..ocv:function:: void RNG::fill( InputOutputArray mat, int distType, InputArray a, InputArray b )
..ocv:function:: void RNG::fill( InputOutputArray mat, int distType, InputArray a, InputArray b, bool saturateRange=false )
:param mat:2D or N-dimensional matrix. Currently matrices with more than 4 channels are not supported by the methods. Use :ocv:func:`Mat::reshape` as a possible workaround.
@ -2573,6 +2573,8 @@ Fills arrays with random numbers.
:param a:First distribution parameter. In case of the uniform distribution, this is an inclusive lower boundary. In case of the normal distribution, this is a mean value.
:param b:Second distribution parameter. In case of the uniform distribution, this is a non-inclusive upper boundary. In case of the normal distribution, this is a standard deviation (diagonal of the standard deviation matrix or the full standard deviation matrix).
:param saturateRange:Pre-saturation flag; for uniform distribution only. If it is true, the method will first convert a and b to the acceptable value range (according to the mat datatype) and then will generate uniformly distributed random numbers within the range ``[saturate(a), saturate(b))``. If ``saturateRange=false``, the method will generate uniformly distributed random numbers in the original range ``[a, b)`` and then will saturate them. It means, for example, that ``theRNG().fill(mat_8u, RNG::UNIFORM, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX)`` will likely produce array mostly filled with 0's and 255's, since the range ``(0, 255)`` is significantly smaller than ``[-DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX)``.
Each of the methods fills the matrix with the random values from the specified distribution. As the new numbers are generated, the RNG state is updated accordingly. In case of multiple-channel images, every channel is filled independently, which means that RNG cannot generate samples from the multi-dimensional Gaussian distribution with non-diagonal covariance matrix directly. To do that, the method generates samples from multi-dimensional standard Gaussian distribution with zero mean and identity covariation matrix, and then transforms them using :ocv:func:`transform` to get samples from the specified Gaussian distribution.