@ -123,7 +123,8 @@ T_CPP_MODULE = Template(read_contents(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'templates/cpp_mo |
class GeneralInfo(): |
def __init__(self, type, decl, namespaces): |
self.symbol_id, self.namespace, self.classpath, self.classname, self.name = self.parseName(decl[0], namespaces) |
self.symbol_id, self.parent_id, self.namespace, self.classpath, self.classname, self.name = self.parseName(decl[0], namespaces) |
self.cname = get_cname(self.symbol_id) |
# parse doxygen comments |
self.params={} |
@ -150,6 +151,9 @@ class GeneralInfo(): |
returns: (namespace, classpath, classname, name) |
''' |
name = name[name.find(" ")+1:].strip() # remove struct/class/const prefix |
parent = name[:name.rfind('.')].strip() |
if len(parent) == 0: |
parent = None |
spaceName = "" |
localName = name # <classes>.<name> |
for namespace in sorted(namespaces, key=len, reverse=True): |
@ -159,31 +163,44 @@ class GeneralInfo(): |
break |
pieces = localName.split(".") |
if len(pieces) > 2: # <class>.<class>.<class>.<name> |
return name, spaceName, ".".join(pieces[:-1]), pieces[-2], pieces[-1] |
return name, parent, spaceName, ".".join(pieces[:-1]), pieces[-2], pieces[-1] |
elif len(pieces) == 2: # <class>.<name> |
return name, spaceName, pieces[0], pieces[0], pieces[1] |
return name, parent, spaceName, pieces[0], pieces[0], pieces[1] |
elif len(pieces) == 1: # <name> |
return name, spaceName, "", "", pieces[0] |
return name, parent, spaceName, "", "", pieces[0] |
else: |
return name, spaceName, "", "" # error?! |
return name, parent, spaceName, "", "" # error?! |
def fullName(self, isCPP=False): |
result = ".".join([self.fullClass(), self.name]) |
return result if not isCPP else get_cname(result) |
def fullNameOrigin(self): |
result = self.symbol_id |
return result |
def fullNameJAVA(self): |
result = '.'.join([self.fullParentNameJAVA(), self.jname]) |
return result |
def fullClass(self, isCPP=False): |
def fullNameCPP(self): |
result = self.cname |
return result |
def fullParentNameJAVA(self): |
result = ".".join([f for f in [self.namespace] + self.classpath.split(".") if len(f)>0]) |
return result if not isCPP else get_cname(result) |
return result |
def fullParentNameCPP(self): |
result = get_cname(self.parent_id) |
return result |
class ConstInfo(GeneralInfo): |
def __init__(self, decl, addedManually=False, namespaces=[], enumType=None): |
GeneralInfo.__init__(self, "const", decl, namespaces) |
self.cname = get_cname(self.name) |
self.value = decl[1] |
self.enumType = enumType |
self.addedManually = addedManually |
if self.namespace in namespaces_dict: |
self.name = '%s_%s' % (namespaces_dict[self.namespace], self.name) |
prefix = namespaces_dict[self.namespace] |
if prefix: |
self.name = '%s_%s' % (prefix, self.name) |
def __repr__(self): |
return Template("CONST $name=$value$manual").substitute(name=self.name, |
@ -227,7 +244,6 @@ class ClassPropInfo(): |
class ClassInfo(GeneralInfo): |
def __init__(self, decl, namespaces=[]): # [ 'class/struct cname', ': base', [modlist] ] |
GeneralInfo.__init__(self, "class", decl, namespaces) |
self.cname = get_cname(self.name) |
self.methods = [] |
self.methods_suffixes = {} |
self.consts = [] # using a list to save the occurrence order |
@ -242,6 +258,18 @@ class ClassInfo(GeneralInfo): |
for m in decl[2]: |
if m.startswith("="): |
self.jname = m[1:] |
if self.classpath: |
prefix = self.classpath.replace('.', '_') |
self.name = '%s_%s' % (prefix, self.name) |
self.jname = '%s_%s' % (prefix, self.jname) |
if self.namespace in namespaces_dict: |
prefix = namespaces_dict[self.namespace] |
if prefix: |
self.name = '%s_%s' % (prefix, self.name) |
self.jname = '%s_%s' % (prefix, self.jname) |
self.base = '' |
if decl[1]: |
#self.base = re.sub(r"\b"+self.jname+r"\b", "", decl[1].replace(":", "")).strip() |
@ -358,11 +386,26 @@ class FuncInfo(GeneralInfo): |
self.isconstructor = self.name == self.classname |
if "[" in self.name: |
self.jname = "getelem" |
if self.namespace in namespaces_dict: |
self.jname = '%s_%s' % (namespaces_dict[self.namespace], self.jname) |
for m in decl[2]: |
if m.startswith("="): |
if m.startswith("="): # alias from WRAP_AS |
self.jname = m[1:] |
if self.classpath and self.classname != self.classpath: |
prefix = self.classpath.replace('.', '_') |
self.classname = prefix #'%s_%s' % (prefix, self.classname) |
if self.isconstructor: |
self.name = prefix #'%s_%s' % (prefix, self.name) |
self.jname = prefix #'%s_%s' % (prefix, self.jname) |
if self.namespace in namespaces_dict: |
prefix = namespaces_dict[self.namespace] |
if prefix: |
if self.classname: |
self.classname = '%s_%s' % (prefix, self.classname) |
if self.isconstructor: |
self.jname = '%s_%s' % (prefix, self.jname) |
else: |
self.jname = '%s_%s' % (prefix, self.jname) |
self.static = ["","static"][ "/S" in decl[2] ] |
self.ctype = re.sub(r"^CvTermCriteria", "TermCriteria", decl[1] or "") |
self.args = [] |
@ -374,6 +417,12 @@ class FuncInfo(GeneralInfo): |
arg[3] = arg_fix_map.get('attrib', arg[3]) #fixing arg attrib |
self.args.append(ArgInfo(arg)) |
def fullClassJAVA(self): |
return self.fullParentNameJAVA() |
def fullClassCPP(self): |
return self.fullParentNameCPP() |
def __repr__(self): |
return Template("FUNC <$ctype $namespace.$classpath.$name $args>").substitute(**self.__dict__) |
@ -388,7 +437,8 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
def clear(self): |
self.namespaces = ["cv"] |
self.classes = { "Mat" : ClassInfo([ 'class Mat', '', [], [] ], self.namespaces) } |
classinfo_Mat = ClassInfo([ 'class cv.Mat', '', [], [] ], self.namespaces) |
self.classes = { "Mat" : classinfo_Mat } |
self.module = "" |
self.Module = "" |
self.ported_func_list = [] |
@ -411,7 +461,7 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
type_dict.setdefault(name, {}).update( |
{ "j_type" : classinfo.jname, |
"jn_type" : "long", "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".nativeObj"),), |
"jni_name" : "(*("+classinfo.fullName(isCPP=True)+"*)%(n)s_nativeObj)", "jni_type" : "jlong", |
"jni_name" : "(*("+classinfo.fullNameCPP()+"*)%(n)s_nativeObj)", "jni_type" : "jlong", |
"suffix" : "J", |
"j_import" : "org.opencv.%s.%s" % (self.module, classinfo.jname) |
} |
@ -419,7 +469,7 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
type_dict.setdefault(name+'*', {}).update( |
{ "j_type" : classinfo.jname, |
"jn_type" : "long", "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".nativeObj"),), |
"jni_name" : "("+classinfo.fullName(isCPP=True)+"*)%(n)s_nativeObj", "jni_type" : "jlong", |
"jni_name" : "("+classinfo.fullNameCPP()+"*)%(n)s_nativeObj", "jni_type" : "jlong", |
"suffix" : "J", |
"j_import" : "org.opencv.%s.%s" % (self.module, classinfo.jname) |
} |
@ -446,7 +496,7 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
type_dict.setdefault("Ptr_"+name, {}).update( |
{ "j_type" : classinfo.jname, |
"jn_type" : "long", "jn_args" : (("__int64", ".getNativeObjAddr()"),), |
"jni_name" : "*((Ptr<"+classinfo.fullName(isCPP=True)+">*)%(n)s_nativeObj)", "jni_type" : "jlong", |
"jni_name" : "*((Ptr<"+classinfo.fullNameCPP()+">*)%(n)s_nativeObj)", "jni_type" : "jlong", |
"suffix" : "J", |
"j_import" : "org.opencv.%s.%s" % (self.module, classinfo.jname) |
} |
@ -489,14 +539,15 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
def add_func(self, decl): |
fi = FuncInfo(decl, namespaces=self.namespaces) |
classname = fi.classname or self.Module |
class_symbol_id = classname if self.isWrapped(classname) else fi.classpath.replace('.', '_') #('.'.join([fi.namespace, fi.classpath])[3:]) |
if classname in class_ignore_list: |
logging.info('ignored: %s', fi) |
elif classname in ManualFuncs and fi.jname in ManualFuncs[classname]: |
logging.info('manual: %s', fi) |
elif not self.isWrapped(classname): |
elif not self.isWrapped(class_symbol_id): |
logging.warning('not found: %s', fi) |
else: |
self.getClass(classname).addMethod(fi) |
self.getClass(class_symbol_id).addMethod(fi) |
logging.info('ok: %s', fi) |
# calc args with def val |
cnt = len([a for a in fi.args if a.defval]) |
@ -521,7 +572,7 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
# TODO: support UMat versions of declarations (implement UMat-wrapper for Java) |
parser = hdr_parser.CppHeaderParser(generate_umat_decls=False) |
self.add_class( ['class ' + self.Module, '', [], []] ) # [ 'class/struct cname', ':bases', [modlist] [props] ] |
self.add_class( ['class cv.' + self.Module, '', [], []] ) # [ 'class/struct cname', ':bases', [modlist] [props] ] |
# scan the headers and build more descriptive maps of classes, consts, functions |
includes = [] |
@ -582,9 +633,9 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
report.write("\n%i def args - %i funcs" % (i, self.def_args_hist[i])) |
return report.getvalue() |
def fullTypeName(self, t): |
def fullTypeNameCPP(self, t): |
if self.isWrapped(t): |
return self.getClass(t).fullName(isCPP=True) |
return self.getClass(t).fullNameCPP() |
else: |
return cast_from(t) |
@ -897,7 +948,7 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
default = "" |
elif not fi.ctype: # c-tor |
if self.isSmartClass(ci): |
ret = "return (jlong)(new Ptr<%(ctype)s>(_retval_));" % { 'ctype': fi.fullClass(isCPP=True) } |
ret = "return (jlong)(new Ptr<%(ctype)s>(_retval_));" % { 'ctype': fi.fullClassCPP() } |
else: |
ret = "return (jlong) _retval_;" |
elif "v_type" in type_dict[fi.ctype]: # c-tor |
@ -907,9 +958,9 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
ret = "return env->NewStringUTF(_retval_.c_str());" |
default = 'return env->NewStringUTF("");' |
elif self.isWrapped(fi.ctype): # wrapped class: |
ret = "return (jlong) new %s(_retval_);" % self.fullTypeName(fi.ctype) |
ret = "return (jlong) new %s(_retval_);" % self.fullTypeNameCPP(fi.ctype) |
elif fi.ctype.startswith('Ptr_'): |
c_prologue.append("typedef Ptr<%s> %s;" % (self.fullTypeName(fi.ctype[4:]), fi.ctype)) |
c_prologue.append("typedef Ptr<%s> %s;" % (self.fullTypeNameCPP(fi.ctype[4:]), fi.ctype)) |
ret = "return (jlong)(new %(ctype)s(_retval_));" % { 'ctype':fi.ctype } |
elif self.isWrapped(ret_type): # pointer to wrapped class: |
ret = "return (jlong) _retval_;" |
@ -924,12 +975,12 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
else: |
name = prop_name + ";//" |
cvname = fi.fullName(isCPP=True) |
retval = self.fullTypeName(fi.ctype) + " _retval_ = " if ret else "return " |
cvname = fi.fullNameCPP() |
retval = self.fullTypeNameCPP(fi.ctype) + " _retval_ = " if ret else "return " |
if fi.ctype == "void": |
retval = "" |
elif fi.ctype == "String": |
retval = "cv::" + self.fullTypeName(fi.ctype) + " _retval_ = " |
retval = "cv::" + self.fullTypeNameCPP(fi.ctype) + " _retval_ = " |
elif fi.ctype == "string": |
retval = "std::string _retval_ = " |
elif "v_type" in type_dict[fi.ctype]: # vector is returned |
@ -945,18 +996,18 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
if fi.classname: |
if not fi.ctype: # c-tor |
if self.isSmartClass(ci): |
retval = self.smartWrap(ci, fi.fullClass(isCPP=True)) + " _retval_ = " |
cvname = "makePtr<" + fi.fullClass(isCPP=True) +">" |
retval = self.smartWrap(ci, fi.fullClassCPP()) + " _retval_ = " |
cvname = "makePtr<" + fi.fullClassCPP() +">" |
else: |
retval = fi.fullClass(isCPP=True) + "* _retval_ = " |
cvname = "new " + fi.fullClass(isCPP=True) |
retval = fi.fullClassCPP() + "* _retval_ = " |
cvname = "new " + fi.fullClassCPP() |
elif fi.static: |
cvname = fi.fullName(isCPP=True) |
cvname = fi.fullNameCPP() |
else: |
cvname = ("me->" if not self.isSmartClass(ci) else "(*me)->") + name |
c_prologue.append( |
"%(cls)s* me = (%(cls)s*) self; //TODO: check for NULL" |
% { "cls" : self.smartWrap(ci, fi.fullClass(isCPP=True))} |
% { "cls" : self.smartWrap(ci, fi.fullClassCPP())} |
) |
cvargs = [] |
for a in args: |
@ -981,13 +1032,12 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object): |
clazz = ci.jname |
cpp_code.write ( Template( |
""" |
${namespace} |
JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_${clazz}_$fname ($argst); |
JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_${clazz}_$fname |
($args) |
{ |
${namespace} |
static const char method_name[] = "$module::$fname()"; |
try { |
LOGD("%s", method_name);$prologue |
@ -1014,7 +1064,7 @@ JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_${clazz}_$fname |
cvargs = " " + ", ".join(cvargs) + " " if cvargs else "", |
default = "\n " + default if default else "", |
retval = retval, |
namespace = ('using namespace ' + ci.namespace.replace('.', '::') + ';') if ci.namespace else '' |
namespace = ('using namespace ' + ci.namespace.replace('.', '::') + ';') if ci.namespace and ci.namespace != 'cv' else '' |
) ) |
# adding method signature to dictionary |
@ -1081,13 +1131,14 @@ JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_${clazz}_$fname |
self.gen_func(ci, fi) |
# props |
for pi in ci.props: |
basename = ci.fullNameOrigin() |
# getter |
getter_name = ci.fullName() + ".get_" + pi.name |
getter_name = basename + ".get_" + pi.name |
fi = FuncInfo( [getter_name, pi.ctype, [], []], self.namespaces ) # [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ] |
self.gen_func(ci, fi, pi.name) |
if pi.rw: |
#setter |
setter_name = ci.fullName() + ".set_" + pi.name |
setter_name = basename + ".set_" + pi.name |
fi = FuncInfo( [ setter_name, "void", [], [ [pi.ctype, pi.name, "", [], ""] ] ], self.namespaces) |
self.gen_func(ci, fi, pi.name) |
@ -1131,7 +1182,7 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_opencv_%(module)s_%(j_cls)s_delete |
delete (%(cls)s*) self; |
} |
""" % {"module" : module.replace('_', '_1'), "cls" : self.smartWrap(ci, ci.fullName(isCPP=True)), "j_cls" : ci.jname.replace('_', '_1')} |
""" % {"module" : module.replace('_', '_1'), "cls" : self.smartWrap(ci, ci.fullNameCPP()), "j_cls" : ci.jname.replace('_', '_1')} |
) |
def getClass(self, classname): |