@ -139,124 +139,125 @@ void CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::close()
// Initialize camera input
bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI : : open ( int index )
bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI : : open ( int )
tPvCameraInfo cameraList [ MAX_CAMERAS ] ;
tPvCameraInfo camInfo ;
tPvIpSettings ipSettings ;
// Initialization parameters [500 x 10 ms = 5000 ms timeout]
int initializeTimeOut = 500 ;
if ( PvInitialize ( ) ) {
//return false;
// Disregard any errors, since this might be called several times and only needs to be called once or it will return an
// Important when wanting to use more than 1 AVT camera at the same time
PvInitialize ( ) ;
Sleep ( 1000 ) ;
while ( ( ! PvCameraCount ( ) ) & & ( initializeTimeOut - - ) )
Sleep ( 10 ) ;
if ( ! initializeTimeOut ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " ERROR: camera intialisation timeout [5000ms]. \n " ) ;
return false ;
int numCameras = PvCameraList ( cameraList , MAX_CAMERAS , NULL ) ;
unsigned int numCameras = PvCameraList ( cameraList , MAX_CAMERAS , NULL ) ;
if ( numCameras < = 0 | | index > = numCameras )
// If no cameras are found
if ( ! numCameras )
fprintf ( stderr , " ERROR: No cameras found. \n " ) ;
return false ;
Camera . UID = cameraList [ index ] . UniqueId ;
if ( ! PvCameraInfo ( Camera . UID , & camInfo ) & & ! PvCameraIpSettingsGet ( Camera . UID , & ipSettings ) ) {
struct in_addr addr ;
addr . s_addr = ipSettings . CurrentIpAddress ;
printf ( " Current address: \t %s \n " , inet_ntoa ( addr ) ) ;
addr . s_addr = ipSettings . CurrentIpSubnet ;
printf ( " Current subnet: \t \t %s \n " , inet_ntoa ( addr ) ) ;
addr . s_addr = ipSettings . CurrentIpGateway ;
printf ( " Current gateway: \t %s \n " , inet_ntoa ( addr ) ) ;
// Try opening the cameras in the list, one-by-one until a camera that is not used is found
unsigned int findNewCamera ;
for ( findNewCamera = 0 ; findNewCamera < numCameras ; findNewCamera + + )
Camera . UID = cameraList [ findNewCamera ] . UniqueId ;
if ( PvCameraOpen ( Camera . UID , ePvAccessMaster , & ( Camera . Handle ) ) = = ePvErrSuccess )
break ;
else {
fprintf ( stderr , " ERROR: could not retrieve camera IP settings. \n " ) ;
if ( findNewCamera = = numCameras )
fprintf ( stderr , " Could not find a new camera to connect to. \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( PvCameraIpSettingsGet ( Camera . UID , & ipSettings ) = = ePvErrNotFound )
fprintf ( stderr , " The specified camera UID %lu could not be found, PvCameraIpSettingsGet(). \n " , Camera . UID ) ;
return false ;
if ( PvCameraOpen ( Camera . UID , ePvAccessMaster , & ( Camera . Handle ) ) = = ePvErrSuccess )
if ( PvCameraInfo ( Camera . UID , & camInfo ) = = ePvErrNotFound )
fprintf ( stderr , " The specified camera UID %lu could not be found, PvCameraInfo(). \n " , Camera . UID ) ;
return false ;
//Set Pixel Format to BRG24 to follow conventions
/*Errcode = PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "PixelFormat", "Bgr24");
if ( Errcode ! = ePvErrSuccess )
fprintf ( stderr , " PvAPI: couldn't set PixelFormat to Bgr24 \n " ) ;
return NULL ;
tPvUint32 frameWidth , frameHeight , frameSize ;
unsigned long maxSize ;
char pixelFormat [ 256 ] ;
PvAttrUint32Get ( Camera . Handle , " TotalBytesPerFrame " , & frameSize ) ;
PvAttrUint32Get ( Camera . Handle , " Width " , & frameWidth ) ;
PvAttrUint32Get ( Camera . Handle , " Height " , & frameHeight ) ;
PvAttrEnumGet ( Camera . Handle , " PixelFormat " , pixelFormat , 256 , NULL ) ;
maxSize = 8228 ;
if ( PvCaptureAdjustPacketSize ( Camera . Handle , maxSize ) ! = ePvErrSuccess )
return false ;
if ( strcmp ( pixelFormat , " Mono8 " ) = = 0 ) {
grayframe = cvCreateImage ( cvSize ( ( int ) frameWidth , ( int ) frameHeight ) , IPL_DEPTH_8U , 1 ) ;
grayframe - > widthStep = ( int ) frameWidth ;
frame = cvCreateImage ( cvSize ( ( int ) frameWidth , ( int ) frameHeight ) , IPL_DEPTH_8U , 3 ) ;
frame - > widthStep = ( int ) frameWidth * 3 ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBufferSize = frameSize ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBuffer = grayframe - > imageData ;
else if ( strcmp ( pixelFormat , " Mono16 " ) = = 0 ) {
grayframe = cvCreateImage ( cvSize ( ( int ) frameWidth , ( int ) frameHeight ) , IPL_DEPTH_16U , 1 ) ;
grayframe - > widthStep = ( int ) frameWidth ;
frame = cvCreateImage ( cvSize ( ( int ) frameWidth , ( int ) frameHeight ) , IPL_DEPTH_16U , 3 ) ;
frame - > widthStep = ( int ) frameWidth * 3 ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBufferSize = frameSize ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBuffer = grayframe - > imageData ;
else if ( strcmp ( pixelFormat , " Bgr24 " ) = = 0 ) {
frame = cvCreateImage ( cvSize ( ( int ) frameWidth , ( int ) frameHeight ) , IPL_DEPTH_8U , 3 ) ;
frame - > widthStep = ( int ) frameWidth * 3 ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBufferSize = frameSize ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBuffer = frame - > imageData ;
return false ;
// Start the camera
PvCaptureStart ( Camera . Handle ) ;
tPvUint32 frameWidth , frameHeight , frameSize ;
char pixelFormat [ 256 ] ;
PvAttrUint32Get ( Camera . Handle , " TotalBytesPerFrame " , & frameSize ) ;
PvAttrUint32Get ( Camera . Handle , " Width " , & frameWidth ) ;
PvAttrUint32Get ( Camera . Handle , " Height " , & frameHeight ) ;
PvAttrEnumGet ( Camera . Handle , " PixelFormat " , pixelFormat , 256 , NULL ) ;
// Set the camera to capture continuously
if ( PvAttrEnumSet ( Camera . Handle , " AcquisitionMode " , " Continuous " ) ! = ePvErrSuccess )
fprintf ( stderr , " Could not set Prosilica Acquisition Mode \n " ) ;
return false ;
// Start the camera
PvCaptureStart ( Camera . Handle ) ;
if ( PvCommandRun ( Camera . Handle , " AcquisitionStart " ) ! = ePvErrSuccess )
fprintf ( stderr , " Could not start Prosilica acquisition \n " ) ;
return false ;
// Set the camera explicitly to capture data frames continuously
if ( PvAttrEnumSet ( Camera . Handle , " AcquisitionMode " , " Continuous " ) ! = ePvErrSuccess )
fprintf ( stderr , " Could not set Acquisition Mode \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( PvAttrEnumSet ( Camera . Handle , " FrameStartTriggerMode " , " Freerun " ) ! = ePvErrSuccess )
fprintf ( stderr , " Error setting Prosilica trigger to \" Freerun \" " ) ;
return false ;
if ( PvCommandRun ( Camera . Handle , " AcquisitionStart " ) ! = ePvErrSuccess )
fprintf ( stderr , " Could not start acquisition \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( PvAttrEnumSet ( Camera . Handle , " FrameStartTriggerMode " , " Freerun " ) ! = ePvErrSuccess )
fprintf ( stderr , " Error setting trigger to \" Freerun \" " ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
// Settings depending on the pixelformat
// This works for all AVT camera models that use the PvAPI interface
if ( strcmp ( pixelFormat , " Mono8 " ) = = 0 ) {
monocrome = true ;
grayframe = cvCreateImage ( cvSize ( ( int ) frameWidth , ( int ) frameHeight ) , IPL_DEPTH_8U , 1 ) ;
grayframe - > widthStep = ( int ) frameWidth ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBufferSize = frameSize ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBuffer = grayframe - > imageData ;
else if ( strcmp ( pixelFormat , " Mono16 " ) = = 0 ) {
monocrome = true ;
grayframe = cvCreateImage ( cvSize ( ( int ) frameWidth , ( int ) frameHeight ) , IPL_DEPTH_16U , 1 ) ;
grayframe - > widthStep = ( int ) frameWidth * 2 ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBufferSize = frameSize ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBuffer = grayframe - > imageData ;
else if ( strcmp ( pixelFormat , " Bgr24 " ) = = 0 ) {
monocrome = false ;
frame = cvCreateImage ( cvSize ( ( int ) frameWidth , ( int ) frameHeight ) , IPL_DEPTH_8U , 3 ) ;
frame - > widthStep = ( int ) frameWidth * 3 ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBufferSize = frameSize ;
Camera . Frame . ImageBuffer = frame - > imageData ;
else {
fprintf ( stderr , " Pixel format %s not supported; only Mono8, Mono16 and Bgr24 are currently supported. \n " , pixelFormat ) ;
return false ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Error cannot open camera \n " ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI : : grabFrame ( )
//if(Camera.Frame.Status != ePvErrUnplugged && Camera.Frame.Status != ePvErrCancelled)
return PvCaptureQueueFrame ( Camera . Handle , & ( Camera . Frame ) , NULL ) = = ePvErrSuccess ;
@ -266,7 +267,6 @@ IplImage* CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::retrieveFrame(int)
if ( PvCaptureWaitForFrameDone ( Camera . Handle , & ( Camera . Frame ) , 1000 ) = = ePvErrSuccess ) {
if ( ! monocrome ) {
cvMerge ( grayframe , grayframe , grayframe , NULL , frame ) ;
return frame ;
return grayframe ;
@ -287,26 +287,26 @@ double CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::getProperty( int property_id )
PvAttrUint32Get ( Camera . Handle , " Height " , & nTemp ) ;
return ( double ) nTemp ;
PvAttrUint32Get ( Camera . Handle , " ExposureValue " , & nTemp ) ;
return ( double ) nTemp ;
PvAttrUint32Get ( Camera . Handle , " ExposureValue " , & nTemp ) ;
return ( double ) nTemp ;
tPvFloat32 nfTemp ;
tPvFloat32 nfTemp ;
PvAttrFloat32Get ( Camera . Handle , " StatFrameRate " , & nfTemp ) ;
return ( double ) nfTemp ;
char mEnable [ 2 ] ;
char mIp [ 11 ] ;
PvAttrEnumGet ( Camera . Handle , " MulticastEnable " , mEnable , sizeof ( mEnable ) , NULL ) ;
if ( strcmp ( mEnable , " Off " ) = = 0 ) {
return - 1 ;
else {
long int ip ;
int a , b , c , d ;
PvAttrStringGet ( Camera . Handle , " MulticastIPAddress " , mIp , sizeof ( mIp ) , NULL ) ;
sscanf ( mIp , " %d.%d.%d.%d " , & a , & b , & c , & d ) ; ip = ( ( a * 256 + b ) * 256 + c ) * 256 + d ;
return ( double ) ip ;
char mEnable [ 2 ] ;
char mIp [ 11 ] ;
PvAttrEnumGet ( Camera . Handle , " MulticastEnable " , mEnable , sizeof ( mEnable ) , NULL ) ;
if ( strcmp ( mEnable , " Off " ) = = 0 ) {
return - 1 ;
else {
long int ip ;
int a , b , c , d ;
PvAttrStringGet ( Camera . Handle , " MulticastIPAddress " , mIp , sizeof ( mIp ) , NULL ) ;
sscanf ( mIp , " %d.%d.%d.%d " , & a , & b , & c , & d ) ; ip = ( ( a * 256 + b ) * 256 + c ) * 256 + d ;
return ( double ) ip ;
return - 1.0 ;