4 changed files with 463 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ |
#include <xmmintrin.h> |
#include "precomp.hpp" |
#include <deque> |
using namespace std; |
#undef NDEBUG |
#include <assert.h> |
class Sampler { |
public: |
CvMat *im; |
CvPoint o; |
CvPoint c, cc; |
CvMat *perim; |
CvPoint fcoord(float fx, float fy); |
CvPoint coord(int ix, int iy); |
Sampler() {} |
Sampler(CvMat *_im, CvPoint _o, CvPoint _c, CvPoint _cc); |
uint8 getpixel(int ix, int iy); |
int isinside(int x, int y); |
int overlap(Sampler &other); |
int hasbars(); |
void timing(); |
CvMat *extract(); |
}; |
class code { // used in this file only
public: |
char msg[4]; |
CvMat *original; |
Sampler sa; |
}; |
#include "followblk.h" |
#define dethresh 0.92f |
#define eincO (2 * dethresh) // e increment orthogonal
#define eincD (1.414 * dethresh) // e increment diagonal
static const float eincs[] = { |
eincO, eincD, |
eincO, eincD, |
eincO, eincD, |
eincO, eincD, |
999 }; |
#define Ki(x) _mm_set_epi32((x),(x),(x),(x)) |
#define Kf(x) _mm_set_ps((x),(x),(x),(x)) |
#define _mm_abs_ps(x) (__m128)_mm_and_ps((__m128)(x), (__m128)Ki(0x7fffffff)) |
static void writexy(CvMat *m, int r, CvPoint p) |
{ |
int *pdst = (int*)cvPtr2D(m, r, 0); |
pdst[0] = p.x; |
pdst[1] = p.y; |
} |
Sampler::Sampler(CvMat *_im, CvPoint _o, CvPoint _c, CvPoint _cc) |
{ |
im = _im; |
o = _o; |
c = _c; |
cc = _cc; |
perim = cvCreateMat(4, 1, CV_32SC2); |
writexy(perim, 0, fcoord(-.2,-.2)); |
writexy(perim, 1, fcoord(-.2,1.2)); |
writexy(perim, 2, fcoord(1.2,1.2)); |
writexy(perim, 3, fcoord(1.2,-.2)); |
// printf("Sampler %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d\n", o.x, o.y, c.x, c.y, cc.x, cc.y);
} |
CvPoint Sampler::fcoord(float fx, float fy) |
{ |
CvPoint r; |
r.x = (int)(o.x + fx * (cc.x - o.x) + fy * (c.x - o.x)); |
r.y = (int)(o.y + fx * (cc.y - o.y) + fy * (c.y - o.y)); |
return r; |
} |
CvPoint Sampler::coord(int ix, int iy) |
{ |
return fcoord(0.05 + 0.1 * ix, 0.05 + 0.1 * iy); |
} |
uint8 Sampler::getpixel(int ix, int iy) |
{ |
CvPoint pt = coord(ix, iy); |
// printf("%d,%d\n", pt.x, pt.y);
return *cvPtr2D(im, pt.y, pt.x); |
} |
int Sampler::isinside(int x, int y) |
{ |
CvPoint2D32f fp; |
fp.x = x; |
fp.y = y; |
return cvPointPolygonTest(perim, fp, 0) < 0; |
} |
int Sampler::overlap(Sampler &other) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { |
CvScalar p; |
p = cvGet2D(other.perim, i, 0); |
if (isinside((int)p.val[0], (int)p.val[1])) |
return 1; |
p = cvGet2D(perim, i, 0); |
if (other.isinside((int)p.val[0], (int)p.val[1])) |
return 1; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int Sampler::hasbars() |
{ |
return getpixel(9, 1) > getpixel(9, 0); |
} |
void Sampler::timing() |
{ |
uint8 dark = getpixel(9, 0); |
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i += 2) { |
uint8 light = getpixel(9, i); |
// if (light <= dark)
// goto endo;
dark = getpixel(9, i + 1); |
// if (up <= down)
// goto endo;
} |
} |
CvMat *Sampler::extract() |
{ |
// return a 10x10 CvMat for the current contents, 0 is black, 255 is white
// Sampler has (0,0) at bottom left, so invert Y
CvMat *r = cvCreateMat(10, 10, CV_8UC1); |
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) |
for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) |
*cvPtr2D(r, 9 - y, x) = (getpixel(x, y) < 128) ? 0 : 255; |
return r; |
} |
static void apron(CvMat *v) |
{ |
int r = v->rows; |
int c = v->cols; |
memset(cvPtr2D(v, 0, 0), 0x22, c); |
memset(cvPtr2D(v, 1, 0), 0x22, c); |
memset(cvPtr2D(v, r - 2, 0), 0x22, c); |
memset(cvPtr2D(v, r - 1, 0), 0x22, c); |
int y; |
for (y = 2; y < r - 2; y++) { |
uchar *lp = cvPtr2D(v, y, 0); |
lp[0] = 0x22; |
lp[1] = 0x22; |
lp[c-2] = 0x22; |
lp[c-1] = 0x22; |
} |
} |
static void cfollow(CvMat *src, CvMat *dst) |
{ |
int sx, sy; |
uint8 *vpd = cvPtr2D(src, 0, 0); |
for (sy = 0; sy < src->rows; sy++) { |
short *wr = (short*)cvPtr2D(dst, sy, 0); |
for (sx = 0; sx < src->cols; sx++) { |
int x = sx; |
int y = sy; |
float e = 0; |
int ontrack = true; |
int dir; |
while (ontrack) { |
dir = vpd[y * src->step + x]; |
int xd = ((dir & 0xf) - 2); |
int yd = ((dir >> 4) - 2); |
e += (dir == 0x22) ? 999 : ((dir & 1) ? eincD : eincO); |
x += xd; |
y += yd; |
if (e > 10.) { |
float d = ((x - sx) * (x - sx)) + ((y - sy) * (y - sy)); |
ontrack = d > (e * e); |
} |
} |
if ((24 <= e) && (e < 999)) { |
// printf("sx=%d, sy=%d, x=%d, y=%d\n", sx, sy, x, y);
*wr++ = x - sx; |
*wr++ = y - sy; |
} else { |
*wr++ = 0; |
*wr++ = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
static uint8 gf256mul(uint8 a, uint8 b) |
{ |
return Alog[(Log[a] + Log[b]) % 255]; |
} |
static int decode(Sampler &sa, code &cc) |
{ |
uint8 binary[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; |
uint8 b = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { |
b = (b << 1) + (sa.getpixel(pickup[i].x, pickup[i].y) <= 128); |
if ((i & 7) == 7) { |
binary[i >> 3] = b; |
b = 0; |
} |
} |
// Compute the 5 RS codewords for the 3 datawords
uint8 c[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; |
{ |
int i, j; |
uint8 a[5] = {228, 48, 15, 111, 62}; |
int k = 5; |
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { |
uint8 t = binary[i] ^ c[4]; |
for (j = k - 1; j != -1; j--) { |
if (t == 0) |
c[j] = 0; |
else |
c[j] = gf256mul(t, a[j]); |
if (j > 0) |
c[j] = c[j - 1] ^ c[j]; |
} |
} |
} |
if ((c[4] == binary[3]) && |
(c[3] == binary[4]) && |
(c[2] == binary[5]) && |
(c[1] == binary[6]) && |
(c[0] == binary[7])) { |
uint8 x = 0xff & (binary[0] - 1); |
uint8 y = 0xff & (binary[1] - 1); |
uint8 z = 0xff & (binary[2] - 1); |
cc.msg[0] = x; |
cc.msg[1] = y; |
cc.msg[2] = z; |
cc.msg[3] = 0; |
|||| = sa; |
cc.original = sa.extract(); |
return 1; |
} else { |
return 0; |
} |
} |
static deque<CvPoint> trailto(CvMat *v, int x, int y, CvMat *terminal) |
{ |
CvPoint np; |
/* Return the last 10th of the trail of points following v from (x,y)
* to terminal |
*/ |
int ex = x + ((short*)cvPtr2D(terminal, y, x))[0]; |
int ey = y + ((short*)cvPtr2D(terminal, y, x))[1]; |
deque<CvPoint> r; |
while ((x != ex) || (y != ey)) { |
np.x = x; |
np.y = y; |
r.push_back(np); |
int dir = *cvPtr2D(v, y, x); |
int xd = ((dir & 0xf) - 2); |
int yd = ((dir >> 4) - 2); |
x += xd; |
y += yd; |
} |
int l = r.size() * 9 / 10; |
while (l--) |
r.pop_front(); |
return r; |
} |
deque <DatamatrixCode> findcodes(CvMat *im) |
{ |
int r = im->rows; |
int c = im->cols; |
#define SAMESIZE(nm, ty) CvMat *nm = cvCreateMat(r, c, ty); |
SAMESIZE(thresh, CV_8UC1) |
SAMESIZE(vecpic, CV_8UC1) |
SAMESIZE(vcc, CV_8UC1) |
SAMESIZE(cxy, CV_16SC2) |
SAMESIZE(ccxy, CV_16SC2) |
cvAdaptiveThreshold(im, thresh, 255.0, CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, CV_THRESH_BINARY, 13); |
{ |
int x, y; |
int sstride = thresh->step; |
int sw = thresh->cols; // source width
for (y = 2; y < thresh->rows - 2; y++) { |
uint8 *ps = cvPtr2D(thresh, y, 0); |
uint8 *pd = cvPtr2D(vecpic, y, 0); |
uint8 *pvc = cvPtr2D(vc, y, 0); |
uint8 *pvcc = cvPtr2D(vcc, y, 0); |
for (x = 0; x < sw; x++) { |
uint8 v = |
(0x01 & ps[-2 * sstride]) | |
(0x02 & ps[-sstride + 1]) | |
(0x04 & ps[2]) | |
(0x08 & ps[sstride + 1]) | |
(0x10 & ps[2 * sstride]) | |
(0x20 & ps[sstride - 1]) | |
(0x40 & ps[-2]) | |
(0x80 & ps[-sstride -1]); |
*pd++ = v; |
*pvc++ = cblk[v]; |
*pvcc++ = ccblk[v]; |
ps++; |
} |
} |
apron(vc); |
apron(vcc); |
} |
cfollow(vc, cxy); |
cfollow(vcc, ccxy); |
deque <CvPoint> candidates; |
{ |
int x, y; |
int r = cxy->rows; |
int c = cxy->cols; |
for (y = 0; y < r; y++) { |
__m64 *cd = (__m64 *)cvPtr2D(cxy, y, 0); |
__m64 *ccd = (__m64 *)cvPtr2D(ccxy, y, 0); |
for (x = 0; x < c; x += 4) { |
__m128 cyxyxA = _mm_cvtpi16_ps(*cd++); |
__m128 cyxyxB = _mm_cvtpi16_ps(*cd++); |
__m128 cx = _mm_shuffle_ps(cyxyxA, cyxyxB, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 2, 0, 2)); |
__m128 cy = _mm_shuffle_ps(cyxyxA, cyxyxB, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 3, 1, 3)); |
__m128 cmag = _mm_sqrt_ps(cx * cx + cy * cy); |
__m128 crmag = _mm_rcp_ps(cmag); |
__m128 ncx = cx * crmag; |
__m128 ncy = cy * crmag; |
__m128 ccyxyxA = _mm_cvtpi16_ps(*ccd++); |
__m128 ccyxyxB = _mm_cvtpi16_ps(*ccd++); |
__m128 ccx = _mm_shuffle_ps(ccyxyxA, ccyxyxB, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 2, 0, 2)); |
__m128 ccy = _mm_shuffle_ps(ccyxyxA, ccyxyxB, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 3, 1, 3)); |
__m128 ccmag = _mm_sqrt_ps(ccx * ccx + ccy * ccy); |
__m128 ccrmag = _mm_rcp_ps(ccmag); |
__m128 nccx = ccx * ccrmag; |
__m128 nccy = ccy * ccrmag; |
__m128 dot = ncx * nccx + ncy * nccy; |
// iscand = (cmag > 30) & (ccmag > 30) & (numpy.minimum(cmag, ccmag) * 1.1 > numpy.maximum(cmag, ccmag)) & (abs(dot) < 0.25)
__m128 iscand = _mm_and_ps(_mm_cmpgt_ps(cmag, Kf(30)), _mm_cmpgt_ps(ccmag, Kf(30))); |
iscand = _mm_and_ps(iscand, _mm_cmpgt_ps(_mm_min_ps(cmag, ccmag) * Kf(1.1), _mm_max_ps(cmag, ccmag))); |
iscand = _mm_and_ps(iscand, _mm_cmplt_ps(_mm_abs_ps(dot), Kf(0.25))); |
unsigned int result[4]; |
*(__m128*)result = iscand; |
int ix; |
CvPoint np; |
for (ix = 0; ix < 4; ix++) { |
if (result[ix]) { |
np.x = x + ix; |
np.y = y; |
candidates.push_back(np); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
deque <code> codes; |
size_t i, j, k; |
while (!candidates.empty()) { |
CvPoint o = candidates.front(); |
candidates.pop_front(); |
deque<CvPoint> ptc = trailto(vc, o.x, o.y, cxy); |
deque<CvPoint> ptcc = trailto(vcc, o.x, o.y, ccxy); |
for (j = 0; j < ptc.size(); j++) { |
for (k = 0; k < ptcc.size(); k++) { |
code cc; |
Sampler sa(im, o, ptc[j], ptcc[k]); |
for (i = 0; i < codes.size(); i++) { |
if (sa.overlap(codes[i].sa)) |
goto endo; |
} |
if (codes.size() > 0) { |
printf("searching for more\n"); |
} |
if (decode(sa, cc)) { |
codes.push_back(cc); |
goto endo; |
} |
} |
} |
endo: ; // end search for this o
} |
cvFree(&thresh); |
cvFree(&vecpic); |
cvFree(&vc); |
cvFree(&vcc); |
cvFree(&cxy); |
cvFree(&ccxy); |
deque <DatamatrixCode> rc; |
for (i = 0; i < codes.size(); i++) { |
DatamatrixCode cc; |
strcpy(cc.msg, codes[i].msg); |
cc.original = codes[i].original; |
cc.corners = codes[i].sa.perim; |
rc.push_back(cc); |
} |
return rc; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
unsigned char cblk[256] = { 34,19,36,36,51,19,51,51,66,19,36,36,66,19,66,66,49,19,36,36,51,19,51,51,49,19,36,36,49,19,49,49,32,19,36,36,51,19,51,51,66,19,36,36,66,19,66,66,32,19,36,36,51,19,51,51,32,19,36,36,32,19,32,32,17,19,36,36,51,19,51,51,66,19,36,36,66,19,66,66,49,19,36,36,51,19,51,51,49,19,36,36,49,19,49,49,17,19,36,36,51,19,51,51,66,19,36,36,66,19,66,66,17,19,36,36,51,19,51,51,17,19,36,36,17,19,17,17,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,51,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,66,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,51,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,49,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,51,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,66,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,51,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,32,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,51,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,66,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,51,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,49,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,51,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,66,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,51,2,19,2,36,2,19,2,34 }; |
unsigned char ccblk[256] = { 34,17,2,17,19,19,2,17,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,17,51,51,2,51,19,19,2,51,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,17,66,66,2,66,19,19,2,66,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,66,51,51,2,51,19,19,2,51,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,17,49,49,2,49,19,19,2,49,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,49,51,51,2,51,19,19,2,51,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,49,66,66,2,66,19,19,2,66,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,66,51,51,2,51,19,19,2,51,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,17,32,32,2,32,19,19,2,32,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,32,51,51,2,51,19,19,2,51,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,32,66,66,2,66,19,19,2,66,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,66,51,51,2,51,19,19,2,51,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,32,49,49,2,49,19,19,2,49,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,49,51,51,2,51,19,19,2,51,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,49,66,66,2,66,19,19,2,66,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,66,51,51,2,51,19,19,2,51,36,36,2,36,19,19,2,34 }; |
static const CvPoint pickup[64] = { {7,6},{8,6},{7,5},{8,5},{1,5},{7,4},{8,4},{1,4},{1,8},{2,8},{1,7},{2,7},{3,7},{1,6},{2,6},{3,6},{3,2},{4,2},{3,1},{4,1},{5,1},{3,8},{4,8},{5,8},{6,1},{7,1},{6,8},{7,8},{8,8},{6,7},{7,7},{8,7},{4,7},{5,7},{4,6},{5,6},{6,6},{4,5},{5,5},{6,5},{2,5},{3,5},{2,4},{3,4},{4,4},{2,3},{3,3},{4,3},{8,3},{1,3},{8,2},{1,2},{2,2},{8,1},{1,1},{2,1},{5,4},{6,4},{5,3},{6,3},{7,3},{5,2},{6,2},{7,2} }; |
static const uint8 Alog[256] = { 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,45,90,180,69,138,57,114,228,229,231,227,235,251,219,155,27,54,108,216,157,23,46,92,184,93,186,89,178,73,146,9,18,36,72,144,13,26,52,104,208,141,55,110,220,149,7,14,28,56,112,224,237,247,195,171,123,246,193,175,115,230,225,239,243,203,187,91,182,65,130,41,82,164,101,202,185,95,190,81,162,105,210,137,63,126,252,213,135,35,70,140,53,106,212,133,39,78,156,21,42,84,168,125,250,217,159,19,38,76,152,29,58,116,232,253,215,131,43,86,172,117,234,249,223,147,11,22,44,88,176,77,154,25,50,100,200,189,87,174,113,226,233,255,211,139,59,118,236,245,199,163,107,214,129,47,94,188,85,170,121,242,201,191,83,166,97,194,169,127,254,209,143,51,102,204,181,71,142,49,98,196,165,103,206,177,79,158,17,34,68,136,61,122,244,197,167,99,198,161,111,222,145,15,30,60,120,240,205,183,67,134,33,66,132,37,74,148,5,10,20,40,80,160,109,218,153,31,62,124,248,221,151,3,6,12,24,48,96,192,173,119,238,241,207,179,75,150,1 }; |
static const uint8 Log[256] = { -255,255,1,240,2,225,241,53,3,38,226,133,242,43,54,210,4,195,39,114,227,106,134,28,243,140,44,23,55,118,211,234,5,219,196,96,40,222,115,103,228,78,107,125,135,8,29,162,244,186,141,180,45,99,24,49,56,13,119,153,212,199,235,91,6,76,220,217,197,11,97,184,41,36,223,253,116,138,104,193,229,86,79,171,108,165,126,145,136,34,9,74,30,32,163,84,245,173,187,204,142,81,181,190,46,88,100,159,25,231,50,207,57,147,14,67,120,128,154,248,213,167,200,63,236,110,92,176,7,161,77,124,221,102,218,95,198,90,12,152,98,48,185,179,42,209,37,132,224,52,254,239,117,233,139,22,105,27,194,113,230,206,87,158,80,189,172,203,109,175,166,62,127,247,146,66,137,192,35,252,10,183,75,216,31,83,33,73,164,144,85,170,246,65,174,61,188,202,205,157,143,169,82,72,182,215,191,251,47,178,89,151,101,94,160,123,26,112,232,21,51,238,208,131,58,69,148,18,15,16,68,17,121,149,129,19,155,59,249,70,214,250,168,71,201,156,64,60,237,130,111,20,93,122,177,150 }; |
Reference in new issue