@ -489,6 +489,126 @@ struct ROIListNV12: public ::testing::Test { |
} |
}; |
struct SingleROI: public ::testing::Test { |
cv::gapi::ie::detail::ParamDesc params; |
cv::Mat m_in_mat; |
cv::Rect m_roi; |
cv::Mat m_out_gapi_age; |
cv::Mat m_out_gapi_gender; |
cv::Mat m_out_ie_age; |
cv::Mat m_out_ie_gender; |
void SetUp() { |
initDLDTDataPath(); |
params.model_path = findDataFile(SUBDIR + "age-gender-recognition-retail-0013.xml"); |
params.weights_path = findDataFile(SUBDIR + "age-gender-recognition-retail-0013.bin"); |
params.device_id = "CPU"; |
// FIXME: it must be cv::imread(findDataFile("../dnn/grace_hopper_227.png", false));
m_in_mat = cv::Mat(cv::Size(320, 240), CV_8UC3); |
cv::randu(m_in_mat, 0, 255); |
m_roi = cv::Rect(cv::Point{64, 60}, cv::Size{96, 96}); |
// Load & run IE network
IE::Blob::Ptr ie_age, ie_gender; |
{ |
auto plugin = cv::gimpl::ie::wrap::getPlugin(params); |
auto net = cv::gimpl::ie::wrap::readNetwork(params); |
setNetParameters(net); |
auto this_network = cv::gimpl::ie::wrap::loadNetwork(plugin, net, params); |
auto infer_request = this_network.CreateInferRequest(); |
const auto ie_rc = IE::ROI { |
0u |
, static_cast<std::size_t>(m_roi.x) |
, static_cast<std::size_t>(m_roi.y) |
, static_cast<std::size_t>(m_roi.width) |
, static_cast<std::size_t>(m_roi.height) |
}; |
IE::Blob::Ptr roi_blob = IE::make_shared_blob(cv::gapi::ie::util::to_ie(m_in_mat), ie_rc); |
infer_request.SetBlob("data", roi_blob); |
infer_request.Infer(); |
using namespace cv::gapi::ie::util; |
m_out_ie_age = to_ocv(infer_request.GetBlob("age_conv3")).clone(); |
m_out_ie_gender = to_ocv(infer_request.GetBlob("prob")).clone(); |
} |
} |
void validate() { |
// Validate with IE itself (avoid DNN module dependency here)
normAssert(m_out_ie_age , m_out_gapi_age , "Test age output"); |
normAssert(m_out_ie_gender, m_out_gapi_gender, "Test gender output"); |
} |
}; |
struct SingleROINV12: public ::testing::Test { |
cv::gapi::ie::detail::ParamDesc params; |
cv::Mat m_in_y; |
cv::Mat m_in_uv; |
cv::Rect m_roi; |
cv::Mat m_out_gapi_age; |
cv::Mat m_out_gapi_gender; |
cv::Mat m_out_ie_age; |
cv::Mat m_out_ie_gender; |
void SetUp() { |
initDLDTDataPath(); |
params.model_path = findDataFile(SUBDIR + "age-gender-recognition-retail-0013.xml"); |
params.weights_path = findDataFile(SUBDIR + "age-gender-recognition-retail-0013.bin"); |
params.device_id = "CPU"; |
cv::Size sz{320, 240}; |
m_in_y = cv::Mat{sz, CV_8UC1}; |
cv::randu(m_in_y, 0, 255); |
m_in_uv = cv::Mat{sz / 2, CV_8UC2}; |
cv::randu(m_in_uv, 0, 255); |
m_roi = cv::Rect(cv::Point{64, 60}, cv::Size{96, 96}); |
// Load & run IE network
IE::Blob::Ptr ie_age, ie_gender; |
{ |
auto plugin = cv::gimpl::ie::wrap::getPlugin(params); |
auto net = cv::gimpl::ie::wrap::readNetwork(params); |
setNetParameters(net, /* NV12 */ true); |
auto this_network = cv::gimpl::ie::wrap::loadNetwork(plugin, net, params); |
auto infer_request = this_network.CreateInferRequest(); |
auto blob = cv::gapi::ie::util::to_ie(m_in_y, m_in_uv); |
const auto ie_rc = IE::ROI { |
0u |
, static_cast<std::size_t>(m_roi.x) |
, static_cast<std::size_t>(m_roi.y) |
, static_cast<std::size_t>(m_roi.width) |
, static_cast<std::size_t>(m_roi.height) |
}; |
IE::Blob::Ptr roi_blob = IE::make_shared_blob(blob, ie_rc); |
infer_request.SetBlob("data", roi_blob); |
infer_request.Infer(); |
using namespace cv::gapi::ie::util; |
m_out_ie_age = to_ocv(infer_request.GetBlob("age_conv3")).clone(); |
m_out_ie_gender = to_ocv(infer_request.GetBlob("prob")).clone(); |
} |
} |
void validate() { |
// Validate with IE itself (avoid DNN module dependency here)
normAssert(m_out_ie_age , m_out_gapi_age , "Test age output"); |
normAssert(m_out_ie_gender, m_out_gapi_gender, "Test gender output"); |
} |
}; |
TEST_F(ROIList, TestInfer) |
{ |
cv::GArray<cv::Rect> rr; |
@ -1062,6 +1182,234 @@ TEST_F(ROIListNV12, Infer2MediaInputNV12) |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(SingleROI, GenericInfer) |
{ |
// Configure & run G-API
cv::GMat in; |
cv::GOpaque<cv::Rect> roi; |
cv::GInferInputs inputs; |
inputs["data"] = in; |
auto outputs = cv::gapi::infer<cv::gapi::Generic>("age-gender-generic", roi, inputs); |
auto age = outputs.at("age_conv3"); |
auto gender = outputs.at("prob"); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, roi), cv::GOut(age, gender)); |
cv::gapi::ie::Params<cv::gapi::Generic> pp{ |
"age-gender-generic", params.model_path, params.weights_path, params.device_id |
}; |
pp.cfgNumRequests(2u); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(m_in_mat, m_roi), cv::gout(m_out_gapi_age, m_out_gapi_gender), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(pp))); |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(SingleROI, GenericInferMediaBGR) |
{ |
// Configure & run G-API
cv::GFrame in; |
cv::GOpaque<cv::Rect> roi; |
cv::GInferInputs inputs; |
inputs["data"] = in; |
auto outputs = cv::gapi::infer<cv::gapi::Generic>("age-gender-generic", roi, inputs); |
auto age = outputs.at("age_conv3"); |
auto gender = outputs.at("prob"); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, roi), cv::GOut(age, gender)); |
cv::gapi::ie::Params<cv::gapi::Generic> pp{ |
"age-gender-generic", params.model_path, params.weights_path, params.device_id |
}; |
pp.cfgNumRequests(2u); |
auto frame = MediaFrame::Create<TestMediaBGR>(m_in_mat); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(frame, m_roi), cv::gout(m_out_gapi_age, m_out_gapi_gender), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(pp))); |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(SingleROINV12, GenericInferMediaNV12) |
{ |
// Configure & run G-API
cv::GFrame in; |
cv::GOpaque<cv::Rect> roi; |
cv::GInferInputs inputs; |
inputs["data"] = in; |
auto outputs = cv::gapi::infer<cv::gapi::Generic>("age-gender-generic", roi, inputs); |
auto age = outputs.at("age_conv3"); |
auto gender = outputs.at("prob"); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, roi), cv::GOut(age, gender)); |
cv::gapi::ie::Params<cv::gapi::Generic> pp{ |
"age-gender-generic", params.model_path, params.weights_path, params.device_id |
}; |
pp.cfgNumRequests(2u); |
auto frame = MediaFrame::Create<TestMediaNV12>(m_in_y, m_in_uv); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(frame, m_roi), cv::gout(m_out_gapi_age, m_out_gapi_gender), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(pp))); |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ROIList, GenericInfer) |
{ |
cv::GMat in; |
cv::GArray<cv::Rect> rr; |
cv::GInferInputs inputs; |
inputs["data"] = in; |
auto outputs = cv::gapi::infer<cv::gapi::Generic>("age-gender-generic", rr, inputs); |
auto age = outputs.at("age_conv3"); |
auto gender = outputs.at("prob"); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, rr), cv::GOut(age, gender)); |
cv::gapi::ie::Params<cv::gapi::Generic> pp{ |
"age-gender-generic", params.model_path, params.weights_path, params.device_id |
}; |
pp.cfgNumRequests(2u); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(m_in_mat, m_roi_list), |
cv::gout(m_out_gapi_ages, m_out_gapi_genders), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(pp))); |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ROIList, GenericInferMediaBGR) |
{ |
cv::GFrame in; |
cv::GArray<cv::Rect> rr; |
cv::GInferInputs inputs; |
inputs["data"] = in; |
auto outputs = cv::gapi::infer<cv::gapi::Generic>("age-gender-generic", rr, inputs); |
auto age = outputs.at("age_conv3"); |
auto gender = outputs.at("prob"); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, rr), cv::GOut(age, gender)); |
cv::gapi::ie::Params<cv::gapi::Generic> pp{ |
"age-gender-generic", params.model_path, params.weights_path, params.device_id |
}; |
pp.cfgNumRequests(2u); |
auto frame = MediaFrame::Create<TestMediaBGR>(m_in_mat); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(frame, m_roi_list), |
cv::gout(m_out_gapi_ages, m_out_gapi_genders), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(pp))); |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ROIListNV12, GenericInferMediaNV12) |
{ |
cv::GFrame in; |
cv::GArray<cv::Rect> rr; |
cv::GInferInputs inputs; |
inputs["data"] = in; |
auto outputs = cv::gapi::infer<cv::gapi::Generic>("age-gender-generic", rr, inputs); |
auto age = outputs.at("age_conv3"); |
auto gender = outputs.at("prob"); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, rr), cv::GOut(age, gender)); |
cv::gapi::ie::Params<cv::gapi::Generic> pp{ |
"age-gender-generic", params.model_path, params.weights_path, params.device_id |
}; |
pp.cfgNumRequests(2u); |
auto frame = MediaFrame::Create<TestMediaNV12>(m_in_y, m_in_uv); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(frame, m_roi_list), |
cv::gout(m_out_gapi_ages, m_out_gapi_genders), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(pp))); |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ROIList, GenericInfer2) |
{ |
cv::GArray<cv::Rect> rr; |
cv::GMat in; |
GInferListInputs list; |
list["data"] = rr; |
auto outputs = cv::gapi::infer2<cv::gapi::Generic>("age-gender-generic", in, list); |
auto age = outputs.at("age_conv3"); |
auto gender = outputs.at("prob"); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, rr), cv::GOut(age, gender)); |
cv::gapi::ie::Params<cv::gapi::Generic> pp{ |
"age-gender-generic", params.model_path, params.weights_path, params.device_id |
}; |
pp.cfgNumRequests(2u); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(m_in_mat, m_roi_list), |
cv::gout(m_out_gapi_ages, m_out_gapi_genders), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(pp))); |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ROIList, GenericInfer2MediaInputBGR) |
{ |
cv::GArray<cv::Rect> rr; |
cv::GFrame in; |
GInferListInputs inputs; |
inputs["data"] = rr; |
auto outputs = cv::gapi::infer2<cv::gapi::Generic>("age-gender-generic", in, inputs); |
auto age = outputs.at("age_conv3"); |
auto gender = outputs.at("prob"); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, rr), cv::GOut(age, gender)); |
cv::gapi::ie::Params<cv::gapi::Generic> pp{ |
"age-gender-generic", params.model_path, params.weights_path, params.device_id |
}; |
pp.cfgNumRequests(2u); |
auto frame = MediaFrame::Create<TestMediaBGR>(m_in_mat); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(frame, m_roi_list), |
cv::gout(m_out_gapi_ages, m_out_gapi_genders), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(pp))); |
validate(); |
} |
TEST_F(ROIListNV12, GenericInfer2MediaInputNV12) |
{ |
cv::GArray<cv::Rect> rr; |
cv::GFrame in; |
GInferListInputs inputs; |
inputs["data"] = rr; |
auto outputs = cv::gapi::infer2<cv::gapi::Generic>("age-gender-generic", in, inputs); |
auto age = outputs.at("age_conv3"); |
auto gender = outputs.at("prob"); |
cv::GComputation comp(cv::GIn(in, rr), cv::GOut(age, gender)); |
cv::gapi::ie::Params<cv::gapi::Generic> pp{ |
"age-gender-generic", params.model_path, params.weights_path, params.device_id |
}; |
pp.cfgNumRequests(2u); |
auto frame = MediaFrame::Create<TestMediaNV12>(m_in_y, m_in_uv); |
comp.apply(cv::gin(frame, m_roi_list), |
cv::gout(m_out_gapi_ages, m_out_gapi_genders), |
cv::compile_args(cv::gapi::networks(pp))); |
validate(); |
} |
TEST(Infer, SetInvalidNumberOfRequests) |
{ |
using AGInfo = std::tuple<cv::GMat, cv::GMat>; |