mirror of https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git
25 changed files with 3422 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
set(OPENCV_INTERACTIVECALIBRATION_DEPS opencv_core opencv_aruco opencv_highgui opencv_calib3d opencv_videoio) |
return() |
endif() |
find_package(LAPACK) |
find_file(LAPACK_HEADER "lapacke.h") |
add_definitions(-DUSE_LAPACK) |
link_libraries(${LAPACK_LIBRARIES}) |
endif() |
endif() |
project(interactive-calibration) |
set(the_target opencv_interactive-calibration) |
ocv_target_include_directories(${the_target} PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR}/include/opencv") |
ocv_target_include_modules_recurse(${the_target} ${OPENCV_INTERACTIVECALIBRATION_DEPS}) |
file(GLOB SRCS *.cpp) |
file(GLOB HDRS *.h*) |
set(interactive-calibration_files ${SRCS} ${HDRS}) |
ocv_add_executable(${the_target} ${interactive-calibration_files}) |
ocv_target_link_libraries(${the_target} ${OPENCV_INTERACTIVECALIBRATION_DEPS}) |
set_target_properties(${the_target} PROPERTIES |
OUTPUT_NAME "opencv_interactive-calibration") |
set_target_properties(${the_target} PROPERTIES FOLDER "applications") |
endif() |
endif() |
else() |
endif() |
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ |
#include <memory> |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#include <vector> |
#include <string> |
namespace calib |
{ |
#define OVERLAY_DELAY 1000 |
#define IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH 1280 |
#define IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT 960 |
bool showOverlayMessage(const std::string& message); |
enum InputType { Video, Pictures }; |
enum InputVideoSource { Camera, File }; |
enum TemplateType { AcirclesGrid, Chessboard, chAruco, DoubleAcirclesGrid }; |
static const std::string mainWindowName = "Calibration"; |
static const std::string gridWindowName = "Board locations"; |
static const std::string consoleHelp = "Hot keys:\nesc - exit application\n" |
"s - save current data to .xml file\n" |
"r - delete last frame\n" |
"u - enable/disable applying undistortion" |
"d - delete all frames\n" |
"v - switch visualization"; |
static const double sigmaMult = 1.96; |
struct calibrationData |
{ |
cv::Mat cameraMatrix; |
cv::Mat distCoeffs; |
cv::Mat stdDeviations; |
cv::Mat perViewErrors; |
std::vector<cv::Mat> rvecs; |
std::vector<cv::Mat> tvecs; |
double totalAvgErr; |
cv::Size imageSize; |
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > imagePoints; |
std::vector< std::vector<cv::Point3f> > objectPoints; |
std::vector<cv::Mat> allCharucoCorners; |
std::vector<cv::Mat> allCharucoIds; |
cv::Mat undistMap1, undistMap2; |
calibrationData() |
{ |
imageSize = cv::Size(IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH, IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT); |
} |
}; |
struct cameraParameters |
{ |
cv::Mat cameraMatrix; |
cv::Mat distCoeffs; |
cv::Mat stdDeviations; |
double avgError; |
cameraParameters(){} |
cameraParameters(cv::Mat& _cameraMatrix, cv::Mat& _distCoeffs, cv::Mat& _stdDeviations, double _avgError = 0) : |
cameraMatrix(_cameraMatrix), distCoeffs(_distCoeffs), stdDeviations(_stdDeviations), avgError(_avgError) |
{} |
}; |
struct captureParameters |
{ |
InputType captureMethod; |
InputVideoSource source; |
TemplateType board; |
cv::Size boardSize; |
int charucoDictName; |
int calibrationStep; |
float charucoSquareLenght, charucoMarkerSize; |
float captureDelay; |
float squareSize; |
float templDst; |
std::string videoFileName; |
bool flipVertical; |
int camID; |
int fps; |
cv::Size cameraResolution; |
int maxFramesNum; |
int minFramesNum; |
captureParameters() |
{ |
calibrationStep = 1; |
captureDelay = 500.f; |
maxFramesNum = 30; |
minFramesNum = 10; |
fps = 30; |
cameraResolution = cv::Size(IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH, IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT); |
} |
}; |
struct internalParameters |
{ |
double solverEps; |
int solverMaxIters; |
bool fastSolving; |
double filterAlpha; |
internalParameters() |
{ |
solverEps = 1e-7; |
solverMaxIters = 30; |
fastSolving = false; |
filterAlpha = 0.1; |
} |
}; |
} |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,327 @@ |
#include "calibController.hpp" |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <cmath> |
#include <ctime> |
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> |
double calib::calibController::estimateCoverageQuality() |
{ |
int gridSize = 10; |
int xGridStep = mCalibData->imageSize.width / gridSize; |
int yGridStep = mCalibData->imageSize.height / gridSize; |
std::vector<int> pointsInCell(gridSize*gridSize); |
std::fill(pointsInCell.begin(), pointsInCell.end(), 0); |
for(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> >::iterator it = mCalibData->imagePoints.begin(); it != mCalibData->imagePoints.end(); ++it) |
for(std::vector<cv::Point2f>::iterator pointIt = (*it).begin(); pointIt != (*it).end(); ++pointIt) { |
int i = (int)((*pointIt).x / xGridStep); |
int j = (int)((*pointIt).y / yGridStep); |
pointsInCell[i*gridSize + j]++; |
} |
for(std::vector<cv::Mat>::iterator it = mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.begin(); it != mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.end(); ++it) |
for(int l = 0; l < (*it).size[0]; l++) { |
int i = (int)((*it).at<float>(l, 0) / xGridStep); |
int j = (int)((*it).at<float>(l, 1) / yGridStep); |
pointsInCell[i*gridSize + j]++; |
} |
cv::Mat mean, stdDev; |
cv::meanStdDev(pointsInCell, mean, stdDev); |
return mean.at<double>(0) / (stdDev.at<double>(0) + 1e-7); |
} |
calib::calibController::calibController() |
{ |
mCalibFlags = 0; |
} |
calib::calibController::calibController(cv::Ptr<calib::calibrationData> data, int initialFlags, bool autoTuning, int minFramesNum) : |
mCalibData(data) |
{ |
mCalibFlags = initialFlags; |
mNeedTuning = autoTuning; |
mMinFramesNum = minFramesNum; |
mConfIntervalsState = false; |
mCoverageQualityState = false; |
} |
void calib::calibController::updateState() |
{ |
if(mCalibData->cameraMatrix.total()) { |
const double relErrEps = 0.05; |
bool fConfState = false, cConfState = false, dConfState = true; |
if(sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(0) / mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,0) < relErrEps && |
sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(1) / mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,1) < relErrEps) |
fConfState = true; |
if(sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(2) / mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,2) < relErrEps && |
sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(3) / mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,2) < relErrEps) |
cConfState = true; |
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) |
if(mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(4+i) / fabs(mCalibData->distCoeffs.at<double>(i)) > 1) |
dConfState = false; |
mConfIntervalsState = fConfState && cConfState && dConfState; |
} |
if(getFramesNumberState()) |
mCoverageQualityState = estimateCoverageQuality() > 1.8 ? true : false; |
if (getFramesNumberState() && mNeedTuning) { |
if( !(mCalibFlags & cv::CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO) && |
mCalibData->cameraMatrix.total()) { |
double fDiff = fabs(mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,0) - |
mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,1)); |
if (fDiff < 3*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(0) && |
fDiff < 3*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(1)) { |
mCalibFlags |= cv::CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO; |
mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,0) = |
mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,1); |
} |
} |
if(!(mCalibFlags & cv::CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST)) { |
const double eps = 0.005; |
if(fabs(mCalibData->distCoeffs.at<double>(2)) < eps && |
fabs(mCalibData->distCoeffs.at<double>(3)) < eps) |
mCalibFlags |= cv::CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST; |
} |
if(!(mCalibFlags & cv::CALIB_FIX_K1)) { |
const double eps = 0.005; |
if(fabs(mCalibData->distCoeffs.at<double>(0)) < eps) |
mCalibFlags |= cv::CALIB_FIX_K1; |
} |
if(!(mCalibFlags & cv::CALIB_FIX_K2)) { |
const double eps = 0.005; |
if(fabs(mCalibData->distCoeffs.at<double>(1)) < eps) |
mCalibFlags |= cv::CALIB_FIX_K2; |
} |
if(!(mCalibFlags & cv::CALIB_FIX_K3)) { |
const double eps = 0.005; |
if(fabs(mCalibData->distCoeffs.at<double>(4)) < eps) |
mCalibFlags |= cv::CALIB_FIX_K3; |
} |
} |
} |
bool calib::calibController::getCommonCalibrationState() const |
{ |
int rating = (int)getFramesNumberState() + (int)getConfidenceIntrervalsState() + |
(int)getRMSState() + (int)mCoverageQualityState; |
return rating == 4; |
} |
bool calib::calibController::getFramesNumberState() const |
{ |
return std::max(mCalibData->imagePoints.size(), mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.size()) > mMinFramesNum; |
} |
bool calib::calibController::getConfidenceIntrervalsState() const |
{ |
return mConfIntervalsState; |
} |
bool calib::calibController::getRMSState() const |
{ |
return mCalibData->totalAvgErr < 0.5; |
} |
int calib::calibController::getNewFlags() const |
{ |
return mCalibFlags; |
} |
//////////////////// calibDataController
double calib::calibDataController::estimateGridSubsetQuality(size_t excludedIndex) |
{ |
{ |
int gridSize = 10; |
int xGridStep = mCalibData->imageSize.width / gridSize; |
int yGridStep = mCalibData->imageSize.height / gridSize; |
std::vector<int> pointsInCell(gridSize*gridSize); |
std::fill(pointsInCell.begin(), pointsInCell.end(), 0); |
for(size_t k = 0; k < mCalibData->imagePoints.size(); k++) |
if(k != excludedIndex) |
for(std::vector<cv::Point2f>::iterator pointIt = mCalibData->imagePoints[k].begin(); pointIt != mCalibData->imagePoints[k].end(); ++pointIt) { |
int i = (int)((*pointIt).x / xGridStep); |
int j = (int)((*pointIt).y / yGridStep); |
pointsInCell[i*gridSize + j]++; |
} |
for(size_t k = 0; k < mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.size(); k++) |
if(k != excludedIndex) |
for(int l = 0; l < mCalibData->allCharucoCorners[k].size[0]; l++) { |
int i = (int)(mCalibData->allCharucoCorners[k].at<float>(l, 0) / xGridStep); |
int j = (int)(mCalibData->allCharucoCorners[k].at<float>(l, 1) / yGridStep); |
pointsInCell[i*gridSize + j]++; |
} |
cv::Mat mean, stdDev; |
cv::meanStdDev(pointsInCell, mean, stdDev); |
return mean.at<double>(0) / (stdDev.at<double>(0) + 1e-7); |
} |
} |
calib::calibDataController::calibDataController(cv::Ptr<calib::calibrationData> data, int maxFrames, double convParameter) : |
mCalibData(data), mParamsFileName("CamParams.xml") |
{ |
mMaxFramesNum = maxFrames; |
mAlpha = convParameter; |
} |
calib::calibDataController::calibDataController() |
{ |
} |
void calib::calibDataController::filterFrames() |
{ |
size_t numberOfFrames = std::max(mCalibData->allCharucoIds.size(), mCalibData->imagePoints.size()); |
CV_Assert(numberOfFrames == mCalibData->perViewErrors.total()); |
if(numberOfFrames >= mMaxFramesNum) { |
double worstValue = -HUGE_VAL, maxQuality = estimateGridSubsetQuality(numberOfFrames); |
size_t worstElemIndex = 0; |
for(size_t i = 0; i < numberOfFrames; i++) { |
double gridQDelta = estimateGridSubsetQuality(i) - maxQuality; |
double currentValue = mCalibData->perViewErrors.at<double>((int)i)*mAlpha + gridQDelta*(1. - mAlpha); |
if(currentValue > worstValue) { |
worstValue = currentValue; |
worstElemIndex = i; |
} |
} |
showOverlayMessage(cv::format("Frame %d is worst", worstElemIndex + 1)); |
if(mCalibData->imagePoints.size()) { |
mCalibData->imagePoints.erase(mCalibData->imagePoints.begin() + worstElemIndex); |
mCalibData->objectPoints.erase(mCalibData->objectPoints.begin() + worstElemIndex); |
} |
else { |
mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.erase(mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.begin() + worstElemIndex); |
mCalibData->allCharucoIds.erase(mCalibData->allCharucoIds.begin() + worstElemIndex); |
} |
cv::Mat newErrorsVec = cv::Mat((int)numberOfFrames - 1, 1, CV_64F); |
std::copy(mCalibData->perViewErrors.ptr<double>(0), |
mCalibData->perViewErrors.ptr<double>((int)worstElemIndex), newErrorsVec.ptr<double>(0)); |
std::copy(mCalibData->perViewErrors.ptr<double>((int)worstElemIndex + 1), mCalibData->perViewErrors.ptr<double>((int)numberOfFrames), |
newErrorsVec.ptr<double>((int)worstElemIndex)); |
mCalibData->perViewErrors = newErrorsVec; |
} |
} |
void calib::calibDataController::setParametersFileName(const std::string &name) |
{ |
mParamsFileName = name; |
} |
void calib::calibDataController::deleteLastFrame() |
{ |
if( !mCalibData->imagePoints.empty()) { |
mCalibData->imagePoints.pop_back(); |
mCalibData->objectPoints.pop_back(); |
} |
if (!mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.empty()) { |
mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.pop_back(); |
mCalibData->allCharucoIds.pop_back(); |
} |
if(!mParamsStack.empty()) { |
mCalibData->cameraMatrix = (mParamsStack.top()).cameraMatrix; |
mCalibData->distCoeffs = (mParamsStack.top()).distCoeffs; |
mCalibData->stdDeviations = (mParamsStack.top()).stdDeviations; |
mCalibData->totalAvgErr = (mParamsStack.top()).avgError; |
mParamsStack.pop(); |
} |
} |
void calib::calibDataController::rememberCurrentParameters() |
{ |
cv::Mat oldCameraMat, oldDistcoeefs, oldStdDevs; |
mCalibData->cameraMatrix.copyTo(oldCameraMat); |
mCalibData->distCoeffs.copyTo(oldDistcoeefs); |
mCalibData->stdDeviations.copyTo(oldStdDevs); |
mParamsStack.push(cameraParameters(oldCameraMat, oldDistcoeefs, oldStdDevs, mCalibData->totalAvgErr)); |
} |
void calib::calibDataController::deleteAllData() |
{ |
mCalibData->imagePoints.clear(); |
mCalibData->objectPoints.clear(); |
mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.clear(); |
mCalibData->allCharucoIds.clear(); |
mCalibData->cameraMatrix = mCalibData->distCoeffs = cv::Mat(); |
mParamsStack = std::stack<cameraParameters>(); |
rememberCurrentParameters(); |
} |
bool calib::calibDataController::saveCurrentCameraParameters() const |
{ |
bool success = false; |
if(mCalibData->cameraMatrix.total()) { |
cv::FileStorage parametersWriter(mParamsFileName, cv::FileStorage::WRITE); |
if(parametersWriter.isOpened()) { |
time_t rawtime; |
time(&rawtime); |
char buf[256]; |
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%c", localtime(&rawtime)); |
parametersWriter << "calibrationDate" << buf; |
parametersWriter << "framesCount" << std::max((int)mCalibData->objectPoints.size(), (int)mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.size()); |
parametersWriter << "cameraResolution" << mCalibData->imageSize; |
parametersWriter << "cameraMatrix" << mCalibData->cameraMatrix; |
parametersWriter << "cameraMatrix_std_dev" << mCalibData->stdDeviations.rowRange(cv::Range(0, 4)); |
parametersWriter << "dist_coeffs" << mCalibData->distCoeffs; |
parametersWriter << "dist_coeffs_std_dev" << mCalibData->stdDeviations.rowRange(cv::Range(4, 9)); |
parametersWriter << "avg_reprojection_error" << mCalibData->totalAvgErr; |
parametersWriter.release(); |
success = true; |
} |
} |
return success; |
} |
void calib::calibDataController::printParametersToConsole(std::ostream &output) const |
{ |
const char* border = "---------------------------------------------------"; |
output << border << std::endl; |
output << "Frames used for calibration: " << std::max(mCalibData->objectPoints.size(), mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.size()) |
<< " \t RMS = " << mCalibData->totalAvgErr << std::endl; |
if(mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,0) == mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,1)) |
output << "F = " << mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,1) << " +- " << sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(1) << std::endl; |
else |
output << "Fx = " << mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,0) << " +- " << sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(0) << " \t " |
<< "Fy = " << mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,1) << " +- " << sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(1) << std::endl; |
output << "Cx = " << mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,2) << " +- " << sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(2) << " \t" |
<< "Cy = " << mCalibData->cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,2) << " +- " << sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(3) << std::endl; |
output << "K1 = " << mCalibData->distCoeffs.at<double>(0) << " +- " << sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(4) << std::endl; |
output << "K2 = " << mCalibData->distCoeffs.at<double>(1) << " +- " << sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(5) << std::endl; |
output << "K3 = " << mCalibData->distCoeffs.at<double>(4) << " +- " << sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(8) << std::endl; |
output << "TD1 = " << mCalibData->distCoeffs.at<double>(2) << " +- " << sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(6) << std::endl; |
output << "TD2 = " << mCalibData->distCoeffs.at<double>(3) << " +- " << sigmaMult*mCalibData->stdDeviations.at<double>(7) << std::endl; |
} |
void calib::calibDataController::updateUndistortMap() |
{ |
cv::initUndistortRectifyMap(mCalibData->cameraMatrix, mCalibData->distCoeffs, cv::noArray(), |
cv::getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(mCalibData->cameraMatrix, mCalibData->distCoeffs, mCalibData->imageSize, 0.0, mCalibData->imageSize), |
mCalibData->imageSize, CV_16SC2, mCalibData->undistMap1, mCalibData->undistMap2); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
#include "calibCommon.hpp" |
#include <stack> |
#include <string> |
#include <ostream> |
namespace calib { |
class calibController |
{ |
protected: |
cv::Ptr<calibrationData> mCalibData; |
int mCalibFlags; |
unsigned mMinFramesNum; |
bool mNeedTuning; |
bool mConfIntervalsState; |
bool mCoverageQualityState; |
double estimateCoverageQuality(); |
public: |
calibController(); |
calibController(cv::Ptr<calibrationData> data, int initialFlags, bool autoTuning, |
int minFramesNum); |
void updateState(); |
bool getCommonCalibrationState() const; |
bool getFramesNumberState() const; |
bool getConfidenceIntrervalsState() const; |
bool getRMSState() const; |
bool getPointsCoverageState() const; |
int getNewFlags() const; |
}; |
class calibDataController |
{ |
protected: |
cv::Ptr<calibrationData> mCalibData; |
std::stack<cameraParameters> mParamsStack; |
std::string mParamsFileName; |
unsigned mMaxFramesNum; |
double mAlpha; |
double estimateGridSubsetQuality(size_t excludedIndex); |
public: |
calibDataController(cv::Ptr<calibrationData> data, int maxFrames, double convParameter); |
calibDataController(); |
void filterFrames(); |
void setParametersFileName(const std::string& name); |
void deleteLastFrame(); |
void rememberCurrentParameters(); |
void deleteAllData(); |
bool saveCurrentCameraParameters() const; |
void printParametersToConsole(std::ostream &output) const; |
void updateUndistortMap(); |
}; |
} |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ |
#include "calibPipeline.hpp" |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
#include <stdexcept> |
using namespace calib; |
#define CAP_DELAY 10 |
cv::Size CalibPipeline::getCameraResolution() |
{ |
mCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 10000); |
mCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 10000); |
int w = (int)mCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); |
int h = (int)mCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); |
return cv::Size(w,h); |
} |
CalibPipeline::CalibPipeline(captureParameters params) : |
mCaptureParams(params) |
{ |
} |
PipelineExitStatus CalibPipeline::start(std::vector<cv::Ptr<FrameProcessor> > processors) |
{ |
if(mCaptureParams.source == Camera && !mCapture.isOpened()) |
{ |
mCapture.open(mCaptureParams.camID); |
cv::Size maxRes = getCameraResolution(); |
cv::Size neededRes = mCaptureParams.cameraResolution; |
if(maxRes.width < neededRes.width) { |
double aR = (double)maxRes.width / maxRes.height; |
mCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, neededRes.width); |
mCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, neededRes.width/aR); |
} |
else if(maxRes.height < neededRes.height) { |
double aR = (double)maxRes.width / maxRes.height; |
mCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, neededRes.height); |
mCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, neededRes.height*aR); |
} |
else { |
mCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, neededRes.height); |
mCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, neededRes.width); |
} |
mCapture.set(cv::CAP_PROP_AUTOFOCUS, 0); |
} |
else if (mCaptureParams.source == File && !mCapture.isOpened()) |
mCapture.open(mCaptureParams.videoFileName); |
mImageSize = cv::Size((int)mCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH), (int)mCapture.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)); |
if(!mCapture.isOpened()) |
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open video source"); |
cv::Mat frame, processedFrame; |
while(mCapture.grab()) { |
mCapture.retrieve(frame); |
if(mCaptureParams.flipVertical) |
cv::flip(frame, frame, -1); |
frame.copyTo(processedFrame); |
for (std::vector<cv::Ptr<FrameProcessor> >::iterator it = processors.begin(); it != processors.end(); ++it) |
processedFrame = (*it)->processFrame(processedFrame); |
cv::imshow(mainWindowName, processedFrame); |
int key = cv::waitKey(CAP_DELAY); |
if(key == 27) // esc
return Finished; |
else if (key == 114) // r
return DeleteLastFrame; |
else if (key == 100) // d
return DeleteAllFrames; |
else if (key == 115) // s
return SaveCurrentData; |
else if (key == 117) // u
return SwitchUndistort; |
else if (key == 118) // v
return SwitchVisualisation; |
for (std::vector<cv::Ptr<FrameProcessor> >::iterator it = processors.begin(); it != processors.end(); ++it) |
if((*it)->isProcessed()) |
return Calibrate; |
} |
return Finished; |
} |
cv::Size CalibPipeline::getImageSize() const |
{ |
return mImageSize; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
#include <vector> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
#include "calibCommon.hpp" |
#include "frameProcessor.hpp" |
namespace calib |
{ |
enum PipelineExitStatus { Finished, |
DeleteLastFrame, |
Calibrate, |
DeleteAllFrames, |
SaveCurrentData, |
SwitchUndistort, |
SwitchVisualisation |
}; |
class CalibPipeline |
{ |
protected: |
captureParameters mCaptureParams; |
cv::Size mImageSize; |
cv::VideoCapture mCapture; |
cv::Size getCameraResolution(); |
public: |
CalibPipeline(captureParameters params); |
PipelineExitStatus start(std::vector<cv::Ptr<FrameProcessor> > processors); |
cv::Size getImageSize() const; |
}; |
} |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,824 @@ |
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> |
#include "linalg.hpp" |
#include "cvCalibrationFork.hpp" |
using namespace cv; |
static void subMatrix(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const std::vector<uchar>& cols, |
const std::vector<uchar>& rows); |
static const char* cvDistCoeffErr = "Distortion coefficients must be 1x4, 4x1, 1x5, 5x1, 1x8, 8x1, 1x12, 12x1, 1x14 or 14x1 floating-point vector"; |
static void cvEvaluateJtJ2(CvMat* _JtJ, |
const CvMat* camera_matrix, |
const CvMat* distortion_coeffs, |
const CvMat* object_points, |
const CvMat* param, |
const CvMat* npoints, |
int flags, int NINTRINSIC, double aspectRatio) |
{ |
int i, pos, ni, total = 0, npstep = 0, maxPoints = 0; |
npstep = npoints->rows == 1 ? 1 : npoints->step/CV_ELEM_SIZE(npoints->type); |
int nimages = npoints->rows*npoints->cols; |
for( i = 0; i < nimages; i++ ) |
{ |
ni = npoints->data.i[i*npstep]; |
if( ni < 4 ) |
{ |
CV_Error_( CV_StsOutOfRange, ("The number of points in the view #%d is < 4", i)); |
} |
maxPoints = MAX( maxPoints, ni ); |
total += ni; |
} |
Mat _Ji( maxPoints*2, NINTRINSIC, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); |
Mat _Je( maxPoints*2, 6, CV_64FC1 ); |
Mat _err( maxPoints*2, 1, CV_64FC1 ); |
Mat _m( 1, total, CV_64FC2 ); |
const Mat matM = cvarrToMat(object_points); |
cvZero(_JtJ); |
for(i = 0, pos = 0; i < nimages; i++, pos += ni ) |
{ |
CvMat _ri, _ti; |
ni = npoints->data.i[i*npstep]; |
cvGetRows( param, &_ri, NINTRINSIC + i*6, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3 ); |
cvGetRows( param, &_ti, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 6 ); |
CvMat _Mi(matM.colRange(pos, pos + ni)); |
CvMat _mi(_m.colRange(pos, pos + ni)); |
_Je.resize(ni*2); _Ji.resize(ni*2); _err.resize(ni*2); |
CvMat _dpdr(_Je.colRange(0, 3)); |
CvMat _dpdt(_Je.colRange(3, 6)); |
CvMat _dpdf(_Ji.colRange(0, 2)); |
CvMat _dpdc(_Ji.colRange(2, 4)); |
CvMat _dpdk(_Ji.colRange(4, NINTRINSIC)); |
CvMat _mp(_err.reshape(2, 1)); |
cvProjectPoints2( &_Mi, &_ri, &_ti, camera_matrix, distortion_coeffs, &_mp, &_dpdr, &_dpdt, |
(flags & CALIB_FIX_FOCAL_LENGTH) ? 0 : &_dpdf, |
(flags & CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT) ? 0 : &_dpdc, &_dpdk, |
(flags & CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO) ? aspectRatio : 0); |
cvSub( &_mp, &_mi, &_mp ); |
Mat JtJ(cvarrToMat(_JtJ)); |
// see HZ: (A6.14) for details on the structure of the Jacobian
JtJ(Rect(0, 0, NINTRINSIC, NINTRINSIC)) += _Ji.t() * _Ji; |
JtJ(Rect(NINTRINSIC + i * 6, NINTRINSIC + i * 6, 6, 6)) = _Je.t() * _Je; |
JtJ(Rect(NINTRINSIC + i * 6, 0, 6, NINTRINSIC)) = _Ji.t() * _Je; |
} |
} |
double cvfork::cvCalibrateCamera2( const CvMat* objectPoints, |
const CvMat* imagePoints, const CvMat* npoints, |
CvSize imageSize, CvMat* cameraMatrix, CvMat* distCoeffs, |
CvMat* rvecs, CvMat* tvecs, CvMat* stdDevs, CvMat* perViewErrors, int flags, CvTermCriteria termCrit ) |
{ |
{ |
double reprojErr = 0; |
Matx33d A; |
double k[14] = {0}; |
CvMat matA = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, A.val), _k; |
int i, nimages, maxPoints = 0, ni = 0, pos, total = 0, nparams, npstep, cn; |
double aspectRatio = 0.; |
// 0. check the parameters & allocate buffers
if( !CV_IS_MAT(objectPoints) || !CV_IS_MAT(imagePoints) || |
!CV_IS_MAT(npoints) || !CV_IS_MAT(cameraMatrix) || !CV_IS_MAT(distCoeffs) ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "One of required vector arguments is not a valid matrix" ); |
if( imageSize.width <= 0 || imageSize.height <= 0 ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "image width and height must be positive" ); |
if( CV_MAT_TYPE(npoints->type) != CV_32SC1 || |
(npoints->rows != 1 && npoints->cols != 1) ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, |
"the array of point counters must be 1-dimensional integer vector" ); |
{ |
//when the tilted sensor model is used the distortion coefficients matrix must have 14 parameters
if (distCoeffs->cols*distCoeffs->rows != 14) |
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "The tilted sensor model must have 14 parameters in the distortion matrix" ); |
} |
else |
{ |
//when the thin prism model is used the distortion coefficients matrix must have 12 parameters
if (distCoeffs->cols*distCoeffs->rows != 12) |
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Thin prism model must have 12 parameters in the distortion matrix" ); |
} |
nimages = npoints->rows*npoints->cols; |
npstep = npoints->rows == 1 ? 1 : npoints->step/CV_ELEM_SIZE(npoints->type); |
if( rvecs ) |
{ |
cn = CV_MAT_CN(rvecs->type); |
if( !CV_IS_MAT(rvecs) || |
(CV_MAT_DEPTH(rvecs->type) != CV_32F && CV_MAT_DEPTH(rvecs->type) != CV_64F) || |
((rvecs->rows != nimages || (rvecs->cols*cn != 3 && rvecs->cols*cn != 9)) && |
(rvecs->rows != 1 || rvecs->cols != nimages || cn != 3)) ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "the output array of rotation vectors must be 3-channel " |
"1xn or nx1 array or 1-channel nx3 or nx9 array, where n is the number of views" ); |
} |
if( tvecs ) |
{ |
cn = CV_MAT_CN(tvecs->type); |
if( !CV_IS_MAT(tvecs) || |
(CV_MAT_DEPTH(tvecs->type) != CV_32F && CV_MAT_DEPTH(tvecs->type) != CV_64F) || |
((tvecs->rows != nimages || tvecs->cols*cn != 3) && |
(tvecs->rows != 1 || tvecs->cols != nimages || cn != 3)) ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "the output array of translation vectors must be 3-channel " |
"1xn or nx1 array or 1-channel nx3 array, where n is the number of views" ); |
} |
if( stdDevs ) |
{ |
cn = CV_MAT_CN(stdDevs->type); |
if( !CV_IS_MAT(stdDevs) || |
(CV_MAT_DEPTH(stdDevs->type) != CV_32F && CV_MAT_DEPTH(stdDevs->type) != CV_64F) || |
((stdDevs->rows != (nimages*6 + NINTRINSIC) || stdDevs->cols*cn != 1) && |
(stdDevs->rows != 1 || stdDevs->cols != (nimages*6 + NINTRINSIC) || cn != 1)) ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "the output array of standard deviations vectors must be 1-channel " |
"1x(n*6 + NINTRINSIC) or (n*6 + NINTRINSIC)x1 array, where n is the number of views" ); |
} |
if( (CV_MAT_TYPE(cameraMatrix->type) != CV_32FC1 && |
CV_MAT_TYPE(cameraMatrix->type) != CV_64FC1) || |
cameraMatrix->rows != 3 || cameraMatrix->cols != 3 ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, |
"Intrinsic parameters must be 3x3 floating-point matrix" ); |
if( (CV_MAT_TYPE(distCoeffs->type) != CV_32FC1 && |
CV_MAT_TYPE(distCoeffs->type) != CV_64FC1) || |
(distCoeffs->cols != 1 && distCoeffs->rows != 1) || |
(distCoeffs->cols*distCoeffs->rows != 4 && |
distCoeffs->cols*distCoeffs->rows != 5 && |
distCoeffs->cols*distCoeffs->rows != 8 && |
distCoeffs->cols*distCoeffs->rows != 12 && |
distCoeffs->cols*distCoeffs->rows != 14) ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, cvDistCoeffErr ); |
for( i = 0; i < nimages; i++ ) |
{ |
ni = npoints->data.i[i*npstep]; |
if( ni < 4 ) |
{ |
CV_Error_( CV_StsOutOfRange, ("The number of points in the view #%d is < 4", i)); |
} |
maxPoints = MAX( maxPoints, ni ); |
total += ni; |
} |
Mat matM( 1, total, CV_64FC3 ); |
Mat _m( 1, total, CV_64FC2 ); |
if(CV_MAT_CN(objectPoints->type) == 3) { |
cvarrToMat(objectPoints).convertTo(matM, CV_64F); |
} else { |
convertPointsHomogeneous(cvarrToMat(objectPoints), matM); |
} |
if(CV_MAT_CN(imagePoints->type) == 2) { |
cvarrToMat(imagePoints).convertTo(_m, CV_64F); |
} else { |
convertPointsHomogeneous(cvarrToMat(imagePoints), _m); |
} |
nparams = NINTRINSIC + nimages*6; |
Mat _Ji( maxPoints*2, NINTRINSIC, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); |
Mat _Je( maxPoints*2, 6, CV_64FC1 ); |
Mat _err( maxPoints*2, 1, CV_64FC1 ); |
_k = cvMat( distCoeffs->rows, distCoeffs->cols, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F,CV_MAT_CN(distCoeffs->type)), k); |
if( distCoeffs->rows*distCoeffs->cols*CV_MAT_CN(distCoeffs->type) < 8 ) |
{ |
if( distCoeffs->rows*distCoeffs->cols*CV_MAT_CN(distCoeffs->type) < 5 ) |
flags |= CALIB_FIX_K3; |
flags |= CALIB_FIX_K4 | CALIB_FIX_K5 | CALIB_FIX_K6; |
} |
const double minValidAspectRatio = 0.01; |
const double maxValidAspectRatio = 100.0; |
// 1. initialize intrinsic parameters & LM solver
{ |
cvConvert( cameraMatrix, &matA ); |
if( A(0, 0) <= 0 || A(1, 1) <= 0 ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "Focal length (fx and fy) must be positive" ); |
if( A(0, 2) < 0 || A(0, 2) >= imageSize.width || |
A(1, 2) < 0 || A(1, 2) >= imageSize.height ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "Principal point must be within the image" ); |
if( fabs(A(0, 1)) > 1e-5 ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, "Non-zero skew is not supported by the function" ); |
if( fabs(A(1, 0)) > 1e-5 || fabs(A(2, 0)) > 1e-5 || |
fabs(A(2, 1)) > 1e-5 || fabs(A(2,2)-1) > 1e-5 ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, |
"The intrinsic matrix must have [fx 0 cx; 0 fy cy; 0 0 1] shape" ); |
A(0, 1) = A(1, 0) = A(2, 0) = A(2, 1) = 0.; |
A(2, 2) = 1.; |
if( flags & CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO ) |
{ |
aspectRatio = A(0, 0)/A(1, 1); |
if( aspectRatio < minValidAspectRatio || aspectRatio > maxValidAspectRatio ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, |
"The specified aspect ratio (= cameraMatrix[0][0] / cameraMatrix[1][1]) is incorrect" ); |
} |
cvConvert( distCoeffs, &_k ); |
} |
else |
{ |
Scalar mean, sdv; |
meanStdDev(matM, mean, sdv); |
if( fabs(mean[2]) > 1e-5 || fabs(sdv[2]) > 1e-5 ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, |
"For non-planar calibration rigs the initial intrinsic matrix must be specified" ); |
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ ) |
matM.at<Point3d>(i).z = 0.; |
if( flags & CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO ) |
{ |
aspectRatio = cvmGet(cameraMatrix,0,0); |
aspectRatio /= cvmGet(cameraMatrix,1,1); |
if( aspectRatio < minValidAspectRatio || aspectRatio > maxValidAspectRatio ) |
CV_Error( CV_StsOutOfRange, |
"The specified aspect ratio (= cameraMatrix[0][0] / cameraMatrix[1][1]) is incorrect" ); |
} |
CvMat _matM(matM), m(_m); |
cvInitIntrinsicParams2D( &_matM, &m, npoints, imageSize, &matA, aspectRatio ); |
} |
//CvLevMarq solver( nparams, 0, termCrit );
cvfork::CvLevMarqFork solver( nparams, 0, termCrit ); |
Mat allErrors(1, total, CV_64FC2); |
if(flags & CALIB_USE_LU) { |
solver.solveMethod = DECOMP_LU; |
} |
else if(flags & CALIB_USE_QR) |
solver.solveMethod = DECOMP_QR; |
{ |
double* param = solver.param->data.db; |
uchar* mask = solver.mask->data.ptr; |
param[0] = A(0, 0); param[1] = A(1, 1); param[2] = A(0, 2); param[3] = A(1, 2); |
std::copy(k, k + 14, param + 4); |
mask[0] = mask[1] = 0; |
mask[2] = mask[3] = 0; |
{ |
param[6] = param[7] = 0; |
mask[6] = mask[7] = 0; |
} |
if( !(flags & CALIB_RATIONAL_MODEL) ) |
flags |= CALIB_FIX_K4 + CALIB_FIX_K5 + CALIB_FIX_K6; |
if( !(flags & CV_CALIB_THIN_PRISM_MODEL)) |
flags |= CALIB_FIX_S1_S2_S3_S4; |
if( !(flags & CV_CALIB_TILTED_MODEL)) |
mask[ 4] = !(flags & CALIB_FIX_K1); |
mask[ 5] = !(flags & CALIB_FIX_K2); |
mask[ 8] = !(flags & CALIB_FIX_K3); |
mask[ 9] = !(flags & CALIB_FIX_K4); |
mask[10] = !(flags & CALIB_FIX_K5); |
mask[11] = !(flags & CALIB_FIX_K6); |
if(flags & CALIB_FIX_S1_S2_S3_S4) |
{ |
mask[12] = 0; |
mask[13] = 0; |
mask[14] = 0; |
mask[15] = 0; |
} |
if(flags & CALIB_FIX_TAUX_TAUY) |
{ |
mask[16] = 0; |
mask[17] = 0; |
} |
} |
// 2. initialize extrinsic parameters
for( i = 0, pos = 0; i < nimages; i++, pos += ni ) |
{ |
CvMat _ri, _ti; |
ni = npoints->data.i[i*npstep]; |
cvGetRows( solver.param, &_ri, NINTRINSIC + i*6, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3 ); |
cvGetRows( solver.param, &_ti, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 6 ); |
CvMat _Mi(matM.colRange(pos, pos + ni)); |
CvMat _mi(_m.colRange(pos, pos + ni)); |
cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2( &_Mi, &_mi, &matA, &_k, &_ri, &_ti ); |
} |
// 3. run the optimization
for(;;) |
{ |
const CvMat* _param = 0; |
CvMat *_JtJ = 0, *_JtErr = 0; |
double* _errNorm = 0; |
bool proceed = solver.updateAlt( _param, _JtJ, _JtErr, _errNorm ); |
double *param = solver.param->data.db, *pparam = solver.prevParam->data.db; |
if( flags & CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO ) |
{ |
param[0] = param[1]*aspectRatio; |
pparam[0] = pparam[1]*aspectRatio; |
} |
A(0, 0) = param[0]; A(1, 1) = param[1]; A(0, 2) = param[2]; A(1, 2) = param[3]; |
std::copy(param + 4, param + 4 + 14, k); |
if( !proceed ) { |
//do errors estimation
if(stdDevs) { |
Ptr<CvMat> JtJ(cvCreateMat(nparams, nparams, CV_64F)); |
CvMat cvMatM(matM); |
cvEvaluateJtJ2(JtJ, &matA, &_k, &cvMatM, solver.param, npoints, flags, NINTRINSIC, aspectRatio); |
Mat mask = cvarrToMat(solver.mask); |
int nparams_nz = countNonZero(mask); |
Mat JtJinv, JtJN; |
JtJN.create(nparams_nz, nparams_nz, CV_64F); |
subMatrix(cvarrToMat(JtJ), JtJN, mask, mask); |
completeSymm(JtJN, false); |
#ifndef USE_LAPACK |
cv::invert(JtJN, JtJinv, DECOMP_SVD); |
#else |
cvfork::invert(JtJN, JtJinv, DECOMP_SVD); |
#endif |
double sigma2 = norm(allErrors, NORM_L2SQR) / (total - nparams_nz); |
Mat stdDevsM = cvarrToMat(stdDevs); |
int j = 0; |
for (int s = 0; s < nparams; s++) |
if(mask.data[s]) { |
stdDevsM.at<double>(s) = std::sqrt(JtJinv.at<double>(j,j)*sigma2); |
j++; |
} |
else |
stdDevsM.at<double>(s) = 0; |
} |
break; |
} |
reprojErr = 0; |
for( i = 0, pos = 0; i < nimages; i++, pos += ni ) |
{ |
CvMat _ri, _ti; |
ni = npoints->data.i[i*npstep]; |
cvGetRows( solver.param, &_ri, NINTRINSIC + i*6, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3 ); |
cvGetRows( solver.param, &_ti, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3, NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 6 ); |
CvMat _Mi(matM.colRange(pos, pos + ni)); |
CvMat _mi(_m.colRange(pos, pos + ni)); |
CvMat _me(allErrors.colRange(pos, pos + ni)); |
_Je.resize(ni*2); _Ji.resize(ni*2); _err.resize(ni*2); |
CvMat _dpdr(_Je.colRange(0, 3)); |
CvMat _dpdt(_Je.colRange(3, 6)); |
CvMat _dpdf(_Ji.colRange(0, 2)); |
CvMat _dpdc(_Ji.colRange(2, 4)); |
CvMat _dpdk(_Ji.colRange(4, NINTRINSIC)); |
CvMat _mp(_err.reshape(2, 1)); |
if( solver.state == CvLevMarq::CALC_J ) |
{ |
cvProjectPoints2( &_Mi, &_ri, &_ti, &matA, &_k, &_mp, &_dpdr, &_dpdt, |
(flags & CALIB_FIX_FOCAL_LENGTH) ? 0 : &_dpdf, |
(flags & CALIB_FIX_PRINCIPAL_POINT) ? 0 : &_dpdc, &_dpdk, |
(flags & CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO) ? aspectRatio : 0); |
} |
else |
cvProjectPoints2( &_Mi, &_ri, &_ti, &matA, &_k, &_mp ); |
cvSub( &_mp, &_mi, &_mp ); |
if( solver.state == CvLevMarq::CALC_J ) |
{ |
Mat JtJ(cvarrToMat(_JtJ)), JtErr(cvarrToMat(_JtErr)); |
// see HZ: (A6.14) for details on the structure of the Jacobian
JtJ(Rect(0, 0, NINTRINSIC, NINTRINSIC)) += _Ji.t() * _Ji; |
JtJ(Rect(NINTRINSIC + i * 6, NINTRINSIC + i * 6, 6, 6)) = _Je.t() * _Je; |
JtJ(Rect(NINTRINSIC + i * 6, 0, 6, NINTRINSIC)) = _Ji.t() * _Je; |
JtErr.rowRange(0, NINTRINSIC) += _Ji.t() * _err; |
JtErr.rowRange(NINTRINSIC + i * 6, NINTRINSIC + (i + 1) * 6) = _Je.t() * _err; |
} |
if (stdDevs || perViewErrors) |
cvCopy(&_mp, &_me); |
reprojErr += norm(_err, NORM_L2SQR); |
} |
if( _errNorm ) |
*_errNorm = reprojErr; |
} |
// 4. store the results
cvConvert( &matA, cameraMatrix ); |
cvConvert( &_k, distCoeffs ); |
for( i = 0, pos = 0; i < nimages; i++) |
{ |
CvMat src, dst; |
if( perViewErrors ) |
{ |
ni = npoints->data.i[i*npstep]; |
perViewErrors->data.db[i] = std::sqrt(cv::norm(allErrors.colRange(pos, pos + ni), NORM_L2SQR) / ni); |
pos+=ni; |
} |
if( rvecs ) |
{ |
src = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, solver.param->data.db + NINTRINSIC + i*6 ); |
if( rvecs->rows == nimages && rvecs->cols*CV_MAT_CN(rvecs->type) == 9 ) |
{ |
dst = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_MAT_DEPTH(rvecs->type), |
rvecs->data.ptr + rvecs->step*i ); |
cvRodrigues2( &src, &matA ); |
cvConvert( &matA, &dst ); |
} |
else |
{ |
dst = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_MAT_DEPTH(rvecs->type), rvecs->rows == 1 ? |
rvecs->data.ptr + i*CV_ELEM_SIZE(rvecs->type) : |
rvecs->data.ptr + rvecs->step*i ); |
cvConvert( &src, &dst ); |
} |
} |
if( tvecs ) |
{ |
src = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, solver.param->data.db + NINTRINSIC + i*6 + 3 ); |
dst = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_MAT_DEPTH(tvecs->type), tvecs->rows == 1 ? |
tvecs->data.ptr + i*CV_ELEM_SIZE(tvecs->type) : |
tvecs->data.ptr + tvecs->step*i ); |
cvConvert( &src, &dst ); |
} |
} |
return std::sqrt(reprojErr/total); |
} |
} |
static Mat prepareCameraMatrix(Mat& cameraMatrix0, int rtype) |
{ |
Mat cameraMatrix = Mat::eye(3, 3, rtype); |
if( cameraMatrix0.size() == cameraMatrix.size() ) |
cameraMatrix0.convertTo(cameraMatrix, rtype); |
return cameraMatrix; |
} |
static Mat prepareDistCoeffs(Mat& distCoeffs0, int rtype) |
{ |
Mat distCoeffs = Mat::zeros(distCoeffs0.cols == 1 ? Size(1, 14) : Size(14, 1), rtype); |
if( distCoeffs0.size() == Size(1, 4) || |
distCoeffs0.size() == Size(1, 5) || |
distCoeffs0.size() == Size(1, 8) || |
distCoeffs0.size() == Size(1, 12) || |
distCoeffs0.size() == Size(1, 14) || |
distCoeffs0.size() == Size(4, 1) || |
distCoeffs0.size() == Size(5, 1) || |
distCoeffs0.size() == Size(8, 1) || |
distCoeffs0.size() == Size(12, 1) || |
distCoeffs0.size() == Size(14, 1) ) |
{ |
Mat dstCoeffs(distCoeffs, Rect(0, 0, distCoeffs0.cols, distCoeffs0.rows)); |
distCoeffs0.convertTo(dstCoeffs, rtype); |
} |
return distCoeffs; |
} |
static void collectCalibrationData( InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, |
InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints1, |
InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints2, |
Mat& objPtMat, Mat& imgPtMat1, Mat* imgPtMat2, |
Mat& npoints ) |
{ |
int nimages = (int)objectPoints.total(); |
int i, j = 0, ni = 0, total = 0; |
CV_Assert(nimages > 0 && nimages == (int)imagePoints1.total() && |
(!imgPtMat2 || nimages == (int)imagePoints2.total())); |
for( i = 0; i < nimages; i++ ) |
{ |
ni = objectPoints.getMat(i).checkVector(3, CV_32F); |
if( ni <= 0 ) |
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "objectPoints should contain vector of vectors of points of type Point3f"); |
int ni1 = imagePoints1.getMat(i).checkVector(2, CV_32F); |
if( ni1 <= 0 ) |
CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "imagePoints1 should contain vector of vectors of points of type Point2f"); |
CV_Assert( ni == ni1 ); |
total += ni; |
} |
npoints.create(1, (int)nimages, CV_32S); |
objPtMat.create(1, (int)total, CV_32FC3); |
imgPtMat1.create(1, (int)total, CV_32FC2); |
Point2f* imgPtData2 = 0; |
if( imgPtMat2 ) |
{ |
imgPtMat2->create(1, (int)total, CV_32FC2); |
imgPtData2 = imgPtMat2->ptr<Point2f>(); |
} |
Point3f* objPtData = objPtMat.ptr<Point3f>(); |
Point2f* imgPtData1 = imgPtMat1.ptr<Point2f>(); |
for( i = 0; i < nimages; i++, j += ni ) |
{ |
Mat objpt = objectPoints.getMat(i); |
Mat imgpt1 = imagePoints1.getMat(i); |
ni = objpt.checkVector(3, CV_32F); |
npoints.at<int>(i) = ni; |
memcpy( objPtData + j, objpt.ptr(), ni*sizeof(objPtData[0]) ); |
memcpy( imgPtData1 + j, imgpt1.ptr(), ni*sizeof(imgPtData1[0]) ); |
if( imgPtData2 ) |
{ |
Mat imgpt2 = imagePoints2.getMat(i); |
int ni2 = imgpt2.checkVector(2, CV_32F); |
CV_Assert( ni == ni2 ); |
memcpy( imgPtData2 + j, imgpt2.ptr(), ni*sizeof(imgPtData2[0]) ); |
} |
} |
} |
double cvfork::calibrateCamera(InputArrayOfArrays _objectPoints, |
InputArrayOfArrays _imagePoints, |
Size imageSize, InputOutputArray _cameraMatrix, InputOutputArray _distCoeffs, |
OutputArrayOfArrays _rvecs, OutputArrayOfArrays _tvecs, OutputArray _stdDeviations, OutputArray _perViewErrors, int flags, TermCriteria criteria ) |
{ |
int rtype = CV_64F; |
Mat cameraMatrix = _cameraMatrix.getMat(); |
cameraMatrix = prepareCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix, rtype); |
Mat distCoeffs = _distCoeffs.getMat(); |
distCoeffs = prepareDistCoeffs(distCoeffs, rtype); |
if( !(flags & CALIB_RATIONAL_MODEL) && |
(!(flags & CALIB_THIN_PRISM_MODEL)) && |
(!(flags & CALIB_TILTED_MODEL))) |
distCoeffs = distCoeffs.rows == 1 ? distCoeffs.colRange(0, 5) : distCoeffs.rowRange(0, 5); |
int nimages = int(_objectPoints.total()); |
CV_Assert( nimages > 0 ); |
Mat objPt, imgPt, npoints, rvecM, tvecM, stdDeviationsM, errorsM; |
bool rvecs_needed = _rvecs.needed(), tvecs_needed = _tvecs.needed(), |
stddev_needed = _stdDeviations.needed(), errors_needed = _perViewErrors.needed(); |
bool rvecs_mat_vec = _rvecs.isMatVector(); |
bool tvecs_mat_vec = _tvecs.isMatVector(); |
if( rvecs_needed ) { |
_rvecs.create(nimages, 1, CV_64FC3); |
if(rvecs_mat_vec) |
rvecM.create(nimages, 3, CV_64F); |
else |
rvecM = _rvecs.getMat(); |
} |
if( tvecs_needed ) { |
_tvecs.create(nimages, 1, CV_64FC3); |
if(tvecs_mat_vec) |
tvecM.create(nimages, 3, CV_64F); |
else |
tvecM = _tvecs.getMat(); |
} |
if( stddev_needed ) { |
_stdDeviations.create(nimages*6 + CV_CALIB_NINTRINSIC, 1, CV_64F); |
stdDeviationsM = _stdDeviations.getMat(); |
} |
if( errors_needed) { |
_perViewErrors.create(nimages, 1, CV_64F); |
errorsM = _perViewErrors.getMat(); |
} |
collectCalibrationData( _objectPoints, _imagePoints, noArray(), |
objPt, imgPt, 0, npoints ); |
CvMat c_objPt = objPt, c_imgPt = imgPt, c_npoints = npoints; |
CvMat c_cameraMatrix = cameraMatrix, c_distCoeffs = distCoeffs; |
CvMat c_rvecM = rvecM, c_tvecM = tvecM, c_stdDev = stdDeviationsM, c_errors = errorsM; |
double reprojErr = cvfork::cvCalibrateCamera2(&c_objPt, &c_imgPt, &c_npoints, imageSize, |
&c_cameraMatrix, &c_distCoeffs, |
rvecs_needed ? &c_rvecM : NULL, |
tvecs_needed ? &c_tvecM : NULL, |
stddev_needed ? &c_stdDev : NULL, |
errors_needed ? &c_errors : NULL, flags, criteria ); |
// overly complicated and inefficient rvec/ tvec handling to support vector<Mat>
for(int i = 0; i < nimages; i++ ) |
{ |
if( rvecs_needed && rvecs_mat_vec) |
{ |
_rvecs.create(3, 1, CV_64F, i, true); |
Mat rv = _rvecs.getMat(i); |
memcpy(rv.ptr(), rvecM.ptr(i), 3*sizeof(double)); |
} |
if( tvecs_needed && tvecs_mat_vec) |
{ |
_tvecs.create(3, 1, CV_64F, i, true); |
Mat tv = _tvecs.getMat(i); |
memcpy(tv.ptr(), tvecM.ptr(i), 3*sizeof(double)); |
} |
} |
cameraMatrix.copyTo(_cameraMatrix); |
distCoeffs.copyTo(_distCoeffs); |
return reprojErr; |
} |
double cvfork::calibrateCameraCharuco(InputArrayOfArrays _charucoCorners, InputArrayOfArrays _charucoIds, |
Ptr<aruco::CharucoBoard> &_board, Size imageSize, |
InputOutputArray _cameraMatrix, InputOutputArray _distCoeffs, |
OutputArrayOfArrays _rvecs, OutputArrayOfArrays _tvecs, OutputArray _stdDeviations, OutputArray _perViewErrors, |
int flags, TermCriteria criteria) { |
CV_Assert(_charucoIds.total() > 0 && (_charucoIds.total() == _charucoCorners.total())); |
// Join object points of charuco corners in a single vector for calibrateCamera() function
std::vector< std::vector< Point3f > > allObjPoints; |
allObjPoints.resize(_charucoIds.total()); |
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _charucoIds.total(); i++) { |
unsigned int nCorners = (unsigned int)_charucoIds.getMat(i).total(); |
CV_Assert(nCorners > 0 && nCorners == _charucoCorners.getMat(i).total()); //actually nCorners must be > 3 for calibration
allObjPoints[i].reserve(nCorners); |
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < nCorners; j++) { |
int pointId = _charucoIds.getMat(i).ptr< int >(0)[j]; |
CV_Assert(pointId >= 0 && pointId < (int)_board->chessboardCorners.size()); |
allObjPoints[i].push_back(_board->chessboardCorners[pointId]); |
} |
} |
return cvfork::calibrateCamera(allObjPoints, _charucoCorners, imageSize, _cameraMatrix, _distCoeffs, |
_rvecs, _tvecs, _stdDeviations, _perViewErrors, flags, criteria); |
} |
static void subMatrix(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, const std::vector<uchar>& cols, |
const std::vector<uchar>& rows) { |
int nonzeros_cols = cv::countNonZero(cols); |
cv::Mat tmp(src.rows, nonzeros_cols, CV_64FC1); |
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < (int)cols.size(); i++) |
{ |
if (cols[i]) |
{ |
src.col(i).copyTo(tmp.col(j++)); |
} |
} |
int nonzeros_rows = cv::countNonZero(rows); |
dst.create(nonzeros_rows, nonzeros_cols, CV_64FC1); |
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < (int)rows.size(); i++) |
{ |
if (rows[i]) |
{ |
tmp.row(i).copyTo(dst.row(j++)); |
} |
} |
} |
void cvfork::CvLevMarqFork::step() |
{ |
using namespace cv; |
const double LOG10 = log(10.); |
double lambda = exp(lambdaLg10*LOG10); |
int nparams = param->rows; |
Mat _JtJ = cvarrToMat(JtJ); |
Mat _mask = cvarrToMat(mask); |
int nparams_nz = countNonZero(_mask); |
if(!JtJN || JtJN->rows != nparams_nz) { |
// prevent re-allocation in every step
JtJN.reset(cvCreateMat( nparams_nz, nparams_nz, CV_64F )); |
JtJV.reset(cvCreateMat( nparams_nz, 1, CV_64F )); |
JtJW.reset(cvCreateMat( nparams_nz, 1, CV_64F )); |
} |
Mat _JtJN = cvarrToMat(JtJN); |
Mat _JtErr = cvarrToMat(JtJV); |
Mat_<double> nonzero_param = cvarrToMat(JtJW); |
subMatrix(cvarrToMat(JtErr), _JtErr, std::vector<uchar>(1, 1), _mask); |
subMatrix(_JtJ, _JtJN, _mask, _mask); |
if( !err ) |
completeSymm( _JtJN, completeSymmFlag ); |
#if 1 |
_JtJN.diag() *= 1. + lambda; |
#else |
_JtJN.diag() += lambda; |
#endif |
#ifndef USE_LAPACK |
cv::solve(_JtJN, _JtErr, nonzero_param, solveMethod); |
#else |
cvfork::solve(_JtJN, _JtErr, nonzero_param, solveMethod); |
#endif |
int j = 0; |
for( int i = 0; i < nparams; i++ ) |
param->data.db[i] = prevParam->data.db[i] - (mask->data.ptr[i] ? nonzero_param(j++) : 0); |
} |
cvfork::CvLevMarqFork::CvLevMarqFork(int nparams, int nerrs, CvTermCriteria criteria0, bool _completeSymmFlag) |
{ |
init(nparams, nerrs, criteria0, _completeSymmFlag); |
} |
cvfork::CvLevMarqFork::~CvLevMarqFork() |
{ |
clear(); |
} |
bool cvfork::CvLevMarqFork::updateAlt( const CvMat*& _param, CvMat*& _JtJ, CvMat*& _JtErr, double*& _errNorm ) |
{ |
CV_Assert( !err ); |
if( state == DONE ) |
{ |
_param = param; |
return false; |
} |
if( state == STARTED ) |
{ |
_param = param; |
cvZero( JtJ ); |
cvZero( JtErr ); |
errNorm = 0; |
_JtJ = JtJ; |
_JtErr = JtErr; |
_errNorm = &errNorm; |
state = CALC_J; |
return true; |
} |
if( state == CALC_J ) |
{ |
cvCopy( param, prevParam ); |
step(); |
_param = param; |
prevErrNorm = errNorm; |
errNorm = 0; |
_errNorm = &errNorm; |
state = CHECK_ERR; |
return true; |
} |
assert( state == CHECK_ERR ); |
if( errNorm > prevErrNorm ) |
{ |
if( ++lambdaLg10 <= 16 ) |
{ |
step(); |
_param = param; |
errNorm = 0; |
_errNorm = &errNorm; |
state = CHECK_ERR; |
return true; |
} |
} |
lambdaLg10 = MAX(lambdaLg10-1, -16); |
if( ++iters >= criteria.max_iter || |
cvNorm(param, prevParam, CV_RELATIVE_L2) < criteria.epsilon ) |
{ |
//printf("iters %i\n", iters);
_param = param; |
state = DONE; |
return false; |
} |
prevErrNorm = errNorm; |
cvZero( JtJ ); |
cvZero( JtErr ); |
_param = param; |
_JtJ = JtJ; |
_JtErr = JtErr; |
state = CALC_J; |
return true; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/aruco/charuco.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d_c.h> |
namespace cvfork |
{ |
using namespace cv; |
#define CALIB_USE_QR (1 << 18) |
double calibrateCamera(InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, |
InputArrayOfArrays imagePoints, Size imageSize, |
InputOutputArray cameraMatrix, InputOutputArray distCoeffs, |
OutputArrayOfArrays rvecs, OutputArrayOfArrays tvecs, OutputArray stdDeviations, |
OutputArray perViewErrors, int flags = 0, TermCriteria criteria = TermCriteria( |
TermCriteria::COUNT + TermCriteria::EPS, 30, DBL_EPSILON) ); |
double cvCalibrateCamera2( const CvMat* object_points, |
const CvMat* image_points, |
const CvMat* point_counts, |
CvSize image_size, |
CvMat* camera_matrix, |
CvMat* distortion_coeffs, |
CvMat* rotation_vectors CV_DEFAULT(NULL), |
CvMat* translation_vectors CV_DEFAULT(NULL), |
CvMat* stdDeviations_vector CV_DEFAULT(NULL), |
CvMat* perViewErrors_vector CV_DEFAULT(NULL), |
int flags CV_DEFAULT(0), |
CvTermCriteria term_crit CV_DEFAULT(cvTermCriteria( |
double calibrateCameraCharuco(InputArrayOfArrays _charucoCorners, InputArrayOfArrays _charucoIds, |
Ptr<aruco::CharucoBoard> &_board, Size imageSize, |
InputOutputArray _cameraMatrix, InputOutputArray _distCoeffs, |
OutputArrayOfArrays _rvecs, OutputArrayOfArrays _tvecs, OutputArray _stdDeviations, OutputArray _perViewErrors, |
int flags = 0, TermCriteria criteria = TermCriteria( |
TermCriteria::COUNT + TermCriteria::EPS, 30, DBL_EPSILON) ); |
class CvLevMarqFork : public CvLevMarq |
{ |
public: |
CvLevMarqFork( int nparams, int nerrs, CvTermCriteria criteria= |
bool completeSymmFlag=false ); |
bool updateAlt( const CvMat*& _param, CvMat*& _JtJ, CvMat*& _JtErr, double*& _errNorm ); |
void step(); |
~CvLevMarqFork(); |
}; |
} |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<opencv_storage> |
<charuco_dict>0</charuco_dict> |
<charuco_square_lenght>200</charuco_square_lenght> |
<charuco_marker_size>100</charuco_marker_size> |
<calibration_step>1</calibration_step> |
<max_frames_num>30</max_frames_num> |
<min_frames_num>10</min_frames_num> |
<solver_eps>1e-7</solver_eps> |
<solver_max_iters>30</solver_max_iters> |
<fast_solver>0</fast_solver> |
<frame_filter_conv_param>0.1</frame_filter_conv_param> |
<camera_resolution>800 600</camera_resolution> |
</opencv_storage> |
@ -0,0 +1,518 @@ |
#include "frameProcessor.hpp" |
#include "rotationConverters.hpp" |
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/aruco/charuco.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
#include <vector> |
#include <string> |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <limits> |
using namespace calib; |
#define VIDEO_TEXT_SIZE 4 |
#define POINT_SIZE 5 |
static cv::SimpleBlobDetector::Params getDetectorParams() |
{ |
cv::SimpleBlobDetector::Params detectorParams; |
detectorParams.thresholdStep = 40; |
detectorParams.minThreshold = 20; |
detectorParams.maxThreshold = 500; |
detectorParams.minRepeatability = 2; |
detectorParams.minDistBetweenBlobs = 5; |
detectorParams.filterByColor = true; |
detectorParams.blobColor = 0; |
detectorParams.filterByArea = true; |
detectorParams.minArea = 5; |
detectorParams.maxArea = 5000; |
detectorParams.filterByCircularity = false; |
detectorParams.minCircularity = 0.8f; |
detectorParams.maxCircularity = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
detectorParams.filterByInertia = true; |
detectorParams.minInertiaRatio = 0.1f; |
detectorParams.maxInertiaRatio = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
detectorParams.filterByConvexity = true; |
detectorParams.minConvexity = 0.8f; |
detectorParams.maxConvexity = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
return detectorParams; |
} |
FrameProcessor::~FrameProcessor() |
{ |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::detectAndParseChessboard(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
bool isTemplateFound = cv::findChessboardCorners(frame, mBoardSize, mCurrentImagePoints, chessBoardFlags); |
if (isTemplateFound) { |
cv::Mat viewGray; |
cv::cvtColor(frame, viewGray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
cv::cornerSubPix(viewGray, mCurrentImagePoints, cv::Size(11,11), |
cv::Size(-1,-1), cv::TermCriteria( cv::TermCriteria::EPS+cv::TermCriteria::COUNT, 30, 0.1 )); |
cv::drawChessboardCorners(frame, mBoardSize, cv::Mat(mCurrentImagePoints), isTemplateFound); |
mTemplateLocations.insert(mTemplateLocations.begin(), mCurrentImagePoints[0]); |
} |
return isTemplateFound; |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::detectAndParseChAruco(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Board> board = mCharucoBoard.staticCast<cv::aruco::Board>(); |
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> > corners, rejected; |
std::vector<int> ids; |
cv::aruco::detectMarkers(frame, mArucoDictionary, corners, ids, cv::aruco::DetectorParameters::create(), rejected); |
cv::aruco::refineDetectedMarkers(frame, board, corners, ids, rejected); |
cv::Mat currentCharucoCorners, currentCharucoIds; |
if(ids.size() > 0) |
cv::aruco::interpolateCornersCharuco(corners, ids, frame, mCharucoBoard, currentCharucoCorners, |
currentCharucoIds); |
if(ids.size() > 0) cv::aruco::drawDetectedMarkers(frame, corners); |
if(currentCharucoCorners.total() > 3) { |
float centerX = 0, centerY = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < currentCharucoCorners.size[0]; i++) { |
centerX += currentCharucoCorners.at<float>(i, 0); |
centerY += currentCharucoCorners.at<float>(i, 1); |
} |
centerX /= currentCharucoCorners.size[0]; |
centerY /= currentCharucoCorners.size[0]; |
//cv::circle(frame, cv::Point2f(centerX, centerY), 10, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 10);
mTemplateLocations.insert(mTemplateLocations.begin(), cv::Point2f(centerX, centerY)); |
cv::aruco::drawDetectedCornersCharuco(frame, currentCharucoCorners, currentCharucoIds); |
mCurrentCharucoCorners = currentCharucoCorners; |
mCurrentCharucoIds = currentCharucoIds; |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::detectAndParseACircles(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
bool isTemplateFound = findCirclesGrid(frame, mBoardSize, mCurrentImagePoints, cv::CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID, mBlobDetectorPtr); |
if(isTemplateFound) { |
mTemplateLocations.insert(mTemplateLocations.begin(), mCurrentImagePoints[0]); |
cv::drawChessboardCorners(frame, mBoardSize, cv::Mat(mCurrentImagePoints), isTemplateFound); |
} |
return isTemplateFound; |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::detectAndParseDualACircles(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> blackPointbuf; |
cv::Mat invertedView; |
cv::bitwise_not(frame, invertedView); |
bool isWhiteGridFound = cv::findCirclesGrid(frame, mBoardSize, mCurrentImagePoints, cv::CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID, mBlobDetectorPtr); |
if(!isWhiteGridFound) |
return false; |
bool isBlackGridFound = cv::findCirclesGrid(invertedView, mBoardSize, blackPointbuf, cv::CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID, mBlobDetectorPtr); |
if(!isBlackGridFound) |
{ |
mCurrentImagePoints.clear(); |
return false; |
} |
cv::drawChessboardCorners(frame, mBoardSize, cv::Mat(mCurrentImagePoints), isWhiteGridFound); |
cv::drawChessboardCorners(frame, mBoardSize, cv::Mat(blackPointbuf), isBlackGridFound); |
mCurrentImagePoints.insert(mCurrentImagePoints.end(), blackPointbuf.begin(), blackPointbuf.end()); |
mTemplateLocations.insert(mTemplateLocations.begin(), mCurrentImagePoints[0]); |
return true; |
} |
void CalibProcessor::saveFrameData() |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> objectPoints; |
switch(mBoardType) |
{ |
case Chessboard: |
objectPoints.reserve(mBoardSize.height*mBoardSize.width); |
for( int i = 0; i < mBoardSize.height; ++i ) |
for( int j = 0; j < mBoardSize.width; ++j ) |
objectPoints.push_back(cv::Point3f(j*mSquareSize, i*mSquareSize, 0)); |
mCalibData->imagePoints.push_back(mCurrentImagePoints); |
mCalibData->objectPoints.push_back(objectPoints); |
break; |
case chAruco: |
mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.push_back(mCurrentCharucoCorners); |
mCalibData->allCharucoIds.push_back(mCurrentCharucoIds); |
break; |
case AcirclesGrid: |
objectPoints.reserve(mBoardSize.height*mBoardSize.width); |
for( int i = 0; i < mBoardSize.height; i++ ) |
for( int j = 0; j < mBoardSize.width; j++ ) |
objectPoints.push_back(cv::Point3f((2*j + i % 2)*mSquareSize, i*mSquareSize, 0)); |
mCalibData->imagePoints.push_back(mCurrentImagePoints); |
mCalibData->objectPoints.push_back(objectPoints); |
break; |
case DoubleAcirclesGrid: |
{ |
float gridCenterX = (2*((float)mBoardSize.width - 1) + 1)*mSquareSize + mTemplDist / 2; |
float gridCenterY = (mBoardSize.height - 1)*mSquareSize / 2; |
objectPoints.reserve(2*mBoardSize.height*mBoardSize.width); |
//white part
for( int i = 0; i < mBoardSize.height; i++ ) |
for( int j = 0; j < mBoardSize.width; j++ ) |
objectPoints.push_back( |
cv::Point3f(-float((2*j + i % 2)*mSquareSize + mTemplDist + |
(2*(mBoardSize.width - 1) + 1)*mSquareSize - gridCenterX), |
-float(i*mSquareSize) - gridCenterY, |
0)); |
//black part
for( int i = 0; i < mBoardSize.height; i++ ) |
for( int j = 0; j < mBoardSize.width; j++ ) |
objectPoints.push_back(cv::Point3f(-float((2*j + i % 2)*mSquareSize - gridCenterX), |
-float(i*mSquareSize) - gridCenterY, 0)); |
mCalibData->imagePoints.push_back(mCurrentImagePoints); |
mCalibData->objectPoints.push_back(objectPoints); |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
void CalibProcessor::showCaptureMessage(const cv::Mat& frame, const std::string &message) |
{ |
cv::Point textOrigin(100, 100); |
double textSize = VIDEO_TEXT_SIZE * frame.cols / (double) IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH; |
cv::bitwise_not(frame, frame); |
cv::putText(frame, message, textOrigin, 1, textSize, cv::Scalar(0,0,255), 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
cv::imshow(mainWindowName, frame); |
cv::waitKey(300); |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::checkLastFrame() |
{ |
bool isFrameBad = false; |
cv::Mat tmpCamMatrix; |
const double badAngleThresh = 40; |
if(!mCalibData->cameraMatrix.total()) { |
tmpCamMatrix = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F); |
tmpCamMatrix.at<double>(0,0) = 20000; |
tmpCamMatrix.at<double>(1,1) = 20000; |
tmpCamMatrix.at<double>(0,2) = mCalibData->imageSize.height/2; |
tmpCamMatrix.at<double>(1,2) = mCalibData->imageSize.width/2; |
} |
else |
mCalibData->cameraMatrix.copyTo(tmpCamMatrix); |
if(mBoardType != chAruco) { |
cv::Mat r, t, angles; |
cv::solvePnP(mCalibData->objectPoints.back(), mCurrentImagePoints, tmpCamMatrix, mCalibData->distCoeffs, r, t); |
RodriguesToEuler(r, angles, CALIB_DEGREES); |
if(fabs(angles.at<double>(0)) > badAngleThresh || fabs(angles.at<double>(1)) > badAngleThresh) { |
mCalibData->objectPoints.pop_back(); |
mCalibData->imagePoints.pop_back(); |
isFrameBad = true; |
} |
} |
else { |
cv::Mat r, t, angles; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> allObjPoints; |
allObjPoints.reserve(mCurrentCharucoIds.total()); |
for(size_t i = 0; i < mCurrentCharucoIds.total(); i++) { |
int pointID = mCurrentCharucoIds.at<int>((int)i); |
CV_Assert(pointID >= 0 && pointID < (int)mCharucoBoard->chessboardCorners.size()); |
allObjPoints.push_back(mCharucoBoard->chessboardCorners[pointID]); |
} |
cv::solvePnP(allObjPoints, mCurrentCharucoCorners, tmpCamMatrix, mCalibData->distCoeffs, r, t); |
RodriguesToEuler(r, angles, CALIB_DEGREES); |
if(180.0 - fabs(angles.at<double>(0)) > badAngleThresh || fabs(angles.at<double>(1)) > badAngleThresh) { |
isFrameBad = true; |
mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.pop_back(); |
mCalibData->allCharucoIds.pop_back(); |
} |
} |
return isFrameBad; |
} |
CalibProcessor::CalibProcessor(cv::Ptr<calibrationData> data, captureParameters &capParams) : |
mCalibData(data), mBoardType(capParams.board), mBoardSize(capParams.boardSize) |
{ |
mCapuredFrames = 0; |
mNeededFramesNum = capParams.calibrationStep; |
mDelayBetweenCaptures = static_cast<int>(capParams.captureDelay * capParams.fps); |
mMaxTemplateOffset = std::sqrt(std::pow(mCalibData->imageSize.height, 2) + |
std::pow(mCalibData->imageSize.width, 2)) / 20.0; |
mSquareSize = capParams.squareSize; |
mTemplDist = capParams.templDst; |
switch(mBoardType) |
{ |
case chAruco: |
mArucoDictionary = cv::aruco::getPredefinedDictionary( |
cv::aruco::PREDEFINED_DICTIONARY_NAME(capParams.charucoDictName)); |
mCharucoBoard = cv::aruco::CharucoBoard::create(mBoardSize.width, mBoardSize.height, capParams.charucoSquareLenght, |
capParams.charucoMarkerSize, mArucoDictionary); |
break; |
case AcirclesGrid: |
mBlobDetectorPtr = cv::SimpleBlobDetector::create(); |
break; |
case DoubleAcirclesGrid: |
mBlobDetectorPtr = cv::SimpleBlobDetector::create(getDetectorParams()); |
break; |
case Chessboard: |
break; |
} |
} |
cv::Mat CalibProcessor::processFrame(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
cv::Mat frameCopy; |
frame.copyTo(frameCopy); |
bool isTemplateFound = false; |
mCurrentImagePoints.clear(); |
switch(mBoardType) |
{ |
case Chessboard: |
isTemplateFound = detectAndParseChessboard(frameCopy); |
break; |
case chAruco: |
isTemplateFound = detectAndParseChAruco(frameCopy); |
break; |
case AcirclesGrid: |
isTemplateFound = detectAndParseACircles(frameCopy); |
break; |
case DoubleAcirclesGrid: |
isTemplateFound = detectAndParseDualACircles(frameCopy); |
break; |
} |
if(mTemplateLocations.size() > mDelayBetweenCaptures) |
mTemplateLocations.pop_back(); |
if(mTemplateLocations.size() == mDelayBetweenCaptures && isTemplateFound) { |
if(cv::norm(mTemplateLocations.front() - mTemplateLocations.back()) < mMaxTemplateOffset) { |
saveFrameData(); |
bool isFrameBad = checkLastFrame(); |
if (!isFrameBad) { |
std::string displayMessage = cv::format("Frame # %d captured", std::max(mCalibData->imagePoints.size(), |
mCalibData->allCharucoCorners.size())); |
if(!showOverlayMessage(displayMessage)) |
showCaptureMessage(frame, displayMessage); |
mCapuredFrames++; |
} |
else { |
std::string displayMessage = "Frame rejected"; |
if(!showOverlayMessage(displayMessage)) |
showCaptureMessage(frame, displayMessage); |
} |
mTemplateLocations.clear(); |
mTemplateLocations.reserve(mDelayBetweenCaptures); |
} |
} |
return frameCopy; |
} |
bool CalibProcessor::isProcessed() const |
{ |
if(mCapuredFrames < mNeededFramesNum) |
return false; |
else |
return true; |
} |
void CalibProcessor::resetState() |
{ |
mCapuredFrames = 0; |
mTemplateLocations.clear(); |
} |
CalibProcessor::~CalibProcessor() |
{ |
} |
void ShowProcessor::drawBoard(cv::Mat &img, cv::InputArray points) |
{ |
cv::Mat tmpView = cv::Mat::zeros(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC3); |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> templateHull; |
std::vector<cv::Point> poly; |
cv::convexHull(points, templateHull); |
poly.resize(templateHull.size()); |
for(size_t i=0; i<templateHull.size();i++) |
poly[i] = cv::Point((int)(templateHull[i].x*mGridViewScale), (int)(templateHull[i].y*mGridViewScale)); |
cv::fillConvexPoly(tmpView, poly, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), cv::LINE_AA); |
cv::addWeighted(tmpView, .2, img, 1, 0, img); |
} |
void ShowProcessor::drawGridPoints(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
if(mBoardType != chAruco) |
for(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> >::iterator it = mCalibdata->imagePoints.begin(); it != mCalibdata->imagePoints.end(); ++it) |
for(std::vector<cv::Point2f>::iterator pointIt = (*it).begin(); pointIt != (*it).end(); ++pointIt) |
cv::circle(frame, *pointIt, POINT_SIZE, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, cv::LINE_AA); |
else |
for(std::vector<cv::Mat>::iterator it = mCalibdata->allCharucoCorners.begin(); it != mCalibdata->allCharucoCorners.end(); ++it) |
for(int i = 0; i < (*it).size[0]; i++) |
cv::circle(frame, cv::Point((int)(*it).at<float>(i, 0), (int)(*it).at<float>(i, 1)), |
POINT_SIZE, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, cv::LINE_AA); |
} |
ShowProcessor::ShowProcessor(cv::Ptr<calibrationData> data, cv::Ptr<calibController> controller, TemplateType board) : |
mCalibdata(data), mController(controller), mBoardType(board) |
{ |
mNeedUndistort = true; |
mVisMode = Grid; |
mGridViewScale = 0.5; |
mTextSize = VIDEO_TEXT_SIZE; |
} |
cv::Mat ShowProcessor::processFrame(const cv::Mat &frame) |
{ |
if(mCalibdata->cameraMatrix.size[0] && mCalibdata->distCoeffs.size[0]) { |
mTextSize = VIDEO_TEXT_SIZE * (double) frame.cols / IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH; |
cv::Scalar textColor = cv::Scalar(0,0,255); |
cv::Mat frameCopy; |
if (mNeedUndistort && mController->getFramesNumberState()) { |
if(mVisMode == Grid) |
drawGridPoints(frame); |
cv::remap(frame, frameCopy, mCalibdata->undistMap1, mCalibdata->undistMap2, cv::INTER_LINEAR); |
int baseLine = 100; |
cv::Size textSize = cv::getTextSize("Undistorted view", 1, mTextSize, 2, &baseLine); |
cv::Point textOrigin(baseLine, frame.rows - (int)(2.5*textSize.height)); |
cv::putText(frameCopy, "Undistorted view", textOrigin, 1, mTextSize, textColor, 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
} |
else { |
frame.copyTo(frameCopy); |
if(mVisMode == Grid) |
drawGridPoints(frameCopy); |
} |
std::string displayMessage; |
if(mCalibdata->stdDeviations.at<double>(0) == 0) |
displayMessage = cv::format("F = %d RMS = %.3f", (int)mCalibdata->cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,0), mCalibdata->totalAvgErr); |
else |
displayMessage = cv::format("Fx = %d Fy = %d RMS = %.3f", (int)mCalibdata->cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,0), |
(int)mCalibdata->cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,1), mCalibdata->totalAvgErr); |
if(mController->getRMSState() && mController->getFramesNumberState()) |
displayMessage.append(" OK"); |
int baseLine = 100; |
cv::Size textSize = cv::getTextSize(displayMessage, 1, mTextSize - 1, 2, &baseLine); |
cv::Point textOrigin = cv::Point(baseLine, 2*textSize.height); |
cv::putText(frameCopy, displayMessage, textOrigin, 1, mTextSize - 1, textColor, 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
if(mCalibdata->stdDeviations.at<double>(0) == 0) |
displayMessage = cv::format("DF = %.2f", mCalibdata->stdDeviations.at<double>(1)*sigmaMult); |
else |
displayMessage = cv::format("DFx = %.2f DFy = %.2f", mCalibdata->stdDeviations.at<double>(0)*sigmaMult, |
mCalibdata->stdDeviations.at<double>(1)*sigmaMult); |
if(mController->getConfidenceIntrervalsState() && mController->getFramesNumberState()) |
displayMessage.append(" OK"); |
cv::putText(frameCopy, displayMessage, cv::Point(baseLine, 4*textSize.height), 1, mTextSize - 1, textColor, 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
if(mController->getCommonCalibrationState()) { |
displayMessage = cv::format("Calibration is done"); |
cv::putText(frameCopy, displayMessage, cv::Point(baseLine, 6*textSize.height), 1, mTextSize - 1, textColor, 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
} |
int calibFlags = mController->getNewFlags(); |
displayMessage = ""; |
if(!(calibFlags & cv::CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO)) |
displayMessage.append(cv::format("AR=%.3f ", mCalibdata->cameraMatrix.at<double>(0,0)/mCalibdata->cameraMatrix.at<double>(1,1))); |
if(calibFlags & cv::CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST) |
displayMessage.append("TD=0 "); |
displayMessage.append(cv::format("K1=%.2f K2=%.2f K3=%.2f", mCalibdata->distCoeffs.at<double>(0), mCalibdata->distCoeffs.at<double>(1), |
mCalibdata->distCoeffs.at<double>(4))); |
cv::putText(frameCopy, displayMessage, cv::Point(baseLine, frameCopy.rows - (int)(1.5*textSize.height)), |
1, mTextSize - 1, textColor, 2, cv::LINE_AA); |
return frameCopy; |
} |
return frame; |
} |
bool ShowProcessor::isProcessed() const |
{ |
return false; |
} |
void ShowProcessor::resetState() |
{ |
} |
void ShowProcessor::setVisualizationMode(visualisationMode mode) |
{ |
mVisMode = mode; |
} |
void ShowProcessor::switchVisualizationMode() |
{ |
if(mVisMode == Grid) { |
mVisMode = Window; |
updateBoardsView(); |
} |
else { |
mVisMode = Grid; |
cv::destroyWindow(gridWindowName); |
} |
} |
void ShowProcessor::clearBoardsView() |
{ |
cv::imshow(gridWindowName, cv::Mat()); |
} |
void ShowProcessor::updateBoardsView() |
{ |
if(mVisMode == Window) { |
cv::Size originSize = mCalibdata->imageSize; |
cv::Mat altGridView = cv::Mat::zeros((int)(originSize.height*mGridViewScale), (int)(originSize.width*mGridViewScale), CV_8UC3); |
if(mBoardType != chAruco) |
for(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f> >::iterator it = mCalibdata->imagePoints.begin(); it != mCalibdata->imagePoints.end(); ++it) |
if(mBoardType != DoubleAcirclesGrid) |
drawBoard(altGridView, *it); |
else { |
size_t pointsNum = (*it).size()/2; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points(pointsNum); |
std::copy((*it).begin(), (*it).begin() + pointsNum, points.begin()); |
drawBoard(altGridView, points); |
std::copy((*it).begin() + pointsNum, (*it).begin() + 2*pointsNum, points.begin()); |
drawBoard(altGridView, points); |
} |
else |
for(std::vector<cv::Mat>::iterator it = mCalibdata->allCharucoCorners.begin(); it != mCalibdata->allCharucoCorners.end(); ++it) |
drawBoard(altGridView, *it); |
cv::imshow(gridWindowName, altGridView); |
} |
} |
void ShowProcessor::switchUndistort() |
{ |
mNeedUndistort = !mNeedUndistort; |
} |
void ShowProcessor::setUndistort(bool isEnabled) |
{ |
mNeedUndistort = isEnabled; |
} |
ShowProcessor::~ShowProcessor() |
{ |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/aruco/charuco.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> |
#include "calibCommon.hpp" |
#include "calibController.hpp" |
namespace calib |
{ |
class FrameProcessor |
{ |
protected: |
public: |
virtual ~FrameProcessor(); |
virtual cv::Mat processFrame(const cv::Mat& frame) = 0; |
virtual bool isProcessed() const = 0; |
virtual void resetState() = 0; |
}; |
class CalibProcessor : public FrameProcessor |
{ |
protected: |
cv::Ptr<calibrationData> mCalibData; |
TemplateType mBoardType; |
cv::Size mBoardSize; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> mTemplateLocations; |
std::vector<cv::Point2f> mCurrentImagePoints; |
cv::Mat mCurrentCharucoCorners; |
cv::Mat mCurrentCharucoIds; |
cv::Ptr<cv::SimpleBlobDetector> mBlobDetectorPtr; |
cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> mArucoDictionary; |
cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> mCharucoBoard; |
int mNeededFramesNum; |
unsigned mDelayBetweenCaptures; |
int mCapuredFrames; |
double mMaxTemplateOffset; |
float mSquareSize; |
float mTemplDist; |
bool detectAndParseChessboard(const cv::Mat& frame); |
bool detectAndParseChAruco(const cv::Mat& frame); |
bool detectAndParseACircles(const cv::Mat& frame); |
bool detectAndParseDualACircles(const cv::Mat& frame); |
void saveFrameData(); |
void showCaptureMessage(const cv::Mat &frame, const std::string& message); |
bool checkLastFrame(); |
public: |
CalibProcessor(cv::Ptr<calibrationData> data, captureParameters& capParams); |
virtual cv::Mat processFrame(const cv::Mat& frame); |
virtual bool isProcessed() const; |
virtual void resetState(); |
~CalibProcessor(); |
}; |
enum visualisationMode {Grid, Window}; |
class ShowProcessor : public FrameProcessor |
{ |
protected: |
cv::Ptr<calibrationData> mCalibdata; |
cv::Ptr<calibController> mController; |
TemplateType mBoardType; |
visualisationMode mVisMode; |
bool mNeedUndistort; |
double mGridViewScale; |
double mTextSize; |
void drawBoard(cv::Mat& img, cv::InputArray points); |
void drawGridPoints(const cv::Mat& frame); |
public: |
ShowProcessor(cv::Ptr<calibrationData> data, cv::Ptr<calibController> controller, TemplateType board); |
virtual cv::Mat processFrame(const cv::Mat& frame); |
virtual bool isProcessed() const; |
virtual void resetState(); |
void setVisualizationMode(visualisationMode mode); |
void switchVisualizationMode(); |
void clearBoardsView(); |
void updateBoardsView(); |
void switchUndistort(); |
void setUndistort(bool isEnabled); |
~ShowProcessor(); |
}; |
} |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,491 @@ |
#include "linalg.hpp" |
#ifdef USE_LAPACK |
typedef int integer; |
#include <lapacke.h> |
#include <cassert> |
using namespace cv; |
bool cvfork::solve(InputArray _src, const InputArray _src2arg, OutputArray _dst, int method ) |
{ |
bool result = true; |
Mat src = _src.getMat(), _src2 = _src2arg.getMat(); |
int type = src.type(); |
bool is_normal = (method & DECOMP_NORMAL) != 0; |
CV_Assert( type == _src2.type() && (type == CV_32F || type == CV_64F) ); |
method &= ~DECOMP_NORMAL; |
CV_Assert( (method != DECOMP_LU && method != DECOMP_CHOLESKY) || |
is_normal || src.rows == src.cols ); |
double rcond=-1, s1=0, work1=0, *work=0, *s=0; |
float frcond=-1, fs1=0, fwork1=0, *fwork=0, *fs=0; |
integer m = src.rows, m_ = m, n = src.cols, mn = std::max(m,n), |
nm = std::min(m, n), nb = _src2.cols, lwork=-1, liwork=0, iwork1=0, |
lda = m, ldx = mn, info=0, rank=0, *iwork=0; |
int elem_size = CV_ELEM_SIZE(type); |
bool copy_rhs=false; |
int buf_size=0; |
AutoBuffer<uchar> buffer; |
uchar* ptr; |
char N[] = {'N', '\0'}, L[] = {'L', '\0'}; |
Mat src2 = _src2; |
_dst.create( src.cols, src2.cols, src.type() ); |
Mat dst = _dst.getMat(); |
if( m <= n ) |
is_normal = false; |
else if( is_normal ) |
m_ = n; |
buf_size += (is_normal ? n*n : m*n)*elem_size; |
if( m_ != n || nb > 1 || !dst.isContinuous() ) |
{ |
copy_rhs = true; |
if( is_normal ) |
buf_size += n*nb*elem_size; |
else |
buf_size += mn*nb*elem_size; |
} |
if( method == DECOMP_SVD || method == DECOMP_EIG ) |
{ |
integer nlvl = cvRound(std::log(std::max(std::min(m_,n)/25., 1.))/CV_LOG2) + 1; |
liwork = std::min(m_,n)*(3*std::max(nlvl,(integer)0) + 11); |
if( type == CV_32F ) |
sgelsd_(&m_, &n, &nb, (float*)src.data, &lda, (float*)dst.data, &ldx, |
&fs1, &frcond, &rank, &fwork1, &lwork, &iwork1, &info); |
else |
dgelsd_(&m_, &n, &nb, (double*)src.data, &lda, (double*)dst.data, &ldx, |
&s1, &rcond, &rank, &work1, &lwork, &iwork1, &info ); |
buf_size += nm*elem_size + (liwork + 1)*sizeof(integer); |
} |
else if( method == DECOMP_QR ) |
{ |
if( type == CV_32F ) |
sgels_(N, &m_, &n, &nb, (float*)src.data, &lda, |
(float*)dst.data, &ldx, &fwork1, &lwork, &info ); |
else |
dgels_(N, &m_, &n, &nb, (double*)src.data, &lda, |
(double*)dst.data, &ldx, &work1, &lwork, &info ); |
} |
else if( method == DECOMP_LU ) |
{ |
buf_size += (n+1)*sizeof(integer); |
} |
else if( method == DECOMP_CHOLESKY ) |
; |
else |
CV_Error( Error::StsBadArg, "Unknown method" ); |
assert(info == 0); |
lwork = cvRound(type == CV_32F ? (double)fwork1 : work1); |
buf_size += lwork*elem_size; |
buffer.allocate(buf_size); |
ptr = (uchar*)buffer; |
Mat at(n, m_, type, ptr); |
ptr += n*m_*elem_size; |
if( method == DECOMP_CHOLESKY || method == DECOMP_EIG ) |
src.copyTo(at); |
else if( !is_normal ) |
transpose(src, at); |
else |
mulTransposed(src, at, true); |
Mat xt; |
if( !is_normal ) |
{ |
if( copy_rhs ) |
{ |
Mat temp(nb, mn, type, ptr); |
ptr += nb*mn*elem_size; |
Mat bt = temp.colRange(0, m); |
xt = temp.colRange(0, n); |
transpose(src2, bt); |
} |
else |
{ |
src2.copyTo(dst); |
xt = Mat(1, n, type, dst.data); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
if( copy_rhs ) |
{ |
xt = Mat(nb, n, type, ptr); |
ptr += nb*n*elem_size; |
} |
else |
xt = Mat(1, n, type, dst.data); |
// (a'*b)' = b'*a
gemm( src2, src, 1, Mat(), 0, xt, GEMM_1_T ); |
} |
lda = (int)(at.step ? at.step/elem_size : at.cols); |
ldx = (int)(xt.step ? xt.step/elem_size : (!is_normal && copy_rhs ? mn : n)); |
if( method == DECOMP_SVD || method == DECOMP_EIG ) |
{ |
if( type == CV_32F ) |
{ |
fs = (float*)ptr; |
ptr += nm*elem_size; |
fwork = (float*)ptr; |
ptr += lwork*elem_size; |
iwork = (integer*)alignPtr(ptr, sizeof(integer)); |
sgelsd_(&m_, &n, &nb, (float*)at.data, &lda, (float*)xt.data, &ldx, |
fs, &frcond, &rank, fwork, &lwork, iwork, &info); |
} |
else |
{ |
s = (double*)ptr; |
ptr += nm*elem_size; |
work = (double*)ptr; |
ptr += lwork*elem_size; |
iwork = (integer*)alignPtr(ptr, sizeof(integer)); |
dgelsd_(&m_, &n, &nb, (double*)at.data, &lda, (double*)xt.data, &ldx, |
s, &rcond, &rank, work, &lwork, iwork, &info); |
} |
} |
else if( method == DECOMP_QR ) |
{ |
if( type == CV_32F ) |
{ |
fwork = (float*)ptr; |
sgels_(N, &m_, &n, &nb, (float*)at.data, &lda, |
(float*)xt.data, &ldx, fwork, &lwork, &info); |
} |
else |
{ |
work = (double*)ptr; |
dgels_(N, &m_, &n, &nb, (double*)at.data, &lda, |
(double*)xt.data, &ldx, work, &lwork, &info); |
} |
} |
else if( method == DECOMP_CHOLESKY || (method == DECOMP_LU && is_normal) ) |
{ |
if( type == CV_32F ) |
{ |
spotrf_(L, &n, (float*)at.data, &lda, &info); |
if(info==0) |
spotrs_(L, &n, &nb, (float*)at.data, &lda, (float*)xt.data, &ldx, &info); |
} |
else |
{ |
dpotrf_(L, &n, (double*)at.data, &lda, &info); |
if(info==0) |
dpotrs_(L, &n, &nb, (double*)at.data, &lda, (double*)xt.data, &ldx, &info); |
} |
} |
else if( method == DECOMP_LU ) |
{ |
iwork = (integer*)alignPtr(ptr, sizeof(integer)); |
if( type == CV_32F ) |
sgesv_(&n, &nb, (float*)at.data, &lda, iwork, (float*)xt.data, &ldx, &info ); |
else |
dgesv_(&n, &nb, (double*)at.data, &lda, iwork, (double*)xt.data, &ldx, &info ); |
} |
else |
assert(0); |
result = info == 0; |
if( !result ) |
dst = Scalar(0); |
else if( xt.data != dst.data ) |
transpose( xt, dst ); |
return result; |
} |
static void _SVDcompute( const InputArray _aarr, OutputArray _w, |
OutputArray _u, OutputArray _vt, int flags = 0) |
{ |
Mat a = _aarr.getMat(), u, vt; |
integer m = a.rows, n = a.cols, mn = std::max(m, n), nm = std::min(m, n); |
int type = a.type(), elem_size = (int)a.elemSize(); |
bool compute_uv = _u.needed() || _vt.needed(); |
if( flags & SVD::NO_UV ) |
{ |
_u.release(); |
_vt.release(); |
compute_uv = false; |
} |
if( compute_uv ) |
{ |
_u.create( (int)m, (int)((flags & SVD::FULL_UV) ? m : nm), type ); |
_vt.create( (int)((flags & SVD::FULL_UV) ? n : nm), n, type ); |
u = _u.getMat(); |
vt = _vt.getMat(); |
} |
_w.create(nm, 1, type, -1, true); |
Mat _a = a, w = _w.getMat(); |
CV_Assert( w.isContinuous() ); |
int work_ofs=0, iwork_ofs=0, buf_size = 0; |
bool temp_a = false; |
double u1=0, v1=0, work1=0; |
float uf1=0, vf1=0, workf1=0; |
integer lda, ldu, ldv, lwork=-1, iwork1=0, info=0; |
char mode[] = {compute_uv ? 'S' : 'N', '\0'}; |
if( m != n && compute_uv && (flags & SVD::FULL_UV) ) |
mode[0] = 'A'; |
if( !(flags & SVD::MODIFY_A) ) |
{ |
if( mode[0] == 'N' || mode[0] == 'A' ) |
temp_a = true; |
else if( compute_uv && (a.size() == vt.size() || a.size() == u.size()) && mode[0] == 'S' ) |
mode[0] = 'O'; |
} |
lda = a.cols; |
ldv = ldu = mn; |
if( type == CV_32F ) |
{ |
sgesdd_(mode, &n, &m, (float*)a.data, &lda, (float*)w.data, |
&vf1, &ldv, &uf1, &ldu, &workf1, &lwork, &iwork1, &info ); |
lwork = cvRound(workf1); |
} |
else |
{ |
dgesdd_(mode, &n, &m, (double*)a.data, &lda, (double*)w.data, |
&v1, &ldv, &u1, &ldu, &work1, &lwork, &iwork1, &info ); |
lwork = cvRound(work1); |
} |
assert(info == 0); |
if( temp_a ) |
{ |
buf_size += n*m*elem_size; |
} |
work_ofs = buf_size; |
buf_size += lwork*elem_size; |
buf_size = alignSize(buf_size, sizeof(integer)); |
iwork_ofs = buf_size; |
buf_size += 8*nm*sizeof(integer); |
AutoBuffer<uchar> buf(buf_size); |
uchar* buffer = (uchar*)buf; |
if( temp_a ) |
{ |
_a = Mat(a.rows, a.cols, type, buffer ); |
a.copyTo(_a); |
} |
if( !(flags & SVD::MODIFY_A) && !temp_a ) |
{ |
if( compute_uv && a.size() == vt.size() ) |
{ |
a.copyTo(vt); |
_a = vt; |
} |
else if( compute_uv && a.size() == u.size() ) |
{ |
a.copyTo(u); |
_a = u; |
} |
} |
if( compute_uv ) |
{ |
ldv = (int)(vt.step ? vt.step/elem_size : vt.cols); |
ldu = (int)(u.step ? u.step/elem_size : u.cols); |
} |
lda = (int)(_a.step ? _a.step/elem_size : _a.cols); |
if( type == CV_32F ) |
{ |
sgesdd_(mode, &n, &m, _a.ptr<float>(), &lda, w.ptr<float>(), |
vt.data ? vt.ptr<float>() : (float*)&v1, &ldv, |
u.data ? u.ptr<float>() : (float*)&u1, &ldu, |
(float*)(buffer + work_ofs), &lwork, |
(integer*)(buffer + iwork_ofs), &info ); |
} |
else |
{ |
dgesdd_(mode, &n, &m, _a.ptr<double>(), &lda, w.ptr<double>(), |
vt.data ? vt.ptr<double>() : &v1, &ldv, |
u.data ? u.ptr<double>() : &u1, &ldu, |
(double*)(buffer + work_ofs), &lwork, |
(integer*)(buffer + iwork_ofs), &info ); |
} |
CV_Assert(info >= 0); |
if(info != 0) |
{ |
if( u.data ) |
u = Scalar(0.); |
if( vt.data ) |
vt = Scalar(0.); |
w = Scalar(0.); |
} |
} |
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3> static void |
MatrAXPY( int m, int n, const T1* x, int dx, |
const T2* a, int inca, T3* y, int dy ) |
{ |
int i, j; |
for( i = 0; i < m; i++, x += dx, y += dy ) |
{ |
T2 s = a[i*inca]; |
for( j = 0; j <= n - 4; j += 4 ) |
{ |
T3 t0 = (T3)(y[j] + s*x[j]); |
T3 t1 = (T3)(y[j+1] + s*x[j+1]); |
y[j] = t0; |
y[j+1] = t1; |
t0 = (T3)(y[j+2] + s*x[j+2]); |
t1 = (T3)(y[j+3] + s*x[j+3]); |
y[j+2] = t0; |
y[j+3] = t1; |
} |
for( ; j < n; j++ ) |
y[j] = (T3)(y[j] + s*x[j]); |
} |
} |
template<typename T> static void |
SVBkSb( int m, int n, const T* w, int incw, |
const T* u, int ldu, int uT, |
const T* v, int ldv, int vT, |
const T* b, int ldb, int nb, |
T* x, int ldx, double* buffer, T eps ) |
{ |
double threshold = 0; |
int udelta0 = uT ? ldu : 1, udelta1 = uT ? 1 : ldu; |
int vdelta0 = vT ? ldv : 1, vdelta1 = vT ? 1 : ldv; |
int i, j, nm = std::min(m, n); |
if( !b ) |
nb = m; |
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) |
for( j = 0; j < nb; j++ ) |
x[i*ldx + j] = 0; |
for( i = 0; i < nm; i++ ) |
threshold += w[i*incw]; |
threshold *= eps; |
// v * inv(w) * uT * b
for( i = 0; i < nm; i++, u += udelta0, v += vdelta0 ) |
{ |
double wi = w[i*incw]; |
if( wi <= threshold ) |
continue; |
wi = 1/wi; |
if( nb == 1 ) |
{ |
double s = 0; |
if( b ) |
for( j = 0; j < m; j++ ) |
s += u[j*udelta1]*b[j*ldb]; |
else |
s = u[0]; |
s *= wi; |
for( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) |
x[j*ldx] = (T)(x[j*ldx] + s*v[j*vdelta1]); |
} |
else |
{ |
if( b ) |
{ |
for( j = 0; j < nb; j++ ) |
buffer[j] = 0; |
MatrAXPY( m, nb, b, ldb, u, udelta1, buffer, 0 ); |
for( j = 0; j < nb; j++ ) |
buffer[j] *= wi; |
} |
else |
{ |
for( j = 0; j < nb; j++ ) |
buffer[j] = u[j*udelta1]*wi; |
} |
MatrAXPY( n, nb, buffer, 0, v, vdelta1, x, ldx ); |
} |
} |
} |
static void _backSubst( const InputArray _w, const InputArray _u, const InputArray _vt, |
const InputArray _rhs, OutputArray _dst ) |
{ |
Mat w = _w.getMat(), u = _u.getMat(), vt = _vt.getMat(), rhs = _rhs.getMat(); |
int type = w.type(), esz = (int)w.elemSize(); |
int m = u.rows, n = vt.cols, nb = rhs.data ? rhs.cols : m; |
AutoBuffer<double> buffer(nb); |
CV_Assert( u.data && vt.data && w.data ); |
CV_Assert( rhs.data == 0 || (rhs.type() == type && rhs.rows == m) ); |
_dst.create( n, nb, type ); |
Mat dst = _dst.getMat(); |
if( type == CV_32F ) |
SVBkSb(m, n, (float*)w.data, 1, (float*)u.data, (int)(u.step/esz), false, |
(float*)vt.data, (int)(vt.step/esz), true, (float*)rhs.data, (int)(rhs.step/esz), |
nb, (float*)dst.data, (int)(dst.step/esz), buffer, 10*FLT_EPSILON ); |
else if( type == CV_64F ) |
SVBkSb(m, n, (double*)w.data, 1, (double*)u.data, (int)(u.step/esz), false, |
(double*)vt.data, (int)(vt.step/esz), true, (double*)rhs.data, (int)(rhs.step/esz), |
nb, (double*)dst.data, (int)(dst.step/esz), buffer, 2*DBL_EPSILON ); |
else |
CV_Error( Error::StsUnsupportedFormat, "" ); |
} |
#define Sf( y, x ) ((float*)(srcdata + y*srcstep))[x] |
#define Sd( y, x ) ((double*)(srcdata + y*srcstep))[x] |
#define Df( y, x ) ((float*)(dstdata + y*dststep))[x] |
#define Dd( y, x ) ((double*)(dstdata + y*dststep))[x] |
double cvfork::invert( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int method ) |
{ |
Mat src = _src.getMat(); |
int type = src.type(); |
CV_Assert(type == CV_32F || type == CV_64F); |
size_t esz = CV_ELEM_SIZE(type); |
int m = src.rows, n = src.cols; |
if( method == DECOMP_SVD ) |
{ |
int nm = std::min(m, n); |
AutoBuffer<uchar> _buf((m*nm + nm + nm*n)*esz + sizeof(double)); |
uchar* buf = alignPtr((uchar*)_buf, (int)esz); |
Mat u(m, nm, type, buf); |
Mat w(nm, 1, type, u.ptr() + m*nm*esz); |
Mat vt(nm, n, type, w.ptr() + nm*esz); |
_SVDcompute(src, w, u, vt); |
_backSubst(w, u, vt, Mat(), _dst); |
return type == CV_32F ? |
(w.ptr<float>()[0] >= FLT_EPSILON ? |
w.ptr<float>()[n-1]/w.ptr<float>()[0] : 0) : |
(w.ptr<double>()[0] >= DBL_EPSILON ? |
w.ptr<double>()[n-1]/w.ptr<double>()[0] : 0); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
#endif //USE_LAPACK
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
#ifndef LINALG_HPP |
#define LINALG_HPP |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
namespace cvfork { |
double invert( cv::InputArray _src, cv::OutputArray _dst, int method ); |
bool solve(cv::InputArray _src, cv::InputArray _src2arg, cv::OutputArray _dst, int method ); |
} |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/aruco/charuco.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/cvconfig.h> |
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> |
#include <string> |
#include <vector> |
#include <stdexcept> |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <iostream> |
#include "calibCommon.hpp" |
#include "calibPipeline.hpp" |
#include "frameProcessor.hpp" |
#include "cvCalibrationFork.hpp" |
#include "calibController.hpp" |
#include "parametersController.hpp" |
#include "rotationConverters.hpp" |
using namespace calib; |
const std::string keys = |
"{v | | Input from video file }" |
"{ci | 0 | Default camera id }" |
"{flip | false | Vertical flip of input frames }" |
"{t | circles | Template for calibration (circles, chessboard, dualCircles, chAruco) }" |
"{sz | 16.3 | Distance between two nearest centers of circles or squares on calibration board}" |
"{dst | 295 | Distance between white and black parts of daulCircles template}" |
"{w | | Width of template (in corners or circles)}" |
"{h | | Height of template (in corners or circles)}" |
"{of | cameraParameters.xml | Output file name}" |
"{ft | true | Auto tuning of calibration flags}" |
"{vis | grid | Captured boards visualisation (grid, window)}" |
"{d | 0.8 | Min delay between captures}" |
"{pf | defaultConfig.xml| Advanced application parameters}" |
"{help | | Print help}"; |
bool calib::showOverlayMessage(const std::string& message) |
{ |
#ifdef HAVE_QT |
cv::displayOverlay(mainWindowName, message, OVERLAY_DELAY); |
return true; |
#else |
std::cout << message << std::endl; |
return false; |
#endif |
} |
static void deleteButton(int state, void* data) |
{ |
state++; //to avoid gcc warnings
(static_cast<cv::Ptr<calibDataController>*>(data))->get()->deleteLastFrame(); |
calib::showOverlayMessage("Last frame deleted"); |
} |
static void deleteAllButton(int state, void* data) |
{ |
state++; |
(static_cast<cv::Ptr<calibDataController>*>(data))->get()->deleteAllData(); |
calib::showOverlayMessage("All frames deleted"); |
} |
static void saveCurrentParamsButton(int state, void* data) |
{ |
state++; |
if((static_cast<cv::Ptr<calibDataController>*>(data))->get()->saveCurrentCameraParameters()) |
calib::showOverlayMessage("Calibration parameters saved"); |
} |
#ifdef HAVE_QT |
static void switchVisualizationModeButton(int state, void* data) |
{ |
state++; |
ShowProcessor* processor = static_cast<ShowProcessor*>(((cv::Ptr<FrameProcessor>*)data)->get()); |
processor->switchVisualizationMode(); |
} |
static void undistortButton(int state, void* data) |
{ |
ShowProcessor* processor = static_cast<ShowProcessor*>(((cv::Ptr<FrameProcessor>*)data)->get()); |
processor->setUndistort(static_cast<bool>(state)); |
calib::showOverlayMessage(std::string("Undistort is ") + |
(static_cast<bool>(state) ? std::string("on") : std::string("off"))); |
} |
#endif //HAVE_QT
int main(int argc, char** argv) |
{ |
cv::CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys); |
if(parser.has("help")) { |
parser.printMessage(); |
return 0; |
} |
std::cout << consoleHelp << std::endl; |
parametersController paramsController; |
if(!paramsController.loadFromParser(parser)) |
return 0; |
captureParameters capParams = paramsController.getCaptureParameters(); |
internalParameters intParams = paramsController.getInternalParameters(); |
cv::TermCriteria solverTermCrit = cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::COUNT+cv::TermCriteria::EPS, |
intParams.solverMaxIters, intParams.solverEps); |
cv::Ptr<calibrationData> globalData(new calibrationData); |
if(!parser.has("v")) globalData->imageSize = capParams.cameraResolution; |
int calibrationFlags = 0; |
if(intParams.fastSolving) calibrationFlags |= CALIB_USE_QR; |
cv::Ptr<calibController> controller(new calibController(globalData, calibrationFlags, |
parser.get<bool>("ft"), capParams.minFramesNum)); |
cv::Ptr<calibDataController> dataController(new calibDataController(globalData, capParams.maxFramesNum, |
intParams.filterAlpha)); |
dataController->setParametersFileName(parser.get<std::string>("of")); |
cv::Ptr<FrameProcessor> capProcessor, showProcessor; |
capProcessor = cv::Ptr<FrameProcessor>(new CalibProcessor(globalData, capParams)); |
showProcessor = cv::Ptr<FrameProcessor>(new ShowProcessor(globalData, controller, capParams.board)); |
if(parser.get<std::string>("vis").find("window") == 0) { |
static_cast<ShowProcessor*>(showProcessor.get())->setVisualizationMode(Window); |
cv::namedWindow(gridWindowName); |
cv::moveWindow(gridWindowName, 1280, 500); |
} |
cv::Ptr<CalibPipeline> pipeline(new CalibPipeline(capParams)); |
std::vector<cv::Ptr<FrameProcessor> > processors; |
processors.push_back(capProcessor); |
processors.push_back(showProcessor); |
cv::namedWindow(mainWindowName); |
cv::moveWindow(mainWindowName, 10, 10); |
#ifdef HAVE_QT |
cv::createButton("Delete last frame", deleteButton, &dataController, cv::QT_PUSH_BUTTON); |
cv::createButton("Delete all frames", deleteAllButton, &dataController, cv::QT_PUSH_BUTTON); |
cv::createButton("Undistort", undistortButton, &showProcessor, cv::QT_CHECKBOX, false); |
cv::createButton("Save current parameters", saveCurrentParamsButton, &dataController, cv::QT_PUSH_BUTTON); |
cv::createButton("Switch visualisation mode", switchVisualizationModeButton, &showProcessor, cv::QT_PUSH_BUTTON); |
#endif //HAVE_QT
try { |
bool pipelineFinished = false; |
while(!pipelineFinished) |
{ |
PipelineExitStatus exitStatus = pipeline->start(processors); |
if (exitStatus == Finished) { |
if(controller->getCommonCalibrationState()) |
saveCurrentParamsButton(0, &dataController); |
pipelineFinished = true; |
continue; |
} |
else if (exitStatus == Calibrate) { |
dataController->rememberCurrentParameters(); |
globalData->imageSize = pipeline->getImageSize(); |
calibrationFlags = controller->getNewFlags(); |
if(capParams.board != chAruco) { |
globalData->totalAvgErr = |
cvfork::calibrateCamera(globalData->objectPoints, globalData->imagePoints, |
globalData->imageSize, globalData->cameraMatrix, |
globalData->distCoeffs, cv::noArray(), cv::noArray(), |
globalData->stdDeviations, globalData->perViewErrors, |
calibrationFlags, solverTermCrit); |
} |
else { |
cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> dictionary = |
cv::aruco::getPredefinedDictionary(cv::aruco::PREDEFINED_DICTIONARY_NAME(capParams.charucoDictName)); |
cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::CharucoBoard> charucoboard = |
cv::aruco::CharucoBoard::create(capParams.boardSize.width, capParams.boardSize.height, |
capParams.charucoSquareLenght, capParams.charucoMarkerSize, dictionary); |
globalData->totalAvgErr = |
cvfork::calibrateCameraCharuco(globalData->allCharucoCorners, globalData->allCharucoIds, |
charucoboard, globalData->imageSize, |
globalData->cameraMatrix, globalData->distCoeffs, |
cv::noArray(), cv::noArray(), globalData->stdDeviations, |
globalData->perViewErrors, calibrationFlags, solverTermCrit); |
} |
dataController->updateUndistortMap(); |
dataController->printParametersToConsole(std::cout); |
controller->updateState(); |
for(int j = 0; j < capParams.calibrationStep; j++) |
dataController->filterFrames(); |
static_cast<ShowProcessor*>(showProcessor.get())->updateBoardsView(); |
} |
else if (exitStatus == DeleteLastFrame) { |
deleteButton(0, &dataController); |
static_cast<ShowProcessor*>(showProcessor.get())->updateBoardsView(); |
} |
else if (exitStatus == DeleteAllFrames) { |
deleteAllButton(0, &dataController); |
static_cast<ShowProcessor*>(showProcessor.get())->updateBoardsView(); |
} |
else if (exitStatus == SaveCurrentData) { |
saveCurrentParamsButton(0, &dataController); |
} |
else if (exitStatus == SwitchUndistort) |
static_cast<ShowProcessor*>(showProcessor.get())->switchUndistort(); |
else if (exitStatus == SwitchVisualisation) |
static_cast<ShowProcessor*>(showProcessor.get())->switchVisualizationMode(); |
for (std::vector<cv::Ptr<FrameProcessor> >::iterator it = processors.begin(); it != processors.end(); ++it) |
(*it)->resetState(); |
} |
} |
catch (std::runtime_error exp) { |
std::cout << exp.what() << std::endl; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ |
#include "parametersController.hpp" |
#include <iostream> |
template <typename T> |
static bool readFromNode(cv::FileNode node, T& value) |
{ |
if(!node.isNone()) { |
node >> value; |
return true; |
} |
else |
return false; |
} |
static bool checkAssertion(bool value, const std::string& msg) |
{ |
if(!value) |
std::cerr << "Error: " << msg << std::endl; |
return value; |
} |
bool calib::parametersController::loadFromFile(const std::string &inputFileName) |
{ |
cv::FileStorage reader; |
reader.open(inputFileName, cv::FileStorage::READ); |
if(!reader.isOpened()) { |
std::cerr << "Warning: Unable to open " << inputFileName << |
" Applicatioin stated with default advanced parameters" << std::endl; |
return true; |
} |
readFromNode(reader["charuco_dict"], mCapParams.charucoDictName); |
readFromNode(reader["charuco_square_lenght"], mCapParams.charucoSquareLenght); |
readFromNode(reader["charuco_marker_size"], mCapParams.charucoMarkerSize); |
readFromNode(reader["camera_resolution"], mCapParams.cameraResolution); |
readFromNode(reader["calibration_step"], mCapParams.calibrationStep); |
readFromNode(reader["max_frames_num"], mCapParams.maxFramesNum); |
readFromNode(reader["min_frames_num"], mCapParams.minFramesNum); |
readFromNode(reader["solver_eps"], mInternalParameters.solverEps); |
readFromNode(reader["solver_max_iters"], mInternalParameters.solverMaxIters); |
readFromNode(reader["fast_solver"], mInternalParameters.fastSolving); |
readFromNode(reader["frame_filter_conv_param"], mInternalParameters.filterAlpha); |
bool retValue = |
checkAssertion(mCapParams.charucoDictName >= 0, "Dict name must be >= 0") && |
checkAssertion(mCapParams.charucoMarkerSize > 0, "Marker size must be positive") && |
checkAssertion(mCapParams.charucoSquareLenght > 0, "Square size must be positive") && |
checkAssertion(mCapParams.minFramesNum > 1, "Minimal number of frames for calibration < 1") && |
checkAssertion(mCapParams.calibrationStep > 0, "Calibration step must be positive") && |
checkAssertion(mCapParams.maxFramesNum > mCapParams.minFramesNum, "maxFramesNum < minFramesNum") && |
checkAssertion(mInternalParameters.solverEps > 0, "Solver precision must be positive") && |
checkAssertion(mInternalParameters.solverMaxIters > 0, "Max solver iterations number must be positive") && |
checkAssertion(mInternalParameters.filterAlpha >=0 && mInternalParameters.filterAlpha <=1 , |
"Frame filter convolution parameter must be in [0,1] interval") && |
checkAssertion(mCapParams.cameraResolution.width > 0 && mCapParams.cameraResolution.height > 0, |
"Wrong camera resolution values"); |
reader.release(); |
return retValue; |
} |
calib::parametersController::parametersController() |
{ |
} |
calib::captureParameters calib::parametersController::getCaptureParameters() const |
{ |
return mCapParams; |
} |
calib::internalParameters calib::parametersController::getInternalParameters() const |
{ |
return mInternalParameters; |
} |
bool calib::parametersController::loadFromParser(cv::CommandLineParser &parser) |
{ |
mCapParams.flipVertical = parser.get<bool>("flip"); |
mCapParams.captureDelay = parser.get<float>("d"); |
mCapParams.squareSize = parser.get<float>("sz"); |
mCapParams.templDst = parser.get<float>("dst"); |
if(!checkAssertion(mCapParams.squareSize > 0, "Distance between corners or circles must be positive")) |
return false; |
if(!checkAssertion(mCapParams.templDst > 0, "Distance betwen parts of dual template must be positive")) |
return false; |
if (parser.has("v")) { |
mCapParams.source = File; |
mCapParams.videoFileName = parser.get<std::string>("v"); |
} |
else { |
mCapParams.source = Camera; |
mCapParams.camID = parser.get<int>("ci"); |
} |
std::string templateType = parser.get<std::string>("t"); |
if(templateType.find("circles", 0) == 0) { |
mCapParams.board = AcirclesGrid; |
mCapParams.boardSize = cv::Size(4, 11); |
} |
else if(templateType.find("chessboard", 0) == 0) { |
mCapParams.board = Chessboard; |
mCapParams.boardSize = cv::Size(7, 7); |
} |
else if(templateType.find("dualcircles", 0) == 0) { |
mCapParams.board = DoubleAcirclesGrid; |
mCapParams.boardSize = cv::Size(4, 11); |
} |
else if(templateType.find("charuco", 0) == 0) { |
mCapParams.board = chAruco; |
mCapParams.boardSize = cv::Size(6, 8); |
mCapParams.charucoDictName = 0; |
mCapParams.charucoSquareLenght = 200; |
mCapParams.charucoMarkerSize = 100; |
} |
else { |
std::cerr << "Wrong template name\n"; |
return false; |
} |
if(parser.has("w") && parser.has("h")) { |
mCapParams.boardSize = cv::Size(parser.get<int>("w"), parser.get<int>("h")); |
if(!checkAssertion(mCapParams.boardSize.width > 0 || mCapParams.boardSize.height > 0, |
"Board size must be positive")) |
return false; |
} |
if(!checkAssertion(parser.get<std::string>("of").find(".xml") > 0, |
"Wrong output file name: correct format is [name].xml")) |
return false; |
loadFromFile(parser.get<std::string>("pf")); |
return true; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
#include <string> |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#include "calibCommon.hpp" |
namespace calib { |
class parametersController |
{ |
protected: |
captureParameters mCapParams; |
internalParameters mInternalParameters; |
bool loadFromFile(const std::string& inputFileName); |
public: |
parametersController(); |
parametersController(cv::Ptr<captureParameters> params); |
captureParameters getCaptureParameters() const; |
internalParameters getInternalParameters() const; |
bool loadFromParser(cv::CommandLineParser& parser); |
}; |
} |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
#include "rotationConverters.hpp" |
#include <cmath> |
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#define CALIB_PI 3.14159265358979323846 |
#define CALIB_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 |
void calib::Euler(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, int argType) |
{ |
if((src.rows == 3) && (src.cols == 3)) |
{ |
//convert rotaion matrix to 3 angles (pitch, yaw, roll)
dst = cv::Mat(3, 1, CV_64F); |
double pitch, yaw, roll; |
if(src.at<double>(0,2) < -0.998) |
{ |
pitch = -atan2(src.at<double>(1,0), src.at<double>(1,1)); |
yaw = -CALIB_PI_2; |
roll = 0.; |
} |
else if(src.at<double>(0,2) > 0.998) |
{ |
pitch = atan2(src.at<double>(1,0), src.at<double>(1,1)); |
yaw = CALIB_PI_2; |
roll = 0.; |
} |
else |
{ |
pitch = atan2(-src.at<double>(1,2), src.at<double>(2,2)); |
yaw = asin(src.at<double>(0,2)); |
roll = atan2(-src.at<double>(0,1), src.at<double>(0,0)); |
} |
if(argType == CALIB_DEGREES) |
{ |
pitch *= 180./CALIB_PI; |
yaw *= 180./CALIB_PI; |
roll *= 180./CALIB_PI; |
} |
else if(argType != CALIB_RADIANS) |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsBadFlag, "Invalid argument type"); |
dst.at<double>(0,0) = pitch; |
dst.at<double>(1,0) = yaw; |
dst.at<double>(2,0) = roll; |
} |
else if( (src.cols == 1 && src.rows == 3) || |
(src.cols == 3 && src.rows == 1 ) ) |
{ |
//convert vector which contains 3 angles (pitch, yaw, roll) to rotaion matrix
double pitch, yaw, roll; |
if(src.cols == 1 && src.rows == 3) |
{ |
pitch = src.at<double>(0,0); |
yaw = src.at<double>(1,0); |
roll = src.at<double>(2,0); |
} |
else{ |
pitch = src.at<double>(0,0); |
yaw = src.at<double>(0,1); |
roll = src.at<double>(0,2); |
} |
if(argType == CALIB_DEGREES) |
{ |
pitch *= CALIB_PI / 180.; |
yaw *= CALIB_PI / 180.; |
roll *= CALIB_PI / 180.; |
} |
else if(argType != CALIB_RADIANS) |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsBadFlag, "Invalid argument type"); |
dst = cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_64F); |
cv::Mat M(3, 3, CV_64F); |
cv::Mat i = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F); |
i.copyTo(dst); |
i.copyTo(M); |
double* pR = dst.ptr<double>(); |
pR[4] = cos(pitch); |
pR[7] = sin(pitch); |
pR[8] = pR[4]; |
pR[5] = -pR[7]; |
double* pM = M.ptr<double>(); |
pM[0] = cos(yaw); |
pM[2] = sin(yaw); |
pM[8] = pM[0]; |
pM[6] = -pM[2]; |
dst *= M; |
i.copyTo(M); |
pM[0] = cos(roll); |
pM[3] = sin(roll); |
pM[4] = pM[0]; |
pM[1] = -pM[3]; |
dst *= M; |
} |
else |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsBadFlag, "Input matrix must be 1x3, 3x1 or 3x3" ); |
} |
void calib::RodriguesToEuler(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, int argType) |
{ |
CV_Assert((src.cols == 1 && src.rows == 3) || (src.cols == 3 && src.rows == 1)); |
cv::Mat R; |
cv::Rodrigues(src, R); |
Euler(R, dst, argType); |
} |
void calib::EulerToRodrigues(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, int argType) |
{ |
CV_Assert((src.cols == 1 && src.rows == 3) || (src.cols == 3 && src.rows == 1)); |
cv::Mat R; |
Euler(src, R, argType); |
cv::Rodrigues(R, dst); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
namespace calib |
{ |
#define CALIB_RADIANS 0 |
#define CALIB_DEGREES 1 |
void Euler(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, int argType = CALIB_RADIANS); |
void RodriguesToEuler(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, int argType = CALIB_RADIANS); |
void EulerToRodrigues(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dst, int argType = CALIB_RADIANS); |
} |
#endif |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 70 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 84 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 78 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ |
Interactive camera calibration application {#tutorial_interactive_calibration} |
============================== |
According to classical calibration technique user must collect all data first and when run @ref cv::calibrateCamera function |
to obtain camera parameters. If average re-projection error is huge or if estimated parameters seems to be wrong, process of |
selection or collecting data and starting of @ref cv::calibrateCamera repeats. |
Interactive calibration process assumes that after each new data portion user can see results and errors estimation, also |
he can delete last data portion and finally, when dataset for calibration is big enough starts process of auto data selection. |
Main application features |
------ |
The sample application will: |
- Determine the distortion matrix and confidence interval for each element |
- Determine the camera matrix and confidence interval for each element |
- Take input from camera or video file |
- Read configuration from XML file |
- Save the results into XML file |
- Calculate re-projection error |
- Reject patterns views on sharp angles to prevent appear of ill-conditioned jacobian blocks |
- Auto switch calibration flags (fix aspect ratio and elements of distortion matrix if needed) |
- Auto detect when calibration is done by using several criteria |
- Auto capture of static patterns (user doesn't need press any keys to capture frame, just don't move pattern for a second) |
Supported patterns: |
- Black-white chessboard |
- Asymmetrical circle pattern |
- Dual asymmetrical circle pattern |
- chAruco (chessboard with Aruco markers) |
Description of parameters |
------ |
Application has two groups of parameters: primary (passed through command line) and advances (passed through XML file). |
### Primary parameters: |
All of this parameters are passed to application through a command line. |
-[parameter]=[default value]: description |
- -v=[filename]: get video from filename, default input -- camera with id=0 |
- -ci=[0]: get video from camera with specified id |
- -flip=[false]: vertical flip of input frames |
- -t=[circles]: pattern for calibration (circles, chessboard, dualCircles, chAruco) |
- -sz=[16.3]: distance between two nearest centers of circles or squares on calibration board |
- -dst=[295] distance between white and black parts of daulCircles pattern |
- -w=[width]: width of pattern (in corners or circles) |
- -h=[height]: height of pattern (in corners or circles) |
- -of=[camParams.xml]: output file name |
- -ft=[true]: auto tuning of calibration flags |
- -vis=[grid]: captured boards visualization (grid, window) |
- -d=[0.8]: delay between captures in seconds |
- -pf=[defaultConfig.xml]: advanced application parameters file |
### Advanced parameters: |
By default values of advanced parameters are stored in defaultConfig.xml |
@code{.xml} |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<opencv_storage> |
<charuco_dict>0</charuco_dict> |
<charuco_square_lenght>200</charuco_square_lenght> |
<charuco_marker_size>100</charuco_marker_size> |
<calibration_step>1</calibration_step> |
<max_frames_num>30</max_frames_num> |
<min_frames_num>10</min_frames_num> |
<solver_eps>1e-7</solver_eps> |
<solver_max_iters>30</solver_max_iters> |
<fast_solver>0</fast_solver> |
<frame_filter_conv_param>0.1</frame_filter_conv_param> |
<camera_resolution>1280 720</camera_resolution> |
</opencv_storage> |
@endcode |
- *charuco_dict*: name of special dictionary, which has been used for generation of chAruco pattern |
- *charuco_square_lenght*: size of square on chAruco board (in pixels) |
- *charuco_marker_size*: size of Aruco markers on chAruco board (in pixels) |
- *calibration_step*: interval in frames between launches of @ref cv::calibrateCamera |
- *max_frames_num*: if number of frames for calibration is greater then this value frames filter starts working. |
After filtration size of calibration dataset is equals to *max_frames_num* |
- *min_frames_num*: if number of frames is greater then this value turns on auto flags tuning, undistorted view and quality evaluation |
- *solver_eps*: precision of Levenberg-Marquardt solver in @ref cv::calibrateCamera |
- *solver_max_iters*: iterations limit of solver |
- *fast_solver*: if this value is nonzero and Lapack is found QR decomposition is used instead of SVD in solver. |
QR faster than SVD, but potentially less precise |
- *frame_filter_conv_param*: parameter which used in linear convolution of bicriterial frames filter |
- *camera_resolution*: resolution of camera which is used for calibration |
**Note:** *charuco_dict*, *charuco_square_lenght* and *charuco_marker_size* are used for chAruco pattern generation |
(see Aruco module description for details: [Aruco tutorials](https://github.com/Itseez/opencv_contrib/tree/master/modules/aruco/tutorials)) |
Default chAruco pattern: |
 |
Dual circles pattern |
------ |
To make this pattern you need standard OpenCV circles pattern and binary inverted one. |
Place two patterns on one plane in order when all horizontal lines of circles in one pattern are |
continuations of similar lines in another. |
Measure distance between patterns as shown at picture below pass it as **dst** command line parameter. Also measure distance between centers of nearest circles and pass |
this value as **sz** command line parameter. |
 |
This pattern is very sensitive to quality of production and measurements. |
Data filtration |
------ |
When size of calibration dataset is greater then *max_frames_num* starts working |
data filter. It tries to remove "bad" frames from dataset. Filter removes the frame |
on which \f$loss\_function\f$ takes maximum. |
\f[loss\_function(i)=\alpha RMS(i)+(1-\alpha)reducedGridQuality(i)\f] |
**RMS** is an average re-projection error calculated for frame *i*, **reducedGridQuality** |
is scene coverage quality evaluation without frame *i*. \f$\alpha\f$ is equals to |
**frame_filter_conv_param**. |
Calibration process |
------ |
To start calibration just run application. Place pattern ahead the camera and fixate pattern in some pose. |
After that wait for capturing (will be shown message like "Frame #i captured"). |
Current focal distance and re-projection error will be shown at the main screen. Move pattern to the next position and repeat procedure. Try to cover image plane |
uniformly and don't show pattern on sharp angles to the image plane. |
 |
If calibration seems to be successful (confidence intervals and average re-projection |
error are small, frame coverage quality and number of pattern views are big enough) |
application will show a message like on screen below. |
 |
Hot keys: |
- Esc -- exit application |
- s -- save current data to XML file |
- r -- delete last frame |
- d -- delete all frames |
- u -- enable/disable applying of undistortion |
- v -- switch visualization mode |
Results |
------ |
As result you will get camera parameters and confidence intervals for them. |
Example of output XML file: |
@code{.xml} |
<?xml version="1.0"?> |
<opencv_storage> |
<calibrationDate>"Thu 07 Apr 2016 04:23:03 PM MSK"</calibrationDate> |
<framesCount>21</framesCount> |
<cameraResolution> |
1280 720</cameraResolution> |
<cameraMatrix type_id="opencv-matrix"> |
<rows>3</rows> |
<cols>3</cols> |
<dt>d</dt> |
<data> |
1.2519588293098975e+03 0. 6.6684948780852471e+02 0. |
1.2519588293098975e+03 3.6298123112613683e+02 0. 0. 1.</data></cameraMatrix> |
<cameraMatrix_std_dev type_id="opencv-matrix"> |
<rows>4</rows> |
<cols>1</cols> |
<dt>d</dt> |
<data> |
0. 1.2887048808572649e+01 2.8536856683866230e+00 |
2.8341737483430314e+00</data></cameraMatrix_std_dev> |
<dist_coeffs type_id="opencv-matrix"> |
<rows>1</rows> |
<cols>5</cols> |
<dt>d</dt> |
<data> |
1.3569117181595716e-01 -8.2513063822554633e-01 0. 0. |
1.6412101575010554e+00</data></dist_coeffs> |
<dist_coeffs_std_dev type_id="opencv-matrix"> |
<rows>5</rows> |
<cols>1</cols> |
<dt>d</dt> |
<data> |
1.5570675523402111e-02 8.7229075437543435e-02 0. 0. |
1.8382427901856876e-01</data></dist_coeffs_std_dev> |
<avg_reprojection_error>4.2691743074130178e-01</avg_reprojection_error> |
</opencv_storage> |
@endcode |
Reference in new issue