@ -393,48 +393,261 @@ protected:
// LP filter that squares the input and computes the output ONLY on the areas where the integrationAreas map are TRUE
void _localSquaringSpatioTemporalLPfilter ( const float * inputFrame , float * LPfilterOutput , const unsigned int * integrationAreas , const unsigned int filterIndex = 0 ) ;
// local luminance adaptation of the input in regard of localLuminance buffer
void _localLuminanceAdaptation ( const float * inputFrame , const float * localLuminance , float * outputFrame ) ;
// local luminance adaptation of the input in regard of localLuminance buffer, the input is rewrited and becomes the output
void _localLuminanceAdaptation ( float * inputOutputFrame , const float * localLuminance ) ;
// local adaptation applied on a range of values which can be positive and negative
void _localLuminanceAdaptationPosNegValues ( const float * inputFrame , const float * localLuminance , float * outputFrame ) ;
// local luminance adaptation of the input in regard of localLuminance buffer
void _localLuminanceAdaptation ( const float * inputFrame , const float * localLuminance , float * outputFrame , const bool updateLuminanceMean = tru e ) ;
// local luminance adaptation of the input in regard of localLuminance buffer, the input is rewrited and becomes the output
void _localLuminanceAdaptation ( float * inputOutputFrame , const float * localLuminance ) ;
// local adaptation applied on a range of values which can be positive and negative
void _localLuminanceAdaptationPosNegValues ( const float * inputFrame , const float * localLuminance , float * outputFrame ) ;
// 1D directional filters used for the 2D low pass filtering
// 1D filters with image input
void _horizontalCausalFilter_addInput ( const float * inputFrame , float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
// 1D filters with image input that is squared in the function
void _squaringHorizontalCausalFilter ( const float * inputFrame , float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
// vertical anticausal filter that returns the mean value of its result
float _verticalAnticausalFilter_returnMeanValue ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ;
// most simple functions: only perform 1D filtering with output=input (no add on)
void _horizontalCausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
void _horizontalAnticausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
void _verticalCausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ;
void _verticalAnticausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ;
// perform 1D filtering with output with varrying spatial coefficient
void _horizontalCausalFilter_Irregular ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
void _horizontalCausalFilter_Irregular_addInput ( const float * inputFrame , float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
void _horizontalAnticausalFilter_Irregular ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
void _verticalCausalFilter_Irregular ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ;
void _verticalAnticausalFilter_Irregular_multGain ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ;
// 1D filters in which the output is multiplied by _gain
void _verticalAnticausalFilter_multGain ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ; // this functions affects _gain at the output
void _horizontalAnticausalFilter_multGain ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ; // this functions affects _gain at the output
// LP filter on specific parts of the picture instead of all the image
// same functions (some of them) but take a binary flag to allow integration, false flag means, 0 at the output...
void _local_squaringHorizontalCausalFilter ( const float * inputFrame , float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd , const unsigned int * integrationAreas ) ;
void _local_horizontalAnticausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd , const unsigned int * integrationAreas ) ;
void _local_verticalCausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd , const unsigned int * integrationAreas ) ;
void _local_verticalAnticausalFilter_multGain ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd , const unsigned int * integrationAreas ) ; // this functions affects _gain at the output
// 1D filters with image input
void _horizontalCausalFilter_addInput ( const float * inputFrame , float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
// 1D filters with image input that is squared in the function // parallelized with TBB
void _squaringHorizontalCausalFilter ( const float * inputFrame , float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
// vertical anticausal filter that returns the mean value of its result
float _verticalAnticausalFilter_returnMeanValue ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ;
// most simple functions: only perform 1D filtering with output=input (no add on)
void _horizontalCausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
void _horizontalAnticausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ; // parallelized with TBB
void _verticalCausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ; // parallelized with TBB
void _verticalAnticausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ;
// perform 1D filtering with output with varrying spatial coefficient
void _horizontalCausalFilter_Irregular ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
void _horizontalCausalFilter_Irregular_addInput ( const float * inputFrame , float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd ) ;
void _horizontalAnticausalFilter_Irregular ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd , const float * spatialConstantBuffer ) ; // parallelized with TBB
void _verticalCausalFilter_Irregular ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd , const float * spatialConstantBuffer ) ; // parallelized with TBB
void _verticalAnticausalFilter_Irregular_multGain ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ;
// 1D filters in which the output is multiplied by _gain
void _verticalAnticausalFilter_multGain ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ; // this functions affects _gain at the output // parallelized with TBB
void _horizontalAnticausalFilter_multGain ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd ) ; // this functions affects _gain at the output
// LP filter on specific parts of the picture instead of all the image
// same functions (some of them) but take a binary flag to allow integration, false flag means, 0 at the output...
void _local_squaringHorizontalCausalFilter ( const float * inputFrame , float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd , const unsigned int * integrationAreas ) ;
void _local_horizontalAnticausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDrowStart , unsigned int IDrowEnd , const unsigned int * integrationAreas ) ;
void _local_verticalCausalFilter ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd , const unsigned int * integrationAreas ) ;
void _local_verticalAnticausalFilter_multGain ( float * outputFrame , unsigned int IDcolumnStart , unsigned int IDcolumnEnd , const unsigned int * integrationAreas ) ; // this functions affects _gain at the output
# ifdef HAVE_TBB
* * IF TBB is useable , then , main loops are parallelized using these functors
* * = = > main idea paralellise main filters loops , then , only the most used methods are parallelized . . . TODO : increase the number of parallelised methods as necessary
* * = = > functors names = Parallel_ $ $ $ where $ $ $ = the name of the serial method that is parallelised
* * = = > functors constructors can differ from the parameters used with their related serial functions
# define _DEBUG_TBB // define DEBUG_TBB in order to display additionnal data on stdout
class Parallel_horizontalAnticausalFilter
private :
float * outputFrame ;
const unsigned int IDrowEnd , nbColumns ;
const float filterParam_a ;
public :
// constructor which takes the input image pointer reference reference and limits
Parallel_horizontalAnticausalFilter ( float * bufferToProcess , const unsigned int idEnd , const unsigned int nbCols , const float a )
: outputFrame ( bufferToProcess ) , IDrowEnd ( idEnd ) , nbColumns ( nbCols ) , filterParam_a ( a )
# ifdef DEBUG_TBB
std : : cout < < " Parallel_horizontalAnticausalFilter::Parallel_horizontalAnticausalFilter : "
< < " \n \t idEnd= " < < IDrowEnd
< < " \n \t nbCols= " < < nbColumns
< < " \n \t filterParam= " < < filterParam_a
< < std : : endl ;
# endif
void operator ( ) ( const tbb : : blocked_range < size_t > & r ) const {
# ifdef DEBUG_TBB
std : : cout < < " Parallel_horizontalAnticausalFilter::operator() : "
< < " \n \t range size= " < < r . size ( )
< < " \n \t first index= " < < r . begin ( )
//<<"\n\t last index="<<filterParam
< < std : : endl ;
# endif
for ( size_t IDrow = r . begin ( ) ; IDrow ! = r . end ( ) ; + + IDrow )
register float * outputPTR = outputFrame + ( IDrowEnd - IDrow ) * ( nbColumns ) - 1 ;
register float result = 0 ;
for ( unsigned int index = 0 ; index < nbColumns ; + + index )
result = * ( outputPTR ) + filterParam_a * result ;
* ( outputPTR - - ) = result ;
} ;
class Parallel_horizontalCausalFilter_addInput
private :
const float * inputFrame ;
float * outputFrame ;
const unsigned int IDrowStart , nbColumns ;
const float filterParam_a , filterParam_tau ;
public :
Parallel_horizontalCausalFilter_addInput ( const float * bufferToAddAsInputProcess , float * bufferToProcess , const unsigned int idStart , const unsigned int nbCols , const float a , const float tau )
: inputFrame ( bufferToAddAsInputProcess ) , outputFrame ( bufferToProcess ) , IDrowStart ( idStart ) , nbColumns ( nbCols ) , filterParam_a ( a ) , filterParam_tau ( tau ) { }
void operator ( ) ( const tbb : : blocked_range < size_t > & r ) const {
for ( unsigned int IDrow = r . begin ( ) ; IDrow ! = r . end ( ) ; + + IDrow )
register float * outputPTR = outputFrame + ( IDrowStart + IDrow ) * nbColumns ;
register const float * inputPTR = inputFrame + ( IDrowStart + IDrow ) * nbColumns ;
register float result = 0 ;
for ( unsigned int index = 0 ; index < nbColumns ; + + index )
result = * ( inputPTR + + ) + filterParam_tau * * ( outputPTR ) + filterParam_a * result ;
* ( outputPTR + + ) = result ;
} ;
class Parallel_verticalCausalFilter
private :
float * outputFrame ;
const unsigned int nbRows , nbColumns ;
const float filterParam_a ;
public :
Parallel_verticalCausalFilter ( float * bufferToProcess , const unsigned int nbRws , const unsigned int nbCols , const float a )
: outputFrame ( bufferToProcess ) , nbRows ( nbRws ) , nbColumns ( nbCols ) , filterParam_a ( a ) { }
void operator ( ) ( const tbb : : blocked_range < size_t > & r ) const {
for ( unsigned int IDcolumn = r . begin ( ) ; IDcolumn ! = r . end ( ) ; + + IDcolumn )
register float result = 0 ;
register float * outputPTR = outputFrame + IDcolumn ;
for ( unsigned int index = 0 ; index < nbRows ; + + index )
result = * ( outputPTR ) + filterParam_a * result ;
* ( outputPTR ) = result ;
outputPTR + = nbColumns ;
} ;
class Parallel_verticalAnticausalFilter_multGain
private :
float * outputFrame ;
const unsigned int nbRows , nbColumns ;
const float filterParam_a , filterParam_gain ;
public :
Parallel_verticalAnticausalFilter_multGain ( float * bufferToProcess , const unsigned int nbRws , const unsigned int nbCols , const float a , const float gain )
: outputFrame ( bufferToProcess ) , nbRows ( nbRws ) , nbColumns ( nbCols ) , filterParam_a ( a ) , filterParam_gain ( gain ) { }
void operator ( ) ( const tbb : : blocked_range < size_t > & r ) const {
float * offset = outputFrame + nbColumns * nbRows - nbColumns ;
for ( unsigned int IDcolumn = r . begin ( ) ; IDcolumn ! = r . end ( ) ; + + IDcolumn )
register float result = 0 ;
register float * outputPTR = offset + IDcolumn ;
for ( unsigned int index = 0 ; index < nbRows ; + + index )
result = * ( outputPTR ) + filterParam_a * result ;
* ( outputPTR ) = filterParam_gain * result ;
outputPTR - = nbColumns ;
} ;
class Parallel_localAdaptation
private :
const float * localLuminance , * inputFrame ;
float * outputFrame ;
const float localLuminanceFactor , localLuminanceAddon , maxInputValue ;
public :
Parallel_localAdaptation ( const float * localLum , const float * inputImg , float * bufferToProcess , const float localLuminanceFact , const float localLuminanceAdd , const float maxInputVal )
: localLuminance ( localLum ) , inputFrame ( inputImg ) , outputFrame ( bufferToProcess ) , localLuminanceFactor ( localLuminanceFact ) , localLuminanceAddon ( localLuminanceAdd ) , maxInputValue ( maxInputVal ) { } ;
void operator ( ) ( const tbb : : blocked_range < size_t > & r ) const {
const float * localLuminancePTR = localLuminance + r . begin ( ) ;
const float * inputFramePTR = inputFrame + r . begin ( ) ;
float * outputFramePTR = outputFrame + r . begin ( ) ;
for ( register unsigned int IDpixel = r . begin ( ) ; IDpixel ! = r . end ( ) ; + + IDpixel , + + inputFramePTR , + + outputFramePTR )
float X0 = * ( localLuminancePTR + + ) * localLuminanceFactor + localLuminanceAddon ;
// TODO : the following line can lead to a divide by zero ! A small offset is added, take care if the offset is too large in case of High Dynamic Range images which can use very small values...
* ( outputFramePTR ) = ( maxInputValue + X0 ) * * inputFramePTR / ( * inputFramePTR + X0 + 0.00000000001 ) ;
//std::cout<<"BasicRetinaFilter::inputFrame[IDpixel]=%f, X0=%f, outputFrame[IDpixel]=%f\n", inputFrame[IDpixel], X0, outputFrame[IDpixel]);
} ;
/// Specific filtering methods which manage non const spatial filtering parameter (used By retinacolor and LogProjectors)
class Parallel_horizontalAnticausalFilter_Irregular
private :
float * outputFrame ;
const float * spatialConstantBuffer ;
const unsigned int IDrowEnd , nbColumns ;
public :
Parallel_horizontalAnticausalFilter_Irregular ( float * bufferToProcess , const float * spatialConst , const unsigned int idEnd , const unsigned int nbCols )
: outputFrame ( bufferToProcess ) , spatialConstantBuffer ( spatialConst ) , IDrowEnd ( idEnd ) , nbColumns ( nbCols ) { }
void operator ( ) ( const tbb : : blocked_range < size_t > & r ) const {
for ( size_t IDrow = r . begin ( ) ; IDrow ! = r . end ( ) ; + + IDrow )
register float * outputPTR = outputFrame + ( IDrowEnd - IDrow ) * ( nbColumns ) - 1 ;
register const float * spatialConstantPTR = spatialConstantBuffer + ( IDrowEnd - IDrow ) * ( nbColumns ) - 1 ;
register float result = 0 ;
for ( unsigned int index = 0 ; index < nbColumns ; + + index )
result = * ( outputPTR ) + * ( spatialConstantPTR - - ) * result ;
* ( outputPTR - - ) = result ;
} ;
class Parallel_verticalCausalFilter_Irregular
private :
float * outputFrame ;
const float * spatialConstantBuffer ;
const unsigned int nbRows , nbColumns ;
public :
Parallel_verticalCausalFilter_Irregular ( float * bufferToProcess , const float * spatialConst , const unsigned int nbRws , const unsigned int nbCols )
: outputFrame ( bufferToProcess ) , spatialConstantBuffer ( spatialConst ) , nbRows ( nbRws ) , nbColumns ( nbCols ) { }
void operator ( ) ( const tbb : : blocked_range < size_t > & r ) const {
for ( unsigned int IDcolumn = r . begin ( ) ; IDcolumn ! = r . end ( ) ; + + IDcolumn )
register float result = 0 ;
register float * outputPTR = outputFrame + IDcolumn ;
register const float * spatialConstantPTR = spatialConstantBuffer + IDcolumn ;
for ( unsigned int index = 0 ; index < nbRows ; + + index )
result = * ( outputPTR ) + * ( spatialConstantPTR ) * result ;
* ( outputPTR ) = result ;
outputPTR + = nbColumns ;
spatialConstantPTR + = nbColumns ;
} ;
# endif
} ;