@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ static int toCV(const ov::element::Type &type) {
static void copyFromOV ( const ov : : Tensor & tensor , cv : : Mat & mat ) {
const auto total = mat . total ( ) * mat . channels ( ) ;
if ( tensor . get_element_type ( ) ! = toOV ( mat . depth ( ) ) | |
tensor . get_size ( ) ! = total ) {
if ( toCV ( t ensor . get_element_type ( ) ) ! = mat . depth ( ) | |
tensor . get_size ( ) ! = total ) {
std : : stringstream ss ;
ss < < " Failed to copy data from ov::Tensor to cv::Mat. "
< < " Data type or number of elements mismatch. "
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ static void copyToOV(const cv::Mat &mat, ov::Tensor &tensor) {
// TODO: Ideally there should be check that mat and tensor
// dimensions are compatible.
const auto total = mat . total ( ) * mat . channels ( ) ;
if ( tensor . get_element_type ( ) ! = toOV ( mat . depth ( ) ) | |
tensor . get_size ( ) ! = total ) {
if ( toCV ( t ensor . get_element_type ( ) ) ! = mat . depth ( ) | |
tensor . get_size ( ) ! = total ) {
std : : stringstream ss ;
ss < < " Failed to copy data from cv::Mat to ov::Tensor. "
< < " Data type or number of elements mismatch. "
@ -158,6 +158,14 @@ int cv::gapi::ov::util::to_ocv(const ::ov::element::Type &type) {
return toCV ( type ) ;
void cv : : gapi : : ov : : util : : to_ov ( const cv : : Mat & mat , : : ov : : Tensor & tensor ) {
copyToOV ( mat , tensor ) ;
void cv : : gapi : : ov : : util : : to_ocv ( const : : ov : : Tensor & tensor , cv : : Mat & mat ) {
copyFromOV ( tensor , mat ) ;
struct OVUnit {
static const char * name ( ) { return " OVUnit " ; }
@ -343,6 +351,15 @@ cv::GArg OVCallContext::packArg(const cv::GArg &arg) {
switch ( ref . shape )
case cv : : GShape : : GMAT : return cv : : GArg ( m_res . slot < cv : : Mat > ( ) [ ref . id ] ) ;
// Note: .at() is intentional for GArray as object MUST be already there
// (and constructed by either bindIn/Out or resetInternal)
case cv : : GShape : : GARRAY : return cv : : GArg ( m_res . slot < cv : : detail : : VectorRef > ( ) . at ( ref . id ) ) ;
// Note: .at() is intentional for GOpaque as object MUST be already there
// (and constructed by either bindIn/Out or resetInternal)
case cv : : GShape : : GOPAQUE : return cv : : GArg ( m_res . slot < cv : : detail : : OpaqueRef > ( ) . at ( ref . id ) ) ;
default :
cv : : util : : throw_error ( std : : logic_error ( " Unsupported GShape type " ) ) ;
break ;
@ -547,6 +564,62 @@ static void PostOutputs(::ov::InferRequest &infer_request,
class PostOutputsList {
public :
PostOutputsList ( size_t size ,
std : : shared_ptr < OVCallContext > ctx ) ;
void operator ( ) ( : : ov : : InferRequest & infer_request ,
std : : exception_ptr eptr ,
size_t pos ) const ;
private :
struct Priv {
std : : atomic < size_t > finished { 0u } ;
size_t size ;
std : : shared_ptr < OVCallContext > ctx ;
} ;
std : : shared_ptr < Priv > m_priv ;
} ;
PostOutputsList : : PostOutputsList ( size_t size ,
std : : shared_ptr < OVCallContext > ctx )
: m_priv ( new Priv { } ) {
m_priv - > size = size ;
m_priv - > ctx = ctx ;
void PostOutputsList : : operator ( ) ( : : ov : : InferRequest & infer_request ,
std : : exception_ptr eptr ,
size_t pos ) const {
auto & & ctx = m_priv - > ctx ;
auto & & finished = m_priv - > finished ;
auto & & size = m_priv - > size ;
ctx - > eptr = eptr ;
if ( ! ctx - > eptr ) {
for ( auto i : ade : : util : : iota ( ctx - > uu . params . num_out ) ) {
std : : vector < cv : : Mat > & out_vec = ctx - > outVecR < cv : : Mat > ( i ) ;
const auto & out_name = ctx - > uu . params . output_names [ i ] ;
const auto & out_tensor = infer_request . get_tensor ( out_name ) ;
out_vec [ pos ] . create ( toCV ( out_tensor . get_shape ( ) ) ,
toCV ( out_tensor . get_element_type ( ) ) ) ;
copyFromOV ( out_tensor , out_vec [ pos ] ) ;
+ + finished ;
if ( finished = = size ) {
for ( auto i : ade : : util : : iota ( ctx - > uu . params . num_out ) ) {
auto output = ctx - > output ( i ) ;
ctx - > out . meta ( output , ctx - > getMeta ( ) ) ;
ctx - > out . post ( std : : move ( output ) , ctx - > eptr ) ;
namespace cv {
namespace gimpl {
namespace ov {
@ -594,6 +667,34 @@ cv::optional<V> lookUp(const std::map<K, V> &map, const K& key) {
return cv : : util : : make_optional ( std : : move ( it - > second ) ) ;
// NB: This function is used to preprocess input image
// for InferROI, InferList, InferList2 kernels.
static cv : : Mat preprocess ( const cv : : Mat & in_mat ,
const cv : : Rect & roi ,
const : : ov : : Shape & model_shape ) {
cv : : Mat out ;
// FIXME: Since there is no information about H and W positions
// among tensor dimmensions assume that model layout is "NHWC".
// (In fact "NHWC" is the only right layout for preprocessing because
// it works only with images.
GAPI_Assert ( model_shape . size ( ) = = 4u ) ;
const auto H = model_shape [ 1 ] ;
const auto W = model_shape [ 2 ] ;
const auto C = model_shape [ 3 ] ;
// NB: Soft check that at least number of channels matches.
if ( static_cast < int > ( C ) ! = in_mat . channels ( ) ) {
std : : stringstream ss ;
ss < < " OV Backend: Failed to preprocess input data "
" (Number of channels mismatch). "
" Provided data: " < < cv : : descr_of ( in_mat ) < <
" and Model shape: " < < model_shape ;
util : : throw_error ( std : : logic_error ( ss . str ( ) ) ) ;
// NB: Crop roi and resize to model size.
cv : : resize ( in_mat ( roi ) , out , cv : : Size ( W , H ) ) ;
return out ;
static bool isImage ( const cv : : GMatDesc & desc ,
const : : ov : : Shape & model_shape ) {
return ( model_shape . size ( ) = = 4u ) & &
@ -603,6 +704,191 @@ static bool isImage(const cv::GMatDesc &desc,
( desc . depth = = CV_8U ) ;
class PrePostProcWrapper {
public :
PrePostProcWrapper ( std : : shared_ptr < : : ov : : Model > & model ,
const ParamDesc : : Model & model_info ,
const std : : vector < std : : string > & input_names ,
const std : : vector < std : : string > & output_names )
: m_ppp ( model ) ,
m_model ( model ) ,
m_model_info ( model_info ) ,
m_input_names ( input_names ) ,
m_output_names ( output_names ) {
// NB: Do Reshape right away since it must be the first step of model modification
// and applicable for all infer kernels.
const auto new_shapes = broadcastLayerAttr ( model_info . new_shapes , input_names ) ;
m_model - > reshape ( toOV ( new_shapes ) ) ;
const auto & mi = m_model_info ;
m_input_tensor_layout = broadcastLayerAttr ( mi . input_tensor_layout , m_input_names ) ;
m_input_model_layout = broadcastLayerAttr ( mi . input_model_layout , m_input_names ) ;
m_interpolation = broadcastLayerAttr ( mi . interpolation , m_input_names ) ;
m_mean_values = broadcastLayerAttr ( mi . mean_values , m_input_names ) ;
m_scale_values = broadcastLayerAttr ( mi . scale_values , m_input_names ) ;
m_interpolation = broadcastLayerAttr ( mi . interpolation , m_input_names ) ;
m_output_tensor_layout = broadcastLayerAttr ( mi . output_tensor_layout , m_output_names ) ;
m_output_model_layout = broadcastLayerAttr ( mi . output_model_layout , m_output_names ) ;
m_output_tensor_precision = broadcastLayerAttr ( mi . output_tensor_precision , m_output_names ) ;
} ;
void cfgLayouts ( const std : : string & input_name ) {
auto & input_info = m_ppp . input ( input_name ) ;
const auto explicit_in_model_layout = lookUp ( m_input_model_layout , input_name ) ;
if ( explicit_in_model_layout ) {
input_info . model ( ) . set_layout ( : : ov : : Layout ( * explicit_in_model_layout ) ) ;
const auto explicit_in_tensor_layout = lookUp ( m_input_tensor_layout , input_name ) ;
if ( explicit_in_tensor_layout ) {
input_info . tensor ( ) . set_layout ( : : ov : : Layout ( * explicit_in_tensor_layout ) ) ;
void cfgScaleMean ( const std : : string & input_name ) {
auto & input_info = m_ppp . input ( input_name ) ;
const auto mean_vec = lookUp ( m_mean_values , input_name ) ;
if ( mean_vec ) {
input_info . preprocess ( ) . mean ( * mean_vec ) ;
const auto scale_vec = lookUp ( m_scale_values , input_name ) ;
if ( scale_vec ) {
input_info . preprocess ( ) . scale ( * scale_vec ) ;
// FIXME: Decompose this...
void cfgPreProcessing ( const std : : string & input_name ,
const cv : : GMetaArg & input_meta ,
const bool disable_img_resize = false ) {
GAPI_Assert ( cv : : util : : holds_alternative < cv : : GMatDesc > ( input_meta ) ) ;
const auto & matdesc = cv : : util : : get < cv : : GMatDesc > ( input_meta ) ;
const auto explicit_in_tensor_layout = lookUp ( m_input_tensor_layout , input_name ) ;
const auto explicit_resize = lookUp ( m_interpolation , input_name ) ;
if ( disable_img_resize & & explicit_resize . has_value ( ) ) {
std : : stringstream ss ;
util : : throw_error ( std : : logic_error (
" OV Backend: Resize for layer \" " + input_name + " \" will be performed "
" on host via OpenCV so explicitly configured resize is prohibited. " ) ) ;
const auto & input_shape = m_model - > input ( input_name ) . get_shape ( ) ;
auto & input_info = m_ppp . input ( input_name ) ;
m_ppp . input ( input_name ) . tensor ( ) . set_element_type ( toOV ( matdesc . depth ) ) ;
if ( isImage ( matdesc , input_shape ) ) {
// NB: Image case - all necessary preprocessng is configured automatically.
GAPI_LOG_DEBUG ( NULL , " OV Backend: Input: \" " < < input_name < < " \" is image. " ) ;
if ( explicit_in_tensor_layout & &
* explicit_in_tensor_layout ! = " NHWC " ) {
std : : stringstream ss ;
ss < < " OV Backend: Provided tensor layout " < < * explicit_in_tensor_layout
< < " is not compatible with input data " < < matdesc < < " for layer \" "
< < input_name < < " \" . Expecting NHWC " ;
util : : throw_error ( std : : logic_error ( ss . str ( ) ) ) ;
} else {
input_info . tensor ( ) . set_layout ( : : ov : : Layout ( " NHWC " ) ) ;
if ( ! disable_img_resize ) {
input_info . tensor ( ) . set_spatial_static_shape ( matdesc . size . height ,
matdesc . size . width ) ;
// NB: Even though resize is automatically configured
// user have an opportunity to specify the interpolation algorithm.
auto interp = explicit_resize
? toOVInterp ( * explicit_resize )
: : : ov : : preprocess : : ResizeAlgorithm : : RESIZE_LINEAR ;
input_info . preprocess ( ) . resize ( interp ) ;
} else {
// NB: Tensor case - resize or layout conversions must be explicitly specified.
GAPI_LOG_DEBUG ( NULL , " OV Backend: Input: \" " < < input_name < < " \" is tensor. " ) ;
if ( explicit_resize ) {
if ( matdesc . isND ( ) ) {
// NB: ND case - need to obtain "H" and "W" positions
// in order to configure resize.
const auto model_layout = : : ov : : layout : : get_layout ( m_model - > input ( input_name ) ) ;
if ( ! explicit_in_tensor_layout & & model_layout . empty ( ) ) {
std : : stringstream ss ;
ss < < " Resize for input layer: " < < input_name
< < " can't be configured. "
< < " Failed to extract H and W positions from layout. " ;
util : : throw_error ( std : : logic_error ( ss . str ( ) ) ) ;
} else {
const auto layout = explicit_in_tensor_layout
? : : ov : : Layout ( * explicit_in_tensor_layout ) : model_layout ;
auto H_idx = : : ov : : layout : : height_idx ( layout ) ;
auto W_idx = : : ov : : layout : : width_idx ( layout ) ;
// NB: If layout is "...HW", H position is -2.
if ( H_idx < 0 ) H_idx = matdesc . dims . size ( ) + H_idx ;
if ( W_idx < 0 ) W_idx = matdesc . dims . size ( ) + W_idx ;
GAPI_Assert ( H_idx > = 0 & & H_idx < static_cast < int > ( matdesc . dims . size ( ) ) ) ;
GAPI_Assert ( W_idx > = 0 & & W_idx < static_cast < int > ( matdesc . dims . size ( ) ) ) ;
input_info . tensor ( ) . set_spatial_static_shape ( matdesc . dims [ H_idx ] ,
matdesc . dims [ W_idx ] ) ;
input_info . preprocess ( ) . resize ( toOVInterp ( * explicit_resize ) ) ;
} else {
// NB: 2D case - We know exactly where H and W...
input_info . tensor ( ) . set_spatial_static_shape ( matdesc . size . height ,
matdesc . size . width ) ;
input_info . preprocess ( ) . resize ( toOVInterp ( * explicit_resize ) ) ;
void cfgPostProcessing ( ) {
for ( const auto & output_name : m_output_names ) {
const auto explicit_out_tensor_layout =
lookUp ( m_output_tensor_layout , output_name ) ;
if ( explicit_out_tensor_layout ) {
m_ppp . output ( output_name ) . tensor ( )
. set_layout ( : : ov : : Layout ( * explicit_out_tensor_layout ) ) ;
const auto explicit_out_model_layout =
lookUp ( m_output_model_layout , output_name ) ;
if ( explicit_out_model_layout ) {
m_ppp . output ( output_name ) . model ( )
. set_layout ( : : ov : : Layout ( * explicit_out_model_layout ) ) ;
const auto explicit_out_tensor_prec =
lookUp ( m_output_tensor_precision , output_name ) ;
if ( explicit_out_tensor_prec ) {
m_ppp . output ( output_name ) . tensor ( )
. set_element_type ( toOV ( * explicit_out_tensor_prec ) ) ;
void finalize ( ) {
GAPI_LOG_DEBUG ( NULL , " OV Backend: PrePostProcessor: " < < m_ppp ) ;
m_model = m_ppp . build ( ) ;
private :
: : ov : : preprocess : : PrePostProcessor m_ppp ;
std : : shared_ptr < : : ov : : Model > & m_model ;
const ParamDesc : : Model & m_model_info ;
const std : : vector < std : : string > & m_input_names ;
const std : : vector < std : : string > & m_output_names ;
cv : : gimpl : : ov : : AttrMap < std : : string > m_input_tensor_layout ;
cv : : gimpl : : ov : : AttrMap < std : : string > m_input_model_layout ;
cv : : gimpl : : ov : : AttrMap < int > m_interpolation ;
cv : : gimpl : : ov : : AttrMap < std : : vector < float > > m_mean_values ;
cv : : gimpl : : ov : : AttrMap < std : : vector < float > > m_scale_values ;
cv : : gimpl : : ov : : AttrMap < std : : string > m_output_tensor_layout ;
cv : : gimpl : : ov : : AttrMap < std : : string > m_output_model_layout ;
cv : : gimpl : : ov : : AttrMap < int > m_output_tensor_precision ;
} ;
struct Infer : public cv : : detail : : KernelTag {
using API = cv : : GInferBase ;
static cv : : gapi : : GBackend backend ( ) { return cv : : gapi : : ov : : backend ( ) ; }
@ -625,156 +911,21 @@ struct Infer: public cv::detail::KernelTag {
// NB: Pre/Post processing configuration avaiable only for read models.
if ( cv : : util : : holds_alternative < ParamDesc : : Model > ( uu . params . kind ) ) {
const auto & model_info = cv : : util : : get < ParamDesc : : Model > ( uu . params . kind ) ;
const auto new_shapes =
broadcastLayerAttr ( model_info . new_shapes ,
uu . params . input_names ) ;
const_cast < std : : shared_ptr < : : ov : : Model > & > ( uu . model ) - > reshape ( toOV ( new_shapes ) ) ;
const auto input_tensor_layout =
broadcastLayerAttr ( model_info . input_tensor_layout ,
uu . params . input_names ) ;
const auto input_model_layout =
broadcastLayerAttr ( model_info . input_model_layout ,
uu . params . input_names ) ;
const auto interpolation = broadcastLayerAttr ( model_info . interpolation ,
uu . params . input_names ) ;
const auto mean_values = broadcastLayerAttr ( model_info . mean_values ,
uu . params . input_names ) ;
const auto scale_values = broadcastLayerAttr ( model_info . scale_values ,
uu . params . input_names ) ;
// FIXME: Pre/Post processing step shouldn't be configured in this method.
: : ov : : preprocess : : PrePostProcessor ppp ( uu . model ) ;
auto & model = const_cast < std : : shared_ptr < : : ov : : Model > & > ( uu . model ) ;
PrePostProcWrapper ppp { model , model_info ,
uu . params . input_names , uu . params . output_names } ;
for ( auto & & it : ade : : util : : zip ( ade : : util : : toRange ( uu . params . input_names ) ,
ade : : util : : toRange ( in_metas ) ) ) {
const auto & mm = std : : get < 1 > ( it ) ;
GAPI_Assert ( cv : : util : : holds_alternative < cv : : GMatDesc > ( mm ) ) ;
const auto & matdesc = cv : : util : : get < cv : : GMatDesc > ( mm ) ;
const auto & input_name = std : : get < 0 > ( it ) ;
auto & input_info = ppp . input ( input_name ) ;
input_info . tensor ( ) . set_element_type ( toOV ( matdesc . depth ) ) ;
const auto explicit_in_model_layout = lookUp ( input_model_layout , input_name ) ;
if ( explicit_in_model_layout ) {
input_info . model ( ) . set_layout ( : : ov : : Layout ( * explicit_in_model_layout ) ) ;
const auto explicit_in_tensor_layout = lookUp ( input_tensor_layout , input_name ) ;
if ( explicit_in_tensor_layout ) {
input_info . tensor ( ) . set_layout ( : : ov : : Layout ( * explicit_in_tensor_layout ) ) ;
const auto explicit_resize = lookUp ( interpolation , input_name ) ;
// NB: Note that model layout still can't be empty.
// e.g If model converted to IRv11 without any additional
// info about layout via Model Optimizer.
const auto model_layout = : : ov : : layout : : get_layout ( uu . model - > input ( input_name ) ) ;
const auto & input_shape = uu . model - > input ( input_name ) . get_shape ( ) ;
if ( isImage ( matdesc , input_shape ) ) {
// NB: Image case - all necessary preprocessng is configured automatically.
GAPI_LOG_DEBUG ( NULL , " OV Backend: Input: \" " < < input_name < < " \" is image. " ) ;
// NB: Layout is already set just double check that
// user provided the correct one. In fact, there is only one correct for image.
if ( explicit_in_tensor_layout & &
* explicit_in_tensor_layout ! = " NHWC " ) {
std : : stringstream ss ;
ss < < " OV Backend: Provided tensor layout " < < * explicit_in_tensor_layout
< < " is not compatible with input data " < < matdesc < < " for layer \" "
< < input_name < < " \" . Expecting NHWC " ;
util : : throw_error ( std : : logic_error ( ss . str ( ) ) ) ;
input_info . tensor ( ) . set_layout ( : : ov : : Layout ( " NHWC " ) ) ;
input_info . tensor ( ) . set_spatial_static_shape ( matdesc . size . height ,
matdesc . size . width ) ;
// NB: Even though resize is automatically configured
// user have an opportunity to specify the interpolation algorithm.
auto interp = explicit_resize
? toOVInterp ( * explicit_resize )
: : : ov : : preprocess : : ResizeAlgorithm : : RESIZE_LINEAR ;
input_info . preprocess ( ) . resize ( interp ) ;
} else {
// NB: Tensor case - resize or layout conversions must be explicitly specified.
GAPI_LOG_DEBUG ( NULL , " OV Backend: Input: \" " < < input_name < < " \" is tensor. " ) ;
if ( explicit_resize ) {
if ( matdesc . isND ( ) ) {
// NB: ND case - need to obtain "H" and "W" positions
// in order to configure resize.
if ( ! explicit_in_tensor_layout & & model_layout . empty ( ) ) {
std : : stringstream ss ;
ss < < " Resize for input layer: " < < input_name
< < " can't be configured. "
< < " Failed to extract H and W positions from layout. " ;
util : : throw_error ( std : : logic_error ( ss . str ( ) ) ) ;
} else {
const auto layout = explicit_in_tensor_layout
? : : ov : : Layout ( * explicit_in_tensor_layout ) : model_layout ;
auto H_idx = : : ov : : layout : : height_idx ( layout ) ;
auto W_idx = : : ov : : layout : : width_idx ( layout ) ;
// NB: If layout is "...HW", H position is -2.
if ( H_idx < 0 ) H_idx = matdesc . dims . size ( ) + H_idx ;
if ( W_idx < 0 ) W_idx = matdesc . dims . size ( ) + W_idx ;
GAPI_Assert ( H_idx > = 0 & & H_idx < static_cast < int > ( matdesc . dims . size ( ) ) ) ;
GAPI_Assert ( W_idx > = 0 & & W_idx < static_cast < int > ( matdesc . dims . size ( ) ) ) ;
input_info . tensor ( ) . set_spatial_static_shape ( matdesc . dims [ H_idx ] ,
matdesc . dims [ W_idx ] ) ;
input_info . preprocess ( ) . resize ( toOVInterp ( * explicit_resize ) ) ;
} else {
// NB: 2D case - We know exactly where H and W...
input_info . tensor ( ) . set_spatial_static_shape ( matdesc . size . height ,
matdesc . size . width ) ;
input_info . preprocess ( ) . resize ( toOVInterp ( * explicit_resize ) ) ;
// NB: Apply mean/scale as the last step of the preprocessing.
// Note that this can be applied to any input data if the
// position of "C" dimension is known.
const auto mean_vec = lookUp ( mean_values , input_name ) ;
if ( mean_vec ) {
input_info . preprocess ( ) . mean ( * mean_vec ) ;
const auto scale_vec = lookUp ( scale_values , input_name ) ;
if ( scale_vec ) {
input_info . preprocess ( ) . scale ( * scale_vec ) ;
const auto output_tensor_layout =
broadcastLayerAttr ( model_info . output_tensor_layout ,
uu . params . output_names ) ;
const auto output_model_layout =
broadcastLayerAttr ( model_info . output_model_layout ,
uu . params . output_names ) ;
const auto output_tensor_precision =
broadcastLayerAttr ( model_info . output_tensor_precision ,
uu . params . output_names ) ;
for ( const auto & output_name : uu . params . output_names ) {
const auto explicit_out_tensor_layout =
lookUp ( output_tensor_layout , output_name ) ;
if ( explicit_out_tensor_layout ) {
ppp . output ( output_name ) . tensor ( )
. set_layout ( : : ov : : Layout ( * explicit_out_tensor_layout ) ) ;
const auto explicit_out_model_layout =
lookUp ( output_model_layout , output_name ) ;
if ( explicit_out_model_layout ) {
ppp . output ( output_name ) . model ( )
. set_layout ( : : ov : : Layout ( * explicit_out_model_layout ) ) ;
const auto & mm = std : : get < 1 > ( it ) ;
const auto explicit_out_tensor_prec =
lookUp ( output_tensor_precision , output_name ) ;
if ( explicit_out_tensor_prec ) {
ppp . output ( output_name ) . tensor ( )
. set_element_type ( toOV ( * explicit_out_tensor_prec ) ) ;
ppp . cfgLayouts ( input_name ) ;
ppp . cfgPreProcessing ( input_name , mm ) ;
ppp . cfgScaleMean ( input_name ) ;
GAPI_LOG_DEBUG ( NULL , " OV Backend: PrePostProcessor: " < < ppp ) ;
const_cast < std : : shared_ptr < : : ov : : Model > & > ( uu . model ) = ppp . build ( ) ;
ppp . cfgPostProcessing ( ) ;
ppp . finalize ( ) ;
for ( const auto & out_name : uu . params . output_names ) {
@ -815,6 +966,313 @@ struct Infer: public cv::detail::KernelTag {
} ;
struct InferROI : public cv : : detail : : KernelTag {
using API = cv : : GInferROIBase ;
static cv : : gapi : : GBackend backend ( ) { return cv : : gapi : : ov : : backend ( ) ; }
static KImpl kernel ( ) { return KImpl { outMeta , run } ; }
static cv : : GMetaArgs outMeta ( const ade : : Graph & gr ,
const ade : : NodeHandle & nh ,
const cv : : GMetaArgs & in_metas ,
const cv : : GArgs & /*in_args*/ ) {
cv : : GMetaArgs result ;
GConstGOVModel gm ( gr ) ;
const auto & uu = gm . metadata ( nh ) . get < OVUnit > ( ) ;
// Initialize input information
// FIXME: So far it is pretty limited
GAPI_Assert ( 1u = = uu . params . input_names . size ( ) ) ;
GAPI_Assert ( 2u = = in_metas . size ( ) ) ;
const auto & input_name = uu . params . input_names . at ( 0 ) ;
const auto & mm = in_metas . at ( 1u ) ;
GAPI_Assert ( cv : : util : : holds_alternative < cv : : GMatDesc > ( mm ) ) ;
const auto & matdesc = cv : : util : : get < cv : : GMatDesc > ( mm ) ;
const bool is_model = cv : : util : : holds_alternative < ParamDesc : : Model > ( uu . params . kind ) ;
const auto & input_shape = is_model ? uu . model - > input ( input_name ) . get_shape ( )
: uu . compiled_model . input ( input_name ) . get_shape ( ) ;
if ( ! isImage ( matdesc , input_shape ) ) {
util : : throw_error ( std : : runtime_error (
" OV Backend: InferROI supports only image as the 1th argument " ) ) ;
if ( is_model ) {
const auto & model_info = cv : : util : : get < ParamDesc : : Model > ( uu . params . kind ) ;
auto & model = const_cast < std : : shared_ptr < : : ov : : Model > & > ( uu . model ) ;
PrePostProcWrapper ppp { model , model_info ,
uu . params . input_names , uu . params . output_names } ;
ppp . cfgLayouts ( input_name ) ;
ppp . cfgPreProcessing ( input_name , mm , true /*disable_img_resize*/ ) ;
ppp . cfgScaleMean ( input_name ) ;
ppp . cfgPostProcessing ( ) ;
ppp . finalize ( ) ;
for ( const auto & out_name : uu . params . output_names ) {
cv : : GMatDesc outm ;
if ( cv : : util : : holds_alternative < ParamDesc : : Model > ( uu . params . kind ) ) {
const auto & out = uu . model - > output ( out_name ) ;
outm = cv : : GMatDesc ( toCV ( out . get_element_type ( ) ) ,
toCV ( out . get_shape ( ) ) ) ;
} else {
GAPI_Assert ( cv : : util : : holds_alternative < ParamDesc : : CompiledModel > ( uu . params . kind ) ) ;
const auto & out = uu . compiled_model . output ( out_name ) ;
outm = cv : : GMatDesc ( toCV ( out . get_element_type ( ) ) ,
toCV ( out . get_shape ( ) ) ) ;
result . emplace_back ( std : : move ( outm ) ) ;
return result ;
static void run ( std : : shared_ptr < OVCallContext > ctx ,
cv : : gimpl : : ov : : RequestPool & reqPool ) {
using namespace std : : placeholders ;
reqPool . getIdleRequest ( ) - > execute (
IInferExecutor : : Task {
[ ctx ] ( : : ov : : InferRequest & infer_request ) {
GAPI_Assert ( ctx - > uu . params . num_in = = 1 ) ;
const auto & input_name = ctx - > uu . params . input_names [ 0 ] ;
auto input_tensor = infer_request . get_tensor ( input_name ) ;
const auto & shape = input_tensor . get_shape ( ) ;
const auto & roi = ctx - > inArg < cv : : detail : : OpaqueRef > ( 0 ) . rref < cv : : Rect > ( ) ;
const auto roi_mat = preprocess ( ctx - > inMat ( 1 ) , roi , shape ) ;
copyToOV ( roi_mat , input_tensor ) ;
} ,
std : : bind ( PostOutputs , _1 , _2 , ctx )
) ;
} ;
struct InferList : public cv : : detail : : KernelTag {
using API = cv : : GInferListBase ;
static cv : : gapi : : GBackend backend ( ) { return cv : : gapi : : ov : : backend ( ) ; }
static KImpl kernel ( ) { return KImpl { outMeta , run } ; }
static cv : : GMetaArgs outMeta ( const ade : : Graph & gr ,
const ade : : NodeHandle & nh ,
const cv : : GMetaArgs & in_metas ,
const cv : : GArgs & /*in_args*/ ) {
GConstGOVModel gm ( gr ) ;
const auto & uu = gm . metadata ( nh ) . get < OVUnit > ( ) ;
// Initialize input information
// Note our input layers list order matches the API order and so
// meta order.
GAPI_Assert ( uu . params . input_names . size ( ) = = ( in_metas . size ( ) - 1u )
& & " Known input layers count doesn't match input meta count " ) ;
// NB: Pre/Post processing configuration avaiable only for read models.
if ( cv : : util : : holds_alternative < ParamDesc : : Model > ( uu . params . kind ) ) {
const auto & model_info = cv : : util : : get < ParamDesc : : Model > ( uu . params . kind ) ;
auto & model = const_cast < std : : shared_ptr < : : ov : : Model > & > ( uu . model ) ;
PrePostProcWrapper ppp { model , model_info ,
uu . params . input_names , uu . params . output_names } ;
size_t idx = 1u ;
for ( auto & & input_name : uu . params . input_names ) {
const auto & mm = in_metas [ idx + + ] ;
GAPI_Assert ( cv : : util : : holds_alternative < cv : : GMatDesc > ( mm ) ) ;
const auto & matdesc = cv : : util : : get < cv : : GMatDesc > ( mm ) ;
const auto & input_shape = uu . model - > input ( input_name ) . get_shape ( ) ;
if ( ! isImage ( matdesc , input_shape ) ) {
util : : throw_error ( std : : runtime_error (
" OV Backend: Only image is supported "
" as the " + std : : to_string ( idx ) + " th argument for InferList " ) ) ;
ppp . cfgLayouts ( input_name ) ;
ppp . cfgPreProcessing ( input_name , mm , true /*disable_img_resize*/ ) ;
ppp . cfgScaleMean ( input_name ) ;
ppp . cfgPostProcessing ( ) ;
ppp . finalize ( ) ;
// roi-list version is much easier at the moment.
// All our outputs are vectors which don't have
// metadata at the moment - so just create a vector of
// "empty" array metadatas of the required size.
return cv : : GMetaArgs ( uu . params . output_names . size ( ) ,
cv : : GMetaArg { cv : : empty_array_desc ( ) } ) ;
static void run ( std : : shared_ptr < OVCallContext > ctx ,
cv : : gimpl : : ov : : RequestPool & reqPool ) {
const auto & in_roi_vec = ctx - > inArg < cv : : detail : : VectorRef > ( 0u ) . rref < cv : : Rect > ( ) ;
// NB: In case there is no input data need to post output anyway
if ( in_roi_vec . empty ( ) ) {
for ( auto i : ade : : util : : iota ( ctx - > uu . params . num_out ) ) {
auto output = ctx - > output ( i ) ;
ctx - > out . meta ( output , ctx - > getMeta ( ) ) ;
ctx - > out . post ( std : : move ( output ) ) ;
return ;
for ( auto i : ade : : util : : iota ( ctx - > uu . params . num_out ) ) {
// FIXME: Isn't this should be done automatically
// by some resetInternalData(), etc? (Probably at the GExecutor level)
auto & out_vec = ctx - > outVecR < cv : : Mat > ( i ) ;
out_vec . clear ( ) ;
out_vec . resize ( in_roi_vec . size ( ) ) ;
PostOutputsList callback ( in_roi_vec . size ( ) , ctx ) ;
for ( auto & & it : ade : : util : : indexed ( in_roi_vec ) ) {
const auto pos = ade : : util : : index ( it ) ;
const auto & rc = ade : : util : : value ( it ) ;
reqPool . getIdleRequest ( ) - > execute (
IInferExecutor : : Task {
[ ctx , rc ] ( : : ov : : InferRequest & infer_request ) {
const auto & input_name = ctx - > uu . params . input_names [ 0 ] ;
auto input_tensor = infer_request . get_tensor ( input_name ) ;
const auto & shape = input_tensor . get_shape ( ) ;
const auto roi_mat = preprocess ( ctx - > inMat ( 1 ) , rc , shape ) ;
copyToOV ( roi_mat , input_tensor ) ;
} ,
std : : bind ( callback , std : : placeholders : : _1 , std : : placeholders : : _2 , pos )
) ;
} ;
struct InferList2 : public cv : : detail : : KernelTag {
using API = cv : : GInferList2Base ;
static cv : : gapi : : GBackend backend ( ) { return cv : : gapi : : ov : : backend ( ) ; }
static KImpl kernel ( ) { return KImpl { outMeta , run } ; }
static cv : : GMetaArgs outMeta ( const ade : : Graph & gr ,
const ade : : NodeHandle & nh ,
const cv : : GMetaArgs & in_metas ,
const cv : : GArgs & /*in_args*/ ) {
GConstGOVModel gm ( gr ) ;
const auto & uu = gm . metadata ( nh ) . get < OVUnit > ( ) ;
// Initialize input information
// Note our input layers list order matches the API order and so
// meta order.
GAPI_Assert ( uu . params . input_names . size ( ) = = ( in_metas . size ( ) - 1u )
& & " Known input layers count doesn't match input meta count " ) ;
const auto & op = gm . metadata ( nh ) . get < Op > ( ) ;
// In contrast to InferList, the InferList2 has only one
// "full-frame" image argument, and all the rest are arrays of
// ether ROI or blobs. So here we set the 0th arg image format
// to all inputs which are ROI-based (skipping the
// "blob"-based ones)
// FIXME: this is filtering not done, actually! GArrayDesc has
// no hint for its underlying type!
const auto & input_name_0 = uu . params . input_names . front ( ) ;
const auto & mm_0 = in_metas [ 0u ] ;
const auto & matdesc = cv : : util : : get < cv : : GMatDesc > ( mm_0 ) ;
const bool is_model = cv : : util : : holds_alternative < ParamDesc : : Model > ( uu . params . kind ) ;
const auto & input_shape = is_model ? uu . model - > input ( input_name_0 ) . get_shape ( )
: uu . compiled_model . input ( input_name_0 ) . get_shape ( ) ;
if ( ! isImage ( matdesc , input_shape ) ) {
util : : throw_error ( std : : runtime_error (
" OV Backend: InferList2 supports only image as the 0th argument " ) ) ;
if ( is_model ) {
const auto & model_info = cv : : util : : get < ParamDesc : : Model > ( uu . params . kind ) ;
auto & model = const_cast < std : : shared_ptr < : : ov : : Model > & > ( uu . model ) ;
PrePostProcWrapper ppp { model , model_info ,
uu . params . input_names , uu . params . output_names } ;
size_t idx = 1u ;
for ( auto & & input_name : uu . params . input_names ) {
GAPI_Assert ( util : : holds_alternative < cv : : GArrayDesc > ( in_metas [ idx ] )
& & " Non-array inputs are not supported " ) ;
ppp . cfgLayouts ( input_name ) ;
if ( op . k . inKinds [ idx ] = = cv : : detail : : OpaqueKind : : CV_RECT ) {
ppp . cfgPreProcessing ( input_name , mm_0 , true /*disable_img_resize*/ ) ;
} else {
// This is a cv::GMat (equals to: cv::Mat)
// Just validate that it is really the type
// (other types are prohibited here)
GAPI_Assert ( op . k . inKinds [ idx ] = = cv : : detail : : OpaqueKind : : CV_MAT ) ;
ppp . cfgScaleMean ( input_name ) ;
idx + + ; // NB: Never forget to increment the counter
ppp . cfgPostProcessing ( ) ;
ppp . finalize ( ) ;
// roi-list version is much easier at the moment.
// All our outputs are vectors which don't have
// metadata at the moment - so just create a vector of
// "empty" array metadatas of the required size.
return cv : : GMetaArgs ( uu . params . output_names . size ( ) ,
cv : : GMetaArg { cv : : empty_array_desc ( ) } ) ;
static void run ( std : : shared_ptr < OVCallContext > ctx ,
cv : : gimpl : : ov : : RequestPool & reqPool ) {
GAPI_Assert ( ctx - > inArgs ( ) . size ( ) > 1u
& & " This operation must have at least two arguments " ) ;
// NB: This blob will be used to make roi from its, so
// it should be treated as image
const auto list_size = ctx - > inArg < cv : : detail : : VectorRef > ( 1u ) . size ( ) ;
if ( list_size = = 0u ) {
for ( auto i : ade : : util : : iota ( ctx - > uu . params . num_out ) ) {
auto output = ctx - > output ( i ) ;
ctx - > out . meta ( output , ctx - > getMeta ( ) ) ;
ctx - > out . post ( std : : move ( output ) ) ;
return ;
for ( auto i : ade : : util : : iota ( ctx - > uu . params . num_out ) ) {
// FIXME: Isn't this should be done automatically
// by some resetInternalData(), etc? (Probably at the GExecutor level)
auto & out_vec = ctx - > outVecR < cv : : Mat > ( i ) ;
out_vec . clear ( ) ;
out_vec . resize ( list_size ) ;
PostOutputsList callback ( list_size , ctx ) ;
for ( const auto & list_idx : ade : : util : : iota ( list_size ) ) {
reqPool . getIdleRequest ( ) - > execute (
IInferExecutor : : Task {
[ ctx , list_idx , list_size ] ( : : ov : : InferRequest & infer_request ) {
for ( auto in_idx : ade : : util : : iota ( ctx - > uu . params . num_in ) ) {
const auto & this_vec = ctx - > inArg < cv : : detail : : VectorRef > ( in_idx + 1u ) ;
GAPI_Assert ( this_vec . size ( ) = = list_size ) ;
const auto & input_name = ctx - > uu . params . input_names [ in_idx ] ;
auto input_tensor = infer_request . get_tensor ( input_name ) ;
const auto & shape = input_tensor . get_shape ( ) ;
if ( this_vec . getKind ( ) = = cv : : detail : : OpaqueKind : : CV_RECT ) {
const auto & vec = this_vec . rref < cv : : Rect > ( ) ;
const auto roi_mat = preprocess ( ctx - > inMat ( 0 ) , vec [ list_idx ] , shape ) ;
copyToOV ( roi_mat , input_tensor ) ;
} else if ( this_vec . getKind ( ) = = cv : : detail : : OpaqueKind : : CV_MAT ) {
const auto & vec = this_vec . rref < cv : : Mat > ( ) ;
const auto & mat = vec [ list_idx ] ;
copyToOV ( mat , input_tensor ) ;
} else {
GAPI_Assert ( false & &
" OV Backend: Only Rect and Mat types are supported for InferList2 " ) ;
} ,
std : : bind ( callback , std : : placeholders : : _1 , std : : placeholders : : _2 , list_idx )
} // task
) ;
} // for
} ;
} // namespace ov
} // namespace gimpl
} // namespace cv
@ -858,7 +1316,10 @@ class GOVBackendImpl final: public cv::gapi::GBackend::Priv {
virtual cv : : GKernelPackage auxiliaryKernels ( ) const override {
return cv : : gapi : : kernels < cv : : gimpl : : ov : : Infer > ( ) ;
return cv : : gapi : : kernels < cv : : gimpl : : ov : : Infer
, cv : : gimpl : : ov : : InferROI
, cv : : gimpl : : ov : : InferList
, cv : : gimpl : : ov : : InferList2 > ( ) ;
virtual bool controlsMerge ( ) const override {