@ -850,12 +850,51 @@ def getRunArgs(args): |
path = npath |
return run_args |
if hostos == "nt": |
def moveTests(instance, destination): |
src = os.path.dirname(instance.tests_dir) |
# new binaries path |
newBinPath = os.path.join(destination, "bin") |
try: |
# copy binaries and CMakeCache.txt to the specified destination |
shutil.copytree(src, newBinPath) |
shutil.copy(os.path.join(instance.path, "CMakeCache.txt"), os.path.join(destination, "CMakeCache.txt")) |
except Exception, e: |
print "Copying error occurred:", str(e) |
exit(e.errno) |
# pattern of CMakeCache.txt string to be replaced |
replacePattern = re.compile("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH:PATH=(.+)") |
with open(os.path.join(destination, "CMakeCache.txt"), "r") as cachefile: |
try: |
cachedata = cachefile.read() |
if hostos == 'nt': |
# fix path slashes on nt systems |
newBinPath = re.sub(r"\\", r"/", newBinPath) |
# replace old binaries path in CMakeCache.txt |
cachedata = re.sub(re.search(replacePattern, cachedata).group(1), newBinPath, cachedata) |
except Exception, e: |
print "Reading error occurred:", str(e) |
exit(e.errno) |
with open(os.path.join(destination, "CMakeCache.txt"), "w") as cachefile: |
try: |
cachefile.write(cachedata) |
except Exception, e: |
print "Writing error occurred:", str(e) |
exit(e.errno) |
exit() |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
test_args = [a for a in sys.argv if a.startswith("--perf_") or a.startswith("--gtest_")] |
argv = [a for a in sys.argv if not(a.startswith("--perf_") or a.startswith("--gtest_"))] |
parser = OptionParser() |
parser = OptionParser(usage="run.py [options] [build_path]", description="Note: build_path is required if running not from CMake build directory") |
parser.add_option("-t", "--tests", dest="tests", help="comma-separated list of modules to test", metavar="SUITS", default="") |
if hostos == "nt": |
parser.add_option("-m", "--move_tests", dest="move", help="location to move current tests build", metavar="PATH", default="") |
parser.add_option("-w", "--cwd", dest="cwd", help="working directory for tests", metavar="PATH", default=".") |
parser.add_option("-a", "--accuracy", dest="accuracy", help="look for accuracy tests instead of performance tests", action="store_true", default=False) |
parser.add_option("-l", "--longname", dest="useLongNames", action="store_true", help="generate log files with long names", default=False) |
@ -880,6 +919,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": |
if len(run_args) == 0: |
print >> sys.stderr, "Usage:", os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), "[options] [build_path]" |
print >> sys.stderr, "Please specify build_path or run script from CMake build directory" |
exit(1) |
options.android_env = {} |
@ -906,6 +946,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": |
test_list = [] |
for path in run_args: |
suite = TestSuite(options, path) |
if hostos == "nt": |
if(options.move): |
moveTests(suite, options.move) |
#print vars(suite),"\n" |
if options.list: |
test_list.extend(suite.tests) |