@ -618,4 +618,46 @@ For a 3D array of size $j \times k \times l$, it returns a |
Alternatively, use \cross{fromarray} with the \texttt{allowND} option to always return a \cross{cvMatND}. |
\subsection{OpenCV to pygame} |
To convert an OpenCV image to a \href{http://www.pygame.org/}{pygame} surface: |
\begin{lstlisting} |
>>> import pygame.image, cv |
>>> src = cv.LoadImage("lena.jpg") |
>>> src_rgb = cv.CreateMat(src.height, src.width, cv.CV_8UC3) |
>>> cv.CvtColor(src, src_rgb, cv.CV_BGR2RGB) |
>>> pg_img = pygame.image.frombuffer(src_rgb.tostring(), cv.GetSize(src_rgb), "RGB") |
>>> print pg_img |
<Surface(512x512x24 SW)> |
\end{lstlisting} |
\subsection{OpenCV and OpenEXR} |
Using \href{http://www.excamera.com/sphinx/articles-openexr.html}{OpenEXR's Python bindings} you can make a simple |
image viewer: |
\begin{lstlisting} |
import OpenEXR, Imath, cv |
filename = "GoldenGate.exr" |
exrimage = OpenEXR.InputFile(filename) |
dw = exrimage.header()['dataWindow'] |
(width, height) = (dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1, dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1) |
def fromstr(s): |
mat = cv.CreateMat(height, width, cv.CV_32FC1) |
cv.SetData(mat, s) |
return mat |
pt = Imath.PixelType(Imath.PixelType.FLOAT) |
(r, g, b) = [fromstr(s) for s in exrimage.channels("RGB", pt)] |
bgr = cv.CreateMat(height, width, cv.CV_32FC3) |
cv.Merge(b, g, r, None, bgr) |
cv.ShowImage(filename, bgr) |
cv.WaitKey() |
\end{lstlisting} |
\fi |