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Object detection with Generalized Ballard and Guil Hough Transform {#tutorial_generalized_hough_ballard_guil} |
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@tableofcontents |
@prev_tutorial{tutorial_hough_circle} |
@next_tutorial{tutorial_remap} |
| | | |
| -: | :- | |
| Original author | Markus Heck | |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 3.4 | |
Goal |
---- |
In this tutorial you will learn how to: |
- Use @ref cv::GeneralizedHoughBallard and @ref cv::GeneralizedHoughGuil to detect an object |
Example |
------- |
### What does this program do? |
1. Load the image and template |
2. Instantiate @ref cv::GeneralizedHoughBallard with the help of `createGeneralizedHoughBallard()` |
3. Instantiate @ref cv::GeneralizedHoughGuil with the help of `createGeneralizedHoughGuil()` |
4. Set the required parameters for both GeneralizedHough variants |
5. Detect and show found results |
@note |
- Both variants can't be instantiated directly. Using the create methods is required. |
- Guil Hough is very slow. Calculating the results for the "mini" files used in this tutorial |
takes only a few seconds. With image and template in a higher resolution, as shown below, |
my notebook requires about 5 minutes to calculate a result. |
### Code |
The complete code for this tutorial is shown below. |
@include samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/generalizedHoughTransform.cpp |
Explanation |
----------- |
### Load image, template and setup variables |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/generalizedHoughTransform.cpp generalized-hough-transform-load-and-setup |
The position vectors will contain the matches the detectors will find. |
Every entry contains four floating point values: |
position vector |
- *[0]*: x coordinate of center point |
- *[1]*: y coordinate of center point |
- *[2]*: scale of detected object compared to template |
- *[3]*: rotation of detected object in degree in relation to template |
An example could look as follows: `[200, 100, 0.9, 120]` |
### Setup parameters |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/generalizedHoughTransform.cpp generalized-hough-transform-setup-parameters |
Finding the optimal values can end up in trial and error and depends on many factors, such as the image resolution. |
### Run detection |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/generalizedHoughTransform.cpp generalized-hough-transform-run |
As mentioned above, this step will take some time, especially with larger images and when using Guil. |
### Draw results and show image |
@snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/generalizedHoughTransform.cpp generalized-hough-transform-draw-results |
Result |
------ |
The blue rectangle shows the result of @ref cv::GeneralizedHoughBallard and the green rectangles the results of @ref |
cv::GeneralizedHoughGuil. |
Getting perfect results like in this example is unlikely if the parameters are not perfectly adapted to the sample. |
An example with less perfect parameters is shown below. |
For the Ballard variant, only the center of the result is marked as a black dot on this image. The rectangle would be |
the same as on the previous image. |
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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ |
@file generalizedHoughTransform.cpp |
@author Markus Heck |
@brief Detects an object, given by a template, in an image using GeneralizedHoughBallard and GeneralizedHoughGuil. |
*/ |
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp" |
using namespace cv; |
using namespace std; |
int main() { |
//! [generalized-hough-transform-load-and-setup]
// load source image and grayscale template
Mat image = imread("images/generalized_hough_mini_image.jpg"); |
Mat templ = imread("images/generalized_hough_mini_template.jpg", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); |
// create grayscale image
Mat grayImage; |
cvtColor(image, grayImage, COLOR_RGB2GRAY); |
// create variable for location, scale and rotation of detected templates
vector<Vec4f> positionBallard, positionGuil; |
// template width and height
int w = templ.cols; |
int h = templ.rows; |
//! [generalized-hough-transform-load-and-setup]
//! [generalized-hough-transform-setup-parameters]
// create ballard and set options
Ptr<GeneralizedHoughBallard> ballard = createGeneralizedHoughBallard(); |
ballard->setMinDist(10); |
ballard->setLevels(360); |
ballard->setDp(2); |
ballard->setMaxBufferSize(1000); |
ballard->setVotesThreshold(40); |
ballard->setCannyLowThresh(30); |
ballard->setCannyHighThresh(110); |
ballard->setTemplate(templ); |
// create guil and set options
Ptr<GeneralizedHoughGuil> guil = createGeneralizedHoughGuil(); |
guil->setMinDist(10); |
guil->setLevels(360); |
guil->setDp(3); |
guil->setMaxBufferSize(1000); |
guil->setMinAngle(0); |
guil->setMaxAngle(360); |
guil->setAngleStep(1); |
guil->setAngleThresh(1500); |
guil->setMinScale(0.5); |
guil->setMaxScale(2.0); |
guil->setScaleStep(0.05); |
guil->setScaleThresh(50); |
guil->setPosThresh(10); |
guil->setCannyLowThresh(30); |
guil->setCannyHighThresh(110); |
guil->setTemplate(templ); |
//! [generalized-hough-transform-setup-parameters]
//! [generalized-hough-transform-run]
// execute ballard detection
ballard->detect(grayImage, positionBallard); |
// execute guil detection
guil->detect(grayImage, positionGuil); |
//! [generalized-hough-transform-run]
//! [generalized-hough-transform-draw-results]
// draw ballard
for (vector<Vec4f>::iterator iter = positionBallard.begin(); iter != positionBallard.end(); ++iter) { |
RotatedRect rRect = RotatedRect(Point2f((*iter)[0], (*iter)[1]), |
Size2f(w * (*iter)[2], h * (*iter)[2]), |
(*iter)[3]); |
Point2f vertices[4]; |
rRect.points(vertices); |
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) |
line(image, vertices[i], vertices[(i + 1) % 4], Scalar(255, 0, 0), 6); |
} |
// draw guil
for (vector<Vec4f>::iterator iter = positionGuil.begin(); iter != positionGuil.end(); ++iter) { |
RotatedRect rRect = RotatedRect(Point2f((*iter)[0], (*iter)[1]), |
Size2f(w * (*iter)[2], h * (*iter)[2]), |
(*iter)[3]); |
Point2f vertices[4]; |
rRect.points(vertices); |
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) |
line(image, vertices[i], vertices[(i + 1) % 4], Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2); |
} |
imshow("result_img", image); |
waitKey(); |
//! [generalized-hough-transform-draw-results]
return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
} |