Now compiling under much more strigent warnings, with Clang and optional C++11 support

hbristow 12 years ago
parent 53a7fbf74b
commit 538dbfe585
  1. 7
  2. 4
  3. 8
  4. 4
  5. 17
  6. 72
  7. 1

@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ set(OPENCV_EXTRA_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "")
# if Apple and Clang, enable C++11 support :)
set(OPENCV_EXTRA_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++")
macro(add_extra_compiler_option option)
@ -294,4 +299,4 @@ if(MSVC)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /wd4251") #class 'std::XXX' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of YYY

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ set(HDR_PARSER_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../python/src2)
prepend("-L" MEX_LIB_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib)
prepend("-l" MEX_LIBS opencv_core)
set(MEX_OPTS "-largeArrayDims")
set(MEX_OPTS -largeArrayDims)
set_target_properties(${the_module} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Matlab bindings")
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ if (NOT MEX_WORKS)

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ def inputs(args):
return [arg for arg in args if arg.I]
def ninputs(args):
def ninputs(fun):
'''Counts the number of input arguments in the input list'''
return len(inputs(args))
return len(inputs(fun.req)) + len(inputs(fun.opt))
def outputs(args):
'''Determines whether any of the given arguments is an output
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ def void(arg):
def flip(arg):
return not arg
def noutputs(args):
def noutputs(fun):
'''Counts the number of output arguments in the input list'''
return len(outputs(args))
return int(not void(fun.rtp)) + len(outputs(fun.req)) + len(outputs(fun.opt))
def convertibleToInt(string):
salt = '1+'

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
// create a full function invocation
{%- macro generate(fun) -%}
{% if fun|ninputs or fun|noutputs %}
// unpack the arguments
{# ----------- Inputs ------------- #}
{% for arg in fun.req|inputs %}
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
{% if not fun.rtp|void %}
{{fun.rtp}} retval;
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
// call the opencv function
// [out =], ..., srcn, dst1, ..., dstn, opt1, ..., optn);
@ -60,6 +62,7 @@
mexErrMsgTxt("Uncaught exception occurred in {{}}");
{% if fun|noutputs %}
// assign the outputs into the bridge
{% if not fun.rtp|void %}
outputs[0] = retval;
@ -70,5 +73,6 @@
{% for opt in fun.opt|outputs %}
outputs[{{loop.index0 + fun.rtp|void|not + fun.req|outputs|length}}] = {{}};
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

@ -26,26 +26,29 @@ using namespace cv;
* nrhs - number of input arguments
* prhs - pointers to input arguments
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray*{% if fun|noutputs %} plhs[]{% else %}*{% endif %},
int nrhs, const mxArray*{% if fun|ninputs %} prhs[]{% else %}*{% endif %}) {
// assertions
conditionalError(nrhs >= {{fun.req|length - fun.req|only|outputs|length}}, "Too few required input arguments specified");
conditionalError(nrhs <= {{fun.req|length + fun.opt|length - fun.req|only|outputs|length - fun.opt|only|outputs|length}}, "Too many input arguments specified");
conditionalError(nlhs <= {{ fun.rtp|void|not + fun.req|outputs|length + fun.opt|outputs|length}}, "Too many output arguments specified");
{% if fun|ninputs or fun|noutputs %}
// setup
{% if fun|ninputs %}
std::vector<Bridge> inputs(prhs, prhs+nrhs);
{% set noutputs = fun.rtp|void|not + fun.req|outputs|length + fun.opt|outputs|length %}
{%- if noutputs %}
std::vector<Bridge> outputs({{noutputs}});
{% endif -%}
{%- if fun|noutputs %}
std::vector<Bridge> outputs({{fun|noutputs}});
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ functional.generate(fun) }}
{%- if noutputs %}
{%- if fun|noutputs %}
// push the outputs back to matlab
for (size_t n = 0; n < nlhs; ++n) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < static_cast<size_t>(nlhs); ++n) {
plhs[n] = outputs[n].toMxArray().releaseOwnership();
{% endif %}

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp>
#include <ext/hash_map>
#include <unordered_map>
* All recent versions of Matlab ship with the MKL library which contains
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ private:
// this function is called exclusively from constructors!!
template <typename Scalar>
void fromMat(const cv::Mat& mat) {
mwSize dims[] = { mat.rows, mat.cols, mat.channels() };
mwSize dims[] = { static_cast<mwSize>(mat.rows), static_cast<mwSize>(mat.cols), static_cast<mwSize>(mat.channels()) };
ptr_ = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dims, Matlab::Traits<Scalar>::ScalarType, Matlab::Traits<>::Real);
owns_ = true;
switch (mat.depth()) {
@ -412,28 +412,28 @@ cv::Mat MxArray::toMat<Matlab::InheritType>() const {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar>
void deepCopyAndTranspose(const cv::Mat& src, MxArray& dst) {
void deepCopyAndTranspose(const cv::Mat&, MxArray&) {
template <typename InputScalar, typename OutputScalar>
void deepCopyAndTranspose(const MxArray& src, cv::Mat& dst) {
void deepCopyAndTranspose(const MxArray&, cv::Mat&) {
template <>
void deepCopyAndTranspose<float, float>(const cv::Mat& src, MxArray& dst) {
void deepCopyAndTranspose<float, float>(const cv::Mat&, MxArray&) {
template <>
void deepCopyAndTranspose<double, double>(const cv::Mat& src, MxArray& dst) {
void deepCopyAndTranspose<double, double>(const cv::Mat&, MxArray&) {
template <>
void deepCopyAndTranspose<float, float>(const MxArray& src, cv::Mat& dst) {
void deepCopyAndTranspose<float, float>(const MxArray&, cv::Mat&) {
// use mkl
template <>
void deepCopyAndTranspose<double, double>(const MxArray& src, cv::Mat& dst) {
void deepCopyAndTranspose<double, double>(const MxArray&, cv::Mat& ) {
// use mkl
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ public:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const mxArray* obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const mxArray*) { return *this; }
Bridge(const mxArray* obj) : ptr_(obj) {}
MxArray toMxArray() { return ptr_; }
@ -548,29 +548,29 @@ public:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------- string --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const std::string& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const std::string& ) { return *this; }
std::string toString() {
return ptr_.toString();
operator std::string() { return toString(); }
// --------------------------- bool --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const bool& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const bool& ) { return *this; }
bool toBool() { return 0; }
operator bool() { return toBool(); }
// --------------------------- double --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const double& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const double& ) { return *this; }
double toDouble() { return ptr_.scalar<double>(); }
operator double() { return toDouble(); }
// --------------------------- float ---------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const float& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const float& ) { return *this; }
float toFloat() { return ptr_.scalar<float>(); }
operator float() { return toFloat(); }
// --------------------------- int --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const int& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const int& ) { return *this; }
int toInt() { return ptr_.scalar<int>(); }
operator int() { return toInt(); }
@ -583,57 +583,57 @@ public:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------- cv::Mat --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Mat& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Mat& ) { return *this; }
cv::Mat toMat() const { return ptr_.toMat<Matlab::InheritType>(); }
operator cv::Mat() const { return toMat(); }
// -------------------------- Point --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Point& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Point& ) { return *this; }
cv::Point toPoint() const { return cv::Point(); }
operator cv::Point() const { return toPoint(); }
// -------------------------- Point2f ------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Point2f& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Point2f& ) { return *this; }
cv::Point2f toPoint2f() const { return cv::Point2f(); }
operator cv::Point2f() const { return toPoint2f(); }
// -------------------------- Point2d ------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Point2d& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Point2d& ) { return *this; }
cv::Point2d toPoint2d() const { return cv::Point2d(); }
operator cv::Point2d() const { return toPoint2d(); }
// -------------------------- Size ---------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Size& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Size& ) { return *this; }
cv::Size toSize() const { return cv::Size(); }
operator cv::Size() const { return toSize(); }
// -------------------------- Moments --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Moments& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Moments& ) { return *this; }
cv::Moments toMoments() const { return cv::Moments(); }
operator cv::Moments() const { return toMoments(); }
// -------------------------- Scalar --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Scalar& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Scalar& ) { return *this; }
cv::Scalar toScalar() { return cv::Scalar(); }
operator cv::Scalar() { return toScalar(); }
// -------------------------- Rect -----------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Rect& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Rect& ) { return *this; }
cv::Rect toRect() { return cv::Rect(); }
operator cv::Rect() { return toRect(); }
// ---------------------- RotatedRect ---------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::RotatedRect& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const cv::RotatedRect& ) { return *this; }
cv::RotatedRect toRotatedRect() { return cv::RotatedRect(); }
operator cv::RotatedRect() { return toRotatedRect(); }
// ---------------------- TermCriteria --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::TermCriteria& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const cv::TermCriteria& ) { return *this; }
cv::TermCriteria toTermCriteria() { return cv::TermCriteria(); }
operator cv::TermCriteria() { return toTermCriteria(); }
// ---------------------- RNG --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::RNG& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const cv::RNG& ) { return *this; }
/*! @brief explicit conversion to cv::RNG()
* Converts a bridge object to a cv::RNG(). We explicitly assert that
@ -654,42 +654,42 @@ public:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------- vector_Mat ------------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const vector_Mat& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const vector_Mat& ) { return *this; }
vector_Mat toVectorMat() { return vector_Mat(); }
operator vector_Mat() { return toVectorMat(); }
// --------------------------- vector_int ----------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const vector_int& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const vector_int& ) { return *this; }
vector_int toVectorInt() { return vector_int(); }
operator vector_int() { return toVectorInt(); }
// --------------------------- vector_float --------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const vector_float& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const vector_float& ) { return *this; }
vector_float toVectorFloat() { return vector_float(); }
operator vector_float() { return toVectorFloat(); }
// --------------------------- vector_Rect ---------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const vector_Rect& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const vector_Rect& ) { return *this; }
vector_Rect toVectorRect() { return vector_Rect(); }
operator vector_Rect() { return toVectorRect(); }
// --------------------------- vector_KeyPoint -----------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const vector_KeyPoint& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const vector_KeyPoint& ) { return *this; }
vector_KeyPoint toVectorKeyPoint() { return vector_KeyPoint(); }
operator vector_KeyPoint() { return toVectorKeyPoint(); }
// --------------------------- vector_String -------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const vector_String& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const vector_String& ) { return *this; }
vector_String toVectorString() { return vector_String(); }
operator vector_String() { return toVectorString(); }
// ------------------------ vector_Point ------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const vector_Point& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const vector_Point& ) { return *this; }
vector_Point toVectorPoint() { return vector_Point(); }
operator vector_Point() { return toVectorPoint(); }
// ------------------------ vector_uchar ------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const vector_uchar& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const vector_uchar& ) { return *this; }
vector_uchar toVectorUchar() { return vector_uchar(); }
operator vector_uchar() { return toVectorUchar(); }
@ -702,17 +702,17 @@ public:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------- Ptr_StereoBM -----------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const Ptr_StereoBM& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const Ptr_StereoBM& ) { return *this; }
Ptr_StereoBM toPtrStereoBM() { return Ptr_StereoBM(); }
operator Ptr_StereoBM() { return toPtrStereoBM(); }
// --------------------------- Ptr_StereoSGBM ---------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const Ptr_StereoSGBM& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const Ptr_StereoSGBM& ) { return *this; }
Ptr_StereoSGBM toPtrStereoSGBM() { return Ptr_StereoSGBM(); }
operator Ptr_StereoSGBM() { return toPtrStereoSGBM(); }
// --------------------------- Ptr_FeatureDetector ----------------------
Bridge& operator=(const Ptr_FeatureDetector& obj) { return *this; }
Bridge& operator=(const Ptr_FeatureDetector& ) { return *this; }
Ptr_FeatureDetector toPtrFeatureDetector() { return Ptr_FeatureDetector(); }
operator Ptr_FeatureDetector() { return toPtrFeatureDetector(); }

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
* Copyright 2013 The OpenCV Foundation
#include "mex.h"
#include "bridge.hpp"
#include <vector>
