test: update condition for Calib3d_StereoCalibrate

Alexander Alekhin 9 years ago
parent db451f20df
commit 4439ba09f9
  1. 27

@ -1701,9 +1701,10 @@ void CV_StereoCalibrationTest::run( int )
const float minCoord = -300.0f;
const float maxCoord = 300.0f;
const float minDisparity = 0.1f;
const float maxDisparity = 600.0f;
const float maxDisparity = 60.0f;
const int pointsCount = 500;
const float requiredAccuracy = 1e-3f;
const float allowToFail = 0.2f; // 20%
RNG& rng = ts->get_rng();
Mat projectedPoints_1(2, pointsCount, CV_32FC1);
@ -1732,9 +1733,29 @@ void CV_StereoCalibrationTest::run( int )
Mat reprojectedPoints;
perspectiveTransform(sparsePoints, reprojectedPoints, Q);
if (cvtest::norm(triangulatedPoints, reprojectedPoints, NORM_L2) / sqrt((double)pointsCount) > requiredAccuracy)
Mat diff;
absdiff(triangulatedPoints, reprojectedPoints, diff);
Mat mask = diff > requiredAccuracy;
mask = mask.reshape(1);
mask = mask.col(0) | mask.col(1) | mask.col(2);
int numFailed = countNonZero(mask);
#if 0
std::cout << "numFailed=" << numFailed << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < triangulatedPoints.rows; i++)
if (mask.at<uchar>(i))
// failed points usually have 'w'~0 (points4d[3])
std::cout << "i=" << i << " triangulatePoints=" << triangulatedPoints.row(i) << " reprojectedPoints=" << reprojectedPoints.row(i) << std::endl <<
" points4d=" << points4d.col(i).t() << " projectedPoints_1=" << projectedPoints_1.col(i).t() << " disparities=" << disparities.col(i).t() << std::endl;
if (numFailed >= allowToFail * pointsCount)
ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Points reprojected with a matrix Q and points reconstructed by triangulation are different, testcase %d\n", testcase);
ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Points reprojected with a matrix Q and points reconstructed by triangulation are different (tolerance=%g, failed=%d), testcase %d\n",
requiredAccuracy, numFailed, testcase);
ts->set_failed_test_info( cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT );
