* Allow the number of threads FFMpeg uses to be selected during VideoCapture::open().
Reset interupt timer in grab if
err = avformat_find_stream_info(ic, NULL);
is interupted but open is successful.
* Correct the returned number of threads and amend test cases.
* Update container test case.
* Reverse changes added to existing videoio_container test case and include test combining thread change and raw read in the newly added videoio_read test case.
CAP_PROP_LRF_HAS_KEY_FRAME=67,//!< FFmpeg back-end only - Indicates whether the Last Raw Frame (LRF), output from VideoCapture::read() when VideoCapture is initialized with VideoCapture::open(CAP_FFMPEG, {CAP_PROP_FORMAT, -1}) or VideoCapture::set(CAP_PROP_FORMAT,-1) is called before the first call to VideoCapture::read(), contains encoded data for a key frame.
CAP_PROP_CODEC_EXTRADATA_INDEX=68,//!< Positive index indicates that returning extra data is supported by the video back end. This can be retrieved as cap.retrieve(data, <returned index>). E.g. When reading from a h264 encoded RTSP stream, the FFmpeg backend could return the SPS and/or PPS if available (if sent in reply to a DESCRIBE request), from calls to cap.retrieve(data, <returned index>).
CAP_PROP_FRAME_TYPE=69,//!< (read-only) FFmpeg back-end only - Frame type ascii code (73 = 'I', 80 = 'P', 66 = 'B' or 63 = '?' if unknown) of the most recently read frame.
CAP_PROP_N_THREADS=70,//!< (**open-only**) Set the maximum number of threads to use. Use 0 to use as many threads as CPU cores (applicable for FFmpeg back-end only).