@ -4,32 +4,86 @@
# include <opencv2/gapi/rmat.hpp>
# include <opencv2/gapi/rmat.hpp>
namespace {
namespace {
struct MyCustomType {
struct EmptyCustomType { } ;
int val ;
std : : string name ;
struct SimpleCustomType {
std : : vector < float > vec ;
bool val ;
std : : map < int , uint64_t > mmap ;
bool operator = = ( const SimpleCustomType & other ) const {
bool operator = = ( const MyCustomType & other ) const {
return val = = other . val ;
return val = = other . val & & name = = other . name & &
vec = = other . vec & & mmap = = other . mmap ;
} ;
} ;
struct SimpleCustomType2 {
int id ;
bool operator = = ( const SimpleCustomType2 & other ) const {
return id = = other . id ;
} ;
struct MyCustomType {
int val ;
std : : string name ;
std : : vector < float > vec ;
std : : map < int , uint64_t > mmap ;
bool operator = = ( const MyCustomType & other ) const {
return val = = other . val & & name = = other . name & &
vec = = other . vec & & mmap = = other . mmap ;
} ;
struct MyCustomTypeNoS11N {
char sym ;
int id ;
std : : string name ;
bool operator = = ( const MyCustomTypeNoS11N & other ) const {
return sym = = other . sym & & id = = other . id & &
name = = other . name ;
} ;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace cv {
namespace cv {
namespace gapi {
namespace gapi {
namespace s11n {
namespace s11n {
namespace detail {
namespace detail {
template < > struct S11N < MyCustomType > {
template < > struct S11N < EmptyCustomType > {
static void serialize ( IOStream & os , const MyCustomType & p ) {
static void serialize ( IOStream & , const EmptyCustomType & ) { }
os < < p . val < < p . name < < p . vec < < p . mmap ;
static EmptyCustomType deserialize ( IIStream & ) { return EmptyCustomType { } ; }
} ;
static MyCustomType deserialize ( IIStream & is ) {
MyCustomType p ;
template < > struct S11N < SimpleCustomType > {
is > > p . val > > p . name > > p . vec > > p . mmap ;
static void serialize ( IOStream & os , const SimpleCustomType & p ) {
return p ;
os < < p . val ;
} ;
static SimpleCustomType deserialize ( IIStream & is ) {
SimpleCustomType p ;
is > > p . val ;
return p ;
} ;
template < > struct S11N < SimpleCustomType2 > {
static void serialize ( IOStream & os , const SimpleCustomType2 & p ) {
os < < p . id ;
static SimpleCustomType2 deserialize ( IIStream & is ) {
SimpleCustomType2 p ;
is > > p . id ;
return p ;
} ;
template < > struct S11N < MyCustomType > {
static void serialize ( IOStream & os , const MyCustomType & p ) {
os < < p . val < < p . name < < p . vec < < p . mmap ;
static MyCustomType deserialize ( IIStream & is ) {
MyCustomType p ;
is > > p . val > > p . name > > p . vec > > p . mmap ;
return p ;
} ;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace detail
} // namespace s11n
} // namespace s11n
} // namespace gapi
} // namespace gapi
@ -38,9 +92,33 @@ namespace detail {
namespace cv {
namespace cv {
namespace detail {
namespace detail {
template < > struct CompileArgTag < EmptyCustomType > {
static const char * tag ( ) {
return " org.opencv.test.empty_custom_type " ;
} ;
template < > struct CompileArgTag < SimpleCustomType > {
static const char * tag ( ) {
return " org.opencv.test.simple_custom_type " ;
} ;
template < > struct CompileArgTag < SimpleCustomType2 > {
static const char * tag ( ) {
return " org.opencv.test.simple_custom_type_2 " ;
} ;
template < > struct CompileArgTag < MyCustomType > {
template < > struct CompileArgTag < MyCustomType > {
static const char * tag ( ) {
static const char * tag ( ) {
return " org.opencv.test.mycustomtype " ;
return " org.opencv.test.my_custom_type " ;
} ;
template < > struct CompileArgTag < MyCustomTypeNoS11N > {
static const char * tag ( ) {
return " org.opencv.test.my_custom_type_no_s11n " ;
} ;
} ;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace detail
@ -586,7 +664,7 @@ TEST_F(S11N_Basic, Test_Custom_Type) {
EXPECT_EQ ( var , new_var ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( var , new_var ) ;
TEST_F ( S11N_Basic , Test_Custom_C ompileArg ) {
TEST_F ( S11N_Basic , Test_CompileArg ) {
MyCustomType customVar { 1248 , " World " , { 1280 , 720 , 640 , 480 } , { { 5 , 32434142342 } , { 7 , 34242432 } } } ;
MyCustomType customVar { 1248 , " World " , { 1280 , 720 , 640 , 480 } , { { 5 , 32434142342 } , { 7 , 34242432 } } } ;
std : : vector < char > sArgs = cv : : gapi : : serialize ( cv : : compile_args ( customVar ) ) ;
std : : vector < char > sArgs = cv : : gapi : : serialize ( cv : : compile_args ( customVar ) ) ;
@ -596,4 +674,151 @@ TEST_F(S11N_Basic, Test_Custom_CompileArg) {
MyCustomType dCustomVar = cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgs ) . value ( ) ;
MyCustomType dCustomVar = cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgs ) . value ( ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( customVar , dCustomVar ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( customVar , dCustomVar ) ;
TEST_F ( S11N_Basic , Test_CompileArg_Without_UserCallback ) {
SimpleCustomType customVar1 { false } ;
MyCustomTypeNoS11N customVar2 { ' z ' , 189 , " Name " } ;
MyCustomType customVar3 { 1248 , " World " , { 1280 , 720 , 640 , 480 } ,
{ { 5 , 32434142342 } , { 7 , 34242432 } } } ;
EXPECT_NO_THROW ( cv : : gapi : : serialize ( cv : : compile_args ( customVar1 , customVar2 , customVar3 ) ) ) ;
std : : vector < char > sArgs = cv : : gapi : : serialize (
cv : : compile_args ( customVar1 , customVar2 , customVar3 ) ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgs = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs ,
SimpleCustomType ,
MyCustomType > ( sArgs ) ;
SimpleCustomType dCustomVar1 = cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < SimpleCustomType > ( dArgs ) . value ( ) ;
MyCustomType dCustomVar3 = cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgs ) . value ( ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( customVar1 , dCustomVar1 ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( customVar3 , dCustomVar3 ) ;
TEST_F ( S11N_Basic , Test_Deserialize_Only_Requested_CompileArgs ) {
MyCustomType myCustomVar { 1248 , " World " , { 1280 , 720 , 640 , 480 } ,
{ { 5 , 32434142342 } , { 7 , 34242432 } } } ;
SimpleCustomType simpleCustomVar { false } ;
std : : vector < char > sArgs = cv : : gapi : : serialize ( cv : : compile_args ( myCustomVar , simpleCustomVar ) ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgs = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , MyCustomType > ( sArgs ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 1u , dArgs . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( myCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgs ) . value ( ) ) ;
dArgs . clear ( ) ;
dArgs = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , SimpleCustomType > ( sArgs ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 1u , dArgs . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( simpleCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < SimpleCustomType > ( dArgs ) . value ( ) ) ;
dArgs . clear ( ) ;
dArgs = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , SimpleCustomType2 > ( sArgs ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 0u , dArgs . size ( ) ) ;
dArgs . clear ( ) ;
dArgs = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , MyCustomType , SimpleCustomType > ( sArgs ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 2u , dArgs . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( myCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgs ) . value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( simpleCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < SimpleCustomType > ( dArgs ) . value ( ) ) ;
SimpleCustomType2 simpleCustomVar2 { 5 } ;
std : : vector < char > sArgs2 = cv : : gapi : : serialize (
cv : : compile_args ( myCustomVar , simpleCustomVar , simpleCustomVar2 ) ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgs2 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs ,
MyCustomType ,
SimpleCustomType2 > ( sArgs2 ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 2u , dArgs2 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( myCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgs2 ) . value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( simpleCustomVar2 , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < SimpleCustomType2 > ( dArgs2 ) . value ( ) ) ;
TEST_F ( S11N_Basic , Test_Deserialize_CompileArgs_RandomOrder ) {
SimpleCustomType simpleCustomVar { false } ;
SimpleCustomType2 simpleCustomVar2 { 5 } ;
std : : vector < char > sArgs = cv : : gapi : : serialize (
cv : : compile_args ( simpleCustomVar , simpleCustomVar2 ) ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgs = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs ,
// Here, types of passed to serialize() arguments
// are enumerated in reverse order
SimpleCustomType2 ,
SimpleCustomType > ( sArgs ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( simpleCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < SimpleCustomType > ( dArgs ) . value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( simpleCustomVar2 , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < SimpleCustomType2 > ( dArgs ) . value ( ) ) ;
TEST_F ( S11N_Basic , Test_CompileArgs_With_EmptyCompileArg ) {
MyCustomType myCustomVar { 1248 , " World " , { 1280 , 720 , 640 , 480 } ,
{ { 5 , 32434142342 } , { 7 , 34242432 } } } ;
SimpleCustomType simpleCustomVar { false } ;
EmptyCustomType emptyCustomVar { } ;
//----{ emptyCustomVar, myCustomVar }----
std : : vector < char > sArgs1 = cv : : gapi : : serialize ( cv : : compile_args ( emptyCustomVar , myCustomVar ) ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgsEmptyVar1 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , EmptyCustomType > ( sArgs1 ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgsMyVar1 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , MyCustomType > ( sArgs1 ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgsEmptyAndMyVars1 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs ,
EmptyCustomType ,
MyCustomType > ( sArgs1 ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 1u , dArgsEmptyVar1 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_TRUE ( cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < EmptyCustomType > ( dArgsEmptyVar1 ) . has_value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 1u , dArgsMyVar1 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( myCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgsMyVar1 ) . value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 2u , dArgsEmptyAndMyVars1 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_TRUE ( cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < EmptyCustomType > ( dArgsEmptyAndMyVars1 ) . has_value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( myCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgsEmptyAndMyVars1 ) . value ( ) ) ;
//----{ myCustomVar, emptyCustomVar }----
std : : vector < char > sArgs2 = cv : : gapi : : serialize ( cv : : compile_args ( myCustomVar , emptyCustomVar ) ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgsMyVar2 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , MyCustomType > ( sArgs2 ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgsEmptyVar2 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , EmptyCustomType > ( sArgs2 ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgsMyAndEmptyVars2 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs ,
MyCustomType ,
EmptyCustomType > ( sArgs2 ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 1u , dArgsMyVar2 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( myCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgsMyVar2 ) . value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 1u , dArgsEmptyVar2 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_TRUE ( cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < EmptyCustomType > ( dArgsEmptyVar2 ) . has_value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 2u , dArgsMyAndEmptyVars2 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( myCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgsMyAndEmptyVars2 ) . value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_TRUE ( cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < EmptyCustomType > ( dArgsMyAndEmptyVars2 ) . has_value ( ) ) ;
//----{ myCustomVar, emptyCustomVar, simpleCustomVar }----
std : : vector < char > sArgs3 = cv : : gapi : : serialize (
cv : : compile_args ( myCustomVar , emptyCustomVar , simpleCustomVar ) ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgsMyVar3 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , MyCustomType > ( sArgs3 ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgsEmptyVar3 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , EmptyCustomType > ( sArgs3 ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgsSimpleVar3 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , SimpleCustomType > ( sArgs3 ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgsMyAndSimpleVars3 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs ,
MyCustomType ,
SimpleCustomType > ( sArgs3 ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgs3 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs ,
MyCustomType ,
EmptyCustomType ,
SimpleCustomType > ( sArgs3 ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 1u , dArgsMyVar3 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( myCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgsMyVar3 ) . value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 1u , dArgsEmptyVar3 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_TRUE ( cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < EmptyCustomType > ( dArgsEmptyVar3 ) . has_value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 1u , dArgsSimpleVar3 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( simpleCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < SimpleCustomType > ( dArgsSimpleVar3 ) . value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 2u , dArgsMyAndSimpleVars3 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( myCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgsMyAndSimpleVars3 ) . value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( simpleCustomVar ,
cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < SimpleCustomType > ( dArgsMyAndSimpleVars3 ) . value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 3u , dArgs3 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( myCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < MyCustomType > ( dArgs3 ) . value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_TRUE ( cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < EmptyCustomType > ( dArgs3 ) . has_value ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( simpleCustomVar , cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < SimpleCustomType > ( dArgs3 ) . value ( ) ) ;
//----{ emptyCustomVar }----
std : : vector < char > sArgs4 = cv : : gapi : : serialize ( cv : : compile_args ( emptyCustomVar ) ) ;
GCompileArgs dArgsEmptyVar4 = cv : : gapi : : deserialize < GCompileArgs , EmptyCustomType > ( sArgs4 ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 1u , dArgsEmptyVar4 . size ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_TRUE ( cv : : gapi : : getCompileArg < EmptyCustomType > ( dArgsEmptyVar4 ) . has_value ( ) ) ;
} // namespace opencv_test
} // namespace opencv_test