Merge pull request #199 from apavlenko/remove_android_tutorial0
removing Android tutorial 0pull/201/merge
11 changed files with 0 additions and 466 deletions
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
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<classpathentry kind="output" path="bin/classes"/> |
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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ |
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<name>OpenCV Tutorial 0 - Android Camera</name> |
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org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.source=1.6 |
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ |
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<manifest xmlns:android="" |
package="org.opencv.samples.tutorial0" |
android:versionCode="21" |
android:versionName="2.1"> |
<application android:label="@string/app_name" android:icon="@drawable/icon"> |
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android:label="@string/app_name" |
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android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation"> |
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android:anyDensity="true" /> |
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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ |
set(sample example-tutorial-0-androidcamera) |
add_android_project(${sample} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" SDK_TARGET 11 ${ANDROID_SDK_TARGET}) |
if(TARGET ${sample}) |
add_dependencies(opencv_android_examples ${sample}) |
endif() |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.0 KiB |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ |
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<string name="app_name">OCV T0 Android Camera</string> |
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@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ |
package org.opencv.samples.tutorial0; |
import; |
import; |
import android.content.DialogInterface; |
import android.os.Bundle; |
import android.util.Log; |
import android.view.Window; |
public class Sample0Base extends Activity { |
private static final String TAG = "OCVSample::Activity"; |
private Sample0View mView; |
public Sample0Base() { |
Log.i(TAG, "Instantiated new " + this.getClass()); |
} |
@Override |
protected void onPause() { |
Log.i(TAG, "called onPause"); |
super.onPause(); |
mView.releaseCamera(); |
} |
@Override |
protected void onResume() { |
Log.i(TAG, "called onResume"); |
super.onResume(); |
if( !mView.openCamera() ) { |
AlertDialog ad = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create(); |
ad.setCancelable(false); // This blocks the 'BACK' button
ad.setMessage("Fatal error: can't open camera!"); |
ad.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE, "OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { |
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { |
dialog.dismiss(); |
finish(); |
} |
}); |
||||; |
} |
} |
/** Called when the activity is first created. */ |
@Override |
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { |
Log.i(TAG, "called onCreate"); |
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); |
requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); |
mView = new Sample0View(this); |
setContentView(mView); |
} |
} |
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ |
package org.opencv.samples.tutorial0; |
import android.content.Context; |
import; |
import android.util.Log; |
class Sample0View extends SampleViewBase { |
private static final String TAG = "OCVSample::View"; |
public static final int VIEW_MODE_RGBA = 0; |
public static final int VIEW_MODE_GRAY = 1; |
int mSize; |
int[] mRGBA; |
private Bitmap mBitmap; |
private int mViewMode; |
public Sample0View(Context context) { |
super(context); |
mSize = 0; |
mViewMode = VIEW_MODE_RGBA; |
Log.i(TAG, "Instantiated new " + this.getClass()); |
} |
@Override |
protected Bitmap processFrame(byte[] data) { |
int frameSize = getFrameWidth() * getFrameHeight(); |
int[] rgba = mRGBA; |
final int view_mode = mViewMode; |
if (view_mode == VIEW_MODE_GRAY) { |
for (int i = 0; i < frameSize; i++) { |
int y = (0xff & ((int) data[i])); |
rgba[i] = 0xff000000 + (y << 16) + (y << 8) + y; |
} |
} else if (view_mode == VIEW_MODE_RGBA) { |
for (int i = 0; i < getFrameHeight(); i++) { |
for (int j = 0; j < getFrameWidth(); j++) { |
int index = i * getFrameWidth() + j; |
int supply_index = frameSize + (i >> 1) * getFrameWidth() + (j & ~1); |
int y = (0xff & ((int) data[index])); |
int u = (0xff & ((int) data[supply_index + 0])); |
int v = (0xff & ((int) data[supply_index + 1])); |
y = y < 16 ? 16 : y; |
float y_conv = 1.164f * (y - 16); |
int r = Math.round(y_conv + 1.596f * (v - 128)); |
int g = Math.round(y_conv - 0.813f * (v - 128) - 0.391f * (u - 128)); |
int b = Math.round(y_conv + 2.018f * (u - 128)); |
r = r < 0 ? 0 : (r > 255 ? 255 : r); |
g = g < 0 ? 0 : (g > 255 ? 255 : g); |
b = b < 0 ? 0 : (b > 255 ? 255 : b); |
rgba[i * getFrameWidth() + j] = 0xff000000 + (b << 16) + (g << 8) + r; |
} |
} |
} |
mBitmap.setPixels(rgba, 0/* offset */, getFrameWidth() /* stride */, 0, 0, getFrameWidth(), getFrameHeight()); |
return mBitmap; |
} |
@Override |
protected void onPreviewStarted(int previewWidth, int previewHeight) { |
Log.i(TAG, "called onPreviewStarted("+previewWidth+", "+previewHeight+")"); |
/* Create a bitmap that will be used through to calculate the image to */ |
mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(previewWidth, previewHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); |
mRGBA = new int[previewWidth * previewHeight]; |
} |
@Override |
protected void onPreviewStopped() { |
Log.i(TAG, "called onPreviewStopped"); |
if(mBitmap != null) { |
mBitmap.recycle(); |
mBitmap = null; |
} |
if(mRGBA != null) { |
mRGBA = null; |
} |
} |
public void setViewMode(int viewMode) { |
Log.i(TAG, "called setViewMode("+viewMode+")"); |
mViewMode = viewMode; |
} |
} |
@ -1,231 +0,0 @@ |
package org.opencv.samples.tutorial0; |
import; |
import java.util.List; |
import android.annotation.TargetApi; |
import android.content.Context; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import android.hardware.Camera; |
import android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback; |
import android.os.Build; |
import android.util.Log; |
import android.view.SurfaceHolder; |
import android.view.SurfaceView; |
public abstract class SampleViewBase extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback, Runnable { |
private static final String TAG = "OCVSample::BaseView"; |
private Camera mCamera; |
private SurfaceHolder mHolder; |
private int mFrameWidth; |
private int mFrameHeight; |
private byte[] mFrame; |
private volatile boolean mThreadRun; |
private byte[] mBuffer; |
private SurfaceTexture mSf; |
public SampleViewBase(Context context) { |
super(context); |
mHolder = getHolder(); |
mHolder.addCallback(this); |
Log.i(TAG, "Instantiated new " + this.getClass()); |
} |
public int getFrameWidth() { |
return mFrameWidth; |
} |
public int getFrameHeight() { |
return mFrameHeight; |
} |
@TargetApi(11) |
public void setPreview() throws IOException { |
mSf = new SurfaceTexture(10); |
mCamera.setPreviewTexture( mSf ); |
} |
else |
mCamera.setPreviewDisplay(null); |
} |
public boolean openCamera() { |
Log.i(TAG, "Opening Camera"); |
mCamera = null; |
try { |
mCamera =; |
} |
catch (Exception e){ |
Log.e(TAG, "Camera is not available (in use or does not exist): " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); |
} |
if(mCamera == null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) { |
for (int camIdx = 0; camIdx < Camera.getNumberOfCameras(); ++camIdx) { |
try { |
mCamera =; |
} |
catch (RuntimeException e) { |
Log.e(TAG, "Camera #" + camIdx + "failed to open: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); |
} |
} |
} |
if(mCamera == null) { |
Log.e(TAG, "Can't open any camera"); |
return false; |
} |
mCamera.setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer(new PreviewCallback() { |
public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) { |
synchronized (SampleViewBase.this) { |
System.arraycopy(data, 0, mFrame, 0, data.length); |
SampleViewBase.this.notify(); |
} |
camera.addCallbackBuffer(mBuffer); |
} |
}); |
return true; |
} |
public void releaseCamera() { |
Log.i(TAG, "Releasing Camera"); |
mThreadRun = false; |
synchronized (this) { |
if (mCamera != null) { |
mCamera.stopPreview(); |
mCamera.release(); |
mCamera = null; |
} |
} |
onPreviewStopped(); |
} |
public synchronized void setupCamera(int width, int height) { |
if (mCamera != null) { |
Log.i(TAG, "Setup Camera - " + width + "x" + height); |
Camera.Parameters params = mCamera.getParameters(); |
List<Camera.Size> sizes = params.getSupportedPreviewSizes(); |
mFrameWidth = width; |
mFrameHeight = height; |
// selecting optimal camera preview size
{ |
int minDiff = Integer.MAX_VALUE; |
for (Camera.Size size : sizes) { |
if (Math.abs(size.height - height) < minDiff) { |
mFrameWidth = size.width; |
mFrameHeight = size.height; |
minDiff = Math.abs(size.height - height); |
} |
} |
} |
params.setPreviewSize(getFrameWidth(), getFrameHeight()); |
List<String> FocusModes = params.getSupportedFocusModes(); |
if (FocusModes.contains(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO)) |
{ |
params.setFocusMode(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO); |
} |
mCamera.setParameters(params); |
/* Now allocate the buffer */ |
params = mCamera.getParameters(); |
int size = params.getPreviewSize().width * params.getPreviewSize().height; |
size = size * ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(params.getPreviewFormat()) / 8; |
mBuffer = new byte[size]; |
/* The buffer where the current frame will be copied */ |
mFrame = new byte [size]; |
mCamera.addCallbackBuffer(mBuffer); |
/* Notify that the preview is about to be started and deliver preview size */ |
onPreviewStarted(params.getPreviewSize().width, params.getPreviewSize().height); |
try { |
setPreview(); |
} catch (IOException e) { |
Log.e(TAG, "mCamera.setPreviewDisplay/setPreviewTexture fails: " + e); |
} |
/* Now we can start a preview */ |
mCamera.startPreview(); |
} |
} |
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder _holder, int format, int width, int height) { |
Log.i(TAG, "called surfaceChanged"); |
// stop preview before making changes
try { |
mCamera.stopPreview(); |
} catch (Exception e){ |
// ignore: tried to stop a non-existent preview
} |
// start preview with new settings
setupCamera(width, height); |
} |
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { |
Log.i(TAG, "called surfaceCreated"); |
(new Thread(this)).start(); |
} |
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { |
Log.i(TAG, "called surfaceDestroyed"); |
} |
/* The bitmap returned by this method shall be owned by the child and released in onPreviewStopped() */ |
protected abstract Bitmap processFrame(byte[] data); |
/** |
* This method is called when the preview process is being started. It is called before the first frame delivered and processFrame is called |
* It is called with the width and height parameters of the preview process. It can be used to prepare the data needed during the frame processing. |
* @param previewWidth - the width of the preview frames that will be delivered via processFrame |
* @param previewHeight - the height of the preview frames that will be delivered via processFrame |
*/ |
protected abstract void onPreviewStarted(int previewWidtd, int previewHeight); |
/** |
* This method is called when preview is stopped. When this method is called the preview stopped and all the processing of frames already completed. |
* If the Bitmap object returned via processFrame is cached - it is a good time to recycle it. |
* Any other resources used during the preview can be released. |
*/ |
protected abstract void onPreviewStopped(); |
public void run() { |
mThreadRun = true; |
Log.i(TAG, "Started processing thread"); |
while (mThreadRun) { |
Bitmap bmp = null; |
synchronized (this) { |
try { |
this.wait(); |
if (!mThreadRun) |
break; |
bmp = processFrame(mFrame); |
} catch (InterruptedException e) { |
e.printStackTrace(); |
} |
} |
if (bmp != null) { |
Canvas canvas = mHolder.lockCanvas(); |
if (canvas != null) { |
canvas.drawColor(0,; |
canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, (canvas.getWidth() - getFrameWidth()) / 2, (canvas.getHeight() - getFrameHeight()) / 2, null); |
mHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas); |
} |
} |
} |
Log.i(TAG, "Finished processing thread"); |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue