Merge pull request #92 from LeonidBeynenson/cv_algorithm_changes_2.4

Andrey Kamaev 13 years ago
commit 42414b5689
  1. 32
  2. 10
  3. 16
  4. 216

@ -4341,15 +4341,24 @@ public:
CV_WRAP vector<Mat> getMatVector(const string& name) const;
CV_WRAP Ptr<Algorithm> getAlgorithm(const string& name) const;
CV_WRAP_AS(setInt) void set(const string& name, int value);
CV_WRAP_AS(setDouble) void set(const string& name, double value);
CV_WRAP_AS(setBool) void set(const string& name, bool value);
CV_WRAP_AS(setString) void set(const string& name, const string& value);
CV_WRAP_AS(setMat) void set(const string& name, const Mat& value);
CV_WRAP_AS(setMatVector) void set(const string& name, const vector<Mat>& value);
CV_WRAP_AS(setAlgorithm) void set(const string& name, const Ptr<Algorithm>& value);
void set(const string& name, int value);
void set(const string& name, double value);
void set(const string& name, bool value);
void set(const string& name, const string& value);
void set(const string& name, const Mat& value);
void set(const string& name, const vector<Mat>& value);
void set(const string& name, const Ptr<Algorithm>& value);
template<typename _Tp> void set(const string& name, const Ptr<_Tp>& value);
CV_WRAP void setInt(const string& name, int value);
CV_WRAP void setDouble(const string& name, double value);
CV_WRAP void setBool(const string& name, bool value);
CV_WRAP void setString(const string& name, const string& value);
CV_WRAP void setMat(const string& name, const Mat& value);
CV_WRAP void setMatVector(const string& name, const vector<Mat>& value);
CV_WRAP void setAlgorithm(const string& name, const Ptr<Algorithm>& value);
template<typename _Tp> void setAlgorithm(const string& name, const Ptr<_Tp>& value);
void set(const char* name, int value);
void set(const char* name, double value);
void set(const char* name, bool value);
@ -4359,6 +4368,15 @@ public:
void set(const char* name, const Ptr<Algorithm>& value);
template<typename _Tp> void set(const char* name, const Ptr<_Tp>& value);
void setInt(const char* name, int value);
void setDouble(const char* name, double value);
void setBool(const char* name, bool value);
void setString(const char* name, const string& value);
void setMat(const char* name, const Mat& value);
void setMatVector(const char* name, const vector<Mat>& value);
void setAlgorithm(const char* name, const Ptr<Algorithm>& value);
template<typename _Tp> void setAlgorithm(const char* name, const Ptr<_Tp>& value);
CV_WRAP string paramHelp(const string& name) const;
int paramType(const char* name) const;
CV_WRAP int paramType(const string& name) const;

@ -263,20 +263,20 @@ namespace cv
} //namespace cv
#define CV_INIT_ALGORITHM(classname, algname, memberinit) \
static Algorithm* create##classname() \
static ::cv::Algorithm* create##classname() \
{ \
return new classname; \
} \
static AlgorithmInfo& classname##_info() \
static ::cv::AlgorithmInfo& classname##_info() \
{ \
static AlgorithmInfo classname##_info_var(algname, create##classname); \
static ::cv::AlgorithmInfo classname##_info_var(algname, create##classname); \
return classname##_info_var; \
} \
static AlgorithmInfo& classname##_info_auto = classname##_info(); \
static ::cv::AlgorithmInfo& classname##_info_auto = classname##_info(); \
AlgorithmInfo* classname::info() const \
::cv::AlgorithmInfo* classname::info() const \
{ \
static volatile bool initialized = false; \

@ -3921,6 +3921,22 @@ inline void Algorithm::set(const string& _name, const Ptr<_Tp>& value)
this->set<_Tp>(_name.c_str(), value);
template<typename _Tp>
inline void Algorithm::setAlgorithm(const char* _name, const Ptr<_Tp>& value)
Ptr<Algorithm> algo_ptr = value. template ptr<cv::Algorithm>();
if (algo_ptr.empty()) {
CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "unknown/unsupported Ptr type of the second parameter of the method Algorithm::set");
info()->set(this, _name, ParamType<Algorithm>::type, &algo_ptr);
template<typename _Tp>
inline void Algorithm::setAlgorithm(const string& _name, const Ptr<_Tp>& value)
this->set<_Tp>(_name.c_str(), value);
template<typename _Tp> inline typename ParamType<_Tp>::member_type Algorithm::get(const string& _name) const
typename ParamType<_Tp>::member_type value;

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ template<typename _ValueTp> inline const _ValueTp* findstr(const sorted_vector<s
b = c;
if( strcmp(vec.vec[a].first.c_str(), key) == 0 )
if( ( a < vec.vec.size() ) && ( strcmp(vec.vec[a].first.c_str(), key) == 0 ))
return &vec.vec[a].second;
return 0;
@ -251,6 +251,79 @@ void Algorithm::set(const char* parameter, const Ptr<Algorithm>& value)
info()->set(this, parameter, ParamType<Algorithm>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setInt(const string& parameter, int value)
info()->set(this, parameter.c_str(), ParamType<int>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setDouble(const string& parameter, double value)
info()->set(this, parameter.c_str(), ParamType<double>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setBool(const string& parameter, bool value)
info()->set(this, parameter.c_str(), ParamType<bool>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setString(const string& parameter, const string& value)
info()->set(this, parameter.c_str(), ParamType<string>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setMat(const string& parameter, const Mat& value)
info()->set(this, parameter.c_str(), ParamType<Mat>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setMatVector(const string& parameter, const vector<Mat>& value)
info()->set(this, parameter.c_str(), ParamType<vector<Mat> >::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setAlgorithm(const string& parameter, const Ptr<Algorithm>& value)
info()->set(this, parameter.c_str(), ParamType<Algorithm>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setInt(const char* parameter, int value)
info()->set(this, parameter, ParamType<int>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setDouble(const char* parameter, double value)
info()->set(this, parameter, ParamType<double>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setBool(const char* parameter, bool value)
info()->set(this, parameter, ParamType<bool>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setString(const char* parameter, const string& value)
info()->set(this, parameter, ParamType<string>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setMat(const char* parameter, const Mat& value)
info()->set(this, parameter, ParamType<Mat>::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setMatVector(const char* parameter, const vector<Mat>& value)
info()->set(this, parameter, ParamType<vector<Mat> >::type, &value);
void Algorithm::setAlgorithm(const char* parameter, const Ptr<Algorithm>& value)
info()->set(this, parameter, ParamType<Algorithm>::type, &value);
int Algorithm::getInt(const string& parameter) const
return get<int>(parameter);
@ -441,6 +514,68 @@ union GetSetParam
void (Algorithm::*set_algo)(const Ptr<Algorithm>&);
static string getNameOfType(int argType);
static string getNameOfType(int argType)
case Param::INT: return "integer";
case Param::SHORT: return "short";
case Param::BOOLEAN: return "boolean";
case Param::REAL: return "double";
case Param::STRING: return "string";
case Param::MAT: return "cv::Mat";
case Param::MAT_VECTOR: return "std::vector<cv::Mat>";
case Param::ALGORITHM: return "algorithm";
default: CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Wrong argument type");
return "";
static string getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInSetter(string algoName, string paramName, int paramType, int argType);
static string getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInSetter(string algoName, string paramName, int paramType, int argType)
string message = string("Argument error: the setter")
+ " method was called for the parameter '" + paramName + "' of the algorithm '" + algoName
+"', the parameter has " + getNameOfType(paramType) + " type, ";
if (paramType == Param::INT || paramType == Param::BOOLEAN || paramType == Param::REAL)
message += "so it should be set by integer, boolean, or double value, ";
else if (paramType == Param::SHORT)
message += "so it should be set by integer value, ";
message += "but the setter was called with " + getNameOfType(argType) + " value";
return message;
static string getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInGetter(string algoName, string paramName, int paramType, int argType);
static string getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInGetter(string algoName, string paramName, int paramType, int argType)
string message = string("Argument error: the getter")
+ " method was called for the parameter '" + paramName + "' of the algorithm '" + algoName
+"', the parameter has " + getNameOfType(paramType) + " type, ";
if (paramType == Param::BOOLEAN)
message += "so it should be get as integer, boolean, or double value, ";
else if (paramType == Param::INT)
message += "so it should be get as integer or double value, ";
else if (paramType == Param::SHORT)
message += "so it should be get as integer value, ";
message += "but the getter was called to get a " + getNameOfType(argType) + " value";
return message;
void AlgorithmInfo::set(Algorithm* algo, const char* parameter, int argType, const void* value, bool force) const
const Param* p = findstr(data->params, parameter);
@ -456,8 +591,11 @@ void AlgorithmInfo::set(Algorithm* algo, const char* parameter, int argType, con
if( argType == Param::INT || argType == Param::BOOLEAN || argType == Param::REAL )
CV_Assert( p->type == Param::INT || p->type == Param::REAL || p->type == Param::BOOLEAN ||
(p->type == Param::SHORT && argType == Param::INT) );
if ( !( p->type == Param::INT || p->type == Param::REAL || p->type == Param::BOOLEAN || (p->type == Param::SHORT && argType == Param::INT)) )
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInSetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
if( p->type == Param::INT )
@ -500,7 +638,11 @@ void AlgorithmInfo::set(Algorithm* algo, const char* parameter, int argType, con
else if( argType == Param::STRING )
CV_Assert( p->type == Param::STRING );
if( p->type != Param::STRING )
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInSetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
const string& val = *(const string*)value;
if( p->setter )
@ -510,7 +652,11 @@ void AlgorithmInfo::set(Algorithm* algo, const char* parameter, int argType, con
else if( argType == Param::MAT )
CV_Assert( p->type == Param::MAT );
if( p->type != Param::MAT )
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInSetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
const Mat& val = *(const Mat*)value;
if( p->setter )
@ -520,7 +666,11 @@ void AlgorithmInfo::set(Algorithm* algo, const char* parameter, int argType, con
else if( argType == Param::MAT_VECTOR )
CV_Assert( p->type == Param::MAT_VECTOR );
if( p->type != Param::MAT_VECTOR )
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInSetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
const vector<Mat>& val = *(const vector<Mat>*)value;
if( p->setter )
@ -530,7 +680,11 @@ void AlgorithmInfo::set(Algorithm* algo, const char* parameter, int argType, con
else if( argType == Param::ALGORITHM )
CV_Assert( p->type == Param::ALGORITHM );
if( p->type != Param::ALGORITHM )
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInSetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
const Ptr<Algorithm>& val = *(const Ptr<Algorithm>*)value;
if( p->setter )
@ -555,7 +709,11 @@ void AlgorithmInfo::get(const Algorithm* algo, const char* parameter, int argTyp
if( p->type == Param::INT )
CV_Assert( argType == Param::INT || argType == Param::REAL );
if (!( argType == Param::INT || argType == Param::REAL ))
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInGetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
int val = p->getter ? (algo->*f.get_int)() : *(int*)((uchar*)algo + p->offset);
if( argType == Param::INT )
@ -565,14 +723,22 @@ void AlgorithmInfo::get(const Algorithm* algo, const char* parameter, int argTyp
else if( p->type == Param::SHORT )
CV_Assert( argType == Param::INT );
if( argType != Param::INT )
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInGetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
int val = p->getter ? (algo->*f.get_int)() : *(short*)((uchar*)algo + p->offset);
*(int*)value = val;
else if( p->type == Param::BOOLEAN )
CV_Assert( argType == Param::INT || argType == Param::BOOLEAN || argType == Param::REAL );
if (!( argType == Param::INT || argType == Param::BOOLEAN || argType == Param::REAL ))
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInGetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
bool val = p->getter ? (algo->*f.get_bool)() : *(bool*)((uchar*)algo + p->offset);
if( argType == Param::INT )
@ -584,7 +750,11 @@ void AlgorithmInfo::get(const Algorithm* algo, const char* parameter, int argTyp
CV_Assert( argType == Param::REAL );
if( argType != Param::REAL )
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInGetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
double val = p->getter ? (algo->*f.get_double)() : *(double*)((uchar*)algo + p->offset);
*(double*)value = val;
@ -592,28 +762,44 @@ void AlgorithmInfo::get(const Algorithm* algo, const char* parameter, int argTyp
else if( argType == Param::STRING )
CV_Assert( p->type == Param::STRING );
if( p->type != Param::STRING )
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInGetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
*(string*)value = p->getter ? (algo->*f.get_string)() :
*(string*)((uchar*)algo + p->offset);
else if( argType == Param::MAT )
CV_Assert( p->type == Param::MAT );
if( p->type != Param::MAT )
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInGetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
*(Mat*)value = p->getter ? (algo->*f.get_mat)() :
*(Mat*)((uchar*)algo + p->offset);
else if( argType == Param::MAT_VECTOR )
CV_Assert( p->type == Param::MAT_VECTOR );
if( p->type != Param::MAT_VECTOR )
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInGetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
*(vector<Mat>*)value = p->getter ? (algo->*f.get_mat_vector)() :
*(vector<Mat>*)((uchar*)algo + p->offset);
else if( argType == Param::ALGORITHM )
CV_Assert( p->type == Param::ALGORITHM );
if( p->type != Param::ALGORITHM )
string message = getErrorMessageForWrongArgumentInGetter(algo->name(), parameter, p->type, argType);
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, message);
*(Ptr<Algorithm>*)value = p->getter ? (algo->*f.get_algo)() :
*(Ptr<Algorithm>*)((uchar*)algo + p->offset);
