@ -308,16 +308,13 @@ namespace cv |
void copyTo( oclMat &m, const oclMat &mask = oclMat()) const; |
//! converts oclMatrix to another datatype with optional scalng. See cvConvertScale.
//It supports 8UC1 8UC4 32SC1 32SC4 32FC1 32FC4
void convertTo( oclMat &m, int rtype, double alpha = 1, double beta = 0 ) const; |
void assignTo( oclMat &m, int type = -1 ) const; |
//! sets every oclMatrix element to s
//It supports 8UC1 8UC4 32SC1 32SC4 32FC1 32FC4
oclMat& operator = (const Scalar &s); |
//! sets some of the oclMatrix elements to s, according to the mask
//It supports 8UC1 8UC4 32SC1 32SC4 32FC1 32FC4
oclMat& setTo(const Scalar &s, const oclMat &mask = oclMat()); |
//! creates alternative oclMatrix header for the same data, with different
// number of channels and/or different number of rows. see cvReshape.