@ -42,128 +42,196 @@
# include "precomp.hpp"
# if !defined HAVE_TBB && !defined HAVE_OPENMP && !defined HAVE_GCD && !defined HAVE_CONCURRENCY && !defined HAVE_CSTRIPES
# ifdef __APPLE__
# define HAVE_GCD
# elif defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER >= 1600
# endif
# ifdef _OPENMP
# define HAVE_OPENMP
# endif
# include <ppl.h>
# elif defined HAVE_OPENMP
# include <omp.h>
# elif defined HAVE_GCD
# include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
# elif defined HAVE_TBB
# ifdef __APPLE__
# define HAVE_GCD
# endif
# if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER >= 1600
# endif
/* IMPORTANT: always use the same order of defines
1. HAVE_TBB - 3 rdparty library , should be explicitly enabled
2. HAVE_CSTRIPES - 3 rdparty library , should be explicitly enabled
3. HAVE_OPENMP - integrated to compiler , should be explicitly enabled
4. HAVE_GCD - system wide , used automatically ( APPLE only )
5. HAVE_CONCURRENCY - part of runtime , used automatically ( Windows only - MSVS 10 , MSVS 11 )
# if defined HAVE_TBB
# include "tbb/tbb_stddef.h"
# include "tbb/tbb.h"
# include "tbb/task.h"
# include "tbb/task_arena.h"
# endif
# undef min
# undef max
# else
# undef HAVE_TBB
# endif // end TBB version
# elif defined HAVE_CSTRIPES
# include "C=.h"
# undef shared
# endif
HAVE_TBB - using TBB
HAVE_GCD - using GCD
HAVE_OPENMP - using OpenMP
HAVE_CONCURRENCY - using visual studio 2010 concurrency
# ifndef HAVE_TBB
# if defined HAVE_CSTRIPES
# include "C=.h"
# undef shared
# elif defined HAVE_OPENMP
# include <omp.h>
# elif defined HAVE_GCD
# include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
# include <pthread.h>
# elif defined HAVE_CONCURRENCY
# include <ppl.h>
# endif
# endif
# if defined HAVE_TBB || defined HAVE_CSTRIPES || defined HAVE_OPENMP || defined HAVE_GCD || defined HAVE_CONCURRENCY
# endif
namespace cv
ParallelLoopBody : : ~ ParallelLoopBody ( ) { }
class ParallelLoopBodyWrapper
public :
ParallelLoopBodyWrapper ( const ParallelLoopBody & _body , const Range & _r , double _nstripes )
ParallelLoopBodyWrapper ( const cv : : ParallelLoopBody & _body , const cv : : Range & _r , double _nstripes )
body = & _body ;
wholeRange = _r ;
double len = wholeRange . end - wholeRange . start ;
nstripes = cvRound ( _nstripes < 0 ? len : MIN ( MAX ( _nstripes , 1. ) , len ) ) ;
nstripes = cvRound ( _nstripes < = 0 ? len : MIN ( MAX ( _nstripes , 1. ) , len ) ) ;
void operator ( ) ( const Range & sr ) const
void operator ( ) ( const cv : : Range & sr ) const
Range r ;
cv : : Range r ;
r . start = ( int ) ( wholeRange . start +
( ( size_t ) sr . start * ( wholeRange . end - wholeRange . start ) + nstripes / 2 ) / nstripes ) ;
r . end = sr . end > = nstripes ? wholeRange . end : ( int ) ( wholeRange . start +
( ( size_t ) sr . end * ( wholeRange . end - wholeRange . start ) + nstripes / 2 ) / nstripes ) ;
( * body ) ( r ) ;
Range stripeRange ( ) const { return Range ( 0 , nstripes ) ; }
cv : : Range stripeRange ( ) const { return cv : : Range ( 0 , nstripes ) ; }
protected :
const ParallelLoopBody * body ;
Range wholeRange ;
const cv : : ParallelLoopBody * body ;
cv : : Range wholeRange ;
int nstripes ;
} ;
ParallelLoopBody : : ~ ParallelLoopBody ( ) { }
# if defined HAVE_TBB
class ProxyLoopBody : public ParallelLoopBodyWrapper
public :
ProxyLoopBody ( const ParallelLoopBody & _body , const Range & _r , double _nstripes )
ProxyLoopBody ( const cv : : ParallelLoopBody & _body , const cv : : Range & _r , double _nstripes )
: ParallelLoopBodyWrapper ( _body , _r , _nstripes )
{ }
void operator ( ) ( const tbb : : blocked_range < int > & range ) const
this - > ParallelLoopBodyWrapper : : operator ( ) ( Range ( range . begin ( ) , range . end ( ) ) ) ;
this - > ParallelLoopBodyWrapper : : operator ( ) ( cv : : Range ( range . begin ( ) , range . end ( ) ) ) ;
} ;
# elif defined HAVE_CSTRIPES || defined HAVE_OPENMP
typedef ParallelLoopBodyWrapper ProxyLoopBody ;
# elif defined HAVE_GCD
typedef ParallelLoopBodyWrapper ProxyLoopBody ;
void block_function ( void * context , size_t index )
static void block_function ( void * context , size_t index )
ProxyLoopBody * ptr_body = static_cast < ProxyLoopBody * > ( context ) ;
( * ptr_body ) ( Range ( index , index + 1 ) ) ;
( * ptr_body ) ( cv : : Range ( index , index + 1 ) ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_CONCURRENCY
class ProxyLoopBody : public ParallelLoopBodyWrapper
public :
ProxyLoopBody ( const ParallelLoopBody & _body , const Range & _r , double _nstripes )
ProxyLoopBody ( const cv : : ParallelLoopBody & _body , const cv : : Range & _r , double _nstripes )
: ParallelLoopBodyWrapper ( _body , _r , _nstripes )
{ }
void operator ( ) ( int i ) const
this - > ParallelLoopBodyWrapper : : operator ( ) ( Range ( i , i + 1 ) ) ;
this - > ParallelLoopBodyWrapper : : operator ( ) ( cv : : Range ( i , i + 1 ) ) ;
} ;
# else
typedef ParallelLoopBodyWrapper ProxyLoopBody ;
# endif
void parallel_for_ ( const Range & range , const ParallelLoopBody & body , double nstripes )
static int numThreads = - 1 ;
# if defined HAVE_TBB
static tbb : : task_scheduler_init tbbScheduler ( tbb : : task_scheduler_init : : deferred ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_CSTRIPES
// nothing for C=
# elif defined HAVE_OPENMP
static int numThreadsMax = omp_get_max_threads ( ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_GCD
// nothing for GCD
# elif defined HAVE_CONCURRENCY
class SchedPtr
Concurrency : : Scheduler * sched_ ;
public :
Concurrency : : Scheduler * operator - > ( ) { return sched_ ; }
operator Concurrency : : Scheduler * ( ) { return sched_ ; }
void operator = ( Concurrency : : Scheduler * sched )
if ( sched_ ) sched_ - > Release ( ) ;
sched_ = sched ;
SchedPtr ( ) : sched_ ( 0 ) { }
~ SchedPtr ( ) { * this = 0 ; }
} ;
static SchedPtr pplScheduler ;
# endif
} //namespace
/* ================================ parallel_for_ ================================ */
void cv : : parallel_for_ ( const cv : : Range & range , const cv : : ParallelLoopBody & body , double nstripes )
if ( numThreads ! = 0 )
ProxyLoopBody pbody ( body , range , nstripes ) ;
Range stripeRange = pbody . stripeRange ( ) ;
cv : : Range stripeRange = pbody . stripeRange ( ) ;
# if defined HAVE_TBB
tbb : : parallel_for ( tbb : : blocked_range < int > ( stripeRange . start , stripeRange . end ) , pbody ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_CONCURRENCY
# elif defined HAVE_CSTRIPES
Concurrency : : parallel_for ( stripeRange . start , stripeRange . end , pbody ) ;
parallel ( MAX ( 0 , numThreads ) )
int offset = stripeRange . start ;
int len = stripeRange . end - offset ;
Range r ( offset + CPX_RANGE_START ( len ) , offset + CPX_RANGE_END ( len ) ) ;
pbody ( r ) ;
barrier ( ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
# pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
for ( int i = stripeRange . start ; i < stripeRange . end ; + + i )
pbody ( Range ( i , i + 1 ) ) ;
@ -172,69 +240,140 @@ namespace cv
dispatch_queue_t concurrent_queue = dispatch_get_global_queue ( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT , 0 ) ;
dispatch_apply_f ( stripeRange . end - stripeRange . start , concurrent_queue , & pbody , block_function ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_CSTRIPES
# elif defined HAVE_CONCURRENCY
pa rall el( )
if ( ! pplSchedule r | | pplSch edu ler - > Id ( ) = = Concurrency : : CurrentScheduler : : Id ( ) )
int offset = stripeRange . start ;
int len = stripeRange . end - offset ;
Range r ( offset + CPX_RANGE_START ( len ) , offset + CPX_RANGE_END ( len ) ) ;
pbody ( r ) ;
barrier ( ) ;
Concurrency : : parallel_for ( stripeRange . start , stripeRange . end , pbody ) ;
pplScheduler - > Attach ( ) ;
Concurrency : : parallel_for ( stripeRange . start , stripeRange . end , pbody ) ;
Concurrency : : CurrentScheduler : : Detach ( ) ;
# else
pbody ( stripeRange ) ;
# error You have hacked and compiling with unsupported parallel framework
# endif
} // namespace cv
static int numThreads = 0 ;
static int numProcs = 0 ;
( void ) nstripes ;
body ( range ) ;
int cv : : getNumThreads ( void )
if ( ! numProcs )
setNumThreads ( 0 ) ;
return numThreads ;
if ( numThreads = = 0 )
return 1 ;
void cv : : setNumThreads ( int
# ifdef _OPENMP
# endif
if ( ! numProcs )
# ifdef _OPENMP
numProcs = omp_get_num_procs ( ) ;
# if defined HAVE_TBB
return tbbScheduler . is_active ( )
? numThreads
: tbb : : task_scheduler_init : : default_num_threads ( ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_CSTRIPES
return cv : : getNumberOfCPUs ( ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_OPENMP
return omp_get_max_threads ( ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_GCD
return 512 ; // the GCD thread pool limit
# elif defined HAVE_CONCURRENCY
return 1 + ( pplScheduler = = 0
? Concurrency : : CurrentScheduler : : Get ( ) - > GetNumberOfVirtualProcessors ( )
: pplScheduler - > GetNumberOfVirtualProcessors ( ) ) ;
# else
numProcs = 1 ;
# endif
# ifdef _OPENMP
if ( threads < = 0 )
threads = numProcs ;
threads = MIN ( threads , numProcs ) ;
return 1 ;
# endif
void cv : : setNumThreads ( int threads )
numThreads = threads ;
# else
numThreads = 1 ;
# endif
# ifdef HAVE_TBB
if ( tbbScheduler . is_active ( ) ) tbbScheduler . terminate ( ) ;
if ( threads > 0 ) tbbScheduler . initialize ( threads ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_CSTRIPES
return ; // nothing needed
# elif defined HAVE_OPENMP
if ( omp_in_parallel ( ) )
return ; // can't change number of openmp threads inside a parallel region
omp_set_num_threads ( threads > 0 ? threads : numThreadsMax ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_GCD
// unsupported
// there is only private dispatch_queue_set_width() and only for desktop
# elif defined HAVE_CONCURRENCY
if ( threads < = 0 )
pplScheduler = 0 ;
else if ( threads = = 1 )
// Concurrency always uses >=2 threads, so we just disable it if 1 thread is requested
numThreads = 0 ;
else if ( pplScheduler = = 0 | | 1 + pplScheduler - > GetNumberOfVirtualProcessors ( ) ! = ( unsigned int ) threads )
pplScheduler = Concurrency : : Scheduler : : Create ( Concurrency : : SchedulerPolicy ( 2 ,
Concurrency : : PolicyElementKey : : MinConcurrency , threads - 1 ,
Concurrency : : PolicyElementKey : : MaxConcurrency , threads - 1 ) ) ;
# endif
int cv : : getThreadNum ( void )
# ifdef _OPENMP
# if defined HAVE_TBB
return tbb : : task_arena : : current_slot ( ) ;
# else
return 0 ;
# endif
# elif defined HAVE_CSTRIPES
return pix ( ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_OPENMP
return omp_get_thread_num ( ) ;
# elif defined HAVE_GCD
return statc_cast < int > ( pthread_self ( ) ) ; // no zero-based indexing
# elif defined HAVE_CONCURRENCY
return std : : max ( 0 , ( int ) Concurrency : : Context : : VirtualProcessorId ( ) ) ; // zero for master thread, unique number for others but not necessary 1,2,3,...
# else
return 0 ;
# endif