cvConvertImage(arrMat, &dst, CV_CVTIMG_SWAP_RB);
for (int i = (arrMat->rows * arrMat->cols) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
memmove(data + i * 4, data + i * 3, 3);
data[i * 4 + 3] = 0;
if( image )
if( image ) {
[image release];
image = [[NSImage alloc] init];
[image addRepresentation:bitmap];
[bitmap release];
// This isn't supported on older versions of macOS
// The performance issues this solves are mainly on newer versions of macOS, so that's fine
if( floor(NSAppKitVersionNumber) > NSAppKitVersionNumber10_5 ) {
if (![self imageView]) {
[self setImageView:[[NSView alloc] init]];
[[self imageView] setWantsLayer:true];
[self addSubview:[self imageView]];
[[[self imageView] layer] setContents:image];
NSRect imageViewFrame = [self frame];
imageViewFrame.size.height -= [self sliderHeight];
NSRect constrainedFrame = { imageViewFrame.origin, constrainAspectRatio(imageViewFrame.size, [image size]) };
[[self imageView] setFrame:constrainedFrame];
else {
NSRect redisplayRect = [self frame];
redisplayRect.size.height -= [self sliderHeight];
[self setNeedsDisplayInRect:redisplayRect];
[localpool drain];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[localpool drain];
- (void)setFrameSize:(NSSize)size {
@ -970,41 +1014,49 @@ void cv::setWindowTitle(const String& winname, const String& title)
CVWindow *cvwindow = (CVWindow *)[self window];
if ([cvwindow respondsToSelector:@selector(sliders)]) {
for(NSString *key in [cvwindow sliders]) {
NSSlider *slider = [[cvwindow sliders] valueForKey:key];
CVSlider *slider = [[cvwindow sliders] valueForKey:key];
NSRect r = [slider frame];
r.origin.y = height - r.size.height;
r.size.width = [[cvwindow contentView] frame].size.width;
CGRect sliderRect = slider.slider.frame;
CGFloat targetWidth = r.size.width - (sliderRect.origin.x + 10);
sliderRect.size.width = targetWidth < 0 ? 0 : targetWidth;
slider.slider.frame = sliderRect;
[slider setFrame:r];
height -= r.size.height;
NSRect frame = self.frame;
if (frame.size.height < self.sliderHeight) {
frame.size.height = self.sliderHeight;
self.frame = frame;
if ([self imageView]) {
NSRect imageViewFrame = frame;
imageViewFrame.size.height -= [self sliderHeight];
NSRect constrainedFrame = { imageViewFrame.origin, constrainAspectRatio(imageViewFrame.size, [image size]) };
[[self imageView] setFrame:constrainedFrame];
[localpool drain];
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {
//cout << "drawRect" << endl;
[super drawRect:rect];
// If imageView exists, all drawing will be done by it and nothing needs to happen here
if ([self image] && ![self imageView]) {
NSAutoreleasePool* localpool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
CVWindow *cvwindow = (CVWindow *)[self window];
int height = 0;
if ([cvwindow respondsToSelector:@selector(sliders)]) {
for(NSString *key in [cvwindow sliders]) {
height += [[[cvwindow sliders] valueForKey:key] frame].size.height;
NSRect imageRect = {{0,0}, {[image size].width, [image size].height}};
if(image != nil) {
[image drawInRect: imageRect
[image drawInRect: [self frame]
fromRect: NSZeroRect
operation: NSCompositeSourceOver
fraction: 1.0];
[localpool release];
