Attempting to fix issues pointed out by Vadim Pisarevsky during the pull
request review. In particular, the following things are done:
*) The mechanism of debug info printing is changed and made more
procedure-style than the previous macro-style
*) z in solveLP() is now returned as a column-vector
*) Func parameter of solveLP() is now allowed to be column-vector, in
which case it is understood to be the transpose of what we need
*) Func and Constr now can contain floats, not only doubles (in the
former case the conversion is done via convertTo())
*)different constructor to allocate space for z in solveLP() is used,
making the size of z more explicit (this is just a notation change, not
functional, both constructors are achieving the same goal)
*) (big) mat.hpp and iostream headers are moved to precomp-headers from
@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ by T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest and Clifford Stein. In particular
..ocv:function:: int optim::solveLP(const Mat& Func, const Mat& Constr, Mat& z)
:param Func:This row-vector corresponds to :math:`c` in the LP problem formulation (see above).
:param Func:This row-vector corresponds to :math:`c` in the LP problem formulation (see above). It should contain 32- or 64-bit floating point numbers. As a convenience, column-vector may be also submitted, in the latter case it is understood to correspond to :math:`c^T`.
:param Constr:*m*-by-*n\+1* matrix, whose rightmost column corresponds to :math:`b` in formulation above and the remaining to :math:`A`.
:param Constr:*m*-by-*n\+1* matrix, whose rightmost column corresponds to :math:`b` in formulation above and the remaining to :math:`A`. It should containt 32- or 64-bit floating point numbers.
:param z:The solution will be returned here as a row-vector - it corresponds to (transposed) :math:`c` in the formulation above.
:param z:The solution will be returned here as a column-vector - it corresponds to :math:`c` in the formulation above. It will contain 64-bit floating point numbers.