@ -56,11 +56,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": |
test_cases[name] = [None] * setsCount |
test_cases[name][i] = case |
testsuits = [] # testsuit name, time, flag for failed tests |
testsuits = [] # testsuit name, time, num, flag for failed tests |
overall_time = 0 |
prevGroupName = None |
suit_time = 0 |
has_failed = False |
suit_num = 0 |
fails_num = 0 |
for name in sorted(test_cases.iterkeys(), key=alphanum_keyselector): |
cases = test_cases[name] |
@ -68,21 +70,24 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": |
if groupName != prevGroupName: |
if prevGroupName != None: |
testsuits.append({'name': prevGroupName, 'time': suit_time, \ |
'failed': has_failed}) |
has_failed = False |
'num': suit_num, 'failed': fails_num}) |
overall_time += suit_time |
suit_time = 0 |
suit_num = 0 |
fails_num = 0 |
prevGroupName = groupName |
for i in range(setsCount): |
case = cases[i] |
if not case is None: |
suit_num += 1 |
if case.get('status') == 'run': |
suit_time += case.get('time') |
if case.get('status') == 'failed': |
has_failed = True |
fails_num += 1 |
testsuits.append({'name': prevGroupName, 'time': suit_time, \ |
'failed': has_failed}) |
'num': suit_num, 'failed': fails_num}) |
if len(testsuits)==0: |
print 'No testsuits found' |
@ -91,17 +96,19 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": |
tbl = table() |
# header |
tbl.newColumn('name', 'Name of testsuit', align = 'left', cssclass = 'col_name') |
tbl.newColumn('time', 'Time (ms)', align = 'left', cssclass = 'col_name') |
tbl.newColumn('failed', 'Failed tests', align = 'center', cssclass = 'col_name') |
tbl.newColumn('name', 'Testsuit', align = 'left', cssclass = 'col_name') |
tbl.newColumn('time', 'Time (s)', align = 'center', cssclass = 'col_name') |
tbl.newColumn('num', 'Num of tests', align = 'center', cssclass = 'col_name') |
tbl.newColumn('failed', 'Failed', align = 'center', cssclass = 'col_name') |
# rows |
for suit in sorted(testsuits, key = lambda suit: suit['time'], reverse = True): |
tbl.newRow() |
tbl.newCell('name', suit['name']) |
tbl.newCell('time', formatValue(suit['time'], '', ''), suit['time']) |
if (suit['failed']): |
tbl.newCell('failed', 'Yes') |
tbl.newCell('num', suit['num']) |
if (suit['failed'] != 0): |
tbl.newCell('failed', suit['failed']) |
else: |
tbl.newCell('failed', ' ') |
@ -116,5 +123,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": |
splitter = 15 * '*' |
print '\n%s\n %s\n%s\n' % (splitter, module_name, splitter) |
print 'Overall time: %f\n' % overall_time |
tbl.consolePrintTable(sys.stdout) |
print 4 * '\n' |