@ -119,3 +119,41 @@ To generate Windows Phone 8.1 x86 project files in the opencv/bin dir
mkdir bin
cd bin
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=WindowsPhone -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=8.1 ../
Running tests for Windows Store
1. You might need to install this if you haven't already: http://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=40784
2. Set OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH environment variable to location of opencv_extra/testdata (cloning of https://github.com/Itseez/opencv_extra repo required) to get tests work correctly. Also, set OPENCV_PERF_VALIDATION_DIR environment variable in case you are planning to have place where to store performance test results and compare them with the future test runs.
3. In case you'd like to adjust some flags that are defaulted by setup_winrt script, go to "Manual build" section. Otherwise go to platforms/winrt and execute
setup_winrt.bat "WS" "8.1" "x64"
This will generate all files needed to build open_cv projects for selected platform in opencv\bin\<Depends on generated configuration>. Open the opencv\bin\<path to required configuration> directory and open the OpenCV.sln.
4. Set OCV solution to Release mode and build it. They should build without errors and generate executables in "bin\WS\8.1\x64\bin\Release\" (or similar path depending on the configuration)
5. Running tests:
- **Accuracy:** Run opencv_test_{module}.exe via console or as usual by double clicking it. You should see output in the console window
- **Performance:** Run opencv_perf_{module}.exe via console or as usual by double clicking it. You should see output in the console window. In case you'd like to write test results to file use --perf_write_validation_results=<filename> parameter; To compare current results to previous use --perf_read_validation_results=<filename>. This should read/write files from/to OPENCV_PERF_VALIDATION_DIR
Manual build
CMake interface:
1. Set CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME to WindowsStore or WindowsPhone and CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION to 8.0 or 8.1
2. Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX using format "<install dir>\WS\8.1\x64" (this structure is required by samples)
3. Click "Configure" and choose required generator
4. Click "Generate"
Command line:
1. md bin
2. cd bin
3. Add any required parameters to this command and execute it: