@ -159,6 +159,12 @@ static bool ocl_Canny(InputArray _src, const UMat& dx_, const UMat& dy_, OutputA
lSizeY = 1 ;
if ( aperture_size = = 7 )
low_thresh = low_thresh / 16.0f ;
high_thresh = high_thresh / 16.0f ;
if ( L2gradient )
low_thresh = std : : min ( 32767.0f , low_thresh ) ;
@ -212,11 +218,17 @@ static bool ocl_Canny(InputArray _src, const UMat& dx_, const UMat& dy_, OutputA
Non maxima suppression
Double thresholding
double scale = 1.0 ;
if ( aperture_size = = 7 )
scale = 1 / 16.0 ;
UMat dx , dy ;
if ( ! useCustomDeriv )
Sobel ( _src , dx , CV_16S , 1 , 0 , aperture_size , 1 , 0 , BORDER_REPLICATE ) ;
Sobel ( _src , dy , CV_16S , 0 , 1 , aperture_size , 1 , 0 , BORDER_REPLICATE ) ;
Sobel ( _src , dx , CV_16S , 1 , 0 , aperture_size , scale , 0 , BORDER_REPLICATE ) ;
Sobel ( _src , dy , CV_16S , 0 , 1 , aperture_size , scale , 0 , BORDER_REPLICATE ) ;
@ -355,12 +367,17 @@ public:
int * _mag_p , * _mag_a , * _mag_n ;
short * _dx , * _dy , * _dx_a = NULL , * _dy_a = NULL , * _dx_n = NULL , * _dy_n = NULL ;
uchar * _pmap ;
double scale = 1.0 ;
CV_TRACE_REGION ( " gradient " )
if ( needGradient )
Sobel ( src . rowRange ( rowStart , rowEnd ) , dx , CV_16S , 1 , 0 , aperture_size , 1 , 0 , BORDER_REPLICATE ) ;
Sobel ( src . rowRange ( rowStart , rowEnd ) , dy , CV_16S , 0 , 1 , aperture_size , 1 , 0 , BORDER_REPLICATE ) ;
if ( aperture_size = = 7 )
scale = 1 / 16.0 ;
Sobel ( src . rowRange ( rowStart , rowEnd ) , dx , CV_16S , 1 , 0 , aperture_size , scale , 0 , BORDER_REPLICATE ) ;
Sobel ( src . rowRange ( rowStart , rowEnd ) , dy , CV_16S , 0 , 1 , aperture_size , scale , 0 , BORDER_REPLICATE ) ;
@ -946,6 +963,12 @@ void Canny( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst,
if ( ( aperture_size & 1 ) = = 0 | | ( aperture_size ! = - 1 & & ( aperture_size < 3 | | aperture_size > 7 ) ) )
CV_Error ( CV_StsBadFlag , " Aperture size should be odd between 3 and 7 " ) ;
if ( aperture_size = = 7 )
low_thresh = low_thresh / 16.0 ;
high_thresh = high_thresh / 16.0 ;
if ( low_thresh > high_thresh )
std : : swap ( low_thresh , high_thresh ) ;