@ -21,14 +21,45 @@
@ {
@ defgroup gapi_filters Graph API : Image filters
@ defgroup gapi_colorconvert Graph API : Converting image from one color space to another
@ defgroup gapi_feature Graph API : Image Feature Detection
@ defgroup gapi_shape Graph API : Image Structural Analysis and Shape Descriptors
@ }
namespace {
void validateFindingContoursMeta ( const int depth , const int chan , const int mode )
GAPI_Assert ( chan = = 1 ) ;
switch ( mode )
case cv : : RETR_CCOMP :
GAPI_Assert ( depth = = CV_8U | | depth = = CV_32S ) ;
break ;
case cv : : RETR_FLOODFILL :
GAPI_Assert ( depth = = CV_32S ) ;
break ;
default :
GAPI_Assert ( depth = = CV_8U ) ;
break ;
// Checks if the passed mat is a set of n-dimentional points of the given depth
bool isPointsVector ( const int chan , const cv : : Size & size , const int depth ,
const int n , const int ddepth )
return ( ddepth = = depth | | ddepth < 0 ) & &
( ( chan = = n & & ( size . height = = 1 | | size . width = = 1 ) ) | |
( chan = = 1 & & size . width = = n ) ) ;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace cv { namespace gapi {
namespace imgproc {
using GMat2 = std : : tuple < GMat , GMat > ;
using GMat3 = std : : tuple < GMat , GMat , GMat > ; // FIXME: how to avoid this?
using GFindContoursOutput = std : : tuple < GArray < GArray < Point > > , GArray < Vec4i > > ;
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GFilter2D , < GMat ( GMat , int , Mat , Point , Scalar , int , Scalar ) > , " org.opencv.imgproc.filters.filter2D " ) {
static GMatDesc outMeta ( GMatDesc in , int ddepth , Mat , Point , Scalar , int , Scalar ) {
@ -118,7 +149,7 @@ namespace imgproc {
} ;
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GCanny , < GMat ( GMat , double , double , int , bool ) > , " org.opencv.imgproc.canny " ) {
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GCanny , < GMat ( GMat , double , double , int , bool ) > , " org.opencv.imgproc.feature. canny " ) {
static GMatDesc outMeta ( GMatDesc in , double , double , int , bool ) {
return in . withType ( CV_8U , 1 ) ;
@ -126,12 +157,83 @@ namespace imgproc {
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GGoodFeatures ,
< cv : : GArray < cv : : Point2f > ( GMat , int , double , double , Mat , int , bool , double ) > ,
" org.opencv.imgproc.goodFeaturesToTrack " ) {
" org.opencv.imgproc.feature. goodFeaturesToTrack " ) {
static GArrayDesc outMeta ( GMatDesc , int , double , double , const Mat & , int , bool , double ) {
return empty_array_desc ( ) ;
} ;
using RetrMode = RetrievalModes ;
using ContMethod = ContourApproximationModes ;
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GFindContours , < GArray < GArray < Point > > ( GMat , RetrMode , ContMethod , GOpaque < Point > ) > ,
" org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContours " )
static GArrayDesc outMeta ( GMatDesc in , RetrMode mode , ContMethod , GOpaqueDesc )
validateFindingContoursMeta ( in . depth , in . chan , mode ) ;
return empty_array_desc ( ) ;
} ;
// FIXME oc: make default value offset = Point()
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GFindContoursNoOffset , < GArray < GArray < Point > > ( GMat , RetrMode , ContMethod ) > ,
" org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContoursNoOffset " )
static GArrayDesc outMeta ( GMatDesc in , RetrMode mode , ContMethod )
validateFindingContoursMeta ( in . depth , in . chan , mode ) ;
return empty_array_desc ( ) ;
} ;
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GFindContoursH , < GFindContoursOutput ( GMat , RetrMode , ContMethod , GOpaque < Point > ) > ,
" org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContoursH " )
static std : : tuple < GArrayDesc , GArrayDesc >
outMeta ( GMatDesc in , RetrMode mode , ContMethod , GOpaqueDesc )
validateFindingContoursMeta ( in . depth , in . chan , mode ) ;
return std : : make_tuple ( empty_array_desc ( ) , empty_array_desc ( ) ) ;
} ;
// FIXME oc: make default value offset = Point()
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GFindContoursHNoOffset , < GFindContoursOutput ( GMat , RetrMode , ContMethod ) > ,
" org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContoursHNoOffset " )
static std : : tuple < GArrayDesc , GArrayDesc >
outMeta ( GMatDesc in , RetrMode mode , ContMethod )
validateFindingContoursMeta ( in . depth , in . chan , mode ) ;
return std : : make_tuple ( empty_array_desc ( ) , empty_array_desc ( ) ) ;
} ;
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GBoundingRectMat , < GOpaque < Rect > ( GMat ) > ,
" org.opencv.imgproc.shape.boundingRectMat " ) {
static GOpaqueDesc outMeta ( GMatDesc in ) {
GAPI_Assert ( ( in . depth = = CV_8U & & in . chan = = 1 ) | |
( isPointsVector ( in . chan , in . size , in . depth , 2 , CV_32S ) | |
isPointsVector ( in . chan , in . size , in . depth , 2 , CV_32F ) ) ) ;
return empty_gopaque_desc ( ) ;
} ;
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GBoundingRectVector32S , < GOpaque < Rect > ( GArray < Point2i > ) > ,
" org.opencv.imgproc.shape.boundingRectVector32S " ) {
static GOpaqueDesc outMeta ( GArrayDesc ) {
return empty_gopaque_desc ( ) ;
} ;
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GBoundingRectVector32F , < GOpaque < Rect > ( GArray < Point2f > ) > ,
" org.opencv.imgproc.shape.boundingRectVector32F " ) {
static GOpaqueDesc outMeta ( GArrayDesc ) {
return empty_gopaque_desc ( ) ;
} ;
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GBGR2RGB , < GMat ( GMat ) > , " org.opencv.imgproc.colorconvert.bgr2rgb " ) {
static GMatDesc outMeta ( GMatDesc in ) {
return in ; // type still remains CV_8UC3;
@ -280,7 +382,7 @@ namespace imgproc {
} ;
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GNV12toRGBp , < GMatP ( GMat , GMat ) > , " org.opencv.colorconvert.imgproc .nv12torgbp " ) {
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GNV12toRGBp , < GMatP ( GMat , GMat ) > , " org.opencv.imgproc. colorconvert.nv12torgbp " ) {
static GMatDesc outMeta ( GMatDesc inY , GMatDesc inUV ) {
GAPI_Assert ( inY . depth = = CV_8U ) ;
GAPI_Assert ( inUV . depth = = CV_8U ) ;
@ -294,7 +396,7 @@ namespace imgproc {
} ;
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GNV12toGray , < GMat ( GMat , GMat ) > , " org.opencv.colorconvert.imgproc .nv12togray " ) {
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GNV12toGray , < GMat ( GMat , GMat ) > , " org.opencv.imgproc. colorconvert.nv12togray " ) {
static GMatDesc outMeta ( GMatDesc inY , GMatDesc inUV ) {
GAPI_Assert ( inY . depth = = CV_8U ) ;
GAPI_Assert ( inUV . depth = = CV_8U ) ;
@ -309,7 +411,7 @@ namespace imgproc {
} ;
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GNV12toBGRp , < GMatP ( GMat , GMat ) > , " org.opencv.colorconvert.imgproc .nv12tobgrp " ) {
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GNV12toBGRp , < GMatP ( GMat , GMat ) > , " org.opencv.imgproc. colorconvert.nv12tobgrp " ) {
static GMatDesc outMeta ( GMatDesc inY , GMatDesc inUV ) {
GAPI_Assert ( inY . depth = = CV_8U ) ;
GAPI_Assert ( inUV . depth = = CV_8U ) ;
@ -800,6 +902,10 @@ proportional to sigmaSpace.
GAPI_EXPORTS GMat bilateralFilter ( const GMat & src , int d , double sigmaColor , double sigmaSpace ,
int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT ) ;
//! @} gapi_filters
//! @addtogroup gapi_feature
//! @{
/** @brief Finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm.
The function finds edges in the input image and marks them in the output map edges using the
@ -807,7 +913,7 @@ Canny algorithm. The smallest value between threshold1 and threshold2 is used fo
largest value is used to find initial segments of strong edges . See
< http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canny_edge_detector>
@ note Function textual ID is " org.opencv.imgproc.filters .canny "
@ note Function textual ID is " org.opencv.imgproc.feature .canny "
@ param image 8 - bit input image .
@ param threshold1 first threshold for the hysteresis procedure .
@ -842,7 +948,7 @@ The function can be used to initialize a point-based tracker of an object.
A \ > B , the vector of returned corners with qualityLevel = A will be the prefix of the output vector
with qualityLevel = B .
@ note Function textual ID is " org.opencv.imgproc.goodFeaturesToTrack "
@ note Function textual ID is " org.opencv.imgproc.feature. goodFeaturesToTrack "
@ param image Input 8 - bit or floating - point 32 - bit , single - channel image .
@ param maxCorners Maximum number of corners to return . If there are more corners than are found ,
@ -876,6 +982,8 @@ GAPI_EXPORTS GArray<Point2f> goodFeaturesToTrack(const GMat &image,
/** @brief Equalizes the histogram of a grayscale image.
//! @} gapi_feature
The function equalizes the histogram of the input image using the following algorithm :
- Calculate the histogram \ f $ H \ f $ for src .
@ -893,6 +1001,120 @@ The algorithm normalizes the brightness and increases the contrast of the image.
GAPI_EXPORTS GMat equalizeHist ( const GMat & src ) ;
//! @addtogroup gapi_shape
//! @{
/** @brief Finds contours in a binary image.
The function retrieves contours from the binary image using the algorithm @ cite Suzuki85 .
The contours are a useful tool for shape analysis and object detection and recognition .
See squares . cpp in the OpenCV sample directory .
@ note Function textual ID is " org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContours "
@ param src Input gray - scale image @ ref CV_8UC1 . Non - zero pixels are treated as 1 ' s . Zero
pixels remain 0 ' s , so the image is treated as binary . You can use # compare , # inRange , # threshold ,
# adaptiveThreshold, #Canny, and others to create a binary image out of a grayscale or color one.
If mode equals to # RETR_CCOMP , the input can also be a 32 - bit integer
image of labels ( @ ref CV_32SC1 ) . If # RETR_FLOODFILL then @ ref CV_32SC1 is supported only .
@ param mode Contour retrieval mode , see # RetrievalModes
@ param method Contour approximation method , see # ContourApproximationModes
@ param offset Optional offset by which every contour point is shifted . This is useful if the
contours are extracted from the image ROI and then they should be analyzed in the whole image
context .
@ return GArray of detected contours . Each contour is stored as a GArray of points .
GAPI_EXPORTS GArray < GArray < Point > >
findContours ( const GMat & src , const RetrievalModes mode , const ContourApproximationModes method ,
const GOpaque < Point > & offset ) ;
// FIXME oc: make default value offset = Point()
/** @overload
@ note Function textual ID is " org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContoursNoOffset "
GAPI_EXPORTS GArray < GArray < Point > >
findContours ( const GMat & src , const RetrievalModes mode , const ContourApproximationModes method ) ;
/** @brief Finds contours and their hierarchy in a binary image.
The function retrieves contours from the binary image using the algorithm @ cite Suzuki85
and calculates their hierarchy .
The contours are a useful tool for shape analysis and object detection and recognition .
See squares . cpp in the OpenCV sample directory .
@ note Function textual ID is " org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContoursH "
@ param src Input gray - scale image @ ref CV_8UC1 . Non - zero pixels are treated as 1 ' s . Zero
pixels remain 0 ' s , so the image is treated as binary . You can use # compare , # inRange , # threshold ,
# adaptiveThreshold, #Canny, and others to create a binary image out of a grayscale or color one.
If mode equals to # RETR_CCOMP , the input can also be a 32 - bit integer
image of labels ( @ ref CV_32SC1 ) . If # RETR_FLOODFILL - - @ ref CV_32SC1 supports only .
@ param mode Contour retrieval mode , see # RetrievalModes
@ param method Contour approximation method , see # ContourApproximationModes
@ param offset Optional offset by which every contour point is shifted . This is useful if the
contours are extracted from the image ROI and then they should be analyzed in the whole image
context .
@ return GArray of detected contours . Each contour is stored as a GArray of points .
@ return Optional output GArray of cv : : Vec4i , containing information about the image topology .
It has as many elements as the number of contours . For each i - th contour contours [ i ] , the elements
hierarchy [ i ] [ 0 ] , hierarchy [ i ] [ 1 ] , hierarchy [ i ] [ 2 ] , and hierarchy [ i ] [ 3 ] are set to 0 - based
indices in contours of the next and previous contours at the same hierarchical level , the first
child contour and the parent contour , respectively . If for the contour i there are no next ,
previous , parent , or nested contours , the corresponding elements of hierarchy [ i ] will be negative .
GAPI_EXPORTS std : : tuple < GArray < GArray < Point > > , GArray < Vec4i > >
findContoursH ( const GMat & src , const RetrievalModes mode , const ContourApproximationModes method ,
const GOpaque < Point > & offset ) ;
// FIXME oc: make default value offset = Point()
/** @overload
@ note Function textual ID is " org.opencv.imgproc.shape.findContoursHNoOffset "
GAPI_EXPORTS std : : tuple < GArray < GArray < Point > > , GArray < Vec4i > >
findContoursH ( const GMat & src , const RetrievalModes mode , const ContourApproximationModes method ) ;
/** @brief Calculates the up-right bounding rectangle of a point set or non-zero pixels
of gray - scale image .
The function calculates and returns the minimal up - right bounding rectangle for the specified
point set or non - zero pixels of gray - scale image .
@ note Function textual ID is " org.opencv.imgproc.shape.boundingRectMat "
@ param src Input gray - scale image @ ref CV_8UC1 ; or input set of @ ref CV_32S or @ ref CV_32F
2 D points stored in Mat .
@ note In case of a 2 D points ' set given , Mat should be 2 - dimensional , have a single row or column
if there are 2 channels , or have 2 columns if there is a single channel . Mat should have either
@ ref CV_32S or @ ref CV_32F depth
GAPI_EXPORTS GOpaque < Rect > boundingRect ( const GMat & src ) ;
/** @overload
Calculates the up - right bounding rectangle of a point set .
@ note Function textual ID is " org.opencv.imgproc.shape.boundingRectVector32S "
@ param src Input 2 D point set , stored in std : : vector < cv : : Point2i > .
GAPI_EXPORTS GOpaque < Rect > boundingRect ( const GArray < Point2i > & src ) ;
/** @overload
Calculates the up - right bounding rectangle of a point set .
@ note Function textual ID is " org.opencv.imgproc.shape.boundingRectVector32F "
@ param src Input 2 D point set , stored in std : : vector < cv : : Point2f > .
GAPI_EXPORTS GOpaque < Rect > boundingRect ( const GArray < Point2f > & src ) ;
//! @} gapi_shape
//! @addtogroup gapi_colorconvert
//! @{
/** @brief Converts an image from BGR color space to RGB color space.
The function converts an input image from BGR color space to RGB .
@ -907,10 +1129,6 @@ Output image is 8-bit unsigned 3-channel image @ref CV_8UC3.
GAPI_EXPORTS GMat BGR2RGB ( const GMat & src ) ;
//! @} gapi_filters
//! @addtogroup gapi_colorconvert
//! @{
/** @brief Converts an image from RGB color space to gray-scaled.
The conventional ranges for R , G , and B channel values are 0 to 255.
Resulting gray color value computed as