@ -1105,26 +1105,20 @@ static void icvScreenToClient( HWND hwnd, RECT* rect ) |
/* Calculatess the window coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the mainhWnd window */ |
static RECT icvCalcWindowRect( CvWindow* window ) |
{ |
const int gutter = 1; |
RECT crect = { 0 }, trect = { 0 } , rect = { 0 }; |
RECT crect = { 0 }, trect = { 0 }, rect = { 0 }; |
assert(window); |
GetClientRect(window->frame, &crect); |
if(window->toolbar.toolbar) |
if (window->toolbar.toolbar) |
{ |
GetWindowRect(window->toolbar.toolbar, &trect); |
icvScreenToClient(window->frame, &trect); |
SubtractRect( &rect, &crect, &trect); |
SubtractRect(&rect, &crect, &trect); |
} |
else |
rect = crect; |
rect.top += gutter; |
rect.left += gutter; |
rect.bottom -= gutter; |
rect.right -= gutter; |
return rect; |
} |