@ -568,3 +568,121 @@ void CV_HomographyTest::run(int) |
} |
TEST(Calib3d_Homography, accuracy) { CV_HomographyTest test; test.safe_run(); } |
TEST(Calib3d_Homography, EKcase) |
{ |
float pt1data[] = |
{ |
2.80073029e+002f, 2.39591217e+002f, 2.21912201e+002f, 2.59783997e+002f, |
2.16053192e+002f, 2.78826569e+002f, 2.22782532e+002f, 2.82330383e+002f, |
2.09924820e+002f, 2.89122559e+002f, 2.11077698e+002f, 2.89384674e+002f, |
2.25287689e+002f, 2.88795532e+002f, 2.11180801e+002f, 2.89653503e+002f, |
2.24126404e+002f, 2.90466064e+002f, 2.10914429e+002f, 2.90886963e+002f, |
2.23439362e+002f, 2.91657715e+002f, 2.24809387e+002f, 2.91891602e+002f, |
2.09809082e+002f, 2.92891113e+002f, 2.08771164e+002f, 2.93093231e+002f, |
2.23160095e+002f, 2.93259460e+002f, 2.07874023e+002f, 2.93989990e+002f, |
2.08963638e+002f, 2.94209839e+002f, 2.23963165e+002f, 2.94479645e+002f, |
2.23241791e+002f, 2.94887817e+002f, 2.09438782e+002f, 2.95233337e+002f, |
2.08901886e+002f, 2.95762878e+002f, 2.21867981e+002f, 2.95747711e+002f, |
2.24195511e+002f, 2.98270905e+002f, 2.09331345e+002f, 3.05958191e+002f, |
2.24727875e+002f, 3.07186035e+002f, 2.26718842e+002f, 3.08095795e+002f, |
2.25363953e+002f, 3.08200226e+002f, 2.19897797e+002f, 3.13845093e+002f, |
2.25013474e+002f, 3.15558777e+002f |
}; |
float pt2data[] = |
{ |
1.84072723e+002f, 1.43591202e+002f, 1.25912483e+002f, 1.63783859e+002f, |
2.06439407e+002f, 2.20573929e+002f, 1.43801437e+002f, 1.80703903e+002f, |
9.77904129e+000f, 2.49660202e+002f, 1.38458405e+001f, 2.14502701e+002f, |
1.50636337e+002f, 2.15597183e+002f, 6.43103180e+001f, 2.51667648e+002f, |
1.54952499e+002f, 2.20780014e+002f, 1.26638412e+002f, 2.43040924e+002f, |
3.67568909e+002f, 1.83624954e+001f, 1.60657944e+002f, 2.21794052e+002f, |
-1.29507828e+000f, 3.32472443e+002f, 8.51442242e+000f, 4.15561554e+002f, |
1.27161377e+002f, 1.97260361e+002f, 5.40714645e+000f, 4.90978302e+002f, |
2.25571690e+001f, 3.96912415e+002f, 2.95664978e+002f, 7.36064959e+000f, |
1.27241104e+002f, 1.98887573e+002f, -1.25569367e+000f, 3.87713226e+002f, |
1.04194012e+001f, 4.31495758e+002f, 1.25868874e+002f, 1.99751617e+002f, |
1.28195480e+002f, 2.02270355e+002f, 2.23436356e+002f, 1.80489182e+002f, |
1.28727692e+002f, 2.11185410e+002f, 2.03336639e+002f, 2.52182083e+002f, |
1.29366486e+002f, 2.12201904e+002f, 1.23897598e+002f, 2.17847351e+002f, |
1.29015259e+002f, 2.19560623e+002f |
}; |
int npoints = (int)(sizeof(pt1data)/sizeof(pt1data[0])/2); |
Mat p1(1, npoints, CV_32FC2, pt1data); |
Mat p2(1, npoints, CV_32FC2, pt2data); |
Mat mask; |
Mat h = findHomography(p1, p2, RANSAC, 0.01, mask); |
ASSERT_TRUE(!h.empty()); |
transpose(mask, mask); |
Mat p3, mask2; |
int ninliers = countNonZero(mask); |
Mat nmask[] = { mask, mask }; |
merge(nmask, 2, mask2); |
perspectiveTransform(p1, p3, h); |
mask2 = mask2.reshape(1); |
p2 = p2.reshape(1); |
p3 = p3.reshape(1); |
double err = norm(p2, p3, NORM_INF, mask2); |
printf("ninliers: %d, inliers err: %.2g\n", ninliers, err); |
ASSERT_GE(ninliers, 10); |
ASSERT_LE(err, 0.01); |
} |
TEST(Calib3d_Homography, fromImages) |
{ |
Mat img_1 = imread(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "cv/optflow/image1.png", 0); |
Mat img_2 = imread(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "cv/optflow/image2.png", 0); |
Ptr<ORB> orb = ORB::create(); |
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_1, keypoints_2; |
Mat descriptors_1, descriptors_2; |
orb->detectAndCompute( img_1, Mat(), keypoints_1, descriptors_1, false ); |
orb->detectAndCompute( img_2, Mat(), keypoints_2, descriptors_2, false ); |
//-- Step 3: Matching descriptor vectors using Brute Force matcher
BFMatcher matcher(NORM_HAMMING,false); |
std::vector< DMatch > matches; |
matcher.match( descriptors_1, descriptors_2, matches ); |
double max_dist = 0; double min_dist = 100; |
//-- Quick calculation of max and min distances between keypoints
for( int i = 0; i < descriptors_1.rows; i++ ) |
{ |
double dist = matches[i].distance; |
if( dist < min_dist ) min_dist = dist; |
if( dist > max_dist ) max_dist = dist; |
} |
//-- Draw only "good" matches (i.e. whose distance is less than 3*min_dist )
std::vector< DMatch > good_matches; |
for( int i = 0; i < descriptors_1.rows; i++ ) |
{ |
if( matches[i].distance < min_dist*4 ) |
good_matches.push_back( matches[i]); |
} |
//-- Localize the model
std::vector<Point2f> pointframe1; |
std::vector<Point2f> pointframe2; |
for( int i = 0; i < good_matches.size(); i++ ) |
{ |
//-- Get the keypoints from the good matches
pointframe1.push_back( keypoints_1[ good_matches[i].queryIdx ].pt ); |
pointframe2.push_back( keypoints_2[ good_matches[i].trainIdx ].pt ); |
} |
Mat inliers; |
Mat H = findHomography( pointframe1, pointframe2, RANSAC,3.0,inliers); |
int ninliers = countNonZero(inliers); |
printf("nfeatures1 = %d, nfeatures2=%d, good matches=%d, ninliers=%d\n", |
(int)keypoints_1.size(), (int)keypoints_2.size(), |
(int)good_matches.size(), ninliers); |
ASSERT_TRUE(!H.empty()); |
ASSERT_GE(ninliers, 100); |
} |