@ -68,6 +68,85 @@ def custom_boundingRect(array): |
# G-API - array of tuples (n_points). |
return cv.boundingRect(np.array(array)) |
# Test input mat |
def add(g_in1, g_in2, dtype): |
def custom_add_meta(img_desc1, img_desc2, dtype): |
return img_desc1 |
return cv.gapi_wip_op('custom.add', custom_add_meta, g_in1, g_in2, dtype).getGMat() |
# Test multiple output mat |
def split3(g_in): |
def custom_split3_meta(img_desc): |
out_desc = img_desc.withType(img_desc.depth, 1) |
return out_desc, out_desc, out_desc |
op = cv.gapi_wip_op('custom.split3', custom_split3_meta, g_in) |
ch1 = op.getGMat() |
ch2 = op.getGMat() |
ch3 = op.getGMat() |
return ch1, ch2, ch3 |
# Test output scalar |
def mean(g_in): |
def custom_mean_meta(img_desc): |
return cv.empty_scalar_desc() |
op = cv.gapi_wip_op('custom.mean', custom_mean_meta, g_in) |
return op.getGScalar() |
# Test input scalar |
def addC(g_in, g_sc, dtype): |
def custom_addC_meta(img_desc, sc_desc, dtype): |
return img_desc |
op = cv.gapi_wip_op('custom.addC', custom_addC_meta, g_in, g_sc, dtype) |
return op.getGMat() |
# Test output opaque. |
def size(g_in): |
def custom_size_meta(img_desc): |
return cv.empty_gopaque_desc() |
op = cv.gapi_wip_op('custom.size', custom_size_meta, g_in) |
return op.getGOpaque(cv.gapi.CV_SIZE) |
# Test input opaque. |
def sizeR(g_rect): |
def custom_sizeR_meta(opaque_desc): |
return cv.empty_gopaque_desc() |
op = cv.gapi_wip_op('custom.sizeR', custom_sizeR_meta, g_rect) |
return op.getGOpaque(cv.gapi.CV_SIZE) |
# Test input array. |
def boundingRect(g_array): |
def custom_boundingRect_meta(array_desc): |
return cv.empty_gopaque_desc() |
op = cv.gapi_wip_op('custom.boundingRect', custom_boundingRect_meta, g_array) |
return op.getGOpaque(cv.gapi.CV_RECT) |
# Test output GArray. |
def goodFeaturesToTrack(g_in, max_corners, quality_lvl, |
min_distance, mask, block_sz, |
use_harris_detector, k): |
def custom_goodFeaturesToTrack_meta(img_desc, max_corners, quality_lvl, |
min_distance, mask, block_sz, use_harris_detector, k): |
return cv.empty_array_desc() |
op = cv.gapi_wip_op('custom.goodFeaturesToTrack', custom_goodFeaturesToTrack_meta, g_in, |
max_corners, quality_lvl, min_distance, mask, block_sz, use_harris_detector, k) |
return op.getGArray(cv.gapi.CV_POINT2F) |
class gapi_sample_pipelines(NewOpenCVTests): |
@ -270,5 +349,178 @@ class gapi_sample_pipelines(NewOpenCVTests): |
self.assertEqual(0.0, cv.norm(expected, actual, cv.NORM_INF)) |
def test_custom_op_add(self): |
sz = (3, 3) |
in_mat1 = np.full(sz, 45, dtype=np.uint8) |
in_mat2 = np.full(sz, 50, dtype=np.uint8) |
# OpenCV |
expected = cv.add(in_mat1, in_mat2) |
# G-API |
g_in1 = cv.GMat() |
g_in2 = cv.GMat() |
g_out = add(g_in1, g_in2, cv.CV_8UC1) |
comp = cv.GComputation(cv.GIn(g_in1, g_in2), cv.GOut(g_out)) |
pkg = cv.gapi_wip_kernels((custom_add, 'custom.add')) |
actual = comp.apply(cv.gin(in_mat1, in_mat2), args=cv.compile_args(pkg)) |
self.assertEqual(0.0, cv.norm(expected, actual, cv.NORM_INF)) |
def test_custom_op_split3(self): |
sz = (4, 4) |
in_ch1 = np.full(sz, 1, dtype=np.uint8) |
in_ch2 = np.full(sz, 2, dtype=np.uint8) |
in_ch3 = np.full(sz, 3, dtype=np.uint8) |
# H x W x C |
in_mat = np.stack((in_ch1, in_ch2, in_ch3), axis=2) |
# G-API |
g_in = cv.GMat() |
g_ch1, g_ch2, g_ch3 = split3(g_in) |
comp = cv.GComputation(cv.GIn(g_in), cv.GOut(g_ch1, g_ch2, g_ch3)) |
pkg = cv.gapi_wip_kernels((custom_split3, 'custom.split3')) |
ch1, ch2, ch3 = comp.apply(cv.gin(in_mat), args=cv.compile_args(pkg)) |
self.assertEqual(0.0, cv.norm(in_ch1, ch1, cv.NORM_INF)) |
self.assertEqual(0.0, cv.norm(in_ch2, ch2, cv.NORM_INF)) |
self.assertEqual(0.0, cv.norm(in_ch3, ch3, cv.NORM_INF)) |
def test_custom_op_mean(self): |
img_path = self.find_file('cv/face/david2.jpg', [os.environ.get('OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH')]) |
in_mat = cv.imread(img_path) |
# OpenCV |
expected = cv.mean(in_mat) |
# G-API |
g_in = cv.GMat() |
g_out = mean(g_in) |
comp = cv.GComputation(g_in, g_out) |
pkg = cv.gapi_wip_kernels((custom_mean, 'custom.mean')) |
actual = comp.apply(cv.gin(in_mat), args=cv.compile_args(pkg)) |
# Comparison |
self.assertEqual(expected, actual) |
def test_custom_op_addC(self): |
sz = (3, 3, 3) |
in_mat = np.full(sz, 45, dtype=np.uint8) |
sc = (50, 10, 20) |
# Numpy reference, make array from sc to keep uint8 dtype. |
expected = in_mat + np.array(sc, dtype=np.uint8) |
# G-API |
g_in = cv.GMat() |
g_sc = cv.GScalar() |
g_out = addC(g_in, g_sc, cv.CV_8UC1) |
comp = cv.GComputation(cv.GIn(g_in, g_sc), cv.GOut(g_out)) |
pkg = cv.gapi_wip_kernels((custom_addC, 'custom.addC')) |
actual = comp.apply(cv.gin(in_mat, sc), args=cv.compile_args(pkg)) |
self.assertEqual(0.0, cv.norm(expected, actual, cv.NORM_INF)) |
def test_custom_op_size(self): |
sz = (100, 150, 3) |
in_mat = np.full(sz, 45, dtype=np.uint8) |
# Open_cV |
expected = (100, 150) |
# G-API |
g_in = cv.GMat() |
g_sz = size(g_in) |
comp = cv.GComputation(cv.GIn(g_in), cv.GOut(g_sz)) |
pkg = cv.gapi_wip_kernels((custom_size, 'custom.size')) |
actual = comp.apply(cv.gin(in_mat), args=cv.compile_args(pkg)) |
self.assertEqual(0.0, cv.norm(expected, actual, cv.NORM_INF)) |
def test_custom_op_sizeR(self): |
# x, y, h, w |
roi = (10, 15, 100, 150) |
expected = (100, 150) |
# G-API |
g_r = cv.GOpaqueT(cv.gapi.CV_RECT) |
g_sz = sizeR(g_r) |
comp = cv.GComputation(cv.GIn(g_r), cv.GOut(g_sz)) |
pkg = cv.gapi_wip_kernels((custom_sizeR, 'custom.sizeR')) |
actual = comp.apply(cv.gin(roi), args=cv.compile_args(pkg)) |
# cv.norm works with tuples ? |
self.assertEqual(0.0, cv.norm(expected, actual, cv.NORM_INF)) |
def test_custom_op_boundingRect(self): |
points = [(0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)] |
# OpenCV |
expected = cv.boundingRect(np.array(points)) |
# G-API |
g_pts = cv.GArrayT(cv.gapi.CV_POINT) |
g_br = boundingRect(g_pts) |
comp = cv.GComputation(cv.GIn(g_pts), cv.GOut(g_br)) |
pkg = cv.gapi_wip_kernels((custom_boundingRect, 'custom.boundingRect')) |
actual = comp.apply(cv.gin(points), args=cv.compile_args(pkg)) |
# cv.norm works with tuples ? |
self.assertEqual(0.0, cv.norm(expected, actual, cv.NORM_INF)) |
def test_custom_op_goodFeaturesToTrack(self): |
# G-API |
img_path = self.find_file('cv/face/david2.jpg', [os.environ.get('OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH')]) |
in_mat = cv.cvtColor(cv.imread(img_path), cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) |
# NB: goodFeaturesToTrack configuration |
max_corners = 50 |
quality_lvl = 0.01 |
min_distance = 10 |
block_sz = 3 |
use_harris_detector = True |
k = 0.04 |
mask = None |
# OpenCV |
expected = cv.goodFeaturesToTrack(in_mat, max_corners, quality_lvl, |
min_distance, mask=mask, |
blockSize=block_sz, useHarrisDetector=use_harris_detector, k=k) |
# G-API |
g_in = cv.GMat() |
g_out = goodFeaturesToTrack(g_in, max_corners, quality_lvl, |
min_distance, mask, block_sz, use_harris_detector, k) |
comp = cv.GComputation(cv.GIn(g_in), cv.GOut(g_out)) |
pkg = cv.gapi_wip_kernels((custom_goodFeaturesToTrack, 'custom.goodFeaturesToTrack')) |
actual = comp.apply(cv.gin(in_mat), args=cv.compile_args(pkg)) |
# NB: OpenCV & G-API have different output types. |
# OpenCV - numpy array with shape (num_points, 1, 2) |
# G-API - list of tuples with size - num_points |
# Comparison |
self.assertEqual(0.0, cv.norm(expected.flatten(), |
np.array(actual, dtype=np.float32).flatten(), cv.NORM_INF)) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
NewOpenCVTests.bootstrap() |