Loads a persisted model and state from a given XML or YAML file . Every
:ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer` has overwrites ``FaceRecognizer::load(FileStorage& fs)``
Loads a persisted model and state from a given XML or YAML file . Every
:ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer` has overwrites ``FaceRecognizer::load(FileStorage& fs)``
to enable loading the internal model state. ``FaceRecognizer::load(const string& filename)``
eases saving a model, so you just need to call it on the filename.
eases saving a model, so you just need to call it on the filename.
@ -151,28 +153,28 @@ Creates an Eigenfaces model with given number of components (if given) and thres
This model implements the Eigenfaces method as described in [TP91]_.
* ``num_components`` (default 0) number of components are kept for classification. If no number of
components is given, it is automatically determined from given data in
:ocv:func:`FaceRecognizer::train`. If (and only if) ``num_components`` <= 0, then
``num_components`` is set to (N-1) in ocv:func:`Eigenfaces::train`, with *N* being the
total number of samples in ``src``.
* ``num_components`` (default 0) number of components are kept for classification. If no number of
components is given, it is automatically determined from given data in
:ocv:func:`FaceRecognizer::train`. If (and only if) ``num_components`` <= 0, then
``num_components`` is set to (N-1) in :ocv:func:`Eigenfaces::train`, with *N* being the
total number of samples in ``src``.
* ``threshold`` (default DBL_MAX)
* ``threshold`` (default DBL_MAX)
Internal model data, which can be accessed through cv::Algorithm:
* ``ncomponents``
* ``ncomponents``
* ``threshold``
* ``eigenvectors``
* ``eigenvalues``
* ``mean``
* ``labels``
* ``projections``
@ -184,26 +186,26 @@ Creates a Fisherfaces model for given a given number of components and threshold
This model implements the Fisherfaces method as described in [BHK97]_.
* ``num_components`` number of components are kept for classification. If no number
of components is given (default 0), it is automatically determined from given data
in :ocv:func:`Fisherfaces::train` (model implementation). If (and only if)
``num_components`` <= 0, then ``num_components`` is set to (C-1) in
ocv:func:`train`, with *C* being the number of unique classes in ``labels``.
* ``num_components`` number of components are kept for classification. If no number
of components is given (default 0), it is automatically determined from given data
in :ocv:func:`Fisherfaces::train` (model implementation). If (and only if)
``num_components`` <= 0, then ``num_components`` is set to (C-1) in
:ocv:func:`train`, with *C* being the number of unique classes in ``labels``.
* ``threshold`` (default DBL_MAX)
* ``threshold`` (default DBL_MAX)
Internal model data, which can be accessed through cv::Algorithm:
* ``ncomponents``
* ``threshold``
* ``projections``
* ``labels``
* ``eigenvectors``
* ``eigenvalues``
* ``mean``
@ -213,41 +215,41 @@ createLBPHFaceRecognizer
Implements face recognition with Local Binary Patterns Histograms as described in [Ahonen04]_.
..ocv:function:: Ptr<FaceRecognizer> createLBPHFaceRecognizer(int radius=1, int neighbors=8, int grid_x=8, int grid_y=8, double threshold = DBL_MAX);
..ocv:function:: Ptr<FaceRecognizer> createLBPHFaceRecognizer(int radius=1, int neighbors=8, int grid_x=8, int grid_y=8, double threshold = DBL_MAX)
Internal model data, which can be accessed through cv::Algorithm:
* ``radius``
* ``neighbors``
* ``grid_x``
* ``grid_y``
* ``threshold``
* ``histograms``
* ``labels``
Example: Working with a cv::FaceRecognizer
In this tutorial you'll see how to do face recognition with OpenCV on real image data. We'll work through a complete example, so you know how to work with it. While this example is based on Eigenfaces, it works the same for all the other available :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer` implementations.
In this tutorial you'll see how to do face recognition with OpenCV on real image data. We'll work through a complete example, so you know how to work with it. While this example is based on Eigenfaces, it works the same for all the other available :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer` implementations.
Getting Image Data
We are doing face recognition, so you'll need some face images first! You can decide to either create your own database or start with one of the many available datasets. `face-rec.org/databases <http://face-rec.org/databases/>`_ gives an up-to-date overview of public available datasets (parts of the following descriptions are quoted from there).
We are doing face recognition, so you'll need some face images first! You can decide to either create your own database or start with one of the many available datasets. `face-rec.org/databases <http://face-rec.org/databases/>`_ gives an up-to-date overview of public available datasets (parts of the following descriptions are quoted from there).
Three interesting databases are:
* `AT&T Facedatabase <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/attarchive/facedatabase.html>`_ The AT&T Facedatabase, sometimes also referred to as *ORL Database of Faces*, contains ten different images of each of 40 distinct subjects. For some subjects, the images were taken at different times, varying the lighting, facial expressions (open / closed eyes, smiling / not smiling) and facial details (glasses / no glasses). All the images were taken against a dark homogeneous background with the subjects in an upright, frontal position (with tolerance for some side movement).
* `Yale Facedatabase A <http://cvc.yale.edu/projects/yalefaces/yalefaces.html>`_ The AT&T Facedatabase is good for initial tests, but it's a fairly easy database. The Eigenfaces method already has a 97% recognition rate, so you won't see any improvements with other algorithms. The Yale Facedatabase A is a more appropriate dataset for initial experiments, because the recognition problem is harder. The database consists of 15 people (14 male, 1 female) each with 11 grayscale images sized :math:`320 \times 243` pixel. There are changes in the light conditions (center light, left light, right light), facial expressions (happy, normal, sad, sleepy, surprised, wink) and glasses (glasses, no-glasses).
* `Yale Facedatabase A <http://cvc.yale.edu/projects/yalefaces/yalefaces.html>`_ The AT&T Facedatabase is good for initial tests, but it's a fairly easy database. The Eigenfaces method already has a 97% recognition rate, so you won't see any improvements with other algorithms. The Yale Facedatabase A is a more appropriate dataset for initial experiments, because the recognition problem is harder. The database consists of 15 people (14 male, 1 female) each with 11 grayscale images sized :math:`320 \times 243` pixel. There are changes in the light conditions (center light, left light, right light), facial expressions (happy, normal, sad, sleepy, surprised, wink) and glasses (glasses, no-glasses).
* `Extended Yale Facedatabase B <http://vision.ucsd.edu/~leekc/ExtYaleDatabase/ExtYaleB.html>`_ The Extended Yale Facedatabase B contains 2414 images of 38 different people in its cropped version. The focus of this database is set on extracting features that are robust to illumination, the images have almost no variation in emotion/occlusion/... . I personally think, that this dataset is too large for the experiments I perform in this document. You better use the `AT&T Facedatabase <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/attarchive/facedatabase.html>`_ for intial testing. A first version of the Yale Facedatabase B was used in [Belhumeur97]_ to see how the Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces method perform under heavy illumination changes. [Lee2005]_ used the same setup to take 16128 images of 28 people. The Extended Yale Facedatabase B is the merge of the two databases, which is now known as Extended Yalefacedatabase B.
For this tutorial I am going to use the `AT&T Facedatabase <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/attarchive/facedatabase.html>`_, which is available from: `http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/attarchive/facedatabase.html <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/attarchive/facedatabase.html>`_. All credit for this dataset is given to the *AT&T Laboratories, Cambridge*, also make sure to read the README
@ -255,7 +257,7 @@ For this tutorial I am going to use the `AT&T Facedatabase <http://www.cl.cam.ac
Reading the Image Data
In the demo I have decided to read the images from a very simple CSV file. Why? Because it's the simplest platform-independent approach I can think of. However, if you know a simpler solution please ping me about it. Basically all the CSV file needs to contain are lines composed of a **filename** followed by a **;** followed by the **label** (as integer number), making up a line like this:
In the demo I have decided to read the images from a very simple CSV file. Why? Because it's the simplest platform-independent approach I can think of. However, if you know a simpler solution please ping me about it. Basically all the CSV file needs to contain are lines composed of a **filename** followed by a **;** followed by the **label** (as integer number), making up a line like this:
..code-block:: none
@ -466,15 +468,15 @@ Results
Saving and Loading a cv::FaceRecognizer
Saving and loading a :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer` is a very important task, because
training a :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer` can be a very time-intense task for large
datasets (depending on your algorithm). In OpenCV you only have to call
:ocv:func:`FaceRecognizer::load` for loading, and :ocv:func:`FaceRecognizer::save`
Saving and loading a :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer` is a very important task, because
training a :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer` can be a very time-intense task for large
datasets (depending on your algorithm). In OpenCV you only have to call
:ocv:func:`FaceRecognizer::load` for loading, and :ocv:func:`FaceRecognizer::save`
for saving the internal state of a :ocv:class:`FaceRecognizer`.
Imagine we are using the same example as above. We want to learn the Eigenfaces of
the `AT&T Facedatabase <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/attarchive/facedatabase.html>`_,
but store the model to a YAML file so we can load it from somewhere else.
Imagine we are using the same example as above. We want to learn the Eigenfaces of
the `AT&T Facedatabase <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/attarchive/facedatabase.html>`_,
but store the model to a YAML file so we can load it from somewhere else.
To see if everything went fine, we'll have a look at the stored data and the first 10 Eigenfaces.
@ -484,12 +486,12 @@ Demo application
..code-block:: none
``eigenfaces_at.yml`` contains the model state, we'll simply show the first 10
lines with ``head eigenfaces_at.yml``:
``eigenfaces_at.yml`` contains the model state, we'll simply show the first 10
..ocv:cfunction:: CvSetElem* cvGetSetElem( const CvSet* set_header, int index )
..ocv:cfunction:: CvSetElem* cvGetSetElem( const CvSet* set_header, int idx )
:param set_header:Set
:param index:Index of the set element within a sequence
:param idx:Index of the set element within a sequence
The function finds a set element by its index. The function returns the pointer to it or 0 if the index is invalid or the corresponding node is free. The function supports negative indices as it uses
* **FileStorage::WRITE** Open the file for writing.
* **FileStorage::APPEND** Open the file for appending.
* **FileStorage::MEMORY** Read data from ``source`` or write data to the internal buffer (which is returned by ``FileStorage::release``)
:param encoding:Encoding of the file. Note that UTF-16 XML encoding is not supported currently and you should use 8-bit encoding instead of it.
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ FileStorage::release
Closes the file and releases all the memory buffers.
..ocv:function::string FileStorage::release()
..ocv:function::void FileStorage::release()
Call this method after all I/O operations with the storage are finished. If the storage was opened for writing data and ``FileStorage::WRITE`` was specified
@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ Finds keypoints in an image and computes their descriptors
:param useProvidedKeypoints:If it is true, then the method will use the provided vector of keypoints instead of detecting them.
..ocv:class:: FREAK
..ocv:class:: FREAK : public DescriptorExtractor
Class implementing the FREAK (*Fast Retina Keypoint*) keypoint descriptor, described in [AOV12]_. The algorithm propose a novel keypoint descriptor inspired by the human visual system and more precisely the retina, coined Fast Retina Key- point (FREAK). A cascade of binary strings is computed by efficiently comparing image intensities over a retinal sampling pattern. FREAKs are in general faster to compute with lower memory load and also more robust than SIFT, SURF or BRISK. They are competitive alternatives to existing keypoints in particular for embedded applications.
The class discriminates between foreground and background pixels by building and maintaining a model of the background. Any pixel which does not fit this model is then deemed to be foreground. The class implements algorithm described in [FGD2003]_.
The class discriminates between foreground and background pixels by building and maintaining a model of the background. Any pixel which does not fit this model is then deemed to be foreground. The class implements algorithm described in [FGD2003]_.
The results are available through the class fields:
The results are available through the class fields:
..ocv:member:: cv::gpu::GpuMat background
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ gpu::FGDStatModel::update
Updates the background model and returns foreground regions count.
..ocv:function:: int gpu::FGDStatModel::update(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& curFrame);
..ocv:function:: int gpu::FGDStatModel::update(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& curFrame)
:param curFrame:Next video frame.
@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ Class for reading video from files.
Video codecs supported by ocv:class:`gpu::VideoReader_GPU` . ::
Video codecs supported by :ocv:class:`gpu::VideoReader_GPU` . ::
enum Codec
@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ Video codecs supported by ocv:class:`gpu::VideoReader_GPU` . ::
Chroma formats supported by ocv:class:`gpu::VideoReader_GPU` . ::
Chroma formats supported by :ocv:class:`gpu::VideoReader_GPU` . ::