@ -866,6 +866,44 @@ TEST(Layer_Test_Convolution_DLDT, Accuracy) |
normAssert(outDefault, out); |
} |
// 1. Create a .prototxt file with the following network:
// layer {
// type: "Input" name: "data" top: "data"
// input_param { shape { dim: 1 dim: 2 dim: 3 } }
// }
// layer {
// type: "Input" name: "second_input" top: "second_input"
// input_param { shape { dim: 1 dim: 2 dim: 3 } }
// }
// layer {
// type: "Eltwise" name: "output" top: "output"
// bottom: "data" bottom: "second_input"
// eltwise_param { operation: SUM }
// }
// 2. Create a .caffemodel file using Caffe:
// import caffe
// net = caffe.Net('/path/to/prototxt', caffe.TEST)
// net.save('/path/to/caffemodel')
// 3. Convert using ModelOptimizer.
TEST(Test_DLDT, two_inputs) |
{ |
Net net = readNet(_tf("net_two_inputs.xml"), _tf("net_two_inputs.bin")); |
int inpSize[] = {1, 2, 3}; |
Mat firstInp(3, &inpSize[0], CV_32F); |
Mat secondInp(3, &inpSize[0], CV_32F); |
randu(firstInp, -1, 1); |
randu(secondInp, -1, 1); |
net.setInput(firstInp, "data"); |
net.setInput(secondInp, "second_input"); |
Mat out = net.forward(); |
normAssert(out, firstInp + secondInp); |
} |
}} // namespace