Please provide a clear and concise description of what content in is an issue. Note that there are multiple active branches, such as 3.4, 4.x and 5.x, so please specify the branch with the problem.
Please provide a clear and concise description of what content in is an issue. Note that there are multiple active branches, such as 4.x and 5.x, so please specify the branch with the problem.
A clear and concise description of what content in is an issue.
A clear and concise description of what content in is an issue.
OpenCV can change its behavior depending on the runtime environment:
- enable extra debugging output or performance tracing
- modify default locations and search paths
- tune some algorithms or general behavior
- enable or disable workarounds, safety features and optimizations
- ⭐ marks most popular variables
- variables with names like this `VAR_${NAME}` describes family of variables, where `${NAME}` should be changed to one of predefined values, e.g. `VAR_TBB`, `VAR_OPENMP`, ...
##### Setting environment variable in Windows
In terminal or cmd-file (bat-file):
- Go to "Settings -> System -> About"
- Click on "Advanced system settings" in the right part
- In new window click on the "Environment variables" button
- Add an entry to the "User variables" list
##### Setting environment variable in Linux
In terminal or shell script:
export MY_ENV_VARIABLE=true
or as a single command:
MY_ENV_VARIABLE=true ./my_app
##### Setting environment variable in Python
import os
os.environ["MY_ENV_VARIABLE"] = True
import cv2 # variables set after this may not have effect
### Types
- _non-null_ - set to anything to enable feature, in some cases can be interpreted as other types (e.g. path)
| OPENCV_FOR_OPENMP_DYNAMIC_DISABLE | bool | false | use single OpenMP thread |
### backends
Some modules have multiple available backends, following variables allow choosing specific backend or changing default priorities in which backends will be probed (e.g. when opening a video file).
| name | type | default | description |
| OPENCV_PARALLEL_BACKEND | string | | choose specific paralel_for backend (one of `TBB`, `ONETBB`, `OPENMP`) |
| OPENCV_PARALLEL_PRIORITY_${NAME} | num | | set backend priority, default is 1000 |
| OPENCV_PARALLEL_PRIORITY_LIST | string, `,`-separated | | list of backends in priority order |
| OPENCV_UI_BACKEND | string | | choose highgui backend for window rendering (one of `GTK`, `GTK3`, `GTK2`, `QT`, `WIN32`) |
| OPENCV_UI_PRIORITY_${NAME} | num | | set highgui backend priority, default is 1000 |
| OPENCV_UI_PRIORITY_LIST | string, `,`-separated | | list of hioghgui backends in priority order |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_PRIORITY_${NAME} | num | | set videoio backend priority, default is 1000 |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_PRIORITY_LIST | string, `,`-separated | | list of videoio backends in priority order |
### plugins
Some external dependencies can be detached into a dynamic library, which will be loaded at runtime (plugin). Following variables allow changing default search locations and naming pattern for these plugins.
| name | type | default | description |
| OPENCV_CORE_PLUGIN_PATH | paths | | directories to search for _core_ plugins |
| OPENCV_CORE_PARALLEL_PLUGIN_${NAME} | string, glob | | parallel_for plugin library name (glob), e.g. default for TBB is "opencv_core_parallel_tbb*.so" |
| OPENCV_DNN_PLUGIN_PATH | paths | | directories to search for _dnn_ plugins |
| OPENCV_DNN_PLUGIN_${NAME} | string, glob | | parallel_for plugin library name (glob), e.g. default for TBB is "opencv_core_parallel_tbb*.so" |
| OPENCV_CORE_PLUGIN_PATH | paths | | directories to search for _highgui_ plugins (YES it is CORE) |
**Note:** OpenCL device specification format is `<Platform>:<CPU|GPU|ACCELERATOR|nothing=GPU/CPU>:<deviceName>`, e.g. `AMD:GPU:`
| name | type | default | description |
| OPENCV_OPENCL_RUNTIME | filepath or `disabled` | | path to OpenCL runtime library (e.g. `OpenCL.dll`, ``) |
| ⭐ OPENCV_OPENCL_DEVICE | string or `disabled` | | choose specific OpenCL device. See specification format in the note above. See more details in the Links section. |
| OPENCV_OPENCL_RAISE_ERROR | bool | false | raise exception if something fails during OpenCL kernel preparation and execution (Release builds only) |
| OPENCV_OPENCL_CACHE_WRITE | bool | true | allow writing to the cache, otherwise cache will be read-only |
| OPENCV_OPENCL_CACHE_LOCK_ENABLE | bool | true | use .lock files to synchronize between multiple applications using the same OpenCL cache (may not work on network drives) |
| OPENCV_OPENCL_CACHE_CLEANUP | bool | true | automatically remove old entries from cache (leftovers from older OpenCL runtimes) |
| OPENCV_OPENCL_BUFFERPOOL_LIMIT | num | 1 <<27(Inteldevice),0(others)|limitmemoryusedbybufferbool|
| OPENCV_OPENCL_BUFFER_FORCE_MAPPING | bool | false | force clEnqueueMapBuffer |
| OPENCV_OPENCL_BUFFER_FORCE_COPYING | bool | false | force clEnqueueReadBuffer/clEnqueueWriteBuffer |
| OPENCV_OPENCL_FORCE | bool | false | force running OpenCL kernel even if usual conditions are not met (e.g. dst.isUMat) |
| OPENCV_OPENCL_PERF_CHECK_BYPASS | bool | false | force running OpenCL kernel even if usual performance-related conditions are not met (e.g. image is very small) |
##### SVM (Shared Virtual Memory) - disabled by default
**Note:** In the table below `dump_base_name` equals to `ocv_dnn_net_%05d_%02d` where first argument is internal network ID and the second - dump level.
| name | type | default | description |
| OPENCV_DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT | num | 3 (OpenCV) | set default DNN backend, see dnn.hpp for backends enumeration |
| OPENCV_DNN_NETWORK_DUMP | num | 0 | level of information dumps, 0 - no dumps (default file name `${dump_base_name}.dot`) |
| OPENCV_DNN_OPENCL_ALLOW_ALL_DEVICES | bool | false | allow running on CPU devices, allow FP16 on non-Intel device |
| OPENCV_OCL4DNN_CONVOLUTION_IGNORE_INPUT_DIMS_4_CHECK | bool | false | workaround for OpenCL backend, see |
| OPENCV_OCL4DNN_WORKAROUND_IDLF | bool | true | another workaround for OpenCL backend |
| OPENCV_OCL4DNN_CONFIG_PATH | path | | path to kernel configuration cache for auto-tuning (must be existing directory), set this variable to enable auto-tuning |
| ⭐ OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH | dir path | | set test data search location (e.g. `/home/user/opencv_extra/testdata`) |
| ⭐ OPENCV_DNN_TEST_DATA_PATH | dir path | `$OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH/dnn` | set DNN model search location for tests (used by _dnn_, _gapi_, _objdetect_, _video_ modules) |
| OPENCV_OPEN_MODEL_ZOO_DATA_PATH | dir path | `$OPENCV_DNN_TEST_DATA_PATH/omz_intel_models` | set OpenVINO models search location for tests (used by _dnn_, _gapi_ modules) |
| INTEL_CVSDK_DIR | | | some _dnn_ tests can search OpenVINO models here too |
| OPENCV_TEST_DEBUG | num | 0 | debug level for tests, same as `--test_debug` (0 - no debug (default), 1 - basic test debug information, >1 - extra debug information) |
| OPENCV_TEST_REQUIRE_DATA | bool | false | same as `--test_require_data` option (fail on missing non-required test data instead of skip) |
| OPENCV_TEST_CHECK_OPTIONAL_DATA | bool | false | assert when optional data is not found |
| OPENCV_IPP_CHECK | bool | false | default value for `--test_ipp_check` and `--perf_ipp_check` |
| OPENCV_PERF_VALIDATION_DIR | dir path | | location of files read/written by `--perf_read_validation_results`/`--perf_write_validation_results` |
| ⭐ OPENCV_PYTEST_FILTER | string (glob) | | test filter for Python tests |
**Note:** extra FFmpeg options should be pased in form `key;value|key;value|key;value`, for example `hwaccel;cuvid|video_codec;h264_cuvid|vsync;0` or `vcodec;x264|vprofile;high|vlevel;4.0`
| name | type | default | description |
| ⭐ OPENCV_FFMPEG_CAPTURE_OPTIONS | string (see note) | | extra options for VideoCapture FFmpeg backend |
| ⭐ OPENCV_FFMPEG_WRITER_OPTIONS | string (see note) | | extra options for VideoWriter FFmpeg backend |
| OPENCV_FFMPEG_THREADS | num | | set FFmpeg thread count |
| OPENCV_FFMPEG_LOGLEVEL | num | | set FFmpeg logging level |
| OPENCV_FFMPEG_DLL_DIR | dir path | | directory with FFmpeg plugin (legacy) |
| OPENCV_FFMPEG_IS_THREAD_SAFE | bool | false | enabling this option will turn off thread safety locks in the FFmpeg backend (use only if you are sure FFmpeg is built with threading support, tested on Linux) |
| OPENCV_FFMPEG_READ_ATTEMPTS | num | 4096 | number of failed `av_read_frame` attempts before failing read procedure |
| OPENCV_FFMPEG_DECODE_ATTEMPTS | num | 64 | number of failed `avcodec_receive_frame` attempts before failing decoding procedure |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_GSTREAMER_CALL_DEINIT | bool | false | close GStreamer instance on end |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_GSTREAMER_START_MAINLOOP | bool | false | start GStreamer loop in separate thread |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_MFX_IMPL | num | | set specific MFX implementation (see MFX docs for enumeration) |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_MFX_EXTRA_SURFACE_NUM | num | 1 | add extra surfaces to the surface pool |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_MFX_POOL_TIMEOUT | num | 1 | timeout for waiting for free surface from the pool (in seconds) |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_MFX_BITRATE_DIVISOR | num | 300 | this option allows to tune encoding bitrate (video quality/size) |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_MFX_WRITER_TIMEOUT | num | 1 | timeout for encoding operation (in seconds) |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_MSMF_ENABLE_HW_TRANSFORMS | bool | true | allow HW-accelerated transformations (DXVA) in MediaFoundation processing graph (may slow down camera probing process) |
| OPENCV_DSHOW_DEBUG | non-null | | enable verbose logging in the DShow backend |
| OPENCV_DSHOW_SAVEGRAPH_FILENAME | file path | | enable processing graph tump in the DShow backend |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_V4L_RANGE_NORMALIZED | bool | false | use (0, 1) range for properties (V4L) |
| OPENCV_VIDEOIO_V4L_SELECT_TIMEOUT | num | 10 | timeout for select call (in seconds) (V4L) |
IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY=17,//!< One of cv::ImwritePNGFlags, default is IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY_RLE.
IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY=17,//!< One of cv::ImwritePNGFlags, default is IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY_RLE.
IMWRITE_PNG_BILEVEL=18,//!< Binary level PNG, 0 or 1, default is 0.
IMWRITE_PNG_BILEVEL=18,//!< Binary level PNG, 0 or 1, default is 0.
IMWRITE_PXM_BINARY=32,//!< For PPM, PGM, or PBM, it can be a binary format flag, 0 or 1. Default value is 1.
IMWRITE_PXM_BINARY=32,//!< For PPM, PGM, or PBM, it can be a binary format flag, 0 or 1. Default value is 1.
IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE=(3<<4)+0,/* 48 *///!< override EXR storage type (FLOAT (FP32) is default)
IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE=(3<<4)+0/* 48 */,//!< override EXR storage type (FLOAT (FP32) is default)
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION=(3<<4)+1,/* 49 *///!< override EXR compression type (ZIP_COMPRESSION = 3 is default)
IMWRITE_EXR_COMPRESSION=(3<<4)+1/* 49 */,//!< override EXR compression type (ZIP_COMPRESSION = 3 is default)
IMWRITE_EXR_DWA_COMPRESSION_LEVEL=(3<<4)+2,/* 50 *///!< override EXR DWA compression level (45 is default)
IMWRITE_EXR_DWA_COMPRESSION_LEVEL=(3<<4)+2/* 50 */,//!< override EXR DWA compression level (45 is default)
IMWRITE_WEBP_QUALITY=64,//!< For WEBP, it can be a quality from 1 to 100 (the higher is the better). By default (without any parameter) and for quality above 100 the lossless compression is used.
IMWRITE_WEBP_QUALITY=64,//!< For WEBP, it can be a quality from 1 to 100 (the higher is the better). By default (without any parameter) and for quality above 100 the lossless compression is used.