@ -49,129 +49,30 @@ |
#include "opencv2/gpu/device/utility.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/gpu/device/functional.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/gpu/device/limits.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/gpu/device/vec_math.hpp" |
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
{ |
namespace pyrlk |
{ |
__constant__ int c_cn; |
__constant__ float c_minEigThreshold; |
__constant__ int c_winSize_x; |
__constant__ int c_winSize_y; |
__constant__ int c_winSize_x_cn; |
__constant__ int c_halfWin_x; |
__constant__ int c_halfWin_y; |
__constant__ int c_iters; |
void loadConstants(int cn, float minEigThreshold, int2 winSize, int iters) |
void loadConstants(int2 winSize, int iters) |
{ |
int2 halfWin = make_int2((winSize.x - 1) / 2, (winSize.y - 1) / 2); |
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_cn, &cn, sizeof(int)) ); |
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_minEigThreshold, &minEigThreshold, sizeof(float)) ); |
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_winSize_x, &winSize.x, sizeof(int)) ); |
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_winSize_y, &winSize.y, sizeof(int)) ); |
winSize.x *= cn; |
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_winSize_x_cn, &winSize.x, sizeof(int)) ); |
int2 halfWin = make_int2((winSize.x - 1) / 2, (winSize.y - 1) / 2); |
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_halfWin_x, &halfWin.x, sizeof(int)) ); |
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_halfWin_y, &halfWin.y, sizeof(int)) ); |
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_iters, &iters, sizeof(int)) ); |
} |
__global__ void calcSharrDeriv_vertical(const PtrStepb src, PtrStep<short> dx_buf, PtrStep<short> dy_buf, int rows, int colsn) |
{ |
const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; |
const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; |
if (y < rows && x < colsn) |
{ |
const uchar src_val0 = src(y > 0 ? y - 1 : 1, x); |
const uchar src_val1 = src(y, x); |
const uchar src_val2 = src(y < rows - 1 ? y + 1 : rows - 2, x); |
dx_buf(y, x) = (src_val0 + src_val2) * 3 + src_val1 * 10; |
dy_buf(y, x) = src_val2 - src_val0; |
} |
} |
__global__ void calcSharrDeriv_horizontal(const PtrStep<short> dx_buf, const PtrStep<short> dy_buf, PtrStep<short> dIdx, PtrStep<short> dIdy, int rows, int cols) |
{ |
const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; |
const int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; |
const int colsn = cols * c_cn; |
if (y < rows && x < colsn) |
{ |
const short* dx_buf_row = dx_buf.ptr(y); |
const short* dy_buf_row = dy_buf.ptr(y); |
const int xr = x + c_cn < colsn ? x + c_cn : (cols - 2) * c_cn + x + c_cn - colsn; |
const int xl = x - c_cn >= 0 ? x - c_cn : c_cn + x; |
dIdx(y, x) = dx_buf_row[xr] - dx_buf_row[xl]; |
dIdy(y, x) = (dy_buf_row[xr] + dy_buf_row[xl]) * 3 + dy_buf_row[x] * 10; |
} |
} |
void calcSharrDeriv_gpu(DevMem2Db src, DevMem2D_<short> dx_buf, DevMem2D_<short> dy_buf, DevMem2D_<short> dIdx, DevMem2D_<short> dIdy, int cn, |
cudaStream_t stream) |
{ |
dim3 block(32, 8); |
dim3 grid(divUp(src.cols * cn, block.x), divUp(src.rows, block.y)); |
calcSharrDeriv_vertical<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(src, dx_buf, dy_buf, src.rows, src.cols * cn); |
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); |
calcSharrDeriv_horizontal<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(dx_buf, dy_buf, dIdx, dIdy, src.rows, src.cols); |
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); |
if (stream == 0) |
cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); |
} |
#define W_BITS 14 |
#define W_BITS1 14 |
#define CV_DESCALE(x, n) (((x) + (1 << ((n)-1))) >> (n)) |
__device__ int linearFilter(const PtrStepb& src, float2 pt, int x, int y) |
{ |
int2 ipt; |
ipt.x = __float2int_rd(pt.x); |
ipt.y = __float2int_rd(pt.y); |
float a = pt.x - ipt.x; |
float b = pt.y - ipt.y; |
int iw00 = __float2int_rn((1.0f - a) * (1.0f - b) * (1 << W_BITS)); |
int iw01 = __float2int_rn(a * (1.0f - b) * (1 << W_BITS)); |
int iw10 = __float2int_rn((1.0f - a) * b * (1 << W_BITS)); |
int iw11 = (1 << W_BITS) - iw00 - iw01 - iw10; |
const uchar* src_row = src.ptr(ipt.y + y) + ipt.x * c_cn; |
const uchar* src_row1 = src.ptr(ipt.y + y + 1) + ipt.x * c_cn; |
return CV_DESCALE(src_row[x] * iw00 + src_row[x + c_cn] * iw01 + src_row1[x] * iw10 + src_row1[x + c_cn] * iw11, W_BITS1 - 5); |
} |
__device__ int linearFilter(const PtrStep<short>& src, float2 pt, int x, int y) |
{ |
int2 ipt; |
ipt.x = __float2int_rd(pt.x); |
ipt.y = __float2int_rd(pt.y); |
float a = pt.x - ipt.x; |
float b = pt.y - ipt.y; |
int iw00 = __float2int_rn((1.0f - a) * (1.0f - b) * (1 << W_BITS)); |
int iw01 = __float2int_rn(a * (1.0f - b) * (1 << W_BITS)); |
int iw10 = __float2int_rn((1.0f - a) * b * (1 << W_BITS)); |
int iw11 = (1 << W_BITS) - iw00 - iw01 - iw10; |
const short* src_row = src.ptr(ipt.y + y) + ipt.x * c_cn; |
const short* src_row1 = src.ptr(ipt.y + y + 1) + ipt.x * c_cn; |
return CV_DESCALE(src_row[x] * iw00 + src_row[x + c_cn] * iw01 + src_row1[x] * iw10 + src_row1[x + c_cn] * iw11, W_BITS1); |
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpyToSymbol(c_iters, &iters, sizeof(int)) ); |
} |
__device__ void reduce(float& val1, float& val2, float& val3, float* smem1, float* smem2, float* smem3, int tid) |
@ -310,11 +211,65 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
} |
} |
#define SCALE (1.0f / (1 << 20)) |
texture<float, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_If(false, cudaFilterModeLinear, cudaAddressModeClamp); |
texture<float4, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_If4(false, cudaFilterModeLinear, cudaAddressModeClamp); |
texture<uchar, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_Ib(false, cudaFilterModePoint, cudaAddressModeClamp); |
texture<float, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_Jf(false, cudaFilterModeLinear, cudaAddressModeClamp); |
texture<float4, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_Jf4(false, cudaFilterModeLinear, cudaAddressModeClamp); |
template <int cn> struct Tex_I; |
template <> struct Tex_I<1> |
{ |
static __device__ __forceinline__ float read(float x, float y) |
{ |
return tex2D(tex_If, x, y); |
} |
}; |
template <> struct Tex_I<4> |
{ |
static __device__ __forceinline__ float4 read(float x, float y) |
{ |
return tex2D(tex_If4, x, y); |
} |
}; |
template <int cn> struct Tex_J; |
template <> struct Tex_J<1> |
{ |
static __device__ __forceinline__ float read(float x, float y) |
{ |
return tex2D(tex_Jf, x, y); |
} |
}; |
template <> struct Tex_J<4> |
{ |
static __device__ __forceinline__ float4 read(float x, float y) |
{ |
return tex2D(tex_Jf4, x, y); |
} |
}; |
__device__ __forceinline__ void accum(float& dst, float val) |
{ |
dst += val; |
} |
__device__ __forceinline__ void accum(float& dst, const float4& val) |
{ |
dst += val.x + val.y + val.z; |
} |
__device__ __forceinline__ float abs_(float a) |
{ |
return ::fabs(a); |
} |
__device__ __forceinline__ float4 abs_(const float4& a) |
{ |
return fabs(a); |
} |
template <int PATCH_X, int PATCH_Y, bool calcErr, bool GET_MIN_EIGENVALS> |
__global__ void lkSparse(const PtrStepb I, const PtrStepb J, const PtrStep<short> dIdx, const PtrStep<short> dIdy, |
const float2* prevPts, float2* nextPts, uchar* status, float* err, const int level, const int rows, const int cols) |
template <int cn, int PATCH_X, int PATCH_Y, bool calcErr> |
__global__ void lkSparse(const float2* prevPts, float2* nextPts, uchar* status, float* err, const int level, const int rows, const int cols) |
{ |
#if __CUDA_ARCH__ <= 110 |
__shared__ float smem1[128]; |
@ -332,47 +287,52 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
prevPt.x *= (1.0f / (1 << level)); |
prevPt.y *= (1.0f / (1 << level)); |
prevPt.x -= c_halfWin_x; |
prevPt.y -= c_halfWin_y; |
if (prevPt.x < -c_winSize_x || prevPt.x >= cols || prevPt.y < -c_winSize_y || prevPt.y >= rows) |
if (prevPt.x < 0 || prevPt.x >= cols || prevPt.y < 0 || prevPt.y >= rows) |
{ |
if (level == 0 && tid == 0) |
{ |
if (tid == 0 && level == 0) |
status[blockIdx.x] = 0; |
if (calcErr) |
err[blockIdx.x] = 0; |
} |
return; |
} |
prevPt.x -= c_halfWin_x; |
prevPt.y -= c_halfWin_y; |
// extract the patch from the first image, compute covariation matrix of derivatives |
float A11 = 0; |
float A12 = 0; |
float A22 = 0; |
int I_patch[PATCH_Y][PATCH_X]; |
int dIdx_patch[PATCH_Y][PATCH_X]; |
int dIdy_patch[PATCH_Y][PATCH_X]; |
typedef typename TypeVec<float, cn>::vec_type work_type; |
work_type I_patch [PATCH_Y][PATCH_X]; |
work_type dIdx_patch[PATCH_Y][PATCH_X]; |
work_type dIdy_patch[PATCH_Y][PATCH_X]; |
for (int y = threadIdx.y, i = 0; y < c_winSize_y; y += blockDim.y, ++i) |
for (int yBase = threadIdx.y, i = 0; yBase < c_winSize_y; yBase += blockDim.y, ++i) |
{ |
for (int x = threadIdx.x, j = 0; x < c_winSize_x_cn; x += blockDim.x, ++j) |
for (int xBase = threadIdx.x, j = 0; xBase < c_winSize_x; xBase += blockDim.x, ++j) |
{ |
I_patch[i][j] = linearFilter(I, prevPt, x, y); |
float x = prevPt.x + xBase + 0.5f; |
float y = prevPt.y + yBase + 0.5f; |
I_patch[i][j] = Tex_I<cn>::read(x, y); |
// Sharr Deriv |
work_type dIdx = 3.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x+1, y-1) + 10.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x+1, y) + 3.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x+1, y+1) - |
(3.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x-1, y-1) + 10.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x-1, y) + 3.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x-1, y+1)); |
int ixval = linearFilter(dIdx, prevPt, x, y); |
int iyval = linearFilter(dIdy, prevPt, x, y); |
work_type dIdy = 3.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x-1, y+1) + 10.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x, y+1) + 3.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x+1, y+1) - |
(3.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x-1, y-1) + 10.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x, y-1) + 3.0f * Tex_I<cn>::read(x+1, y-1)); |
dIdx_patch[i][j] = ixval; |
dIdy_patch[i][j] = iyval; |
dIdx_patch[i][j] = dIdx; |
dIdy_patch[i][j] = dIdy; |
A11 += ixval * ixval; |
A12 += ixval * iyval; |
A22 += iyval * iyval; |
accum(A11, dIdx * dIdx); |
accum(A12, dIdx * dIdy); |
accum(A22, dIdy * dIdy); |
} |
} |
@ -383,31 +343,21 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
A12 = smem2[0]; |
A22 = smem3[0]; |
A11 *= SCALE; |
A12 *= SCALE; |
A22 *= SCALE; |
float D = A11 * A22 - A12 * A12; |
if (D < numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) |
{ |
float D = A11 * A22 - A12 * A12; |
float minEig = (A22 + A11 - ::sqrtf((A11 - A22) * (A11 - A22) + 4.f * A12 * A12)) / (2 * c_winSize_x * c_winSize_y); |
if (calcErr && GET_MIN_EIGENVALS && tid == 0) |
err[blockIdx.x] = minEig; |
if (minEig < c_minEigThreshold || D < numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) |
{ |
if (level == 0 && tid == 0) |
status[blockIdx.x] = 0; |
if (tid == 0 && level == 0) |
status[blockIdx.x] = 0; |
return; |
} |
return; |
} |
D = 1.f / D; |
D = 1.f / D; |
A11 *= D; |
A12 *= D; |
A22 *= D; |
} |
A11 *= D; |
A12 *= D; |
A22 *= D; |
float2 nextPt = nextPts[blockIdx.x]; |
nextPt.x *= 2.f; |
@ -416,14 +366,14 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
nextPt.x -= c_halfWin_x; |
nextPt.y -= c_halfWin_y; |
bool status_ = true; |
for (int k = 0; k < c_iters; ++k) |
{ |
if (nextPt.x < -c_winSize_x || nextPt.x >= cols || nextPt.y < -c_winSize_y || nextPt.y >= rows) |
if (nextPt.x < -c_halfWin_x || nextPt.x >= cols || nextPt.y < -c_halfWin_y || nextPt.y >= rows) |
{ |
status_ = false; |
break; |
if (tid == 0 && level == 0) |
status[blockIdx.x] = 0; |
return; |
} |
float b1 = 0; |
@ -431,12 +381,15 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
for (int y = threadIdx.y, i = 0; y < c_winSize_y; y += blockDim.y, ++i) |
{ |
for (int x = threadIdx.x, j = 0; x < c_winSize_x_cn; x += blockDim.x, ++j) |
for (int x = threadIdx.x, j = 0; x < c_winSize_x; x += blockDim.x, ++j) |
{ |
int diff = linearFilter(J, nextPt, x, y) - I_patch[i][j]; |
work_type I_val = I_patch[i][j]; |
work_type J_val = Tex_J<cn>::read(nextPt.x + x + 0.5f, nextPt.y + y + 0.5f); |
work_type diff = (J_val - I_val) * 32.0f; |
b1 += diff * dIdx_patch[i][j]; |
b2 += diff * dIdy_patch[i][j]; |
accum(b1, diff * dIdx_patch[i][j]); |
accum(b2, diff * dIdy_patch[i][j]); |
} |
} |
@ -446,9 +399,6 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
b1 = smem1[0]; |
b2 = smem2[0]; |
b1 *= SCALE; |
b2 *= SCALE; |
float2 delta; |
delta.x = A12 * b2 - A22 * b1; |
delta.y = A12 * b1 - A11 * b2; |
@ -460,24 +410,23 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
break; |
} |
if (nextPt.x < -c_winSize_x || nextPt.x >= cols || nextPt.y < -c_winSize_y || nextPt.y >= rows) |
status_ = false; |
float errval = 0.f; |
if (calcErr && !GET_MIN_EIGENVALS && status_) |
float errval = 0; |
if (calcErr) |
{ |
for (int y = threadIdx.y, i = 0; y < c_winSize_y; y += blockDim.y, ++i) |
{ |
for (int x = threadIdx.x, j = 0; x < c_winSize_x_cn; x += blockDim.x, ++j) |
for (int x = threadIdx.x, j = 0; x < c_winSize_x; x += blockDim.x, ++j) |
{ |
int diff = linearFilter(J, nextPt, x, y) - I_patch[i][j]; |
errval += ::fabsf((float)diff); |
work_type I_val = I_patch[i][j]; |
work_type J_val = Tex_J<cn>::read(nextPt.x + x + 0.5f, nextPt.y + y + 0.5f); |
work_type diff = J_val - I_val; |
accum(errval, abs_(diff)); |
} |
} |
reduce(errval, smem1, tid); |
errval /= 32 * c_winSize_x_cn * c_winSize_y; |
} |
if (tid == 0) |
@ -485,45 +434,23 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
nextPt.x += c_halfWin_x; |
nextPt.y += c_halfWin_y; |
status[blockIdx.x] = status_; |
nextPts[blockIdx.x] = nextPt; |
if (calcErr && !GET_MIN_EIGENVALS) |
err[blockIdx.x] = errval; |
if (calcErr) |
err[blockIdx.x] = static_cast<float>(errval) / (cn * c_winSize_x * c_winSize_y); |
} |
} |
template <int PATCH_X, int PATCH_Y> |
void lkSparse_caller(DevMem2Db I, DevMem2Db J, DevMem2D_<short> dIdx, DevMem2D_<short> dIdy, |
const float2* prevPts, float2* nextPts, uchar* status, float* err, bool GET_MIN_EIGENVALS, int ptcount, |
template <int cn, int PATCH_X, int PATCH_Y> |
void lkSparse_caller(int rows, int cols, const float2* prevPts, float2* nextPts, uchar* status, float* err, int ptcount, |
int level, dim3 block, cudaStream_t stream) |
{ |
dim3 grid(ptcount); |
if (level == 0 && err) |
{ |
{ |
cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(lkSparse<PATCH_X, PATCH_Y, true, true>, cudaFuncCachePreferL1) ); |
lkSparse<PATCH_X, PATCH_Y, true, true><<<grid, block>>>(I, J, dIdx, dIdy, |
prevPts, nextPts, status, err, level, I.rows, I.cols); |
} |
else |
{ |
cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(lkSparse<PATCH_X, PATCH_Y, true, false>, cudaFuncCachePreferL1) ); |
lkSparse<PATCH_X, PATCH_Y, true, false><<<grid, block>>>(I, J, dIdx, dIdy, |
prevPts, nextPts, status, err, level, I.rows, I.cols); |
} |
} |
lkSparse<cn, PATCH_X, PATCH_Y, true><<<grid, block>>>(prevPts, nextPts, status, err, level, rows, cols); |
else |
{ |
cudaSafeCall( cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(lkSparse<PATCH_X, PATCH_Y, false, false>, cudaFuncCachePreferL1) ); |
lkSparse<PATCH_X, PATCH_Y, false, false><<<grid, block>>>(I, J, dIdx, dIdy, |
prevPts, nextPts, status, err, level, I.rows, I.cols); |
} |
lkSparse<cn, PATCH_X, PATCH_Y, false><<<grid, block>>>(prevPts, nextPts, status, err, level, rows, cols); |
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() ); |
@ -531,30 +458,49 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() ); |
} |
void lkSparse_gpu(DevMem2Db I, DevMem2Db J, DevMem2D_<short> dIdx, DevMem2D_<short> dIdy, |
const float2* prevPts, float2* nextPts, uchar* status, float* err, bool GET_MIN_EIGENVALS, int ptcount, |
void lkSparse1_gpu(DevMem2Df I, DevMem2Df J, const float2* prevPts, float2* nextPts, uchar* status, float* err, int ptcount, |
int level, dim3 block, dim3 patch, cudaStream_t stream) |
{ |
typedef void (*func_t)(DevMem2Db I, DevMem2Db J, DevMem2D_<short> dIdx, DevMem2D_<short> dIdy, |
const float2* prevPts, float2* nextPts, uchar* status, float* err, bool GET_MIN_EIGENVALS, int ptcount, |
typedef void (*func_t)(int rows, int cols, const float2* prevPts, float2* nextPts, uchar* status, float* err, int ptcount, |
int level, dim3 block, cudaStream_t stream); |
static const func_t funcs[5][5] = |
{ |
{lkSparse_caller<1, 1>, lkSparse_caller<2, 1>, lkSparse_caller<3, 1>, lkSparse_caller<4, 1>, lkSparse_caller<5, 1>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<1, 2>, lkSparse_caller<2, 2>, lkSparse_caller<3, 2>, lkSparse_caller<4, 2>, lkSparse_caller<5, 2>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<1, 3>, lkSparse_caller<2, 3>, lkSparse_caller<3, 3>, lkSparse_caller<4, 3>, lkSparse_caller<5, 3>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<1, 4>, lkSparse_caller<2, 4>, lkSparse_caller<3, 4>, lkSparse_caller<4, 4>, lkSparse_caller<5, 4>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<1, 5>, lkSparse_caller<2, 5>, lkSparse_caller<3, 5>, lkSparse_caller<4, 5>, lkSparse_caller<5, 5>} |
{lkSparse_caller<1, 1, 1>, lkSparse_caller<1, 2, 1>, lkSparse_caller<1, 3, 1>, lkSparse_caller<1, 4, 1>, lkSparse_caller<1, 5, 1>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<1, 1, 2>, lkSparse_caller<1, 2, 2>, lkSparse_caller<1, 3, 2>, lkSparse_caller<1, 4, 2>, lkSparse_caller<1, 5, 2>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<1, 1, 3>, lkSparse_caller<1, 2, 3>, lkSparse_caller<1, 3, 3>, lkSparse_caller<1, 4, 3>, lkSparse_caller<1, 5, 3>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<1, 1, 4>, lkSparse_caller<1, 2, 4>, lkSparse_caller<1, 3, 4>, lkSparse_caller<1, 4, 4>, lkSparse_caller<1, 5, 4>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<1, 1, 5>, lkSparse_caller<1, 2, 5>, lkSparse_caller<1, 3, 5>, lkSparse_caller<1, 4, 5>, lkSparse_caller<1, 5, 5>} |
}; |
funcs[patch.y - 1][patch.x - 1](I, J, dIdx, dIdy, |
prevPts, nextPts, status, err, GET_MIN_EIGENVALS, ptcount, |
bindTexture(&tex_If, I); |
bindTexture(&tex_Jf, J); |
funcs[patch.y - 1][patch.x - 1](I.rows, I.cols, prevPts, nextPts, status, err, ptcount, |
level, block, stream); |
} |
texture<uchar, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_I(false, cudaFilterModePoint, cudaAddressModeClamp); |
texture<float, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeElementType> tex_J(false, cudaFilterModeLinear, cudaAddressModeClamp); |
void lkSparse4_gpu(DevMem2D_<float4> I, DevMem2D_<float4> J, const float2* prevPts, float2* nextPts, uchar* status, float* err, int ptcount, |
int level, dim3 block, dim3 patch, cudaStream_t stream) |
{ |
typedef void (*func_t)(int rows, int cols, const float2* prevPts, float2* nextPts, uchar* status, float* err, int ptcount, |
int level, dim3 block, cudaStream_t stream); |
static const func_t funcs[5][5] = |
{ |
{lkSparse_caller<4, 1, 1>, lkSparse_caller<4, 2, 1>, lkSparse_caller<4, 3, 1>, lkSparse_caller<4, 4, 1>, lkSparse_caller<4, 5, 1>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<4, 1, 2>, lkSparse_caller<4, 2, 2>, lkSparse_caller<4, 3, 2>, lkSparse_caller<4, 4, 2>, lkSparse_caller<4, 5, 2>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<4, 1, 3>, lkSparse_caller<4, 2, 3>, lkSparse_caller<4, 3, 3>, lkSparse_caller<4, 4, 3>, lkSparse_caller<4, 5, 3>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<4, 1, 4>, lkSparse_caller<4, 2, 4>, lkSparse_caller<4, 3, 4>, lkSparse_caller<4, 4, 4>, lkSparse_caller<4, 5, 4>}, |
{lkSparse_caller<4, 1, 5>, lkSparse_caller<4, 2, 5>, lkSparse_caller<4, 3, 5>, lkSparse_caller<4, 4, 5>, lkSparse_caller<4, 5, 5>} |
}; |
bindTexture(&tex_If4, I); |
bindTexture(&tex_Jf4, J); |
funcs[patch.y - 1][patch.x - 1](I.rows, I.cols, prevPts, nextPts, status, err, ptcount, |
level, block, stream); |
} |
template <bool calcErr> |
__global__ void lkDense(PtrStepf u, PtrStepf v, const PtrStepf prevU, const PtrStepf prevV, PtrStepf err, const int rows, const int cols) |
@ -578,15 +524,15 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
float x = xBase - c_halfWin_x + j + 0.5f; |
float y = yBase - c_halfWin_y + i + 0.5f; |
I_patch[i * patchWidth + j] = tex2D(tex_I, x, y); |
I_patch[i * patchWidth + j] = tex2D(tex_Ib, x, y); |
// Sharr Deriv |
dIdx_patch[i * patchWidth + j] = 3 * tex2D(tex_I, x+1, y-1) + 10 * tex2D(tex_I, x+1, y) + 3 * tex2D(tex_I, x+1, y+1) - |
(3 * tex2D(tex_I, x-1, y-1) + 10 * tex2D(tex_I, x-1, y) + 3 * tex2D(tex_I, x-1, y+1)); |
dIdx_patch[i * patchWidth + j] = 3 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x+1, y-1) + 10 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x+1, y) + 3 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x+1, y+1) - |
(3 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x-1, y-1) + 10 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x-1, y) + 3 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x-1, y+1)); |
dIdy_patch[i * patchWidth + j] = 3 * tex2D(tex_I, x-1, y+1) + 10 * tex2D(tex_I, x, y+1) + 3 * tex2D(tex_I, x+1, y+1) - |
(3 * tex2D(tex_I, x-1, y-1) + 10 * tex2D(tex_I, x, y-1) + 3 * tex2D(tex_I, x+1, y-1)); |
dIdy_patch[i * patchWidth + j] = 3 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x-1, y+1) + 10 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x, y+1) + 3 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x+1, y+1) - |
(3 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x-1, y-1) + 10 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x, y-1) + 3 * tex2D(tex_Ib, x+1, y-1)); |
} |
} |
@ -657,7 +603,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
for (int j = 0; j < c_winSize_x; ++j) |
{ |
int I = I_patch[(threadIdx.y + i) * patchWidth + threadIdx.x + j]; |
int J = tex2D(tex_J, nextPt.x - c_halfWin_x + j + 0.5f, nextPt.y - c_halfWin_y + i + 0.5f); |
int J = tex2D(tex_Jf, nextPt.x - c_halfWin_x + j + 0.5f, nextPt.y - c_halfWin_y + i + 0.5f); |
int diff = (J - I) * 32; |
@ -692,7 +638,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
for (int j = 0; j < c_winSize_x; ++j) |
{ |
int I = I_patch[(threadIdx.y + i) * patchWidth + threadIdx.x + j]; |
int J = tex2D(tex_J, nextPt.x - c_halfWin_x + j + 0.5f, nextPt.y - c_halfWin_y + i + 0.5f); |
int J = tex2D(tex_Jf, nextPt.x - c_halfWin_x + j + 0.5f, nextPt.y - c_halfWin_y + i + 0.5f); |
errval += ::abs(J - I); |
} |
@ -708,8 +654,8 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device |
dim3 block(16, 16); |
dim3 grid(divUp(I.cols, block.x), divUp(I.rows, block.y)); |
bindTexture(&tex_I, I); |
bindTexture(&tex_J, J); |
bindTexture(&tex_Ib, I); |
bindTexture(&tex_Jf, J); |
int2 halfWin = make_int2((winSize.x - 1) / 2, (winSize.y - 1) / 2); |
const int patchWidth = block.x + 2 * halfWin.x; |